Antarctic penguin census shows seabirds are thriving


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
For the first time, researchers have counted all the world’s Adélie penguins—a sprightly seabird considered a bellwether of climate change—and discovered that millions of them are thriving in and around Antarctica.

Rather than declining as feared due to warming temperatures that altered their habitats in some areas, the Adélie population generally is on the rise, the scientists said Thursday.

“What we found surprised everyone,” said ecologist Heather Lynch at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, N.Y., who led the penguin census. “We found a 53% increase in abundance globally.”

Counting the birds by satellite, Dr. Lynch and imaging specialist Michelle LaRue at the University of Minnesota found that the Adélie penguin population now numbers 3.79 million breeding pairs—about 1.1 million more pairs than 20 years ago. In all, they identified 251 penguin colonies and surveyed 41 of them for the first time, including 17 apparently new colonies.

The researchers found eight abandoned penguin colonies on the Antarctic Peninsula, where regional temperatures have been rising faster in recent decades than across the continent as a whole.

That loss, however, was offset by new colonies that sprouted up elsewhere in Antarctica and by growth in previously known colonies since the last general penguin census was carried out in 1993, the scientists said.

“The gains on the continent more than offset the losses on the peninsula,” Dr. Lynch said. “For now, that is good news.”​

Global warming makes penguins horny! :eek:

Bad news for the AGW cult, though. No huge piles of dead penguins to stand on and preach doom from.
Good news for the Adelie penguins. Bad news for people if it gives anyone the idea that the world isn't getting warmer.
Good news for the Adelie penguins. Bad news for people if it gives anyone the idea that the world isn't getting warmer.

No, the fact that it isn't, gives them that idea all alone. What it does show is that yet again, the CAGW pushers were misinforming the people about what is happening at the poles. When it happens once or twice it can be counted as an error.

When it is a persistent cavalcade of errors, then one can only come to the conclusion that either they are the stupidest, most incompetent "experts" on the planet, or they are lying to push an agenda.
Whole colonies were destroyed by the collapse of ice shelves. It was not unreasonable to conjecture that Adelie populations were threatened.

The Wikipedia article on them, which has had no update as recent as this story, makes not the slightest mention of them being threatened by climate change. Do you know of a reference that does?
Good news for the Adelie penguins. Bad news for people if it gives anyone the idea that the world isn't getting warmer.
Let me cultists predicted this.

Oh, wait -- no, you didn't. Not at all.

Penguins suffering from climate change, scientists say | Environment |

Melting ice puts emperor penguins on a slippery slope - life - 29 June 2014 - New Scientist

Climate Change Threatens Penguins (ActionBioscience)

Emperor penguins in danger of extinction due to climate change : SCIENCE : Tech Times

Once again, reality steadfastly refuses to cooperate with climate "science".
Whole colonies were destroyed by the collapse of ice shelves. It was not unreasonable to conjecture that Adelie populations were threatened.

The Wikipedia article on them, which has had no update as recent as this story, makes not the slightest mention of them being threatened by climate change. Do you know of a reference that does?

I just posted some. :lol:
No, you misrepresented some studies.

Two articles were solely about emperor penguins, two were about all types of penguins. Yet ou're claiming data on Adele Penguins refutes it. You either stink at logic, or you're being deliberately misleading. You need to explain which it is. Feel free to put yourself in both categories, if that's accurate.

So. as usual, deniers have successfully refuted a strawman they constructed. It's a pity deniers can't address reality as successfully. But then, reality always says deniers are retards, so of course they have to avoid it at all costs.
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No, you misrepresented some studies.

Two articles were solely about emperor penguins, two were about all types of penguins. Yet ou're claiming data on Adele Penguins refutes it. You either stink at logic, or you're being deliberately misleading. You need to explain which it is. Feel free to put yourself in both categories, if that's accurate.

So. as usual, deniers have successfully refuted a strawman they constructed. It's a pity deniers can't address reality as successfully. But then, reality always says deniers are retards, so of course they have to avoid it at all costs.

First link:

At Ross Island, scientists spent 13 years collecting data on the foraging ability of chick-rearing Adelie penguins, which are dependent on year-round sea ice. They found that under "normal" conditions they were able to cope with changes in sea ice concentrations.

But the appearance of giant icebergs reduced their chances of catching fish prey. How well they would be able to survive if such conditions became more common was unknown.​

Second link -- about emperors. Mea culpa.

Third link:

Another Antarctic penguin that is being affected by global climate change is the Adélie penguin. Unlike the Emperor penguin, the Adélie does not raise its chicks on sea ice. Instead, it builds a nest out of pebbles on the sparse areas of the Antarctic shoreline that are free of ice and snow.6 On the western Antarctic Peninsula, warmer temperatures allow the air to hold more moisture, and this leads to more snowfall in the region.7 Adélie penguin populations are disappearing rapidly because they cannot find snow-free ground for nesting.8 The loss of winter sea ice in this region is also impacting the Adélie’s food supply negatively.9 As sea ice declines, the more ice-intolerant Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins are expanding southward into Adélie breeding areas in the Antarctic Peninsula, replacing Adélie penguins.10

Both Emperor and Adélie penguins face a bleak future from global climate change. According to a study by Antarctic researchers, a temperature increase of 1.3°C will jeopardize 40% of the world’s Emperor penguins and 70% of the world’s Adélie penguins—largely because of diminishing sea ice.5​

Fourth link:

The colonies living off the coast of the western Indian Ocean and the eastern Weddell Sea will be the hardest hit, while nine other colonies will be "quasi-extinct," according to the researchers. Currently, only the Adélie, chinstrap and king emperor penguins are seeing a population increase, although the Adélie and chinstrap penguins are susceptible to global warming due to their size.​

You're really not very good at this. Perhaps you should just stop.
Good news for the Adelie penguins. Bad news for people if it gives anyone the idea that the world isn't getting warmer.
Let me cultists predicted this.

Oh, wait -- no, you didn't. Not at all.

Penguins suffering from climate change, scientists say | Environment |

Melting ice puts emperor penguins on a slippery slope - life - 29 June 2014 - New Scientist

Climate Change Threatens Penguins (ActionBioscience)

Emperor penguins in danger of extinction due to climate change : SCIENCE : Tech Times

Once again, reality steadfastly refuses to cooperate with climate "science".

These parrots are really piss poor debaters, you know that. They post propaganda that is easily refuted and then, when they challenge you on some assertion that they have made they seem shocked that the tales they tried to disappear are STILL out there!:lol::lol:

Buffoons one and all.
No, you misrepresented some studies.

Two articles were solely about emperor penguins, two were about all types of penguins. Yet ou're claiming data on Adele Penguins refutes it. You either stink at logic, or you're being deliberately misleading. You need to explain which it is. Feel free to put yourself in both categories, if that's accurate.

So. as usual, deniers have successfully refuted a strawman they constructed. It's a pity deniers can't address reality as successfully. But then, reality always says deniers are retards, so of course they have to avoid it at all costs.

Poor, poor admiral... Clutching at straws as usual.... Here you go... Knock yourself out!

I must say though, you are easily the most pathetic of the parrots here... You just can't seem to get anything right.

"Both Jenouvrier and Caswell have previously studied how changes in the concentration of sea ice might affect emperor penguin populations over the next several decades. In 2012, the two scientists and their team published a study in the journal Global Change Biology, which found that the Terre Adélie penguin population could decline by 80 percent by the end of this century. [Happy Feet: A Gallery of Pudgy Penguins]"

"Another Antarctic penguin that is being affected by global climate change is the Adélie penguin. Unlike the Emperor penguin, the Adélie does not raise its chicks on sea ice. Instead, it builds a nest out of pebbles on the sparse areas of the Antarctic shoreline that are free of ice and snow.6 On the western Antarctic Peninsula, warmer temperatures allow the air to hold more moisture, and this leads to more snowfall in the region.7 Adélie penguin populations are disappearing rapidly because they cannot find snow-free ground for nesting.8 The loss of winter sea ice in this region is also impacting the Adélie’s food supply negatively.9 As sea ice declines, the more ice-intolerant Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins are expanding southward into Adélie breeding areas in the Antarctic Peninsula, replacing Adélie penguins.10"

Climate Change Threatens Penguins (ActionBioscience)

2 New Emperor Penguin Colonies Spied in Antarctica 12 Reports/Hodgson Jasmin Penguins & Climate.pdf
For the first time, researchers have counted all the world’s Adélie penguins—a sprightly seabird considered a bellwether of climate change—and discovered that millions of them are thriving in and around Antarctica.

Rather than declining as feared due to warming temperatures that altered their habitats in some areas, the Adélie population generally is on the rise, the scientists said Thursday.

“What we found surprised everyone,” said ecologist Heather Lynch at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, N.Y., who led the penguin census. “We found a 53% increase in abundance globally.”

Counting the birds by satellite, Dr. Lynch and imaging specialist Michelle LaRue at the University of Minnesota found that the Adélie penguin population now numbers 3.79 million breeding pairs—about 1.1 million more pairs than 20 years ago. In all, they identified 251 penguin colonies and surveyed 41 of them for the first time, including 17 apparently new colonies.

The researchers found eight abandoned penguin colonies on the Antarctic Peninsula, where regional temperatures have been rising faster in recent decades than across the continent as a whole.

That loss, however, was offset by new colonies that sprouted up elsewhere in Antarctica and by growth in previously known colonies since the last general penguin census was carried out in 1993, the scientists said.

“The gains on the continent more than offset the losses on the peninsula,” Dr. Lynch said. “For now, that is good news.”​

Global warming makes penguins horny! :eek:

Bad news for the AGW cult, though. No huge piles of dead penguins to stand on and preach doom from.

maybe the scientists should get a boat and visit more often. Oh wait, they'd get iced in getting there and need rescuing. hahahaahahahaahahhaahahaahahaha......................................................
No, you misrepresented some studies.

Two articles were solely about emperor penguins, two were about all types of penguins. Yet ou're claiming data on Adele Penguins refutes it. You either stink at logic, or you're being deliberately misleading. You need to explain which it is. Feel free to put yourself in both categories, if that's accurate.

So. as usual, deniers have successfully refuted a strawman they constructed. It's a pity deniers can't address reality as successfully. But then, reality always says deniers are retards, so of course they have to avoid it at all costs.

Dude, give it up. I and the others here have accepted your concession. I'd say it's time to move on.
Westwall, you just confirmed my point. Are you really unaware of that?

Really? How does

Another Antarctic penguin that is being affected by global climate change is the Adélie penguin

Confirm your point?
Westwall, you just confirmed my point. Are you really unaware of that?

Was your point that AGW cultists predicted a decrease in the Adélie penguin population due to global warming?

Because that's what he just confirmed.

It's absolutely hilarious the way you morons insist reality is wrong. :lol:
Westwall, you just confirmed my point. Are you really unaware of that?

Was your point that AGW cultists predicted a decrease in the Adélie penguin population due to global warming?

Because that's what he just confirmed.

It's absolutely hilarious the way you morons insist reality is wrong. :lol:

My wife is truly amazed at the level of disconnect she see's in these people. In her opinion they are either simple parrots working for some group, or they are mentally deficient.
Westwall, you just confirmed my point. Are you really unaware of that?

Was your point that AGW cultists predicted a decrease in the Adélie penguin population due to global warming?

Because that's what he just confirmed.

It's absolutely hilarious the way you morons insist reality is wrong. :lol:

My wife is truly amazed at the level of disconnect she see's in these people. In her opinion they are either simple parrots working for some group, or they are mentally deficient.

I beleive they are hired and paid to sit on message boards to create havoc. They are just what your wife thinks, parrots. Their lines are far too similar not to have talking material and use. The access to links as well. I refuse to let them merely speak lie after lie. I will reply.
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Westwall, you just confirmed my point. Are you really unaware of that?

Was your point that AGW cultists predicted a decrease in the Adélie penguin population due to global warming?

Because that's what he just confirmed.

It's absolutely hilarious the way you morons insist reality is wrong. :lol:

My wife is truly amazed at the level of disconnect she see's in these people. In her opinion they are either simple parrots working for some group, or they are mentally deficient.
With all due respect to your charming and intelligent wife, the two are not mutually exclusive.

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