Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

They caught him with items that were obviously stolen...but instead of calling up the regular Miami Dade Police and involving them in this case (which would have then been counted as a "crime") the Miami Dade School Police ignored the stolen jewelry (classifying it as "found")...didn't file a report with the regular Police

No matter how many times you repeat that shit, it doesn't become true.

He was also caught with a baggy that contained pot residue and a pipe on school property.



So let me gets this straight. Zimmerman beats women, threatens strangers in traffic and shoots a kid, and you guys go to the mattresses for him, but fucking Trayvon was smoking some weed, and that little bastard DESERVED TO DIE!!!!!

Naw, you guys aren't racist.

Martin viciously attacked and beat a law-abiding citizen ...... that was armed .....
The Sanford police said that it was a justified killing.
The jury said it was a justified killing.
It is called "suicide by armed citizen".
In a world where honest, law-abiding citizens cannot legally own/carry guns, criminal thugs beat, rob and kill at-will and the is no one to stop them.

yet, in Japan, law abiding citizens can't own guns, and guess what, they have a fraction of our crime rate. You could insert france, Germany, Italy, the UK in there, and you get pretty much the same answer. Guns don't make you safer.

Gee, I wonder how many of the surviving family of the people that were murdered in Japan wish their dead relative had a deadly weapon to save their life with?
BUT, liberals know better," what is best for EVERYONE"!!
They caught him with items that were obviously stolen...but instead of calling up the regular Miami Dade Police and involving them in this case (which would have then been counted as a "crime") the Miami Dade School Police ignored the stolen jewelry (classifying it as "found")...didn't file a report with the regular Police

No matter how many times you repeat that shit, it doesn't become true.

He was also caught with a baggy that contained pot residue and a pipe on school property.



So let me gets this straight. Zimmerman beats women, threatens strangers in traffic and shoots a kid, and you guys go to the mattresses for him, but fucking Trayvon was smoking some weed, and that little bastard DESERVED TO DIE!!!!!

Naw, you guys aren't racist.

You amuse me, tar and feather George Zimmerman with rumors and innuendo but when someone simply points out that Trayvon Martin wasn't the little angel that you liberals made him out to be then you accuse them of racism!

There is a reason why the Chief of the Miami Dade School Police got fired from his job less than a year after being commended for lowering crime rates so drastically in the schools he oversaw and that reason is that he DIDN'T lower crime rates at all...he simply hid the crimes that had taken place. Trayvon Martin was just one of the students that didn't face criminal charges because the game that the Police Chief and the Superintendent were playing.

I could care less if Trayvon Martin smoked some weed. The fact that he did however begs the did he afford to buy his weed? How did he afford to buy the prescription meds he was looking for on-line to make his lean with?

He didn't work. So where did all the money come from? Was it from committing burglaries? The jewelry and flat head screwdriver recovered from his back pack makes that a question that should have been asked. If he was committing robberies in Miami to support himself then is it far fetched to think he might have been looking for some place to break into that night in Sanford when he was walking aimlessly looking into people's homes?

You don't want to explore any of these issues you Joey? You don't want to discuss them because they shoot so many holes in your narrative that Trayvon Martin was an innocent child who was stalked by a racist gun nut who murdered him in cold blood.
Zimmerman's gun made HIM safer (safer that the beating he WOULD'VE received IF he didn't have his gun)!!
Zimmerman's alive, the criminal is dead!
MY gun makes ME safer.
Responsible, law-abiding citizens guns make them safer.
Thousands of people are safer, every year, thanks to their legal guns!!
Republican= liberal that has been mugged.

Democrat- Conservative who'se been downsized.

BUt anyway, no, you are really k ind of fucking stupid if you think a gun makes you any safer.

43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.
You amuse me, tar and feather George Zimmerman with rumors and innuendo but when someone simply points out that Trayvon Martin wasn't the little angel that you liberals made him out to be then you accuse them of racism!

Uh, his own cousin accused him of molestation. His girlfriends and wife called the cops on him for beating them.

But at least he wasn't smoking weed.

You don't want to explore any of these issues you Joey? You don't want to discuss them because they shoot so many holes in your narrative that Trayvon Martin was an innocent child who was stalked by a racist gun nut who murdered him in cold blood.

No, I don't. Because frankly, after the Zimmerman defense team spent 2.5 million demonizing this kid, all you got was, "Oh, he tags some lockers!" and "Oh, he smoked some weed".
Zimmerman's gun made HIM safer (safer that the beating he WOULD'VE received IF he didn't have his gun)!!
Zimmerman's alive, the criminal is dead!
MY gun makes ME safer.
Responsible, law-abiding citizens guns make them safer.
Thousands of people are safer, every year, thanks to their legal guns!!
Republican= liberal that has been mugged.

Democrat- Conservative who'se been downsized.

BUt anyway, no, you are really k ind of fucking stupid if you think a gun makes you any safer.

43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.

Thousands of times a year, people protect themselves or someone else from having a crime committed against them or committed against some other law-abiding citizen, by criminal thugs such as Martin committed against Zimmerman.
Thanks a lot, but I will continue to have/carry my legal guns every legal place I go.
IF some criminal thug attempts to commit a crime against myself or some other law-abiding citizen, I will have no compunction about defending myself or others with deadly force, IF necessary.
You can go on dreaming about a "perfect world", but I live in reality and understand what can REALLY happen to someone that underestimates criminal thugs
Gee, I wonder how many of the surviving family of the people that were murdered in Japan wish their dead relative had a deadly weapon to save their life with?
BUT, liberals know better," what is best for EVERYONE"!!

Japan has less than 600 murders a year. We have nearly 16,000.

How many of those US murders were committed with guns that were legally carried, like Zimmerman had?
How many of those murders were committed by law-abiding citizens that legally owned those guns?
Why don't you worry about the criminals that use the illegal guns?
Tell the ATF to enforce all gun-laws as they were written before you try to pass any more useless laws that only try to take guns away from legal gun owners.
The NYC police took thousands of illegal guns outta the hands of criminals ................ BEFORE the liberals put a stop to it.
????Why do you want only the criminals to have guns????
You amuse me, tar and feather George Zimmerman with rumors and innuendo but when someone simply points out that Trayvon Martin wasn't the little angel that you liberals made him out to be then you accuse them of racism!

Uh, his own cousin accused him of molestation. His girlfriends and wife called the cops on him for beating them.

But at least he wasn't smoking weed.

You don't want to explore any of these issues you Joey? You don't want to discuss them because they shoot so many holes in your narrative that Trayvon Martin was an innocent child who was stalked by a racist gun nut who murdered him in cold blood.

No, I don't. Because frankly, after the Zimmerman defense team spent 2.5 million demonizing this kid, all you got was, "Oh, he tags some lockers!" and "Oh, he smoked some weed".

You forgot to add "Martin savagely beat a law-abiding citizen who broke no laws".
How many of those US murders were committed with guns that were legally carried, like Zimmerman had?
How many of those murders were committed by law-abiding citizens that legally owned those guns?
Why don't you worry about the criminals that use the illegal guns?

I do worry about illegal guns. I worry about a gun industry that goes out of its way to make sure that criminals have easy access to them.

So guys like you will wet yourselves and want one, too.
You amuse me, tar and feather George Zimmerman with rumors and innuendo but when someone simply points out that Trayvon Martin wasn't the little angel that you liberals made him out to be then you accuse them of racism!

Uh, his own cousin accused him of molestation. His girlfriends and wife called the cops on him for beating them.

But at least he wasn't smoking weed.

You don't want to explore any of these issues you Joey? You don't want to discuss them because they shoot so many holes in your narrative that Trayvon Martin was an innocent child who was stalked by a racist gun nut who murdered him in cold blood.

No, I don't. Because frankly, after the Zimmerman defense team spent 2.5 million demonizing this kid, all you got was, "Oh, he tags some lockers!" and "Oh, he smoked some weed".

You forgot about the twelve pieces of women's jewelry and the man's wrist watch, Joey! Funny...the Miami Dade School Police deliberately forgot about that stuff too!

All the Zimmerman defense team did was set the record straight after the main stream media went with a deification of Trayvon Martin...painting him as an innocent young child skipping along the sidewalk after buying candy at the store only to be stalked and killed by a racist gun nut who shot him without provocation.

The truth is that Trayvon Martin was a thug wannabe who was somehow supporting a drug habit although he didn't work anywhere and had a backpack full of items that he couldn't explain how he came to possess! I didn't miss that you don't want anything to do with explaining how it is Trayvon was getting his cash, Joey. Anyone with half a brain and a little common sense is going to guess that he was either selling drugs to support his own drug use...or he was stealing to support that same drug use.
Thousands of times a year, people protect themselves or someone else from having a crime committed against them or committed against some other law-abiding citizen, by criminal thugs such as Martin committed against Zimmerman.

No, they don't. DGU's are rare.

The truth is that there is virtually no way to quantify how many crimes are prevented simply because someone who was contemplating committing a crime got cold feet at the last moment because they were scared that their victim might be armed and fight back. If you removed that uncertainty from a criminal's mind then physically imposing men like Michael Brown would feel free to terrorize their neighbors.
You forgot about the twelve pieces of women's jewelry and the man's wrist watch, Joey! Funny...the Miami Dade School Police deliberately forgot about that stuff too!

no, they just couldn't match it to an actual crime, which you keep avoiding.

All the Zimmerman defense team did was set the record straight after the main stream media went with a deification of Trayvon Martin...painting him as an innocent young child skipping along the sidewalk after buying candy at the store only to be stalked and killed by a racist gun nut who shot him without provocation.

You mean they villified the victim. Let's go back to the good old days when we could drag up a rape victim's sex life, too. That would bring the rape rate down, as only virgins and nuns could expect justice.

The truth is that Trayvon Martin was a thug wannabe who was somehow supporting a drug habit although he didn't work anywhere and had a backpack full of items that he couldn't explain how he came to possess! I didn't miss that you don't want anything to do with explaining how it is Trayvon was getting his cash, Joey. Anyone with half a brain and a little common sense is going to guess that he was either selling drugs to support his own drug use...or he was stealing to support that same drug use.

Or he was just a typical 17 year old who didn't respect authority because most 17 year olds don't.

I don't know or care how he was getting his cash. I know all my brother's friends were able to get pot pretty easily and none of them had jobs. But they were white, so they didn't have to worry about being shot. Or even arrested.
You forgot about the twelve pieces of women's jewelry and the man's wrist watch, Joey! Funny...the Miami Dade School Police deliberately forgot about that stuff too!

no, they just couldn't match it to an actual crime, which you keep avoiding.

All the Zimmerman defense team did was set the record straight after the main stream media went with a deification of Trayvon Martin...painting him as an innocent young child skipping along the sidewalk after buying candy at the store only to be stalked and killed by a racist gun nut who shot him without provocation.

You mean they villified the victim. Let's go back to the good old days when we could drag up a rape victim's sex life, too. That would bring the rape rate down, as only virgins and nuns could expect justice.

The truth is that Trayvon Martin was a thug wannabe who was somehow supporting a drug habit although he didn't work anywhere and had a backpack full of items that he couldn't explain how he came to possess! I didn't miss that you don't want anything to do with explaining how it is Trayvon was getting his cash, Joey. Anyone with half a brain and a little common sense is going to guess that he was either selling drugs to support his own drug use...or he was stealing to support that same drug use.

Or he was just a typical 17 year old who didn't respect authority because most 17 year olds don't.

I don't know or care how he was getting his cash. I know all my brother's friends were able to get pot pretty easily and none of them had jobs. But they were white, so they didn't have to worry about being shot. Or even arrested.

You don't seem to grasp what was happening down there in Miami, Joey! The Miami Dade School Police were making themselves look good by burying crimes that students committed...reclassifying them as either Baker Act cases or school disciplinary cases. The jewelry found in Trayvon Martin's backpack wasn't matched to stolen jewelry because the School Police never called the regular Miami police and told them that they'd recovered items that most likely were stolen. The School Police didn't WANT that jewelry linked to a robbery because then the real Police would have wanted to arrest the person who had that jewelry in his possession! The School Police classified that recovered jewelry as "found" and simply sent it over to the property room where it sat. The items actually DID match items that were taken from a home very near Krop High where Martin attended school.
Why is it that Trayvon Martin qualifies as the "victim" in this, Joey? Yes, he was the one who was shot and died but since he was the one who instigated the violence by leaving the safety of the townhouse he was staying in to walk back, accost, knock to the ground and climb on top of and beat a man who was doing nothing more than trying to follow him at a distance to let the Police know what he was doing.

You vilified George Zimmerman completely. Yet when someone points out that Trayvon Martin was no accuse that person of being a racist and blaming the victim.
They caught him with items that were obviously stolen...but instead of calling up the regular Miami Dade Police and involving them in this case (which would have then been counted as a "crime") the Miami Dade School Police ignored the stolen jewelry (classifying it as "found")...didn't file a report with the regular Police

No matter how many times you repeat that shit, it doesn't become true.

He was also caught with a baggy that contained pot residue and a pipe on school property.



So let me gets this straight. Zimmerman beats women, threatens strangers in traffic and shoots a kid, and you guys go to the mattresses for him, but fucking Trayvon was smoking some weed, and that little bastard DESERVED TO DIE!!!!!

Naw, you guys aren't racist.

You amuse me, tar and feather George Zimmerman with rumors and innuendo but when someone simply points out that Trayvon Martin wasn't the little angel that you liberals made him out to be then you accuse them of racism!

There is a reason why the Chief of the Miami Dade School Police got fired from his job less than a year after being commended for lowering crime rates so drastically in the schools he oversaw and that reason is that he DIDN'T lower crime rates at all...he simply hid the crimes that had taken place. Trayvon Martin was just one of the students that didn't face criminal charges because the game that the Police Chief and the Superintendent were playing.

I could care less if Trayvon Martin smoked some weed. The fact that he did however begs the did he afford to buy his weed? How did he afford to buy the prescription meds he was looking for on-line to make his lean with?

He didn't work. So where did all the money come from? Was it from committing burglaries? The jewelry and flat head screwdriver recovered from his back pack makes that a question that should have been asked. If he was committing robberies in Miami to support himself then is it far fetched to think he might have been looking for some place to break into that night in Sanford when he was walking aimlessly looking into people's homes?

You don't want to explore any of these issues you Joey? You don't want to discuss them because they shoot so many holes in your narrative that Trayvon Martin was an innocent child who was stalked by a racist gun nut who murdered him in cold blood.

You amuse me, Joey.
agreed that is why he is not taken seriously

I'm curious, say your brother's friends didn't have jobs but were able to afford to buy pot? Where did they get their cash from? Indulgent parents? Do you naively think that Trayvon's parents were lavishing him with a big allowance? His "parents" couldn't have cared less about what Trayvon Martin was doing with his life. They had divorced long ago and his dad had already moved on from the woman he left Sybrina Fulton Brandi Green. Sybrina Fulton hadn't been Trayvon's mother figure for years...his step mother Alicia Stanley is the one who raised young Trayvon from age 7 to age 15. She treated Trayvon like he was her own child. That all changed however when Tracy Martin started cheating on her with Brandi Green. The reality is that Trayvon's father bounced that kid all over hell and gone because he didn't have a faithful bone in his body. Trayvon was just baggage.
You don't seem to grasp what was happening down there in Miami, Joey! The Miami Dade School Police were making themselves look good by burying crimes that students committed...reclassifying them as either Baker Act cases or school disciplinary cases. The jewelry found in Trayvon Martin's backpack wasn't matched to stolen jewelry because the School Police never called the regular Miami police and told them that they'd recovered items that most likely were stolen.

Uh, yeah, they were called and no, they couldn't.

Here, we are going to try this again.

Police investigated Trayvon Martin over jewelry -

SANFORD, Fla.—Women's jewelry and a watch found in Trayvon Martin's school backpack last fall could not be tied to any reported thefts, the Miami-Dade Police Department said Tuesday. -

Miami-Dade Police confirmed that it had been asked by school police to help identify the property taken from Martin's backpack. It notified school police that the jewelry did not match any that had been reported stolen.

So why do you keep repeating this lie?

I'm curious, say your brother's friends didn't have jobs but were able to afford to buy pot? Where did they get their cash from? Indulgent parents? Do you naively think that Trayvon's parents were lavishing him with a big allowance? His "parents" couldn't have cared less about what Trayvon Martin was doing with his life. They had divorced long ago and his dad had already moved on from the woman he left Sybrina Fulton Brandi Green. Sybrina Fulton hadn't been Trayvon's mother figure for years...his step mother Alicia Stanley is the one who raised young Trayvon from age 7 to age 15. She treated Trayvon like he was her own child. That all changed however when Tracy Martin started cheating on her with Brandi Green. The reality is that Trayvon's father bounced that kid all over hell and gone because he didn't have a faithful bone in his body. Trayvon was just baggage.

I had one brother who routinely stole money out of my wallet, even after a few ass-kickings. But that's neither here nor there. Pot just isn't that expensive, guy. that's why teens like it as the high of choice.

Your further rant about how he was shuffled between parents- hey guess what, guy, White People do that all the time. And we aren't shooting their kids in the middle of the street.
Why is it that Trayvon Martin qualifies as the "victim" in this, Joey? Yes, he was the one who was shot and died but since he was the one who instigated the violence by leaving the safety of the townhouse he was staying in to walk back, accost, knock to the ground and climb on top of and beat a man who was doing nothing more than trying to follow him at a distance to let the Police know what he was doing.

Or he was a guy who was looking to rape a young boy and he wasn't about to lead that freak back to his house. If Zimmerman had said, "Neighborhood watch. The Police are on their way!" and Trayvon still started whaling on him, then Trayvon would have been totally in the wrong. Zimmerman didn't do that for some reason. He was just out to shoot him a negro that night.

You vilified George Zimmerman completely. Yet when someone points out that Trayvon Martin was no accuse that person of being a racist and blaming the victim.

exactly my point. When a woman is raped, we don't enter evidence that she slept around as evidence she was asking for it, but we do let it be known that the rapist had raped other women.

Point was, between Zimmerman and Martin, only Zimmerman had a criminal record. And he was still able to buy a gun and gun down a child with it.

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