Anouncement Settlers Prepare To Raid Ramallah village


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Witness: Settlers prepare to raid Ramallah village Jewish settlers march to the evacuated settlement of Homesh near*Jenin with the intent of resettling it March 26, 2007. (MaanImages/File)RAMALLAH (Ma’an) – A group of extremist settlers gathered early Sunday near the central West Bank village of al-Janiya in northwest Ramallah preparing to storm the village, locals told Ma’an.A witness said in a phone call that dozens of settlers escorted by Israeli troops and police officers gathered at the main entrance to the village, while local young men closed the road with rocks trying to prevent the attack.*Activists in the village used mosque loudspeakers to urge residents to defend their village.*The same source highlighted that Israeli forces fired stun grenades, tear-gas canisters and rubber-coated bullets at the young Palestinians to scare them into evacuating the village’s entrance. Several were hurt by tear gas.*
It looks like we are returning to the days of ethnic cleansing closer to the style it was in fashion back in 1947.
2011*Yusef Fakhri Musa Ekhlil He was a 15 year-old resident of Beit Ummar, Hebron district, killed on 28.01.2011 next to Safa, Hebron district, by live ammunition. He was killed on land of the village Safa by a settler who shot him after settlers came onto the village land and Palestinians threw stones at them.'Udai Maher Hamzah Kadus He was an 18 year-old resident of 'Iraq Burin, Nablus district, killed on 27.01.2011 in 'Iraq Burin, Nablus district, by live ammunition. HE was killed by a settler's gunfire at the edge of the village after he apparently threw stones at the shooter.
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2010*Samer Mahmoud Ahmad Sarhan 39 year-old resident of Silwan, East Jerusalem district, killed on 22.09.2010 in Silwan, East Jerusalem district, by live ammunition. HE was Killed by a security guard in Silwan, East Jerusalem. Aysar Yasser Fawaz Zarraqah 15 year-old resident of al-Mazra'a a-Sharqiya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 13.05.2010 next to al-Mazra'a a-Sharqiya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by live ammunition. A settler shot him after he threw stones at the settler's car, which was travelling on Route 60.
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2008*Rashad 'Ali Ahmad Khater 20 year-old resident of 'Ein Siniya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 09.05.2008 next to 'Ein Siniya, Ramallah and al-Bira district. He was Killed when with friends hunting birds in the wadi between the villages 'Ein Yabrud, Dura al-Qra, and 'Ein Sinia.Muhammad Saleh Saber Shreitah 18 year-old resident of al-Mazra'a al-Qibliya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 03.03.2008 next to Talmon, Ramallah and al-Bira district. He was Killed while throwing stones at a buys in a demonstration of youths. Mahmoud Khalil 'Abd al-Fatah Sabarneh 20 year-old resident of Beit Ummar, Hebron district, killed on 24.01.2008 in Kfar Ezyon, Bethlehem district. HE was Killed by gunfire of teachers in a yeshiva after he entered the yeshiva area with another armed person and stabbed the instructors. Muhammad Fathi Yunes Sabarneh 21 year-old resident of Beit Ummar, Hebron district, killed on 24.01.2008 in Kfar Ezyon, Bethlehem district. He was Killed by gunfire of teachers in a yeshiva after he entered the yeshiva area with another armed person and stabbed the instructors.
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2005*Osamah Mussa Ahmad 'Odeh Tawafshah33 year-old resident of Sinjil, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 17.08.2005 next to Shilo, Ramallah and al-Bira district. Additional information: Killed in a shooting attack in the factory where he worked.Khalil Muhammad Ra'uf Saleh Wleiwel 40 year-old resident of Qalqiliya, killed on 17.08.2005 next to Shilo, Ramallah and al-Bira district. HE was Killed in a shooting attack in the factory where he worked. Bassam Mussa Ahmad 'Odeh Tawafshah 26 year-old resident of Sinjil, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 17.08.2005 next to Shilo, Ramallah and al-Bira district. He was killed in a shooting attack in the factory where he worked. Ahmad 'Ali Hassan Mansur 52 year-old resident of Kafr Qalil, Nablus district, killed on 17.08.2005 next to Shilo, Ramallah and al-Bira district. He was Killed in a shooting attack in the factory where he worked. Mahyoub Ahmad Nemer 'Asi 15 year-old resident of Beit Liqya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 08.07.2005 near the Separation Barrier in the area of Beit Liqya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by live ammunition. HE WAS Killed by a Separation Barrier security guard, while he was in the family plot, about 200 meters away from a bulldozer parking lot. Alaa' Muhammad 'Abd a-Rahman Khalil 14 year-old resident of Bitunya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 15.02.2005 near the Separation Barrier in the area of Bitunya, Ramallah and al-Bira district. HE was Killed while throwing stones at an Israeli vehicle driven by private security guards the Separation Barrier.
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2004*Salman Yusef Salman a-Safdi 17 year-old resident of 'Urif, Nablus district, killed on 26.10.2004 next to Yizhar, Nablus district. He was Killed by a settler after he penetrated his house. He was not armed. Sa'il Mustafa Ahmad Jabarah 46 year-old resident of Salem, Nablus district, killed on 27.09.2004 next to Salem, Nablus district. HE WAS Killed while driving his taxi, by a settler who wanted him to stop.
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2003*Azher Ghassan Hanani18 year-old resident of Beit Furik, Nablus district, killed on 30.04.2003 next to Alon Shvut, Bethlehem district. HE was killed by a settler gunfire after trying to infiltrate the settlement when armed. Rayiq Ma'sud Daraghmeh 35 year-old resident of Tayasir, Tubas district, killed on 30.04.2003 next to Peza'el, Jericho district. HE was Killed by the settlement security officer after he went into a field to relieve himself. Mahmoud Amin Hanani 21 year-old resident of Beit Furik, Nablus district, killed on 30.04.2003 next to Alon Shvut, Bethlehem district. He was Killed by settler gunfire while attempting to attack the settlement. Ahmad 'Abd a-Rahman Subah 24 year-old resident of Budrus, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 25.01.2003 next to Budrus, Ramallah and al-Bira district. He was Killed when he went into a field to relieve himself. Tareq Abu Snineh23 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 17.01.2003 in Hebron. He was Killed by settler gunfire after he fired at Nethaniel Ozeri, near Hebron.Hazam 'Adnan Fanun27 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 12.01.2003 next to Hebron. He was Killed when guards returned fire at an unknown source.
Witness: Settlers prepare to raid Ramallah village Jewish settlers march to the evacuated settlement of Homesh near*Jenin with the intent of resettling it March 26, 2007. (MaanImages/File)RAMALLAH (Ma’an) – A group of extremist settlers gathered early Sunday near the central West Bank village of al-Janiya in northwest Ramallah preparing to storm the village, locals told Ma’an.A witness said in a phone call that dozens of settlers escorted by Israeli troops and police officers gathered at the main entrance to the village, while local young men closed the road with rocks trying to prevent the attack.*Activists in the village used mosque loudspeakers to urge residents to defend their village.*The same source highlighted that Israeli forces fired stun grenades, tear-gas canisters and rubber-coated bullets at the young Palestinians to scare them into evacuating the village’s entrance. Several were hurt by tear gas.* Witness: Settlers prepare to raid Ramallah village | Maan News Agency

Do you believe in bible prophecy, Sherri? If you do I am wondering if you recognize any signs of Obadiah prophecy at the door right now? With the alignment of the trouble in Syria, Egypt, Libya, Jordan and these palestinian people - it looks like this could be it!

The description of the destruction of these nations is clearly outlined in Chapter 17 of Isaiah - starting with Damascus becoming a heap of ruins. These nations all have to be taken out of the way - including your famous palestinian people ( also prophecied to be removed ) BEFORE Ezekiel 37,38,39 can happen. ( nations not mentioned - Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia..... people no longer mentioned after Obadiah - palestinians who are currently troubling Israelis.

Need evidence? Look at the nations listed in Ezekiel who invade Israel and you'll notice Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia - palestinian people are no where to be found in the list of nations - people who war against Israel in battle of Ezekiel. Why? Those nations were already destroyed by nuclear fire.

Why do you think Ezekiel prophesied about a Russian led islamic army that marches against an unwalled Israel? Because the Israelis no longer needed the wall. All their neighbors were either dead or had fled to furthest side of globe to get away from nuclear fallout which contaminates their land thoroughly. Med Sea is at Israels back and the wind is blowing away from her. She obviously prevails against her enemies in Obadiah prophecy before she prevails against them in the prophecy of Ezekiel.

As you know, Sherri, the outline of Obadiah prophecy is located in Isaiah 17 and the psalm for the Jews which predicts Obadiah is Psalm 83.

As a bible scholar you may have thought that Ezekiel was the next war for Israel - many of you bible scholars do - but none of you could ever explain why that wall was down when the war of Ezekiel began. Now you know why. You missed the war the preceded it. It looks to me like that war is on the horizon now.
JEREMIAH, I am not a Christian Zionist, I am a follower of Jesus. YOU can keep your Satanic beliefs to yourself. I reject them. Sherri
JEREMIAH, I am not a Christian Zionist, I am a follower of Jesus. YOU can keep your Satanic beliefs to yourself. I reject them. Sherri
Confusing to say the least. Hates Zionists but professes to follow Jesus, the ultimate Zionist. That's like a drunk preaching preaching against and hating alcohol. 'Splain yourself.
Maybe this is why Israeli citizens are exempt form "civilian" status by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Maybe this is why Israeli citizens are exempt form "civilian" status by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

They aren't and you're mistaken. (And NO, that doesn't make what these settlers are allegedly doing anything but wrong: their individual wrong acts do not invalidate the civilian status of other Israelis who are not attacking anyone)
Maybe this is why Israeli citizens are exempt form "civilian" status by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

They aren't and you're mistaken. (And NO, that doesn't make what these settlers are allegedly doing anything but wrong: their individual wrong acts do not invalidate the civilian status of other Israelis who are not attacking anyone)

You are mistaken. Probably because you were misinformed.

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