Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

You and me ought to compare educational resumes. You look like you need a good slap down. Besides-being anti gun is the sign of either dishonesty or low IQ

Uh, guy, nothing in your posts indicate much education.

And frankly, your claims to be a Federal Officer was kind of laughable in that you are batshit crazy and wouldn't pass a psych eval.
What do "civil rights" have to do with the scam that the Miami Dade School Police were pulling? They wanted to make it LOOK like they were reducing crime rates in the Miami area schools that they patrolled so they came up with the scheme where they would simply suspend students caught breaking the law and not bring criminal charges against them. Trayvon Martin was caught with twelve pieces of women's jewelry and a man's watch that his only explanation for having was that a "friend" gave the items to him but he didn't know that friend's name. You buying what Trayvon was selling, Joey? Yet you don't think the school had cause to expel Martin? You know what, Joey...I agree! The school had CAUSE to turn Trayvon Martin over to the regular Miami Police and let THEM charge him with either receiving stolen goods...or burglary.

Well, a couple of things. First, the School really didn't have any business checking his backpack. We have this thing called "the Fourth Amendment". It's the one that's two down from the Militia Amendment you freaks keep misreading. It's the one that says 'No unreasonable searches and seizures".

Silly Negro! Rights are for White People!

Incidentally, the police were called about the Jewelry. Guess what, they couldn't match it to any reported burglary.

Trayvon Martin Miami-Dade Police Investigated Slain Teen Over Jewelry Found In Backpack At School

Miami-Dade Police confirmed that it had been asked by school police to help identify the property taken from Martin's backpack. It notified school police that the jewelry did not match any that had been reported stolen.

But shit, let's just make an accusation.

Meanwhile, ZImmerman was on two drugs, but no one thought to drug test him that night, becuase you know, that silly fourth amendment thing... for white people.

Martin's back pack was checked by School Police because he was observed writing WTF on a school locker and the police were looking for markers. What they found instead were a dozen women's rings and earings, a man's wristwatch and a flat head screwdriver.

The School Police didn't ask ask the Miami Dade Police to identify anything! That would have defeated the entire purpose of their ignoring finding the items in Martin's backpack and ignoring his refusal to explain where those items came from. The School Police essentially pretended the jewelry didn't exist, labeled it "found property" and sent it over to the Miami Dade property room where it sat on a shelf. Then they suspended Martin for writing the grafitti and ignored the jewelry he had in his possession because that way their crime statistics for their school could be manipulated so that they looked like they were doing a bang up job of controlling crime at those schools. The School Police did NOT contact the Miami Dade Police and ask them to see if the jewelry found matched that of any stolen jewelry!

The School Police didn't ask ask the Miami Dade Police to identify anything!

The School Police essentially pretended the jewelry didn't exist

why is that

it is because Martin was in a diversion program

so having stolen items weed or anything else

does not go down as a crime

it gets handled in house not through the courts

that is why no sheet was made out the jewelry

making it impossible for the owners to claim it

If you really look into what happened at that high school it's disgusting. The school administrators and the school police put out a memorandum patting themselves on the back for lowering the instance of crimes at Miami Dade schools but what they had really done was to simply reclassify criminal activity as "disciplinary problems" or a "mental health issue" and suspended the kids involved without even bothering to tell parents what the student had REALLY done to get the suspension.

The reason that nobody did a thing with that recovered jewelry is because for the school police to admit that it WAS stolen...which it obviously was unless you buy Trayvon Martin's story that a "friend" gave the items to him but he didn't know the friend's name...they would have had to charge Trayvon and that would mess up the low crime rate that they were congratulating themselves for.

So the message that the Miami Dade school police was sending to kids like Trayvon was obvious...if you give us any choice at all...we're going to let you get away with anything you want to do other than violent crime.

yes exactly

and between obama and holder they wanted to make that model national
As usual don't know what it is you're talking about when it comes to the Fourth Amendment. I would suggest reading up on New Jersey v. T. L. O., 469 U.S. 325.

"New Jersey v. T. L. O., 469 U.S. 325 (1985), is a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States addressing the constitutionality of a search of a public high school student for contraband after she was caught smoking. A subsequent search of her purse revealed drug paraphernalia, marijuana, and documentation of drug sales. She was charged as a juvenile for the drugs and paraphernalia found in the search. She fought the search, claiming it violated her Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6-3 ruling, held that the search was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment."

except they weren't looking for stolen jewelry, they were looking for markers, which they didn't find.

They had probable cause to search for the markers because they had Trayvon on tape tagging a school locker and in the course of looking for the markers they found the stolen jewelry. Which goes to show that Trayvon wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree. When you're holding stolen goods in your backpack it isn't the best time to be writing graffiti on school property! Duh?
If you really look into what happened at that high school it's disgusting. The school administrators and the school police put out a memorandum patting themselves on the back for lowering the instance of crimes at Miami Dade schools but what they had really done was to simply reclassify criminal activity as "disciplinary problems" or a "mental health issue" and suspended the kids involved without even bothering to tell parents what the student had REALLY done to get the suspension.

The reason that nobody did a thing with that recovered jewelry is because for the school police to admit that it WAS stolen...which it obviously was unless you buy Trayvon Martin's story that a "friend" gave the items to him but he didn't know the friend's name...they would have had to charge Trayvon and that would mess up the low crime rate that they were congratulating themselves for.

So the message that the Miami Dade school police was sending to kids like Trayvon was obvious...if you give us any choice at all...we're going to let you get away with anything you want to do other than violent crime.

Well, except the Miami Dade Police couldn't match the jewelry to any stolen property reports.

Look, I realize that you guys really need to play up 'usual teenage bullshit' to make it look like Trayvon was this walking crime wave... unlike ZImmerman, who actaully HAS been arrested numerous times for doing illegal shit.

The Miami Dade Police never even tried to match the jewelry to any stolen property reports, Joey! The jewelry in question matched jewelry that was stolen from a house in the same neighborhood where Trayvon lived but sat on a shelf in the property room until AFTER the Martin/Zimmerman shooting blew up and one reporter FINALLY did their homework and checked up on Trayvon's background. At that point both the Miami Dade School Police and the Miami Dade Police were in full cover their ass mode because it was obvious that they hadn't done their jobs. Your article in HuffPo simply went along their excuse making.
If you really look into what happened at that high school it's disgusting. The school administrators and the school police put out a memorandum patting themselves on the back for lowering the instance of crimes at Miami Dade schools but what they had really done was to simply reclassify criminal activity as "disciplinary problems" or a "mental health issue" and suspended the kids involved without even bothering to tell parents what the student had REALLY done to get the suspension.

The reason that nobody did a thing with that recovered jewelry is because for the school police to admit that it WAS stolen...which it obviously was unless you buy Trayvon Martin's story that a "friend" gave the items to him but he didn't know the friend's name...they would have had to charge Trayvon and that would mess up the low crime rate that they were congratulating themselves for.

So the message that the Miami Dade school police was sending to kids like Trayvon was obvious...if you give us any choice at all...we're going to let you get away with anything you want to do other than violent crime.

Well, except the Miami Dade Police couldn't match the jewelry to any stolen property reports.

Look, I realize that you guys really need to play up 'usual teenage bullshit' to make it look like Trayvon was this walking crime wave... unlike ZImmerman, who actaully HAS been arrested numerous times for doing illegal shit.

What's amusing about your double standard, Joey is that George Zimmerman has been arrested several times but charges were always dropped for a lack of evidence. Trayvon on the other hand didn't get arrested even though he had brought drugs onto school property and was in the possession of stolen property. He was only suspended for writing graffiti with no criminal charges whatsoever!

So much for all your whining about how discriminated blacks are in this country!
They had probable cause to search for the markers because they had Trayvon on tape tagging a school locker and in the course of looking for the markers they found the stolen jewelry. Which goes to show that Trayvon wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree. When you're holding stolen goods in your backpack it isn't the best time to be writing graffiti on school property! Duh?

Whole lot of assumptions... but fuck it, he was black and probably guilty of SOMETHING.
What's amusing about your double standard, Joey is that George Zimmerman has been arrested several times but charges were always dropped for a lack of evidence.

NO, charges were dropped because it was the kind of petty ante stuff we don't arrest white people for.

Trayvon on the other hand didn't get arrested even though he had brought drugs onto school property and was in the possession of stolen property. He was only suspended for writing graffiti with no criminal charges whatsoever!

Except they didn't find drugs, they found a bag that MIGHT have contained pot at one time. and they found jewelry they had no evidence was stolen.

But dammit, we needed to totally shoot him for "Walking While Black".
The Miami Dade Police never even tried to match the jewelry to any stolen property reports, Joey! The jewelry in question matched jewelry that was stolen from a house in the same neighborhood where Trayvon lived but sat on a shelf in the property room until AFTER the Martin/Zimmerman shooting blew up and one reporter FINALLY did their homework and checked up on Trayvon's background. At that point both the Miami Dade School Police and the Miami Dade Police were in full cover their ass mode because it was obvious that they hadn't done their jobs. Your article in HuffPo simply went along their excuse making.

They had probable cause to search for the markers because they had Trayvon on tape tagging a school locker and in the course of looking for the markers they found the stolen jewelry. Which goes to show that Trayvon wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree. When you're holding stolen goods in your backpack it isn't the best time to be writing graffiti on school property! Duh?

Whole lot of assumptions... but fuck it, he was black and probably guilty of SOMETHING.

What assumptions? Martin was seen on video camera defacing a school locker. Because he's on tape committing that act of vandalism, the school authorities are legally entitled to search his back pack to look for the marker he used to write WTF on the locker. The jewelry and the screwdriver were in plain sight when that search was conducted so the discovery of those items can than be used against Martin.

Let me guess, actually believe Trayvon's story that a friend gave him the jewelry but that he doesn't remember the friend's name?
The Miami Dade Police never even tried to match the jewelry to any stolen property reports, Joey! The jewelry in question matched jewelry that was stolen from a house in the same neighborhood where Trayvon lived but sat on a shelf in the property room until AFTER the Martin/Zimmerman shooting blew up and one reporter FINALLY did their homework and checked up on Trayvon's background. At that point both the Miami Dade School Police and the Miami Dade Police were in full cover their ass mode because it was obvious that they hadn't done their jobs. Your article in HuffPo simply went along their excuse making.


Nope, not a conspiracy...just one more governmental agency taking the taxpayers money and rather than doing their jobs...falsifying records to make it LOOK like they were doing their jobs!
What assumptions? Martin was seen on video camera defacing a school locker. Because he's on tape committing that act of vandalism, the school authorities are legally entitled to search his back pack to look for the marker he used to write WTF on the locker. The jewelry and the screwdriver were in plain sight when that search was conducted so the discovery of those items can than be used against Martin.

Okay. Wow. Too bad they didn't have an ACTUAL CRIME to commit those to.

I gues he was guilty of "Being Black with Intent".

Let me guess, actually believe Trayvon's story that a friend gave him the jewelry but that he doesn't remember the friend's name?

I'm completely indifferent to the story. Still doesn't make it okay for some racist loser to shoot him in cold blood.
So according to you, when one is caught breaking the law one should just let them go if they happen to be black? When caught defacing school property if black one should be exempt from being searched and punished?
What assumptions? Martin was seen on video camera defacing a school locker. Because he's on tape committing that act of vandalism, the school authorities are legally entitled to search his back pack to look for the marker he used to write WTF on the locker. The jewelry and the screwdriver were in plain sight when that search was conducted so the discovery of those items can than be used against Martin.

Okay. Wow. Too bad they didn't have an ACTUAL CRIME to commit those to.

I gues he was guilty of "Being Black with Intent".

Let me guess, actually believe Trayvon's story that a friend gave him the jewelry but that he doesn't remember the friend's name?

I'm completely indifferent to the story. Still doesn't make it okay for some racist loser to shoot him in cold blood.

What's pathetic, Joey is that the School Police didn't even TRY to connect that jewelry to an actual crime! They did that because they didn't want to inflate their crime statistics! So they ignored the jewelry that appeared to be stolen and gave Trayvon Martin a slap on the wrist for defacing school property. What's ironic about your continual whining about Martin only being "guilty of being black" is that the REASON he wasn't investigated for stealing that jewelry is that both the Superintendent and the Chief of the School Police had made a decision not to prosecute young blacks in the Miami Dade school system for non-violent crimes. Not only didn't the School Police follow up on the stolen jewelry...they never even notified Martin's parents that he has been caught with what looked like stolen items.

So you're completely indifferent to the story? Here's a concept for you, Joey! If the authorities at that school had actually done their jobs...there is a good chance that Trayvon Martin would have never been in Sanford, Florida that night...walking aimlessly in the rain and looking at people's houses.
Nope, not a conspiracy...just one more governmental agency taking the taxpayers money and rather than doing their jobs...falsifying records to make it LOOK like they were doing their jobs!

Their job being "Keeping the Negros in their Place", I take it.

Actually what they did was give preferential treatment to minority students. How that equates to "Keeping the Negros in their Place" is something you'll have to explain!
Miami-Dade School Supt. Livid Over Leak Of Trayvon Martin s Records CBS Miami

And if you want to see what a duplicitous piece of shit that Superintendent of Schools that article where he blasts the leaking of Trayvon's record! Keep in mind that this man knows that he and the Chief of School Police had totally failed to investigate where the jewelry that was found in Martin's backpack came from.

That was in the early going...Superintendent Carvalho wasn't so outspoken once it was revealed what he and the Miami Dade School Police Chief had been doing to "lower" crime rates in schools.
So according to you, when one is caught breaking the law one should just let them go if they happen to be black? When caught defacing school property if black one should be exempt from being searched and punished?

are those medications you're on imparing your reading ability?

They gave the jewelry to the local police, who were unable to match them to a crime.

So he had jewelry that may or may not have been stolen by someone who may or may not have been Trayvon and that totally justifies Zimmerman shooting him down in cold blood.

Meanwhile, Zimmerman has been caught committing domestic abuse, stalking people, broke a woman's leg, accused of molestation by his cousin... but none of that should be taken into account when thinking that, hey MAYBE SHOOTING AN UNARMED KID was wrong.
Miami-Dade School Supt. Livid Over Leak Of Trayvon Martin s Records CBS Miami

And if you want to see what a duplicitous piece of shit that Superintendent of Schools that article where he blasts the leaking of Trayvon's record! Keep in mind that this man knows that he and the Chief of School Police had totally failed to investigate where the jewelry that was found in Martin's backpack came from.

That was in the early going...Superintendent Carvalho wasn't so outspoken once it was revealed what he and the Miami Dade School Police Chief had been doing to "lower" crime rates in schools.

Yeah, how dare he be offended that some drug-addled loser shot down one of his students, and someone stole confidential files in order to slime that kid after his death.

I mean, shit, we need to send out some Second Amendment Enforcers to go out there and shoot taggers and pot smokers! Because, hey, why not?
Actually what they did was give preferential treatment to minority students. How that equates to "Keeping the Negros in their Place" is something you'll have to explain!

Really? I don't think supsending kids for minor, unproven charges and confiscating their property is "preferential".

But shoot, in your world, shooting this kid was cool, because that'll teach him.

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