Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

i can't laugh at you hard enough.

You don't need those two to deny that AGW isn't a real issue.

Get a life.
Not on record.
But we have a good idea. Quit pretending that we know nothing & can't claim any warming trends.
No, ‘on record’ is a convenient propaganda tool.
Only if you are a stupid fuck. It just clarifies

"On record " means actually recorded.
Right. And the weather records go all the way back to the 19th century.
Exact temperatures being recorded.

Again, are you claiming we know nothing before the 1880's so we can not compare today's climate with that thousands of years ago?
In general, yes. But using terms like ‘on record’ allow for more extreme alarmist concerns.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
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Just because they tried to pull off a carbon tax scam doesn't mean all the scientific evidence of climate change isn't factual.
Well no shit. That's obviousto you and me. Why do you think denier goobers always change the subject? Because the science stands against them.

So sorry but you've been outed as nothing but a gas bag with no brains and absolutely NO understanding of anything related to any kind of scientific topic, climate or otherwise. It's like trying to get away with lip syncing instead of actually singing a song. You're nothing and we all know it so you may as well shut up and beat it to hell out of here because you have nothing to bring and nothing to add to any rational discussion. Must less anything remotely related to any science.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C

I'm not sure what is more alarming. The fact that climate change is getting worse at a faster rate than what was predicated or the fact that so many think it's funny.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record of 18.3C
Once upon a time, long, long ago (not in a galaxy far, far away) in a place we call Antarctica, there lived numerous species (such as the Lystrosaurus), going about their daily lives, as the climate was, believe it or not, temperate. Mankind has only been on the planet for the equivalent of the blink of an eye, compared to the length of time this earth has been around (unless you believe in the religious Christian nut jobs idea that the earth is only 6000 years old). Over that vast time period, the earth has gone through many changes including on Antarctica.
Here's the problem we are currently facing. Because of the continued build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, due to humans burning fossil fuels (unavoidable in many parts of the world, due to third and second world ways of life), this coupled with the fact that humans continue to deforest the planet to make way for....more humans, does alter the planet's atmosphere (trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen in return). Many mainstream scientists have been saying for some time now, that the only way to actually return the Earth to its healthy state, is for mankind to allow two-thirds of the planet to return to its natural state and with about 7.8 billion people on the planet and climbing.....foregoing some massive natural disaster, such as a major asteroid strike, or the mandatory sterilization of most of mankind (that would make for some interesting riots), or just killing off most of mankind (the resulting war would be spectacular), or mankind not being able to feed itself due to the massive over-population as opposed to the available resources, I don't see this happening.
So, what's the solution? If humans (I have changed our identifier to this title, rather than continue offending the so-called gender fluid delusionals), were all to get on the same page today and be able to completely, somehow, make us carbon neutral or negative, it wouldn't solve the core problem....billions of people and climbing, needing more space, less trees (thus less wild animal habitats) and more food resources.
Also, if everyone cooperated and allowed for massive sterilization to reduce the population, it's only a matter of time before this planet is again, whacked with a massive asteroid, or for certain, the sun expands and kills all life on the planet.
The only true way for mankind to keep on surviving, is to spread out to the stars and to do that, nations need to put aside their differences and gather their best scientific minds to come up with FTL drive for space travel; failing that, we're all goners eventually.
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Keep in mind it's late summer in the southern Hemi
Wow! Have you told the scientists this?!?!
Also keep in mind that 2019 is the first year we've ever had wildfires in the Arctic.
You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?

Go ahead loser.

List them.

Lets see. Your premise is wrong to start with.

No one has to sacrifice much of anything.

However I have changed many things in my life to help with climate change.

Here's a short list of some of the changes I've made:

I stopped buying regular gas cars in 2001. I've bought hybrid cars since then. Most of the time my car runs on electricity that is generated while I drive the car. It doesn't need to be plugged into anything. As a result I get over 500 miles on a 10 gallon tank of gas. My next car will be totally electric. None of the electricity will be generated by fossil fuels.

My city started the curb side recycling program in the 80s. I stopped using plastic as much and recycle all that is recyclable. I started using my own shopping bags in the late 80s.

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 90s. As result. Our electric bills are the second lowest in the nation. We sell excess electricity to other states.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005 and it's pretty much done by now. It only served a small area of farmers anyway. We don't use coal to generate electricity in my state. We use mostly water. Then wind, solar and natural gas.

We are building a light rail system here which won't run on fossil fuels. Our mass transit mostly runs on natural gas and the few buses that don't, are either hybrid or run on electricity.

I buy local and American as much as possible. It helps the environment and our economy. I refuse to buy food that wasn't grown here in America and buy what's in season so I don't buy food that's been shipped all over the nation.

No one has to make sacrifices. What people need to do is make changes that are very easy to do.

What changes or sacrifices have you made?

You extremists are just silly. Can't you understand that there's a reasonable way to do things? We don't live in an all or nothing world. If we did, we would still be using horse and buggy.

This is the 21st century, please come into it with the rest of us the sane world.
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Keep in mind it's late summer in the southern Hemi
Wow! Have you told the scientists this?!?!
Also keep in mind that 2019 is the first year we've ever had wildfires in the Arctic.
You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?

Go ahead loser.

List them.

Lets see. Your premise is wrong to start with.

No one has to sacrifice much of anything.

However I have changed many things in my life to help with climate change.

Here's a short list of some of the changes I've made:

I stopped buying regular gas cars in 2001. I've bought hybrid cars since then. Most of the time my car runs on electricity that is generated while I drive the car. It doesn't need to be plugged into anything. As a result I get over 500 miles on a 10 gallon tank of gas. My next car will be totally electric. None of the electricity will be generated by fossil fuels.

My city started the curb side recycling program in the 80s. I stopped using plastic as much and recycle all that is recyclable. I started using my own shopping bags in the late 80s.

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 90s. As result. Our electric bills are the second lowest in the nation. We sell excess electricity to other states.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005 and it's pretty much done by now. It only served a small area of farmers anyway. We don't use coal to generate electricity in my state. We use mostly water. Then wind, solar and natural gas.

We are building a light rail system here which won't run on fossil fuels. Our mass transit mostly runs on natural gas and the few buses that don't, are either hybrid or run on electricity.

I buy local and American as much as possible. It helps the environment and our economy. I refuse to buy food that wasn't grown here in America and buy what's in season so I don't buy food that's been shipped all over the nation.

No one has to make sacrifices. What people need to do is make changes that are very easy to do.

You extremists are just silly. Can't you understand that there's a reasonable way to do things? We don't live in an all or nothing world. If we did, we would still be using horse and buggy.

This is the 21st century, please come into it with the rest of us the sane world.
Oh, so you are rich. Got it.
Yeah, I tried to ask Fort Fun Indiana some basic questions about this supposed reality the ruling elites are trying to push on us, he won't answer.
That's right, I won't. If you were honestly seeking an answer about the most basic, fundamental facts of this topic, you would look them up yourself

Here is a pro tip, crybaby: your whining and your opinions of me and whether or not I spoonfeed you like a baby have no bearing whatsoever on the facts.

Read that a few times, let it sink in.

You can post all the facts in the world. You can flood message box after message box with honest, concrete facts and you will still be wasting your time.

People like the one you replied to will never, ever read it or acknowledge it.
Yeah, I tried to ask Fort Fun Indiana some basic questions about this supposed reality the ruling elites are trying to push on us, he won't answer.
That's right, I won't. If you were honestly seeking an answer about the most basic, fundamental facts of this topic, you would look them up yourself

Here is a pro tip, crybaby: your whining and your opinions of me and whether or not I spoonfeed you like a baby have no bearing whatsoever on the facts.

Read that a few times, let it sink in.

You can post all the facts in the world. You can flood message box after message box with honest, concrete facts and you will still be wasting your time.

People like the one you replied to will never, ever read it or acknowledge it.
How ironic
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.

i can't laugh at you hard enough.

You don't need those two to deny that AGW isn't a real issue.

Get a life.
But we have a good idea. Quit pretending that we know nothing & can't claim any warming trends.
No, ‘on record’ is a convenient propaganda tool.
Only if you are a stupid fuck. It just clarifies

"On record " means actually recorded.
Right. And the weather records go all the way back to the 19th century.
Exact temperatures being recorded.

Again, are you claiming we know nothing before the 1880's so we can not compare today's climate with that thousands of years ago?
In general, yes. But using terms like ‘on record’ allow for more extreme alarmist concerns.
Only if you are stupid.
Keep in mind it's late summer in the southern Hemi
Wow! Have you told the scientists this?!?!
Also keep in mind that 2019 is the first year we've ever had wildfires in the Arctic.
You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?

Go ahead loser.

List them.

Lets see. Your premise is wrong to start with.

No one has to sacrifice much of anything.

However I have changed many things in my life to help with climate change.

Here's a short list of some of the changes I've made:

I stopped buying regular gas cars in 2001. I've bought hybrid cars since then. Most of the time my car runs on electricity that is generated while I drive the car. It doesn't need to be plugged into anything. As a result I get over 500 miles on a 10 gallon tank of gas. My next car will be totally electric. None of the electricity will be generated by fossil fuels.

My city started the curb side recycling program in the 80s. I stopped using plastic as much and recycle all that is recyclable. I started using my own shopping bags in the late 80s.

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 90s. As result. Our electric bills are the second lowest in the nation. We sell excess electricity to other states.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005 and it's pretty much done by now. It only served a small area of farmers anyway. We don't use coal to generate electricity in my state. We use mostly water. Then wind, solar and natural gas.

We are building a light rail system here which won't run on fossil fuels. Our mass transit mostly runs on natural gas and the few buses that don't, are either hybrid or run on electricity.

I buy local and American as much as possible. It helps the environment and our economy. I refuse to buy food that wasn't grown here in America and buy what's in season so I don't buy food that's been shipped all over the nation.

No one has to make sacrifices. What people need to do is make changes that are very easy to do.

You extremists are just silly. Can't you understand that there's a reasonable way to do things? We don't live in an all or nothing world. If we did, we would still be using horse and buggy.

This is the 21st century, please come into it with the rest of us the sane world.
Oh, so you are rich. Got it.

That's it?

That's all you have?

Are you saying only the rich can buy their own grocery bags? Only the rich can buy local and American?

I get it. You didn't do well in school and probably didn't even go to college.

I did the opposite. As a result I was successful in my career and was able to retire financially independent at 54 years old.

Just because I live a lifestyle different from yours doesn't mean you can't make some very simple changes. It doesn't mean that you can't work to get your state to make changes so you can have cheap electricity that doesn't harm our planet just like the people of my state.

What you are really saying is that you're too lazy to do anything to help future generations and our nation.

I get it.
Keep in mind it's late summer in the southern Hemi
Wow! Have you told the scientists this?!?!
Also keep in mind that 2019 is the first year we've ever had wildfires in the Arctic.
You going to answer all of the sacrifices you are making?

Go ahead loser.

List them.

Lets see. Your premise is wrong to start with.

No one has to sacrifice much of anything.

However I have changed many things in my life to help with climate change.

Here's a short list of some of the changes I've made:

I stopped buying regular gas cars in 2001. I've bought hybrid cars since then. Most of the time my car runs on electricity that is generated while I drive the car. It doesn't need to be plugged into anything. As a result I get over 500 miles on a 10 gallon tank of gas. My next car will be totally electric. None of the electricity will be generated by fossil fuels.

My city started the curb side recycling program in the 80s. I stopped using plastic as much and recycle all that is recyclable. I started using my own shopping bags in the late 80s.

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 90s. As result. Our electric bills are the second lowest in the nation. We sell excess electricity to other states.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005 and it's pretty much done by now. It only served a small area of farmers anyway. We don't use coal to generate electricity in my state. We use mostly water. Then wind, solar and natural gas.

We are building a light rail system here which won't run on fossil fuels. Our mass transit mostly runs on natural gas and the few buses that don't, are either hybrid or run on electricity.

I buy local and American as much as possible. It helps the environment and our economy. I refuse to buy food that wasn't grown here in America and buy what's in season so I don't buy food that's been shipped all over the nation.

No one has to make sacrifices. What people need to do is make changes that are very easy to do.

You extremists are just silly. Can't you understand that there's a reasonable way to do things? We don't live in an all or nothing world. If we did, we would still be using horse and buggy.

This is the 21st century, please come into it with the rest of us the sane world.
Oh, so you are rich. Got it.
So you think it is expensive?
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
One ice cap is on land.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
One ice cap is on land.
And when it melts, you'll have that much new land!
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
One ice cap is on land.
I agree, but its not going to get hot enough to melt ALL the above ground ice, and if it does, it wont be a man made disaster. The planet has always gone through cooling and warming phases.
View attachment 305395 There's no denying it now.

The Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high of 65 degrees this week, the hottest temperature ever recorded there.

The reading was taken Thursday at Esperanza Base along Antarctica's Trinity Peninsula.

Antarctica hits warmest temperature ever recorded

Cool. I've sold off all my coastal property up here and look forward to a nice beachfront home overlooking the Tierra del Fuego under the stars of the Magellanic Clouds.
I'm looking forward to scuba diving where Miami used to be.
I think Florida will be safe. Just because the polar ice caps melt, doesnt mean its going to raise the ocean levels that much, if at all.

Here is a fun science experiment. Get a glass, put some ice in it, then fill water to the very top of the glass. Youll notice that the ice is actually sticking up above the water line. When that ice melts, do you think the cup will overflow and spill water down the side? The answer is NO because, 90% of ice is below the water line, leaving 10% above. Why is that? Because there is oxygen trapped in the ice, which increases its mass. When the ice melts, the excess oxygen trapped in the ice no longer takes up space and it condenses down to pure water, which levels out exactly to the waterline.
One ice cap is on land.
And when it melts, you'll have that much new land!
Excellent point. We would gain more land than we lose. Places that a currently uninhabitable now for a large populace, would be available.
:71:Climate change deniers
crack me up.

Any bunch of shitforbrains allowing themselves to be led by an ugly little 16 year old split tail having a temper tantrum just can't be taken seriously by anyone with a functioning brain.
That 16 year old is so much smarter than a dumbfuck denier like you.

She believes in science,. You believe in Limbaugh & Trump. You can't get any dumber than that.
The idea that people that who call themselves conservatives would be against conservation still amazes me.
Toe the Line, Cult, As You Tiptoe Through the Tulips

Why, when people who call themselves Liberals are totally against any kind of liberty?

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