Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

For some reasons, being an uneducated slob who denies science is cool with American rightwingers, as long as it is the politically correct topic for them.
They are all just cookie cutter nutters, parroting RWNJ insanity.

Actual science agrees with us.
Not social justice science though, that pushes your ideas.
Oh really, what science is that? Link to it.
You can't "just continue doing research," IF YOU ARE HOMELESS.
They would not be homeless. They would continue doing research. What the hell is wrong with your brain?

By the way, we have reached the point -- and you embarrassing retards ALWAYS reach this point, eventually -- where you nutsacks say the scientists are all incompetent,liars,or both. And the uneducated slobs like you have it all figured out.

How embarrassing. And not just embarrassing for morons embarrass our entire country.
If they are not getting paid, have no access to a lab, etc., of course they can't do research.

Wow you are dumb.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C

And. In the 1850's when they were trying to find the South Pole, ships were able to sail almost 300 miles further south than they can today.

How was that possible you might ask, had you a scientific mind, why there was far less ocean ice back then. FAR less.


Ummmmm, because it was a lot warmer. No thermometers at the time, but 300 miles less ice shelf is pretty significant.

But only if you care about facts.
I think Paris had a few 100 degree days relatively recently...........They said it was the hottest in like 150 F yrs. But the scientific Gender Studies majors screamed GL.

People don't realize the autistic little girl used for this nonsense is Schiffs secret child.

View attachment 305422

Warmest in 150 years.......which means it was warmer 150 years ago, than all of the 20th century.

That seems to be a problem for their theory.
Nothing to see here says the Denier. Screw our children is their mantra. But hey, says the Denier, if I can stuff my and my wife's fat face today that is all that matters.
Why are you using your computer along with everything else completely reliant on fossil fuels?

You are a loser.

View attachment 305437
You loser. Nothing. Not one sacrifice you pathetic hypocrite. Not one pathetic stupid left wing global warmist who supposedly believes in it are not making any sacrifices. Just using fossil fuels, living off everything capitalism has given you and pretend to be all righteous from some fake moral platitude.

You pathetic idiots are not worth a pound of hot shit.

Now, go ahead and get the laughs and pats on your stupid lame backs from the other pathetic hypocritical wastes of blood.

wow..what an argument. LOL I look to the future, you to the past. Obviously you are fearful of the future and change. You live in denial as to the changing world. I’d say grow up, but that would be a lost cause to someone living in denial and in a state of anger and despair. Really sad.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C

Ever recorded since WHEN exactly? We're not talking about hemlines, dummy. Were talking geological time periods where instants are measured in eons.
Normally I would jump in my time traveling DeLorean and go back and check it out but I had to order a part for my flux capacitor
For some reasons, being an uneducated slob who denies science is cool with American rightwingers, as long as it is the politically correct topic for them.
They are all just cookie cutter nutters, parroting RWNJ insanity.

Actual science agrees with us.
Not social justice science though, that pushes your ideas.
Oh really, what science is that? Link to it.

It takes a bit of reading and some critical thinking on your part. . .

. . . but, if you are serious?

Earth's magnetic field could flip within our lifetime - but don't worry, we should be OK - ExtremeTech

Has Polar Shift caused Global Warming and Climate Change? | PSI Intl

Heliosphere Responds to a Large Solar Wind Intensification: Decisive Observations from IBEX - IOPscience

Simulation of the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Increase in 2014 and Its Effect on Energetic Neutral Atom Fluxes from the Heliosphere - IOPscience

Turbulence in molten core helps amplify Earth's magnetic field

The key to clue into here, is the changes in the Heliosphere, and how it affects the Earths magnetosphere. I am not really sure we fully understand this, nor will we until. . . . well. . . until it might be too late? Or, I don't know. Maybe some folks do, but they keep that under wraps because of the agenda they are pushing? I really can't say. :dunno:

The most important take away I think? Is that the sun has such a huge affect over everything in the solar system. I know it looks tiny in our sky, but you just can't imagine the energy it puts out, and how much it controls everything. The entire system depends on it.

All weather and climate is dependent on it.
You have to take a couple of important facts into consideration. First of all, "man made global warming" is an unproved theory. Climate changes day to day and with the seasons and as a result of natural disasters like volcanoes. There is no proof that humans influence the climate.The second thing you have to consider is the dirty little secret that the people and institutions that are awarded federal grants will work to keep the money flowing. In other words if they get paid to find evidence of global warming, by God they will cheat and fudge data, forget inconvenient history of global warming events and place instruments on black top parking lots in the heat of the summer and call it an average sampling if that's what it takes.
Were talking geological time periods where instants are measured in eons.
When discussing rapid warming caused by mankind's actions? No we aren't. That's literally the entire reason scientists are concerned. You know, the scientists who taught you everything and anything you know and ever will know about climate. This is a basic fact of this topic that a grown man like you should not be ignorant of.

Here's a scientific fact for ya. If you don't soon get your head out of your ass you're liable to suffer from asphyxiation and die.
And the uneducated slob runs into a brick wall and throws a tantrum. This must be a day that ends in 'y'.

Uneducated or un brainwashed? I have a math, science and engineering background (including geodesy) so what's yours dumbass, gay art history?
Cool story, Sis.
You have to take a couple of important facts into consideration. First of all, "man made global warming" is an unproved theory. Climate changes day to day and with the seasons and as a result of natural disasters like volcanoes. There is no proof that humans influence the climate.The second thing you have to consider is the dirty little secret that the people and institutions that are awarded federal grants will work to keep the money flowing. In other words if they get paid to find evidence of global warming, by God they will cheat and fudge data, forget inconvenient history of global warming events and place instruments on black top parking lots in the heat of the summer and call it an average sampling if that's what it takes.
Actually the main thing is, is it good for the Penguins or not ?
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
Fantastic news!

Oh, BTW, what was the temperature in 1920?

. . . or how about when the Vikings were colonizing Greenland? :dunno:

Or when they were growing grapes and making wine in England.:dunno:
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
And they just discovered very warm water under a huge glacier there. This glacier holds back much of the ice shelf from flowing right into the sea. Not good.
Could you comment on this vid there for me Indiana.My thanks.

This is 10 yrs old now. His beachfront is still there.

Yeah, well Al Gore benefits from the conservative policies of Florida. He loves the low taxes for HIMSELF.

Here I have a good AOC for ya

View attachment 305409

Most excellent. :clap2:
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
When I was at McMurdo, the warmest day we ever had was 34 F

I almost went to that shithole once but lucky for me another hotter project came up and I was spared. Instead I was sent to the Seychelles, kicking and screaming of course. All those beaches, all those women and all that scuba diving. It was just terrible, I tell ya.
Happens all the time year after year and then you link to an article that says “rare“.
Happens all the time year after year and then you link to an article that says “rare“.

Does it matter? Year after year, or decade after decade, I do not care how you define, "rare." Define it how you like.

It still, goes to show, it has nothing to do with a "hypothetical AGW."
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
When I was at McMurdo, the warmest day we ever had was 34 F

Is that where you met your wife? I hear women from there are cold.

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