Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

On an Island called Signy that is a part of/administered by, Antarctica, and just off the Coast of ANTARCTICA registered a temperature of 67 degrees in 1982 [during an "ice age"] making the above claim a technicality and proving it is just more global warming propaganda...and Argentina is part of the climate "gimme money" change crowd [ no denying it]



Signy is the Island just off the coast of the peninsula on the N west/left side of the images above.

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If Big Fat Al Gore would shut his mouth for a month, we'd cool 1 degree.

Indiana????....No comment on my vid????

I'll do the honors again

View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
And they just discovered very warm water under a huge glacier there. This glacier holds back much of the ice shelf from flowing right into the sea. Not good.
Here we go...the sounds of self induced slavery pushed by the elitists starts clamoring again...
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
And they just discovered very warm water under a huge glacier there. This glacier holds back much of the ice shelf from flowing right into the sea. Not good.
Smoke em if you got em. We're all dead it seems.

You assfucks think this is funny.

Your children & grandchildren won,t.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
And the records go all the way back to the 1800’s when the world was created.
And we have absolutely no idea of anything prior to that.
"warmest" a fraction!:113:

Only climate k00ks get all angst by loose association words like "warmest" and "hottest". Suckers. These same bozos got bamboozled for 2 years by loose associations like "collusion". Let's face it.....some among us just tend to the hysterical.

Fortunately, most people are not thrown by the fakery which is why after 20 years of climate hysteria, voters dont give a crap!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fu:
But yet all these stupid Moon Bat AGW alarmists are buying beachfront property and flying around in polluting jet aircraft.

They Environmental Wacko alarmist know that it is a scam just like the rest of us do but they also know there are big bucks to be had in the scam.

By the way, we had the coldest October and November on record here in the US. They are also ignoring that the arctic ice sheet is growing.

Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than they know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
And they just discovered very warm water under a huge glacier there. This glacier holds back much of the ice shelf from flowing right into the sea. Not good.

How does warm water get under a glacier?


Major, DUH-UH !&!

GeoThermal heat must be a result of Man Made etc. and whatnot.

I refuse to feel so insignificant not to take responsibility for
Geo-Thermal warming events.

Moi :26:

Global warming is a con game to give the wicked something to blame their torment and suffering on in the last days. The Judgments of God that are coming prophesied in The Books of Revelation are something no one on Earth will want to see or experience.

Global Warming is a deception. What is coming in The 7 Year Tribulation is 1,000 times worse than what theoretical Global Warming could ever do.
Children are Raptured to Heaven during The End Times and are spared from The Judgments coming upon The Earth during the Global Reign of Anti Christ.

Imagine The Entire Earth with not a single child upon it on that day, and then every believer in Christ and The Dead in Christ also removed.

And no more restraint of any kind for all the wicked and unrepentant left behind.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
And they just discovered very warm water under a huge glacier there. This glacier holds back much of the ice shelf from flowing right into the sea. Not good.
Smoke em if you got em. We're all dead it seems.

You assfucks think this is funny.

Your children & grandchildren won,t.
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