Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Thousands of times a year, people protect themselves or someone else from having a crime committed against them or committed against some other law-abiding citizen, by criminal thugs such as Martin committed against Zimmerman.

No, they don't. DGU's are rare.

People don't have to shoot and kill someone just to defend themselves with a firearm.
People don't even have to fire the weapon, just producing the weapon can persuade a criminal to leave you alone.
Sometimes you have to use your weapon to stop a crime, as Zimmerman did.
Here are just a few of the reported cases.
A lot of times the stories go unreported because they only had to show they were armed.
Of course, an anti-gunner wont believe ANYTHING that might upset your apple-cart, but it is true about people protecting themselves against crime,
There are waaaaay over ten million people with CCW's in the USA, that carry every.
I just wish they would allow honest, law-abiding people in the inner-city (read that BLACK) to own and carry guns to protect themselves and their loved ones.
How many of those US murders were committed with guns that were legally carried, like Zimmerman had?
How many of those murders were committed by law-abiding citizens that legally owned those guns?
Why don't you worry about the criminals that use the illegal guns?

I do worry about illegal guns. I worry about a gun industry that goes out of its way to make sure that criminals have easy access to them.

So guys like you will wet yourselves and want one, too.

When do I hear you ranting about all the black-on-black crime which makes up the overwhelming black deaths in the country??
You're just pissing and moaning because Martin was killed by a law-abiding citizen who was defending himself against a vicious attack by Martin.
IF Martin had been shot with an illegal gun by a criminal, you would have NEVER even mentioned it, neither would Obama, Holder, Sharpton OR the MSM.
You are just pissin'-in-the-wind with your spun arguments.
The Sanford police said it was justified-shooting after a thorough investigation.
The jury agreed that it was a justified-shooting by finding Zimmerman INNOCENT, after seeing/hearing ALL the evidence.
Martin was a criminal thug that viciously attacked Zimmerman, who had broken no laws.
Zimmerman suffered a vicious beating for which he defended himself with his 9mm, that he legally owned and legally carried that night.
Martin brought about his own death by attacking an armed citizen.
Maybe THAT will be a lesson to other would-be thug criminals: Don't attack law-abiding citizens.
BTW, It seems that you anti-gunners "wet your pants" everytime you hear that some defended themself against a criminal attack, with a LEGAL gun.
You don't seem to grasp what was happening down there in Miami, Joey! The Miami Dade School Police were making themselves look good by burying crimes that students committed...reclassifying them as either Baker Act cases or school disciplinary cases. The jewelry found in Trayvon Martin's backpack wasn't matched to stolen jewelry because the School Police never called the regular Miami police and told them that they'd recovered items that most likely were stolen.

Uh, yeah, they were called and no, they couldn't.

Here, we are going to try this again.

Police investigated Trayvon Martin over jewelry -

SANFORD, Fla.—Women's jewelry and a watch found in Trayvon Martin's school backpack last fall could not be tied to any reported thefts, the Miami-Dade Police Department said Tuesday. -

Miami-Dade Police confirmed that it had been asked by school police to help identify the property taken from Martin's backpack. It notified school police that the jewelry did not match any that had been reported stolen.

So why do you keep repeating this lie?

I'm curious, say your brother's friends didn't have jobs but were able to afford to buy pot? Where did they get their cash from? Indulgent parents? Do you naively think that Trayvon's parents were lavishing him with a big allowance? His "parents" couldn't have cared less about what Trayvon Martin was doing with his life. They had divorced long ago and his dad had already moved on from the woman he left Sybrina Fulton Brandi Green. Sybrina Fulton hadn't been Trayvon's mother figure for years...his step mother Alicia Stanley is the one who raised young Trayvon from age 7 to age 15. She treated Trayvon like he was her own child. That all changed however when Tracy Martin started cheating on her with Brandi Green. The reality is that Trayvon's father bounced that kid all over hell and gone because he didn't have a faithful bone in his body. Trayvon was just baggage.

I had one brother who routinely stole money out of my wallet, even after a few ass-kickings. But that's neither here nor there. Pot just isn't that expensive, guy. that's why teens like it as the high of choice.

Your further rant about how he was shuffled between parents- hey guess what, guy, White People do that all the time. And we aren't shooting their kids in the middle of the street.

So your reply to my questioning how it was that Trayvon Martin got HIS money to buy pot is to relate that your brother got it by stealing? That's my entire point, you buffoon! Martin was either stealing to finance his highs or he was selling drugs to finance his highs or a combination of the two. So if Martin is like your brother...a thief...which judging from what the School Police found in Trayvon's backpack is a fair assumption...then it puts George Zimmerman's description of him as walking aimlessly and looking in people's windows in a whole different light. He's no longer the innocent "child" on his way back from the store with candy...he's actually the troubled young man who was only in Sanford that night because he'd been suspended from school after being caught with stolen goods. The ONLY reason that Martin doesn't have a criminal arrest record for theft is that the Miami Dade School Police are manipulating crime statistics to make themselves look good and turned a felony into a school truancy issue. If the Miami Dade Police had done their job correctly then Martin DOES have a criminal record and George Zimmerman's description is no longer that of a "racist" who profiled an innocent child but an astute observation of someone solely interested in protecting his neighborhood from thieves!
Why is it that Trayvon Martin qualifies as the "victim" in this, Joey? Yes, he was the one who was shot and died but since he was the one who instigated the violence by leaving the safety of the townhouse he was staying in to walk back, accost, knock to the ground and climb on top of and beat a man who was doing nothing more than trying to follow him at a distance to let the Police know what he was doing.

Or he was a guy who was looking to rape a young boy and he wasn't about to lead that freak back to his house. If Zimmerman had said, "Neighborhood watch. The Police are on their way!" and Trayvon still started whaling on him, then Trayvon would have been totally in the wrong. Zimmerman didn't do that for some reason. He was just out to shoot him a negro that night.

You vilified George Zimmerman completely. Yet when someone points out that Trayvon Martin was no accuse that person of being a racist and blaming the victim.

exactly my point. When a woman is raped, we don't enter evidence that she slept around as evidence she was asking for it, but we do let it be known that the rapist had raped other women.

Point was, between Zimmerman and Martin, only Zimmerman had a criminal record. And he was still able to buy a gun and gun down a child with it.

Trayon was totally in the wrong with the first punch he threw, Joey! He has zero right to leave the safety of the townhouse he was staying at...walk several hundred yards BACK to confront someone...and then assault them. If the Police had shown up before the fatal shot was fired that night and had come upon Martin sitting atop Zimmerman and giving him that beating...then there is little doubt that Martin would have been arrested for assault and battery.
Why is it that Trayvon Martin qualifies as the "victim" in this, Joey? Yes, he was the one who was shot and died but since he was the one who instigated the violence by leaving the safety of the townhouse he was staying in to walk back, accost, knock to the ground and climb on top of and beat a man who was doing nothing more than trying to follow him at a distance to let the Police know what he was doing.

Or he was a guy who was looking to rape a young boy and he wasn't about to lead that freak back to his house. If Zimmerman had said, "Neighborhood watch. The Police are on their way!" and Trayvon still started whaling on him, then Trayvon would have been totally in the wrong. Zimmerman didn't do that for some reason. He was just out to shoot him a negro that night.

You vilified George Zimmerman completely. Yet when someone points out that Trayvon Martin was no accuse that person of being a racist and blaming the victim.

exactly my point. When a woman is raped, we don't enter evidence that she slept around as evidence she was asking for it, but we do let it be known that the rapist had raped other women.

Point was, between Zimmerman and Martin, only Zimmerman had a criminal record. And he was still able to buy a gun and gun down a child with it.

Trayon was totally in the wrong with the first punch he threw, Joey! He has zero right to leave the safety of the townhouse he was staying at...walk several hundred yards BACK to confront someone...and then assault them. If the Police had shown up before the fatal shot was fired that night and had come upon Martin sitting atop Zimmerman and giving him that beating...then there is little doubt that Martin would have been arrested for assault and battery.

he would have gone into a youth diversionary program that does not track priors
If George had have been a negro no one would have ever heard about the shooting. Since 'T-bone' was shot how many negroes have attacked another negro and got shot for their trouble? Answer: Thousands.
How many were shot when they were pounding another negro's head on the ground? Hundreds.
No one ever hears about these killings. Why? B/c who the fuck cares? That's why.
not even made the national news

hardly would have been a foot note in the local news as well
Your article has it's facts wrong, Joey. The Miami Dade School Police did not ask the Miami Dade Police if the items found in Trayvon's backpack matched any items reported stolen. That would have defeated the purpose of their sweeping the whole thing under the rug. The School Police didn't want an investigation into "theft" because the School Police had no intention of admitting there ever WAS a theft! They classified the items as "found" and sent them over to the police property room where they sat on a shelf. The Miami Dade School Police Chief went ballistic when some of his people leaked the information about what really took place because he didn't want the public to know what he and the Superintendent of Schools had been doing to lower crime rates in the schools that they oversaw.
People don't have to shoot and kill someone just to defend themselves with a firearm.
People don't even have to fire the weapon, just producing the weapon can persuade a criminal to leave you alone.

Yeah, don't think so.

The thing is, to even get to the low-ball end of 65,000 DGU's, you would have to believe that guns were pulled in a situation 65,000 times, but only 200 times was a bad guy sent to the morgue with a toe-tag.

That that would mean that 99.7% of the time when a gun is pulled, the gun owner shows enough restraint not to kill anyone?

Really? Really?

Sorry, I listen to you gun nuts fantasize all day about the people you just can't wait to shoot. I just can't think you guys are capable of 99.7% restraint.
Your article has it's facts wrong, Joey. The Miami Dade School Police did not ask the Miami Dade Police if the items found in Trayvon's backpack matched any items reported stolen.

I've posted two sources that said that the Miami Dade Police Department was asked about the jewelry Trayvon had on him, and they couldn't match it to a known burglary.

You've yet to post any article from a credible new source with your claim that the stuff Trayvon had wasn't checked.

Oh, wait, here's another one.

Police investigated Trayvon Martin over jewelry theGrio

Miami-Dade Police confirmed Tuesday that the jewelry didn’t match any that had been reported stolen.
If George had have been a negro no one would have ever heard about the shooting. Since 'T-bone' was shot how many negroes have attacked another negro and got shot for their trouble? Answer: Thousands.
How many were shot when they were pounding another negro's head on the ground? Hundreds.
No one ever hears about these killings. Why? B/c who the fuck cares? That's why.

If another black had shot another black kid, and was still standing around, he'd have gone to jail, there'd have been a real investigation, and there'd have been prison time involved.
Trayon was totally in the wrong with the first punch he threw, Joey! He has zero right to leave the safety of the townhouse he was staying at...walk several hundred yards BACK to confront someone...and then assault them. If the Police had shown up before the fatal shot was fired that night and had come upon Martin sitting atop Zimmerman and giving him that beating...then there is little doubt that Martin would have been arrested for assault and battery.

Or he would have said, "Hey, he was stalking me, even after I tired to get away from him, and he never identified himself as Neighborhood watch. I thought he was some queer child molestor!"
So your reply to my questioning how it was that Trayvon Martin got HIS money to buy pot is to relate that your brother got it by stealing? That's my entire point, you buffoon! Martin was either stealing to finance his highs or he was selling drugs to finance his highs or a combination of the two.

no, im saying pot wasn't expensive enough where it was that big of a deal. I mean, I know you want this kid to be Al Capone or some shit, but he kind of sounds like a typical teenager.

So if Martin is like your brother...a thief...which judging from what the School Police found in Trayvon's backpack is a fair assumption...then it puts George Zimmerman's description of him as walking aimlessly and looking in people's windows in a whole different light. He's no longer the innocent "child" on his way back from the store with candy...he's actually the troubled young man who was only in Sanford that night because he'd been suspended from school after being caught with stolen goods.

Or he's just the victim of a racist asshole who got his ass beat by a teenager.

But, shit, what sad times we live in when white people can't shoot black children with impunity.
People don't have to shoot and kill someone just to defend themselves with a firearm.
People don't even have to fire the weapon, just producing the weapon can persuade a criminal to leave you alone.

Yeah, don't think so.

The thing is, to even get to the low-ball end of 65,000 DGU's, you would have to believe that guns were pulled in a situation 65,000 times, but only 200 times was a bad guy sent to the morgue with a toe-tag.

That that would mean that 99.7% of the time when a gun is pulled, the gun owner shows enough restraint not to kill anyone?

Really? Really?

Sorry, I listen to you gun nuts fantasize all day about the people you just can't wait to shoot. I just can't think you guys are capable of 99.7% restraint.

Just because you can't show any "restraint not to kill anyone", doesn't meant that everyone is as weak-willed as you are.
THAT is why you are checked through the FBI, homeland security, the state police and the local police, BEFORE you are allowed to get a CCW.
In some cases, it could cost a thousand dollars or more and the person has to wait up to a year, BEFORE you can get your CCW.
People with CCW's KNOW the awesome responsibility that goes with having a CCW, And KNOW they could spend the rest of their life in prison, IF they misuse it.
Unlike weak-willed people like you and the rest of you liberals, People WITH a CCW DO show a lot of restraint.
Any firearm infractions and their CCW is gone, "faster that a liberal running from the truth", and CCW-holders KNOW IT!
Just because you can't show any "restraint not to kill anyone", doesn't meant that everyone is as weak-willed as you are.
THAT is why you are checked through the FBI, homeland security, the state police and the local police, BEFORE you are allowed to get a CCW.

Yeah. The problem with that argument is that Holmes, Loughner and Cho all passed background checks and were able to buy guns.

We were talking about DGU's, not just CCA permits.

In some cases, it could cost a thousand dollars or more and the person has to wait up to a year, BEFORE you can get your CCW.
People with CCW's KNOW the awesome responsibility that goes with having a CCW, And KNOW they could spend the rest of their life in prison, IF they misuse it.

Nobody told these guys.

Mass Shootings by Concealed Handgun Permit Holders in 2009

On Valentine €™s Day, 35 year-old Frank Garcia drove into the parking lot of the Lakeside Memorial Hospital parking lot in Brockport, New York, at approximately 5:00 AM. Just four days earlier, he had been fired from his nursing position at the hospital. Garcia spotted Mary Silliman, 23, a former co-worker who was on a break, and physically attacked her. Two individuals who were driving by the hospital at that moment, Randal Norman and Audra Dillion, saw Garcia beating Silliman and stopped to help. When they got out of their car, Garcia opened fire with a .40-caliber Glock pistol, killing Norman and Silliman. Dillion was also shot, but survived her injuries. Garcia then drove 50 miles to Canandaigua, New York, where he went to the home of another former co-worker. There, he shot Kimberly Glatz and her husband Christopher execution-style in front of their 14 year-old daughter and 13 year-old son.

Garcia possessed a permit to carry a concealed handgun in New York. State officials denied his request for a permit three times before granting him one in 2007.
Oh, wait, here's another...

On March 10, 28 year-old Michael McLendon began a shooting rampage at the house in Coffee County, Alabama, where he lived with his mother. First, he shot and killed her and her four dogs, then laid them around the living room couch, which he soaked with paint thinner and lit on fire. McLendon then got into his car wearing a vest loaded with ammunition and armed with a .38 caliber handgun, a shotgun, and two assault rifles (an SKS and a Bushmaster). He drove to another house where he had lived with his uncle and aunt, James and Phyllis White. The two were sitting on the porch with their daughter, Tracy M. Wise, 34, her son, Dean, 15, and a family that lived across the street: Andrea Myers, 31 (the wife of a local sheriff €™s deputy), and her two children, 4-month old Ella and 18-month old Corrine. McLendon €™s great aunt, Virginia White, 74, was in a trailer parked in the White €™s yard. McLendon exited his vehicle and opened fire on them all, killing everyone but Phyllis White and Ella Myers.

McClendon then killed another man, James Starling, 24, on a nearby street, shooting him in the back as he tried to run away. Rounding the corner, he shot and killed Sonya Smith, 43, outside a convenience store. Two men, Jeffrey Nelson, 50, and Greg McCullough, 49, were shot and injured at the store. McLendon continued on to the town of Geneva with the police were in pursuit. Still spraying fire, he killed motorist Bruce Malloy, 51. The chase ended at Reliable Products, a metals plant where McClendon had once worked. There he engaged in a shootout with law enforcement officers before entering the business, turning a gun on himself, and taking his own life.

During the entire rampage, which lasted approximately 50 minutes, McLendon fired more than 200 rounds, killed 10 innocent people, and wounded six.

McLendon held a permit to carry a concealed handgun which had been issued by the Coffee County Sheriff €™s Department.
WOW, I'm feeling much safer...

On April 4, 23 year-old Richard Poplawski shot and killed three police officers who were responding to a 911 call at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Poplawski, wearing a bulletproof vest and armed with a shotgun and an AK-47-style assault rifle, ambushed two officers who entered his house. He then managed to hold off police and SWAT team members who responded to the scene for four hours, firing approximately 100 rounds in the process. Poplawski has been charged with three counts of criminal homicide and nine counts of attempted homicide, including the wounding of a policeman who was trying to assist a fallen officer.

Poplawski is a White Supremacist with a long and disturbing history of violent behavior. He frequently visited, and posted messages at, the Neo-Nazi website Poplawski €™s best friend, Edward Perkovic, stated that he €œdidn’t like the Zionists controlling the media and controlling, you know, our freedom of speech. € On November 1, 2008, Poplawski wrote on Stormfront: €œA revolutionary is always regarded as a nutcase at first, their ideas dismissed as fantasy … If a total collapse is what it takes to wake our brethren and guarantee future generations of white children walk this continent, if that is what it takes to restore our freedoms and recapture our land: let it begin this very second and not a moment later. €

Perkovic also reported that Poplawski possessed a permit to carry a concealed handgun in the state of Pennsylvania. “I’ve seen it. He showed it to me. He said, ‘Eddie, get one of these,’” remembers Perkovic. Poplawski also posted on the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners website under the username €œRWhiteman € and in one thread complained that the state of Maryland did not recognize his concealed carry permit when he traveled there.
Why is it that Trayvon Martin qualifies as the "victim" in this, Joey? Yes, he was the one who was shot and died but since he was the one who instigated the violence by leaving the safety of the townhouse he was staying in to walk back, accost, knock to the ground and climb on top of and beat a man who was doing nothing more than trying to follow him at a distance to let the Police know what he was doing.

Or he was a guy who was looking to rape a young boy and he wasn't about to lead that freak back to his house. If Zimmerman had said, "Neighborhood watch. The Police are on their way!" and Trayvon still started whaling on him, then Trayvon would have been totally in the wrong. Zimmerman didn't do that for some reason. He was just out to shoot him a negro that night.

You vilified George Zimmerman completely. Yet when someone points out that Trayvon Martin was no accuse that person of being a racist and blaming the victim.

exactly my point. When a woman is raped, we don't enter evidence that she slept around as evidence she was asking for it, but we do let it be known that the rapist had raped other women.

Point was, between Zimmerman and Martin, only Zimmerman had a criminal record. And he was still able to buy a gun and gun down a child with it.

Gee, can you show us how many criminal convictions that George Zimmerman had on his record?
There is a lot of innuendo about the criminal thug Martin too, but show us all what Zimmerman has been convicted of.
Oh, wait. BONUS...

On November 5, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a licensed Army psychiatrist, walked into the Soldier Readiness Processing Center on Fort Hood military base in Killeen, Texas. After yelling €œAllahu akbar, € Hasan, 39, opened fired with a FN Herstal Five-seveN semiautomatic handgun, killing 13 people (12 of them Soldiers) and wounding 34 others before he was shot by military police. Hasan sustained multiple injuries but survived. He will face 13 charges of premeditated murder in a military court. The shooting ranks as the nation’s worst ever on a military installation.

Hasan had openly opposed America €™s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and espoused extremist Islamic views. He was being monitored by the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force because of emails he had exchanged with the radical imam Anwar al-Awlaki. The FBI was also investigating whether he was behind violent anti-American comments left on a website under the screen name of “NidalHasan.” On two separate occasions, officials from Walter Reed and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences met and expressed concern about Hasan’s behavior, which fellow students and faculty had described as “disconnected, aloof, paranoid, belligerent and schizoid.”

In March 1996, Hasan obtained a concealed handgun permit in Roanoke County, Virginia, where he lived at the time. The permit was renewed in February 1998. The application for his original permit can be viewed here.

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