Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.
Who is a climate change denier?
AGW is a different issue.
So, what do you think is causing the warming?

:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.
The idea that people that call themselves conservatives would be against conservation still amazes me.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
Since the Climate activist like Al Gore. That we should offer them as sacrifices to appease the great volcano god since they want to save the planet.


:blahblah:^^^^ major waste of oxygen

View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
Since the Climate activist like Al Gore. That we should offer them as sacrifices to appease the great volcano god since they want to save the planet.



"Fossil fuel profits are more important to me than the future of the planet which I'm a waste of space on."
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"Fossil fuel profits are more important to me than the future of the planet which I'm a waste of space on.


In 1962, in the early days of GCMs and satellites, Harry Wexler, Chief of the Scientific Services Division of the U.S. Weather Bureau and one of the most influential meteorologists of the 20th century, turned his attention to techniques that could raise or lower the overall temperature of the planet or rearrange its thermal structure. He also investigated possible inadvertent and purposeful damage to the ozone layer involving catalytic reactions of chorine and bromine. This work pre-dated the Nobel Prize-winning work on ozone depletion of P. Crutzen, M. Molina, and S. Rowland by about a decade. Wexler revealed his concerns about geoengineering and ozone destruction in a series of lectures "On the Possibilities of Climate Control" presented to technical audiences in Boston, Hartford, and Los Angeles in 1962. Using newly available results from GCMs and satellite heat budget experiments, Wexler pointed out that strategic manipulations of the Earth's shortwave and longwave radiation budgets could result in rather large-scale effects on general circulation patterns in short or longer periods, even approaching that of climatic change. These techniques, included increasing world temperature by several degrees by detonating up to ten H-bombs in the Arctic Ocean; decreasing world temperature by launching powder into an equatorial orbit to shade the Earth and make it look somewhat like Saturn and its rings; warming the lower atmosphere and cooling the stratosphere by artificial injections of water vapor or other substances; and notably, destroying all stratospheric ozone above the Arctic circle or near the equator using a relatively small amount of a catalytic agent such as chlorine or bromine. "On the Possibilities of Climate Control" in 1962: Harry Wexler on Geoengineering and Ozone Destruction

Please tell us about your education in science
Irrelevant, dummy. I am deferring to the experts, which would be the same, regardless of my education level.

But if I were an uneducated idiot who is denying the science -- as you are -- then it's relevant.

Maybe read that 8 or 9 times, until it stinks in.

How do you know they are experts ?

Are you saying you are to stupid to assimilate the knowledge they purport to share ?
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

i can't laugh at you hard enough.

You don't need those two to deny that AGW isn't a real issue.

Get a life.
And the records go all the way back to the 1800’s when the world was created.
And we have absolutely no idea of anything prior to that.
Not on record.
But we have a good idea. Quit pretending that we know nothing & can't claim any warming trends.
No, ‘on record’ is a convenient propaganda tool.
Only if you are a stupid fuck. It just clarifies

"On record " means actually recorded.
Right. And the weather records go all the way back to the 19th century.
How the oil was formed underneath the ground. That there were once a ancient world that had enormous amount of vegetation that covered the whole entire earth. And lots of huge animals that roamed the surface.
But a major catastrophe had all of a sudden buried all lifeforms on the earth. And I mean a rapid burial.
In order for coal and oil to be formed. That the plant life must have been buried whole suddenly and compressed underneath the earth without any air flow. Because if there was air coming in. That the plant will decompose back into dust, because the moisture will have escape.
The Science community has been keeping away from the people of evidence of a great flood.
But these oil and coal deposits underneath the ground must be drill or mine and be burn. If not, the earth will seep lots of gases from the earth.
The process of refining oil into gas. We uses heat to warm up the oil that the hydrocarbons is release. The same concept as a moonshine still.
But the hot earth core warms up the oil and coal deposits underneath that releases the gases into the atmosphere. And so it has to be mined or drilled from out of the ground or else we will be having spontaneous combustion throughout the planet. But mining and drilling will prevent that from happening. Or put it under control.
It is meant for some strange reason that we have to use these natural resources. That we must tiller or drill the land or else we will die. That the earth is continuing producing it for us to use.

Oil and gas result mostly from the rapid burial of dead microorganisms in environments where oxygen is so scarce that they do not decompose. This lack of oxygen enables them to maintain their hydrogen-carbon bonds, a necessary ingredient for the production of oil and gas. Newly developing ocean basins, formed by plate tectonics and continental rifting, provide just the right conditions for rapid burial in anoxic waters. Rivers rapidly fill these basins with sediments carrying abundant organic remains. Because the basins have constricted water circulation, they also have lower oxygen levels than the open ocean. For instance, the Gulf of California, an ocean basin in development, is making new oil and gas in real time today. The Gulf of Mexico is also a great example of new oil and gas formation in a restricted circulation environment
Why is oil usually found in deserts and arctic areas?

:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.
Who is a climate change denier?
AGW is a different issue.
So, what do you think is causing the warming?
What part of nature started releasing all of the CO2?
Lots of things emit CO2 and the plants are grateful.
Please tell us about your education in science
Irrelevant, dummy. I am deferring to the experts, which would be the same, regardless of my education level.

But if I were an uneducated idiot who is denying the science -- as you are -- then it's relevant.

Maybe read that 8 or 9 times, until it stinks in.

How do you know they are experts ?

Are you saying you are to stupid to assimilate the knowledge they purport to share ?
Look up their credentials? Peer reviews?
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.
Who is a climate change denier?
AGW is a different issue.
So, what do you think is causing the warming?
What part of nature started releasing all of the CO2?
Lots of things emit CO2 and the plants are grateful.
So which has increased significantly enough to cause the rise on CO2 levels?
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

i can't laugh at you hard enough.

You don't need those two to deny that AGW isn't a real issue.

Get a life.
And we have absolutely no idea of anything prior to that.
Not on record.
But we have a good idea. Quit pretending that we know nothing & can't claim any warming trends.
No, ‘on record’ is a convenient propaganda tool.
Only if you are a stupid fuck. It just clarifies

"On record " means actually recorded.
Right. And the weather records go all the way back to the 19th century.
Exact temperatures being recorded.

Again, are you claiming we know nothing before the 1880's so we can not compare today's climate with that thousands of years ago?
Again....we cant do dick about it which most people know because they're not st00pid knowing about China. Which is why voters could not possibly be more disinterested in climate change action.

For 2 decades we've watched bombs being lobbed by people who tend to the hysterical and still nobody is caring. The science isnt mattering!:113::113:
Optics is everything with this.....its not the science. d0y

The climate crusader narrative has been train wrecked dozens of times to the typical voter over the years. Think of a huge bill board you drive by 100's of times.....after a few times, you dont care what it says. Only the k00ks notice it.:2up:
Fossil fuel production is a lot safer for the environment than the rest. It is because some we burns up that it doesn't leave any waste behind. And like coal. That it does leaves waste behind. But that waste can be safely recyclable or reuse for something else.

Nuclear Waste

The solar panel toxic waste problem | CFACT

The rise of electric cars could leave us with a big battery waste problem

The Energy 202: Trump backs down from building nuclear waste site in Nevada

Brouillette touts new funding for cleaner coal plants
Who is a climate change denier?
AGW is a different issue.
So, what do you think is causing the warming?
What part of nature started releasing all of the CO2?
Lots of things emit CO2 and the plants are grateful.
So which has increased significantly enough to cause the rise on CO2 levels?
Solar and oceans have contributed. The overall impact of CO2 increase as an effect is still subject to debate. Except for propagating alarmist extremists.

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