Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Trayon was totally in the wrong with the first punch he threw, Joey! He has zero right to leave the safety of the townhouse he was staying at...walk several hundred yards BACK to confront someone...and then assault them. If the Police had shown up before the fatal shot was fired that night and had come upon Martin sitting atop Zimmerman and giving him that beating...then there is little doubt that Martin would have been arrested for assault and battery.

Or he would have said, "Hey, he was stalking me, even after I tired to get away from him, and he never identified himself as Neighborhood watch. I thought he was some queer child molestor!"

How can you use the excuse that you hit someone because they were "stalking" you when it's YOU that had to walk back several hundred yards to confront them?

You yourself have characterized George Zimmerman as a pussy. His martial arts instructor characterized him the same way. Yet you think he WANTED a confrontation with Martin? He could have had that back when Martin circled his SUV closer to the front gate yet Zimmerman stayed inside of his vehicle and as he describes what Martin is doing he sounds scared. It's only after Martin takes off running and the police dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see where he went that Zimmerman gets out of his vehicle and tries to keep him in sight. Zimmerman is in the process of going back to his SUV when suddenly Martin appears out of the dark to confront him. I can almost guarantee you that if Zimmerman had seen Martin coming from a distance then Zimmerman would have turned tail and run back to his vehicle because he WAS a pussy! Trayvon Martin isn't the little "child" that you try to represent him as...he's a tall, muscular individual...hardly the type of person that a cream puff like Zimmerman wants to have a fight with.
So your reply to my questioning how it was that Trayvon Martin got HIS money to buy pot is to relate that your brother got it by stealing? That's my entire point, you buffoon! Martin was either stealing to finance his highs or he was selling drugs to finance his highs or a combination of the two.

no, im saying pot wasn't expensive enough where it was that big of a deal. I mean, I know you want this kid to be Al Capone or some shit, but he kind of sounds like a typical teenager.

So if Martin is like your brother...a thief...which judging from what the School Police found in Trayvon's backpack is a fair assumption...then it puts George Zimmerman's description of him as walking aimlessly and looking in people's windows in a whole different light. He's no longer the innocent "child" on his way back from the store with candy...he's actually the troubled young man who was only in Sanford that night because he'd been suspended from school after being caught with stolen goods.

Or he's just the victim of a racist asshole who got his ass beat by a teenager.

But, shit, what sad times we live in when white people can't shoot black children with impunity.

What does an ounce of pot cost where you live, Joey? Saying it's inexpensive is laughably inaccurate. Pot is expensive. It's why if you don't have a job there are pretty much only two ways to get it. You either steal or you sell enough to pay for yours. Judging from the social media interplay between "No Limit Nigga" and his little buddies I'd say that Trayvon was doing both.
Why is it that Trayvon Martin qualifies as the "victim" in this, Joey? Yes, he was the one who was shot and died but since he was the one who instigated the violence by leaving the safety of the townhouse he was staying in to walk back, accost, knock to the ground and climb on top of and beat a man who was doing nothing more than trying to follow him at a distance to let the Police know what he was doing.

Or he was a guy who was looking to rape a young boy and he wasn't about to lead that freak back to his house. If Zimmerman had said, "Neighborhood watch. The Police are on their way!" and Trayvon still started whaling on him, then Trayvon would have been totally in the wrong. Zimmerman didn't do that for some reason. He was just out to shoot him a negro that night.

You vilified George Zimmerman completely. Yet when someone points out that Trayvon Martin was no accuse that person of being a racist and blaming the victim.

exactly my point. When a woman is raped, we don't enter evidence that she slept around as evidence she was asking for it, but we do let it be known that the rapist had raped other women.

Point was, between Zimmerman and Martin, only Zimmerman had a criminal record. And he was still able to buy a gun and gun down a child with it.

He has no convictions on his record, same as Martin.
Bottom line, have to keep going back to the same false narrative...that George Zimmerman was a racist gun paint him as the "bad guy" when the facts don't support that at all.
Bottom line, have to keep going back to the same false narrative...that George Zimmerman was a racist gun paint him as the "bad guy" when the facts don't support that at all.

He says the same old BS! Over and over. The problem is that saying it over and over isn't going to change the facts. NO ONE, the city, the state or the federal government could find anything to convict to Zimmerman, so all joe can do is cry and cry but it means nothing, doesn't change the facts.
WOW, I'm feeling much safer...

On April 4, 23 year-old Richard Poplawski shot and killed three police officers who were responding to a 911 call at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Poplawski, wearing a bulletproof vest and armed with a shotgun and an AK-47-style assault rifle, ambushed two officers who entered his house. He then managed to hold off police and SWAT team members who responded to the scene for four hours, firing approximately 100 rounds in the process. Poplawski has been charged with three counts of criminal homicide and nine counts of attempted homicide, including the wounding of a policeman who was trying to assist a fallen officer.

Poplawski is a White Supremacist with a long and disturbing history of violent behavior. He frequently visited, and posted messages at, the Neo-Nazi website Poplawski €™s best friend, Edward Perkovic, stated that he €œdidn’t like the Zionists controlling the media and controlling, you know, our freedom of speech. € On November 1, 2008, Poplawski wrote on Stormfront: €œA revolutionary is always regarded as a nutcase at first, their ideas dismissed as fantasy … If a total collapse is what it takes to wake our brethren and guarantee future generations of white children walk this continent, if that is what it takes to restore our freedoms and recapture our land: let it begin this very second and not a moment later. €

Perkovic also reported that Poplawski possessed a permit to carry a concealed handgun in the state of Pennsylvania. “I’ve seen it. He showed it to me. He said, ‘Eddie, get one of these,’” remembers Perkovic. Poplawski also posted on the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners website under the username €œRWhiteman € and in one thread complained that the state of Maryland did not recognize his concealed carry permit when he traveled there.
Oh, wait. BONUS...

On November 5, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a licensed Army psychiatrist, walked into the Soldier Readiness Processing Center on Fort Hood military base in Killeen, Texas. After yelling €œAllahu akbar, € Hasan, 39, opened fired with a FN Herstal Five-seveN semiautomatic handgun, killing 13 people (12 of them Soldiers) and wounding 34 others before he was shot by military police. Hasan sustained multiple injuries but survived. He will face 13 charges of premeditated murder in a military court. The shooting ranks as the nation’s worst ever on a military installation.

Hasan had openly opposed America €™s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and espoused extremist Islamic views. He was being monitored by the FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force because of emails he had exchanged with the radical imam Anwar al-Awlaki. The FBI was also investigating whether he was behind violent anti-American comments left on a website under the screen name of “NidalHasan.” On two separate occasions, officials from Walter Reed and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences met and expressed concern about Hasan’s behavior, which fellow students and faculty had described as “disconnected, aloof, paranoid, belligerent and schizoid.”

In March 1996, Hasan obtained a concealed handgun permit in Roanoke County, Virginia, where he lived at the time. The permit was renewed in February 1998. The application for his original permit can be viewed here.

Was his CCW ever renewed after 1998???
Gee, do you suppose there was a reason WHY they didn't renew his CCW?
Gee, can you show us how many criminal convictions that George Zimmerman had on his record?
There is a lot of innuendo about the criminal thug Martin too, but show us all what Zimmerman has been convicted of.

Trayvon didn't shoot anyone.

Martin committed an assault and battery against Zimmerman. Zimmerman defended himself LEGALLY and MORALLY against a vicious beating. from Martin.
IF Martin didn't attack and viciously beat Zimmerman, Martin wouldn't have died that night.
Zimmerman committed NO crimes that night.
WOW, I'm feeling much safer...

On April 4, 23 year-old Richard Poplawski shot and killed three police officers who were responding to a 911 call at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Poplawski, wearing a bulletproof vest and armed with a shotgun and an AK-47-style assault rifle, ambushed two officers who entered his house. He then managed to hold off police and SWAT team members who responded to the scene for four hours, firing approximately 100 rounds in the process. Poplawski has been charged with three counts of criminal homicide and nine counts of attempted homicide, including the wounding of a policeman who was trying to assist a fallen officer.

Poplawski is a White Supremacist with a long and disturbing history of violent behavior. He frequently visited, and posted messages at, the Neo-Nazi website Poplawski €™s best friend, Edward Perkovic, stated that he €œdidn’t like the Zionists controlling the media and controlling, you know, our freedom of speech. € On November 1, 2008, Poplawski wrote on Stormfront: €œA revolutionary is always regarded as a nutcase at first, their ideas dismissed as fantasy … If a total collapse is what it takes to wake our brethren and guarantee future generations of white children walk this continent, if that is what it takes to restore our freedoms and recapture our land: let it begin this very second and not a moment later. €

Perkovic also reported that Poplawski possessed a permit to carry a concealed handgun in the state of Pennsylvania. “I’ve seen it. He showed it to me. He said, ‘Eddie, get one of these,’” remembers Perkovic. Poplawski also posted on the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners website under the username €œRWhiteman € and in one thread complained that the state of Maryland did not recognize his concealed carry permit when he traveled there.

So far, you have posted two freaks, outta 10 to 15 MILLION people in the US that have CCW's.
How many criminals have MURDERED citizens with ILLEGAL guns????
Freaks like THOSE, have NOTHING to do with Zimmerman and his LEGAL use of a CCW to defend himself against a vicious beating at the hands of a criminal, that most likely could of killed Zimmerman, were Zimmerman unarmed.
How can you use the excuse that you hit someone because they were "stalking" you when it's YOU that had to walk back several hundred yards to confront them?

It's several hundred yards, now? That fish keeps getting bigger with each telling.

What does an ounce of pot cost where you live, Joey? Saying it's inexpensive is laughably inaccurate. Pot is expensive. It's why if you don't have a job there are pretty much only two ways to get it. You either steal or you sell enough to pay for yours. Judging from the social media interplay between "No Limit Nigga" and his little buddies I'd say that Trayvon was doing both.

I wouldn't know. I don't think it's that much. little old ladies can buy it for their glaucoma.

But man, dude, I think you are starting to sound like one of those anti-drug PSA's... just a little unhinged...

You yourself have characterized George Zimmerman as a pussy. His martial arts instructor characterized him the same way. Yet you think he WANTED a confrontation with Martin? He could have had that back when Martin circled his SUV closer to the front gate yet Zimmerman stayed inside of his vehicle and as he describes what Martin is doing he sounds scared. It's only after Martin takes off running and the police dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see where he went that Zimmerman gets out of his vehicle and tries to keep him in sight.

All of which Trayvon doesn't know. He just knows some creepy guy he doesnt' know followed him in a car and then on foot.
So far, you have posted two freaks, outta 10 to 15 MILLION people in the US that have CCW's.
How many criminals have MURDERED citizens with ILLEGAL guns????
Freaks like THOSE, have NOTHING to do with Zimmerman and his LEGAL use of a CCW to defend himself against a vicious beating at the hands of a criminal, that most likely could of killed Zimmerman, were Zimmerman unarmed.

Your point was that CCA holders are rigorously checked to make sure they are truly deserving to have a gun.

But... meh... not so much.
How can you use the excuse that you hit someone because they were "stalking" you when it's YOU that had to walk back several hundred yards to confront them?

It's several hundred yards, now? That fish keeps getting bigger with each telling.

What does an ounce of pot cost where you live, Joey? Saying it's inexpensive is laughably inaccurate. Pot is expensive. It's why if you don't have a job there are pretty much only two ways to get it. You either steal or you sell enough to pay for yours. Judging from the social media interplay between "No Limit Nigga" and his little buddies I'd say that Trayvon was doing both.

I wouldn't know. I don't think it's that much. little old ladies can buy it for their glaucoma.

But man, dude, I think you are starting to sound like one of those anti-drug PSA's... just a little unhinged...

You yourself have characterized George Zimmerman as a pussy. His martial arts instructor characterized him the same way. Yet you think he WANTED a confrontation with Martin? He could have had that back when Martin circled his SUV closer to the front gate yet Zimmerman stayed inside of his vehicle and as he describes what Martin is doing he sounds scared. It's only after Martin takes off running and the police dispatcher asks if Zimmerman can see where he went that Zimmerman gets out of his vehicle and tries to keep him in sight.

All of which Trayvon doesn't know. He just knows some creepy guy he doesnt' know followed him in a car and then on foot.

Martin stalked Zimmerman when he circled Zimmerman's truck with Zimmmerman inside.
THEN Martin doubled back, stalking Zimmerman AGAIN.
Martin attacked Zimmerman and viciously beat Zimmerman, forcing Zimmerman to defend himself against the vicious beating.
Martin is responsible for his own death.
Lesson learned: don't attack a citizen who is lawfully armed, it could be the death of you.
So far, you have posted two freaks, outta 10 to 15 MILLION people in the US that have CCW's.
How many criminals have MURDERED citizens with ILLEGAL guns????
Freaks like THOSE, have NOTHING to do with Zimmerman and his LEGAL use of a CCW to defend himself against a vicious beating at the hands of a criminal, that most likely could of killed Zimmerman, were Zimmerman unarmed.

Your point was that CCA holders are rigorously checked to make sure they are truly deserving to have a gun.

But... meh... not so much.

CCW holders ARE "rigorously checked", two outta 10 to 15 MILLION CCW holders turned out to be freaks.
That makes it less .0000002% of people that posses a CCW MIGHT have gotten their CCW illegally.
How many of them USED their CCW to cause the killings?
............ Or could they have done their killing WITHOUT their CCW?
You're STILL pissin' in the wind!!
He has no convictions on his record, same as Martin.

Exactly. so when considering the fact that ONE of them is dead and the OTHER was holding the gun, you should probably look at the one holding the gun like he committed, you know, a possible homicide.

THAT (looking at the one with the gun like he committed a homicide) is the way the police look at it as they are making their investigation.
The police let the facts and the evidence "prove" that it was self-defense.
Zimmerman was questioned at the Sanford police station for 5 hours while the other police were at the crime scene.
You are not particularly smart, are you
He has no convictions on his record, same as Martin.

Exactly. so when considering the fact that ONE of them is dead and the OTHER was holding the gun, you should probably look at the one holding the gun like he committed, you know, a possible homicide.

You said that Zimmerman had a criminal record, a flat out lie, now you which directions, that is all you do, get caught lying, you jump to another lie.

That is why you are careful on how you quote people, to disguise the accountability.

Now with your next smokescreen, it wasn't a possible homicide. Martin was on top of Zimmerman, beating him, that was confirmed. So no, it was not a possible homicide.

All you have is games, and that doesn't change any of the facts.
Martin stalked Zimmerman when he circled Zimmerman's truck with Zimmmerman inside.
THEN Martin doubled back, stalking Zimmerman AGAIN.
Martin attacked Zimmerman and viciously beat Zimmerman, forcing Zimmerman to defend himself against the vicious beating.
Martin is responsible for his own death.
Lesson learned: don't attack a citizen who is lawfully armed, it could be the death of you.

Lesson learned- Don't be black around crazy gun nuts- they might shoot you.

Not to worry, your boy Zimmerman will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.
You said that Zimmerman had a criminal record, a flat out lie, now you which directions, that is all you do, get caught lying, you jump to another lie.

That is why you are careful on how you quote people, to disguise the accountability.

Now with your next smokescreen, it wasn't a possible homicide. Martin was on top of Zimmerman, beating him, that was confirmed. So no, it was not a possible homicide.

All you have is games, and that doesn't change any of the facts.

Guy, your boy murdered a kid. SInce then, he's been arrested multiple times for aggravated douchebaggery. You all own him, until he kills someone else.
You said that Zimmerman had a criminal record, a flat out lie, now you which directions, that is all you do, get caught lying, you jump to another lie.

That is why you are careful on how you quote people, to disguise the accountability.

Now with your next smokescreen, it wasn't a possible homicide. Martin was on top of Zimmerman, beating him, that was confirmed. So no, it was not a possible homicide.

All you have is games, and that doesn't change any of the facts.

Guy, your boy murdered a kid. SInce then, he's been arrested multiple times for aggravated douchebaggery. You all own him, until he kills someone else.

First off, he isn't my boy, he is not related to me, one lie. Zimmerman murdered no one as he was acquitted, second lie. I don't own him, he is a free man slavery ended in the 1800's and I am not responsible for him or your actions. Third lie.

THREE LIES IN ONE POST are you capable of being truthful. You said Zimmerman had a criminal record, another lie.

And as I predicted, you get caught and you set up the next smokescreen. You are pretty dishonest.
First off, he isn't my boy, he is not related to me, one lie. Zimmerman murdered no one as he was acquitted, second lie. I don't own him, he is a free man slavery ended in the 1800's and I am not responsible for him or your actions. Third lie.

THREE LIES IN ONE POST are you capable of being truthful. You said Zimmerman had a criminal record, another lie.

And as I predicted, you get caught and you set up the next smokescreen. You are pretty dishonest.

So in addition to be a racist gun nut, you don't understand the concept of metaphor.

Got it.
First off, he isn't my boy, he is not related to me, one lie. Zimmerman murdered no one as he was acquitted, second lie. I don't own him, he is a free man slavery ended in the 1800's and I am not responsible for him or your actions. Third lie.

THREE LIES IN ONE POST are you capable of being truthful. You said Zimmerman had a criminal record, another lie.

And as I predicted, you get caught and you set up the next smokescreen. You are pretty dishonest.

So in addition to be a racist gun nut, you don't understand the concept of metaphor.

Got it.

I'm not racist, another lie, and I don't own a gun, and will never own one, so another lie.

I understand you are trying to use emotion to take the place of facts.

More lies from Joe.

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