Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

RETARD ALERT. Your claiming 43 times is proven false and a lie by the man that made the very claim. And your claim that only dead perps are counted in successful uses of defense with firearms is another lie. Keep making ignorant claims and I will keep reminding you you are a bald faced LIAR.

Kellerman never disowned his study. But you know what the evidence that Kellerman got it right was? The NRA made sure that CONGRESS NEVER LOOKED AT THE ISSUE AGAIN!!!!

Also, the FBI says there are only 65,000 DGU's a year.
Wait let me get this right.... you claim 200 but admit the FBI says 65000, now who is stupid?
And what really ticks me off is that those school authorities do this and never contact the parents of the student. If they had contacted Trayvon Martin's parents and told them that their child was caught with what appeared to be stolen goods then Trayvon's parents would have had the chance to discipline him themselves and he might not have been allowed to wander over to the 7/11 by himself that night.

That's really bad, not telling the parents. I can't believe it.

If I were Trayvon's parents I would sue the ever loving hell out of the Miami Dade school system, the Superintendent and the School Police Chief. If they choose to rig the game so their numbers look better then fine but at least have the decency to call the parents and explain to them in detail what it was their child did and what they COULD have been charged with!
RETARD ALERT. Your claiming 43 times is proven false and a lie by the man that made the very claim. And your claim that only dead perps are counted in successful uses of defense with firearms is another lie. Keep making ignorant claims and I will keep reminding you you are a bald faced LIAR.

Kellerman never disowned his study. But you know what the evidence that Kellerman got it right was? The NRA made sure that CONGRESS NEVER LOOKED AT THE ISSUE AGAIN!!!!

Also, the FBI says there are only 65,000 DGU's a year.
Wait let me get this right.... you claim 200 but admit the FBI says 65000, now who is stupid?

Obama's own study revealed that there are many, many defensive gun usages.

CDC Study Use of Firearms For Self-Defense is Important Crime Deterrent CNS News

The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”
Guns have been a part of American culture since America was founded.

So was slavery. That didn't make it a good idea.

It is written in our Constitution that the right will not be infringed by government, OR other citizens.

Nope, it just talks about well-regulated militias. Well Regulated means the government CAN make laws about who can have guns.

If you don't like guns, that is too bad. You are paranoid. Law-abiding gun owners are not a threat to you.
Actually, the more gun nuts like you flap your gums about your snuff fantasies, most of us SHOULD be worried. ZImmerman was just living your dream.

He was wrong to physically attack a person. He should have known better. He certainly should have known the difference between right and wrong. There is no excuse for his behavior, and he paid the ultimate price for his own stupidity.

No, he was minding his own business when a complete stranger started chasing him, and he defended himself
. Shit, given your rape paranoia, you'd probably do the same thing.

No, it wasn't paid for by the NRA. Lol. It was actually funded by Obama's White House. :lol: Now what?


Researchers compiled data from previous studies....

They didn't do their OWN study, they repeated OTHER people's studies, including the completely discredited Kleck study.
If I were Trayvon's parents I would sue the ever loving hell out of the Miami Dade school system, the Superintendent and the School Police Chief. If they choose to rig the game so their numbers look better then fine but at least have the decency to call the parents and explain to them in detail what it was their child did and what they COULD have been charged with!

Another exciting episode of "Clueless White People are Clueless".

You do get it that pretty much if you are black in this country, you have no civil rights.

No, they wouldn't have expelled a WHITE kid for a screwdriver and a necklace. They really had no cause to expell a black kid for it.
Guns have been a part of American culture since America was founded.

So was slavery. That didn't make it a good idea.

It is written in our Constitution that the right will not be infringed by government, OR other citizens.

Nope, it just talks about well-regulated militias. Well Regulated means the government CAN make laws about who can have guns.

If you don't like guns, that is too bad. You are paranoid. Law-abiding gun owners are not a threat to you.
Actually, the more gun nuts like you flap your gums about your snuff fantasies, most of us SHOULD be worried. ZImmerman was just living your dream.

He was wrong to physically attack a person. He should have known better. He certainly should have known the difference between right and wrong. There is no excuse for his behavior, and he paid the ultimate price for his own stupidity.

No, he was minding his own business when a complete stranger started chasing him, and he defended himself
. Shit, given your rape paranoia, you'd probably do the same thing.

No, it wasn't paid for by the NRA. Lol. It was actually funded by Obama's White House. :lol: Now what?


Researchers compiled data from previous studies....

They didn't do their OWN study, they repeated OTHER people's studies, including the completely discredited Kleck study.
Well except for all the facts that PROVE Martin got home and CHOSE to go back and attack Zimmerman.
Well except for all the facts that PROVE Martin got home and CHOSE to go back and attack Zimmerman.

well, no, not really. But you keep telling yourself it was cool for this drug-addled bully to shot him an unarmed black child.
No one is saying it was cool to shoot a thug. What they are saying is it is OK to defend yourself against one.
Well except for all the facts that PROVE Martin got home and CHOSE to go back and attack Zimmerman.

well, no, not really. But you keep telling yourself it was cool for this drug-addled bully to shot him an unarmed black child.
The facts are plain as day. Martin's girlfriend admitted under oath that he got home and that he chose to double back to confront Zimmerman. Or are you calling his girlfriend a liar that supports Zimmerman?
Guns have been a part of American culture since America was founded.

So was slavery. That didn't make it a good idea.

It is written in our Constitution that the right will not be infringed by government, OR other citizens.

Nope, it just talks about well-regulated militias. Well Regulated means the government CAN make laws about who can have guns.

If you don't like guns, that is too bad. You are paranoid. Law-abiding gun owners are not a threat to you.
Actually, the more gun nuts like you flap your gums about your snuff fantasies, most of us SHOULD be worried. ZImmerman was just living your dream.

He was wrong to physically attack a person. He should have known better. He certainly should have known the difference between right and wrong. There is no excuse for his behavior, and he paid the ultimate price for his own stupidity.

No, he was minding his own business when a complete stranger started chasing him, and he defended himself
. Shit, given your rape paranoia, you'd probably do the same thing.

No, it wasn't paid for by the NRA. Lol. It was actually funded by Obama's White House. :lol: Now what?


Researchers compiled data from previous studies....

They didn't do their OWN study, they repeated OTHER people's studies, including the completely discredited Kleck study.

Face facts, you were proven wrong. Lol. It was an independent study, approved and funded by the Obama White House, and performed by the CDC. :D
Well except for all the facts that PROVE Martin got home and CHOSE to go back and attack Zimmerman.

well, no, not really. But you keep telling yourself it was cool for this drug-addled bully to shot him an unarmed black child.

Guns have been a part of American culture since America was founded.

So was slavery. That didn't make it a good idea.

It is written in our Constitution that the right will not be infringed by government, OR other citizens.

Nope, it just talks about well-regulated militias. Well Regulated means the government CAN make laws about who can have guns.

If you don't like guns, that is too bad. You are paranoid. Law-abiding gun owners are not a threat to you.
Actually, the more gun nuts like you flap your gums about your snuff fantasies, most of us SHOULD be worried. ZImmerman was just living your dream.

He was wrong to physically attack a person. He should have known better. He certainly should have known the difference between right and wrong. There is no excuse for his behavior, and he paid the ultimate price for his own stupidity.

No, he was minding his own business when a complete stranger started chasing him, and he defended himself
. Shit, given your rape paranoia, you'd probably do the same thing.

No, it wasn't paid for by the NRA. Lol. It was actually funded by Obama's White House. :lol: Now what?


Researchers compiled data from previous studies....

They didn't do their OWN study, they repeated OTHER people's studies, including the completely discredited Kleck study.

Joe's getting angry because I proved him wrong . . . again. :D Poor little Joey. :(
If I were Trayvon's parents I would sue the ever loving hell out of the Miami Dade school system, the Superintendent and the School Police Chief. If they choose to rig the game so their numbers look better then fine but at least have the decency to call the parents and explain to them in detail what it was their child did and what they COULD have been charged with!

Another exciting episode of "Clueless White People are Clueless".

You do get it that pretty much if you are black in this country, you have no civil rights.

No, they wouldn't have expelled a WHITE kid for a screwdriver and a necklace. They really had no cause to expell a black kid for it.

What do "civil rights" have to do with the scam that the Miami Dade School Police were pulling? They wanted to make it LOOK like they were reducing crime rates in the Miami area schools that they patrolled so they came up with the scheme where they would simply suspend students caught breaking the law and not bring criminal charges against them. Trayvon Martin was caught with twelve pieces of women's jewelry and a man's watch that his only explanation for having was that a "friend" gave the items to him but he didn't know that friend's name. You buying what Trayvon was selling, Joey? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Yet you don't think the school had cause to expel Martin? You know what, Joey...I agree! The school had CAUSE to turn Trayvon Martin over to the regular Miami Police and let THEM charge him with either receiving stolen goods...or burglary.
What do "civil rights" have to do with the scam that the Miami Dade School Police were pulling? They wanted to make it LOOK like they were reducing crime rates in the Miami area schools that they patrolled so they came up with the scheme where they would simply suspend students caught breaking the law and not bring criminal charges against them. Trayvon Martin was caught with twelve pieces of women's jewelry and a man's watch that his only explanation for having was that a "friend" gave the items to him but he didn't know that friend's name. You buying what Trayvon was selling, Joey? Yet you don't think the school had cause to expel Martin? You know what, Joey...I agree! The school had CAUSE to turn Trayvon Martin over to the regular Miami Police and let THEM charge him with either receiving stolen goods...or burglary.

Well, a couple of things. First, the School really didn't have any business checking his backpack. We have this thing called "the Fourth Amendment". It's the one that's two down from the Militia Amendment you freaks keep misreading. It's the one that says 'No unreasonable searches and seizures".

Silly Negro! Rights are for White People!

Incidentally, the police were called about the Jewelry. Guess what, they couldn't match it to any reported burglary.

Trayvon Martin Miami-Dade Police Investigated Slain Teen Over Jewelry Found In Backpack At School

Miami-Dade Police confirmed that it had been asked by school police to help identify the property taken from Martin's backpack. It notified school police that the jewelry did not match any that had been reported stolen.

But shit, let's just make an accusation.

Meanwhile, ZImmerman was on two drugs, but no one thought to drug test him that night, becuase you know, that silly fourth amendment thing... for white people.
Yes, it's totally cool to shoot a child who is beating you in a fight.

Zimmerman quickly learned his lesson and went back to beating women.
I don't know if it's "totally cool", but if some stranger shows up and starts whaling on you, go for it. Self-preservation is a powerful instinct, and for good reason.
The facts are plain as day. Martin's girlfriend admitted under oath that he got home and that he chose to double back to confront Zimmerman. Or are you calling his girlfriend a liar that supports Zimmerman?

I'm saying you guys took the barely coherent testimony and tried to twist it into something it wasn't. But that's what you guys do. I get that.

Zimmerman was living the dream all you gun nuts have, of shooting a negro and getting away with it.
Wait let me get this right.... you claim 200 but admit the FBI says 65000, now who is stupid?

I'm saying the even that figure is dubious, because it's self-reporting.

I don't even think it goes that high.

The FBI reports 65,000 cases where people reported using a gun in self defense, but only 200 cases of justified homicide.

I only count the 200. Feeling better because you have a gun in your pocket to compensate for a tiny wiener doesn't count.

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