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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

Why Does Everybody Always Cry Police Brutality?​

Because of stuff like this:

Police Chief Fired After Racist Recording Leaks: ‘I Shot That N****r 119 Times’

Think there's already a thread started on this by B. Poindexter.
Its bad that there are people in law enforcement who have that mind, but its also a good thing that THAT behavior is unacceptable. Notice he is being fired. 50 years ago or so it would have been more aceptable
Racism never went away but it is mostly disliked by people with rational minds and any kind of a heart.
Sadly IMO, the cure for racism that progressives offer America have made it worse and recruited more people to be racist, but for the most part it has.. or had been on a downturn in society.
Think there's already a thread started on this by B. Poindexter.
Its bad that there are people in law enforcement who have that mind, but its also a good thing that THAT behavior is unacceptable. Notice he is being fired. 50 years ago or so it would have been more aceptable
Racism never went away but it is mostly disliked by people with rational minds and any kind of a heart.
Sadly IMO, the cure for racism that progressives offer America have made it worse and recruited more people to be racist, but for the most part it has.. or had been on a downturn in society.

The fact he was hired in the first place is a problem. Stop trying to tell me how much better things are. 50 years ago white police were bragging about killing blacks just like this guy. How many more exist like this who still have jobs, because the number is not small.

Unfortunately you right wingers resist making the changes needed to stop racism. This is not about what progtressives have done. This is about you regressives whining because the racist whites are being held to account. People aren't recruited to be racists because of policies trying to end racism. People arre racists because thats what they want to be.
"Stop trying to tell me"

seems to be a common theme here. yet your posting on a message board why? The whole purpose I thought was for conversation... sharing ideas... sometimes those of which are going to be opposite of your own, yet you want to attack people for having a different view... and basically I guess what you really want is to have a one sided conversation where you just tell people. there is no conversation.
"Stop trying to tell me"

seems to be a common theme here. yet your posting on a message board why? The whole purpose I thought was for conversation... sharing ideas... sometimes those of which are going to be opposite of your own, yet you want to attack people for having a different view... and basically I guess what you really want is to have a one sided conversation where you just tell people. there is no conversation.
I'm fine with conversation but I'm tired of white conservatives always trying to tell me how much better things are. Nothing is better as long as racism exists. I'm sure you don't tell a woman how since there are fewer rapes times are so much better now than they used to be. So how about discussing the problem of racism in law enforcement now, in the year 2022?
I'm fine with conversation but I'm tired of white conservatives always trying to tell me how much better things are. Nothing is better as long as racism exists. I'm sure you don't tell a woman how since there are fewer rapes times are so much better now than they used to be. So how about discussing the problem of racism in law enforcement now, in the year 2022?

white conservatives? oh you're tired of those, but Black asian and hispanic conservatives can tell you similar things.

Nothing is better as long as racism exists? the thing is.. racism will always exist somewhere, we can only try to make it better and unite people. Not drive them apart, to hate each other. Just like you dont like what I had to say... then tell me you don't like WHITE conservatives. The world is a whole lot bigger than that.

Secondly, yes it is the progressive policies we have seen that recruit imbeciles to react and be racist. It's their damn policy and manipulation of society that had people rioting, burning and looting, beating people up.. getting out of jail without bail to commit more crimes.... it's their policies that have kept minorities poor and in failing school systems.. reinforcing stereotypes held by racists.
then one of the by products of all this is retaliation back and forth which also reinforces racists views.

The key is helping minorities long with other poor Americans out of the cycle of poverty.. which is what Trump was trying to do. Libs could only focus on his "mean tweets" however
"Stop trying to tell me"

seems to be a common theme here. yet your posting on a message board why? The whole purpose I thought was for conversation... sharing ideas... sometimes those of which are going to be opposite of your own, yet you want to attack people for having a different view... and basically I guess what you really want is to have a one sided conversation where you just tell people. there is no conversation.

He rants. There is zero interest in discussion. FYI. :(
white conservatives? oh you're tired of those, but Black asian and hispanic conservatives can tell you similar things.

Nothing is better as long as racism exists? the thing is.. racism will always exist somewhere, we can only try to make it better and unite people. Not drive them apart, to hate each other. Just like you dont like what I had to say... then tell me you don't like WHITE conservatives. The world is a whole lot bigger than that.

Secondly, yes it is the progressive policies we have seen that recruit imbeciles to react and be racist. It's their damn policy and manipulation of society that had people rioting, burning and looting, beating people up.. getting out of jail without bail to commit more crimes.... it's their policies that have kept minorities poor and in failing school systems.. reinforcing stereotypes held by racists.
then one of the by products of all this is retaliation back and forth which also reinforces racists views.

The key is helping minorities long with other poor Americans out of the cycle of poverty.. which is what Trump was trying to do. Libs could only focus on his "mean tweets" however
Black and Asian conservatives aren't the ones telling me all the tie about how happy I should be for the improvements, Racism can be made to be irrelevant. I finfd it ironic that the only people always quick to talk about how there will always be racism are right wing whites. It's like you're giving yourself an excuse to do nothing to fix things. Trump wasn't trying to help anyone out of poverty.

What has happened has been the resistance of racists to enforce equal opportunity policies that have been the problem ans thinking that giving the people who resist the policies authority is just going to make things worse. You guys on the right have lied to yourselves long enough about this. Stop blaming progressives because white right wingers have fought against equal opportunity since the 60's.
He rants. There is zero interest in discussion. FYI. :(
I think I explained myself. I don't want to keep being told to be happy for improvements when I keep seeing stories like the OP. And you, among others are the ones who don't want conversation. The majority of your responses to me are either trolling, or off topic personal attacks.

Like the quote.
I think I explained myself. I don't want to keep being told to be happy for improvements when I keep seeing stories like the OP. And you, among others are the ones who don't want conversation. The majority of your responses to me are either trolling, or off topic personal attacks.

Like the quote.

"Stop trying to tell me"

seems to be a common theme here. yet your posting on a message board why? The whole purpose I thought was for conversation... sharing ideas... sometimes those of which are going to be opposite of your own, yet you want to attack people for having a different view... and basically I guess what you really want is to have a one sided conversation where you just tell people. there is no conversation.
Aimed at IM2, because it fits so well with his nonstop bullshit.

People don't want to hear your opinion, they want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth~Kevin Sorbo.
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I'm fine with conversation but I'm tired of white conservatives always trying to tell me how much better things are. Nothing is better as long as racism exists. I'm sure you don't tell a woman how since there are fewer rapes times are so much better now than they used to be. So how about discussing the problem of racism in law enforcement now, in the year 2022?
you know black cops kill blacks much more then whites, right?
the party im2 votes for divides more then anyone. 24/7. 365. on every msm channel.

Why Does Everybody Always Cry Police Brutality?​

Because of stuff like this:

Police Chief Fired After Racist Recording Leaks: ‘I Shot That N****r 119 Times’

Just another cherry pick by IM2 using one racist individual to smear all police as sytemically racist. Why do you even try this? it's so transparent. Have you ever considered engaging in a discussion instead of posting ridiculous lectures on Race or cherry picks like this?

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