Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Pretty cold in Boston. Earth may be warming but there is insufficient evidence how much of that is due to humans. Also even if we do have responsibilities how do you force China and India to go green?
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.
The idea that people that who call themselves conservatives would be against conservation still amazes me.
Toe the Line, Cult, As You Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Why, when people who call themselves Liberals are totally against any kind of liberty?

Today's Conservatives desired freedoms:
freedom to pollute
freedom to use racial slurs
freedom to lie
freedom to run up the debt
freedom to rip up the Constitution.
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.
The idea that people that who call themselves conservatives would be against conservation still amazes me.
Toe the Line, Cult, As You Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Why, when people who call themselves Liberals are totally against any kind of liberty?

Today's Conservatives desired freedoms:
freedom to pollute
freedom to use racial slurs
freedom to lie
freedom to run up the debt
freedom to rip up the Constitution.
Apparently you want the freedom to use racial slurs too. Look at your casual use of the N word in this post, hypocrite.

Making progress, 40% of U.S. now allows carrying a gun without a permit.
Pretty cold in Boston. Earth may be warming but there is insufficient evidence how much of that is due to humans. Also even if we do have responsibilities how do you force China and India to go green?
How would we force the US to go green on a scale that would halt global warming? Going green on a scale that would halt global warming would do such great damage to our economy or any economy that it is impractical for wealthy countries and impossible for developing countries. Scientists all over the world are working on technological solutions to global warming instead of the impossible political solutions being touted by the current crowd of climate change ideologues.

For example,

This artificial leaf wants to help fight climate change - CNN
Pretty cold in Boston. Earth may be warming but there is insufficient evidence how much of that is due to humans. Also even if we do have responsibilities how do you force China and India to go green?
Plentry of evidence. NASA says it is primarily due to made made emissions. China & India had agreed to a plan before " OMG OMG its a hoax" dumbass Trump pulled us out.

Trump will force our children to live a more diffcult life & Trumpettes think that is OK.
Pretty cold in Boston. Earth may be warming but there is insufficient evidence how much of that is due to humans. Also even if we do have responsibilities how do you force China and India to go green?
Plentry of evidence. NASA says it is primarily due to made made emissions. China & India had agreed to a plan before " OMG OMG its a hoax" dumbass Trump pulled us out.

Trump will force our children to live a more diffcult life & Trumpettes think that is OK.
Explain EXACTLY how a warmer planet is a bad thing. Life requires WARMTH. Cold = death.

I only WISH your nonsense were true
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
And they just discovered very warm water under a huge glacier there. This glacier holds back much of the ice shelf from flowing right into the sea. Not good.
Geothermal activity?

Discovery of high geothermal heat at South Pole
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Wow! Have you told the scientists this?!?!
Also keep in mind that 2019 is the first year we've ever had wildfires in the Arctic.
You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?

Go ahead loser.

List them.

Lets see. Your premise is wrong to start with.

No one has to sacrifice much of anything.

However I have changed many things in my life to help with climate change.

Here's a short list of some of the changes I've made:

I stopped buying regular gas cars in 2001. I've bought hybrid cars since then. Most of the time my car runs on electricity that is generated while I drive the car. It doesn't need to be plugged into anything. As a result I get over 500 miles on a 10 gallon tank of gas. My next car will be totally electric. None of the electricity will be generated by fossil fuels.

My city started the curb side recycling program in the 80s. I stopped using plastic as much and recycle all that is recyclable. I started using my own shopping bags in the late 80s.

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 90s. As result. Our electric bills are the second lowest in the nation. We sell excess electricity to other states.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005 and it's pretty much done by now. It only served a small area of farmers anyway. We don't use coal to generate electricity in my state. We use mostly water. Then wind, solar and natural gas.

We are building a light rail system here which won't run on fossil fuels. Our mass transit mostly runs on natural gas and the few buses that don't, are either hybrid or run on electricity.

I buy local and American as much as possible. It helps the environment and our economy. I refuse to buy food that wasn't grown here in America and buy what's in season so I don't buy food that's been shipped all over the nation.

No one has to make sacrifices. What people need to do is make changes that are very easy to do.

You extremists are just silly. Can't you understand that there's a reasonable way to do things? We don't live in an all or nothing world. If we did, we would still be using horse and buggy.

This is the 21st century, please come into it with the rest of us the sane world.
Oh, so you are rich. Got it.

That's it?

That's all you have?

Are you saying only the rich can buy their own grocery bags? Only the rich can buy local and American?

I get it. You didn't do well in school and probably didn't even go to college.

I did the opposite. As a result I was successful in my career and was able to retire financially independent at 54 years old.

Just because I live a lifestyle different from yours doesn't mean you can't make some very simple changes. It doesn't mean that you can't work to get your state to make changes so you can have cheap electricity that doesn't harm our planet just like the people of my state.

What you are really saying is that you're too lazy to do anything to help future generations and our nation.

I get it.
You don't get it.
Pretty cold in Boston. Earth may be warming but there is insufficient evidence how much of that is due to humans. Also even if we do have responsibilities how do you force China and India to go green?
How would we force the US to go green on a scale that would halt global warming? Going green on a scale that would halt global warming would do such great damage to our economy or any economy that it is impractical for wealthy countries and impossible for developing countries. Scientists all over the world are working on technological solutions to global warming instead of the impossible political solutions being touted by the current crowd of climate change ideologues.

For example,

This artificial leaf wants to help fight climate change - CNN
The time for casual solutions
was 40 years ago. Now it's becoming urgent.
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.
The idea that people that who call themselves conservatives would be against conservation still amazes me.
Toe the Line, Cult, As You Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Why, when people who call themselves Liberals are totally against any kind of liberty?
The words have obviously been hijacked for political reasons. What is your definition of the difference between liberals and conservatives in real life ? I can't wait for this.
It's my understanding that the US has reduced greenhouse gasses considerably over the last 20 years.
Instead of talking the talk, the US has walked the walk. Other countries are giving nothing but lip
service in their noble cause. And the "greenies" in this country lap up the lip service.
Just how far do the "greenies" want to go? Destroy our economy? I hear about how evil America
is regarding ecology, but, I never hear just how much they want reduced. I do hear that we need
to start spreading the wealth to countries that are led by dictators, and I think taking that into
consideration, it's more about bringing down the last super power and having the US get line for
globalization. So all you "greenies".....go fuck yourselves
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.
The idea that people that who call themselves conservatives would be against conservation still amazes me.
Toe the Line, Cult, As You Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Why, when people who call themselves Liberals are totally against any kind of liberty?

Today's Conservatives desired freedoms:
freedom to pollute
freedom to use racial slurs
freedom to lie
freedom to run up the debt
freedom to rip up the Constitution.
Taking away freedoms is a slippery slope.
Pretty cold in Boston. Earth may be warming but there is insufficient evidence how much of that is due to humans. Also even if we do have responsibilities how do you force China and India to go green?
Plentry of evidence. NASA says it is primarily due to made made emissions. China & India had agreed to a plan before " OMG OMG its a hoax" dumbass Trump pulled us out.

Trump will force our children to live a more diffcult life & Trumpettes think that is OK.
Link it and link the % of the impact. So now it’s Trumps fault we have air pollution? LOL
It's my understanding that the US has reduced greenhouse gasses considerably over the last 20 years.
Instead of talking the talk, the US has walked the walk. Other countries are giving nothing but lip
service in their noble cause. And the "greenies" in this country lap up the lip service.
Just how far do the "greenies" want to go? Destroy our economy? I hear about how evil America
is regarding ecology, but, I never hear just how much they want reduced. I do hear that we need
to start spreading the wealth to countries that are led by dictators, and I think taking that into
consideration, it's more about bringing down the last super power and having the US get line for
globalization. So all you "greenies".....go fuck yourselves
Excuse me but our military alone is the single biggest polluter on Earth by far.
Pretty cold in Boston. Earth may be warming but there is insufficient evidence how much of that is due to humans. Also even if we do have responsibilities how do you force China and India to go green?
How would we force the US to go green on a scale that would halt global warming? Going green on a scale that would halt global warming would do such great damage to our economy or any economy that it is impractical for wealthy countries and impossible for developing countries. Scientists all over the world are working on technological solutions to global warming instead of the impossible political solutions being touted by the current crowd of climate change ideologues.

For example,

This artificial leaf wants to help fight climate change - CNN
The time for casual solutions
was 40 years ago. Now it's becoming urgent.

Silly stuff that has no relevance to how to deal with global warming. Basically, the video is saying everyone in the world but some Exxon scientists was too stupid to understand about global warming.

Using science to solve problems is hardly a casual solution. No matter how much ideological fervor you can work up about climate change, the fact is the political solutions being touted are impractical to the point of being impossible. These artificial tree machines, and there are several prototypes of them at various universities in the US and abroad, can not only halt global warming but reverse it.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.

Dude, that is so wrong on many counts! You don't seem to have any understanding of basic science.
  1. Florida is among the highest at risk! Not only is much of the state just barely above sea level, but the state is actually just saturated sandstone over a system of underground caverns, caves and rivers, actually, a sort of underground drain for the continent, almost like a second Mississippi River. The entire state is a sponge of water-filled porosities draining out into the Gulf.
  2. When you fill a glass with water and ice, it does not matter that some of the ice stands above. It's weight is still there displacing the same amount of water in the glass to a certain level as after once it is melted. The only variable is the surface tension of the water which aids in the holding back of the water.
  3. Oxygen is a gas. A gas has negligible mass in these quantities. There is AIR trapped in the water (usually, but not necessarily), which affects its volume but not its mass, unless you want to consider that an air-filled cube of ice by volume will be slightly lighter than one not. But the total amount of water mass remains the same.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
One ice cap is on land.
I agree, but its not going to get hot enough to melt ALL the above ground ice, and if it does, it wont be a man made disaster. The planet has always gone through cooling and warming phases.

A). You don't know that.
B). You don't know that.
C). Yes, over thousands and million of years.
Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
One ice cap is on land.
And when it melts, you'll have that much new land!
Excellent point. We would gain more land than we lose. Places that a currently uninhabitable now for a large populace, would be available.

Yes but the new land isn't in places desirable for people, largely tundra and mountain, far removed from civilization needing developed, meantime, major cities would be under water. Much of the existing used and desired land might become uninhabitable or undesirable. You don't just pick up millions of people, cities, ports, highways, etc., and move them.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
One ice cap is on land.
And when it melts, you'll have that much new land!
Excellent point. We would gain more land than we lose. Places that a currently uninhabitable now for a large populace, would be available.

Yes but the new land isn't in places desirable for people, largely tundra and mountain, far removed from civilization needing developed, meantime, major cities would be under water. Much of the existing used and desired land might become uninhabitable or undesirable. You don't just pick up millions of people, cities, ports, highways, etc., and move them.
You dont know how Antartica would turn out if the GW myth were true.

The world has been much warmer in the past and LIFE was far more abundant.

We are exiting an ice age, and life struggles waiting for spring. Give me a tropical planet any day.

Ancient Climate Change Meant Antarctica Was Once Covered with Palm Trees | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
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