Antarctic Ice Breaks All Records

Extent of Antarctic sea ice reaches record levels scientists say - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Scientists say the extent of Antarctic sea ice cover is at its highest level since records began.
Satellite imagery reveals an area of about 20 million square kilometres covered by sea ice around the Antarctic continent.
Jan Lieser from the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) said the discovery was made two days ago.
"This is an area covered by sea ice which we've never seen from space before," he said.

Will the warming cult finally admit they were lying all along?
Your link:
"As the area covered in sea ice expands scientists have said the ice on the continent of Antarctica which is not over the ocean continues to deplete.

"CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC, Tony Worby, said the warming atmosphere is leading to greater sea ice coverage by changing wind patterns."
Perhaps the melting land ice of Antarctica fuels the widening expanse of sea ice around the continent?
Extent of Antarctic sea ice reaches record levels scientists say - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Here is the latest NSIDC graphic of Arctic extents


There is no indication here of a rebound. The trend is still negative.

In the Antarctic, sea ice set a new record of 19.76 million square kilometers (BTW, Billy Bob, the abbreviation for kilometer is km, not KL). That broke the 2013 record of 19.51 million km^2 which broke the 2012 record of 19.48 million km^2. You made a statement just above here referring to a "35% increase in ice". I don't know what increase you're talking about. The increase from the 2012 maximum to the 2013 maximum was a 0.154%. The increase from 2013 to 2014 was 1.28%. Here is a graphic showing that dramatic rise:


Here is a brief discussion from the Washington Post (not one of my regular sources, buut they'll do for this:

Washington Post said:
Why is Antarctic sea ice setting record highs in a warming world?

The behavior of Antarctic sea ice is a bit of an enigma. As I wrote last year, when Antarctic sea ice set a record high, scientists have developed numerous theories for why the ice is growing – but its dynamics remain poorly understood. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change weighed in on this complicated matter in its assessment published earlier this year:

For Antarctic sea ice extent, the shortness of the observed record and differences in simulated and observed variability preclude an assessment of whether or not the observed increase since 1979 is inconsistent with internal variability. Untangling the processes involved with trends and variability in Antarctica and surrounding waters remains complex and several studies are contradictory. In conclusion there is low confidence in the scientific understanding of the observed increase in Antarctic sea ice extent since 1979…

This lack of understanding notwithstanding, increasing Antarctic sea ice does not in any way disprove global warming. Despite the increase in winter sea ice in the Antarctic, the water in the Southern Ocean is warming while satellite measurements have shown that the Antarctic continent is – on balance – losing ice.

Whereas there is an apparent straight forward relationship between rising temperatures and loss of ice during the summer in the Arctic; warming temperatures in the Antarctic in winter (when background temperatures are really cold) simply do not have the same effect.

Data from the relatively newly-launched Cryosat satellite shows that the Antarctic continent is currently losing ice at the rate of 159 billion tons per year. That rate is up from the 2005-2010 average of roughly 100 billion tons per year. And, as we have all heard, the WAIS has been irrevocably destabilized and is in the process of crumbling into the sea. So, whatever the actual cause of the increasing Antarctic sea ice (personally, I favor accelerated glacial flow but...) it is NOT from cooling waters (the Southern Ocean is warming), it is NOT from cooling air (average air temps over Antarctica are climbing) and it is NOT representative of an overall increase in ice at the South Pole.

I think this is the thread which you accused a 'denier' of having his eyes closed. I am accusing you of looking wherever you are told to look, and ignoring the last place that you were told to look. Mutually exclusive claims cannot be chained together to make a logical argument. There is 'proof' going in both directions, especially in the Antarctic, and you just point to whatever is convenient at the time.

You also just accept whatever wild and exaggerated conclusions are drawn from the thin evidence presented in these contradictory papers. I wish you had the honesty and diligence to analyse the huge uncertainties and stop deluding yourself with unreasonable predictions of doom.

Eg. The WAIS could possibly be collapsing. What is not possible is that mankind's CO2 production started the collapse.
If Antarctic ice continues to grow at the present rate, it is estimated that it will connect with the southernmost tip of South America in less than 40 years.

Is that a prediction?

It is an observation...only a dunderhead makes predictions of what a climate that we are yet to understand will do in the future...and only the dumbest of the dumb actually believe the predictions made by dunderheads who don't yet understand the workings of the climate.
I see a whole lot of bull shit.
You must be looking in a mirror.

Wow, burn! I don't know if I'll ever recover from such a witty retort! What are you 10 years old ?

I think you need to review the retorts your fellow deniers are prone to using.
So curious, do you think that those scientists you follow know what is actully happening or are they continuing to investigate?
If they'd stopped investigating, they wouldn't be scientists, now would they. However, they may not be investigating what you would like them to. I doubt they investigate whether or not the Earth is flat. I doubt they investigate whether or not the moon is made of green cheese. I doubt they investigate whether or not human activities are the primary cause of the warming we've experienced over the last 150 years.
Extent of Antarctic sea ice reaches record levels scientists say - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Scientists say the extent of Antarctic sea ice cover is at its highest level since records began.
Satellite imagery reveals an area of about 20 million square kilometres covered by sea ice around the Antarctic continent.
Jan Lieser from the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) said the discovery was made two days ago.
"This is an area covered by sea ice which we've never seen from space before," he said.

Will the warming cult finally admit they were lying all along?
Your link:
"As the area covered in sea ice expands scientists have said the ice on the continent of Antarctica which is not over the ocean continues to deplete.

"CEO of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC, Tony Worby, said the warming atmosphere is leading to greater sea ice coverage by changing wind patterns."
Perhaps the melting land ice of Antarctica fuels the widening expanse of sea ice around the continent?
Extent of Antarctic sea ice reaches record levels scientists say - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Yes, the melting of the continental ice does help fuel the expansion of the sea ice by diluting the salinity of the top layer of water and raising the temperature at which it will freeze.

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