Anthony Bourdain, CNN host and celebrity chef, dead at 61

He was a former heroin junkie...perhaps he relapsed.
He did relapse.
He proudly went back to smoking on his shows.
He was a dry junkie........until recently.
He started 'chipping'. His film crew knew about it and did fuck all. They never mentioned it to the brass at CNN.
Great interview where Bourdain is asked about Trump shortly after the election and also after he had dinner with Obama on his show.

A.B. had a hole in his heart no amount of booze and drugs could ever fill.
When I saw his Seattle episode where he said: "Any self respecting person should know how to roll a joint" that was the end for me.
I posted on this forum asking him how old would his daughter need to be for him to teach her how to roll a joint?
He was a world class nihilist/narcissist asshole. Good riddance!
Every LIB in the country is weeping today.
Let them!

You obviously know nothing about him.
He was not a liberal, as in in the American modern liberal of big-nanny government and regulate every move everyone ever makes. The guy didn't even believe in taxation, and more than once ran into a little trouble with the IRS.
He was a libertarian...basically categorically the opposite of a liberal.

Not quite, not that it really matters but I don't think Bourdain is specifically libertarian either. He voted for Obama, not the libertarian for president, I doubt he was against things like the Civil Rights Act or was concerned about a progressive tax system.

Socially he appeared to lean left, fiscally I'm not sure, he was obviously against some regulations though not very specific. It'd be a stretch to call him a liberal, it'd be a stretch to box him into any political ideology.

I agree....basically the man didn't concern himself with politics.
He voted for Obama...but, you might remember he also made reference more than once that he was disappointed in him.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Bourdain drank...a lot apparently. I would think that alcohol most likely could have had more of an effect on his suicide than anything else.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.
A.B. had a hole in his heart no amount of booze and drugs could ever fill.
When I saw his Seattle episode where he said: "Any self respecting person should know how to roll a joint" that was the end for me.
I posted on this forum asking him how old would his daughter need to be for him to teach her how to roll a joint?
He was a world class nihilist/narcissist asshole. Good riddance!
Every LIB in the country is weeping today.
Let them!

You obviously know nothing about him.
He was not a liberal, as in in the American modern liberal of big-nanny government and regulate every move everyone ever makes. The guy didn't even believe in taxation, and more than once ran into a little trouble with the IRS.
He was a libertarian...basically categorically the opposite of a liberal.

Not quite, not that it really matters but I don't think Bourdain is specifically libertarian either. He voted for Obama, not the libertarian for president, I doubt he was against things like the Civil Rights Act or was concerned about a progressive tax system.

Socially he appeared to lean left, fiscally I'm not sure, he was obviously against some regulations though not very specific. It'd be a stretch to call him a liberal, it'd be a stretch to box him into any political ideology.

I agree....basically the man didn't concern himself with politics.
He voted for Obama...but, you might remember he also made reference more than once that he was disappointed in him.

I don't know if that says much either. Many liberals grew disappointed with Obama. Like any other president when reality catches up to the fact that the first black president is well still just a man.

Anyway, at the end of Obama's term Bourdain appeared to hold a positive view of Obama as referenced in my previous post with video. You can watch a slew of videos from when Bourdain had Obama on his show, the respect is obvious from both men.

bourdain obama vietnam - YouTube
A.B. had a hole in his heart no amount of booze and drugs could ever fill.
When I saw his Seattle episode where he said: "Any self respecting person should know how to roll a joint" that was the end for me.
I posted on this forum asking him how old would his daughter need to be for him to teach her how to roll a joint?
He was a world class nihilist/narcissist asshole. Good riddance!
Every LIB in the country is weeping today.
Let them!

You obviously know nothing about him.
He was not a liberal, as in in the American modern liberal of big-nanny government and regulate every move everyone ever makes. The guy didn't even believe in taxation, and more than once ran into a little trouble with the IRS.
He was a libertarian...basically categorically the opposite of a liberal.

Not quite, not that it really matters but I don't think Bourdain is specifically libertarian either. He voted for Obama, not the libertarian for president, I doubt he was against things like the Civil Rights Act or was concerned about a progressive tax system.

Socially he appeared to lean left, fiscally I'm not sure, he was obviously against some regulations though not very specific. It'd be a stretch to call him a liberal, it'd be a stretch to box him into any political ideology.

I agree....basically the man didn't concern himself with politics.
He voted for Obama...but, you might remember he also made reference more than once that he was disappointed in him.

I don't know if that says much either. Many liberals grew disappointed with Obama. Like any other president when reality catches up to the fact that the first black president is well still just a man.

Anyway, at the end of Obama's term Bourdain appeared to hold a positive view of Obama as referenced in my previous post with video. You can watch a slew of videos from when Bourdain had Obama on his show, the respect is obvious from both men.

bourdain obama vietnam - YouTube

Which is strange.
Bourdain was complicated, and I think probably liked a person with no regard to their political beliefs.
I don't know.
I mean Obama was the greatest friend to Wall Street than any other President could possibly ever have been. His economic policies aligned quite well with Bush II.... AWOL...they both let the vipers do whatever the investor class wanted them to do. Obama's admin was still handing out $70 billion PER MONTH to the wealthiest investment banks in the world in the form of interest-free loans, at a time they were making record profits. Basically...they had total access to our tax dollars to invest as they saw fit, and reap the profits.
Pretty sure Bourdain would not like all.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

I don't doubt your link, at least not until I see it. Maybe you posted it already but I'm not finding it above.

I also don't doubt that some medications in some people can make them more suicidal. However there are millions who are on anti-depressants now who wouldn't be able to function without them.

I don't usually like to talk about my personal life however there was a time when I was on sertraline, I had developed generalized anxiety disorder, mostly from not dealing with my own depression and at that moment in time, I needed an anti-depressant and I can say that it indeed saved my life just so I could just get through the day and cognizant enough that I could undergo some pretty painful therapy without falling apart.

Due to some..*ahem* unfortunate yet well known side effects of the drug I ultimately decided to go off of it after a couple years, however I have to say that while on it I was at my best emotionally. I'm still OK, however it takes a little work to stay balanced. Anyway, in the end it was a personal choice that had more to do with physical side effects than anything else.

Like I said, I usually don't get into my own personal life however I think it's important for those who do suffer from depression to talk about their experiences including the medications they have taken whether that experience was positive or negative. I find that for me sertraline was not a wonder drug though it did help and so also not really the boogeyman that people who have never taken the medication think it is.
Every LIB 'gun grabber' gave A.B. a special pass when it came to guns.
There was nothing A.B. loved more than to fire off a few hundreds rounds from an AK......any AK.
A.B. had a hole in his heart no amount of booze and drugs could ever fill.
When I saw his Seattle episode where he said: "Any self respecting person should know how to roll a joint" that was the end for me.
I posted on this forum asking him how old would his daughter need to be for him to teach her how to roll a joint?
He was a world class nihilist/narcissist asshole. Good riddance!
Every LIB in the country is weeping today.
Let them!

You obviously know nothing about him.
He was not a liberal, as in in the American modern liberal of big-nanny government and regulate every move everyone ever makes. The guy didn't even believe in taxation, and more than once ran into a little trouble with the IRS.
He was a libertarian...basically categorically the opposite of a liberal.

Not quite, not that it really matters but I don't think Bourdain is specifically libertarian either. He voted for Obama, not the libertarian for president, I doubt he was against things like the Civil Rights Act or was concerned about a progressive tax system.

Socially he appeared to lean left, fiscally I'm not sure, he was obviously against some regulations though not very specific. It'd be a stretch to call him a liberal, it'd be a stretch to box him into any political ideology.

I agree....basically the man didn't concern himself with politics.
He voted for Obama...but, you might remember he also made reference more than once that he was disappointed in him.

I don't know if that says much either. Many liberals grew disappointed with Obama. Like any other president when reality catches up to the fact that the first black president is well still just a man.

Anyway, at the end of Obama's term Bourdain appeared to hold a positive view of Obama as referenced in my previous post with video. You can watch a slew of videos from when Bourdain had Obama on his show, the respect is obvious from both men.

bourdain obama vietnam - YouTube

Which is strange.
Bourdain was complicated, and I think probably liked a person with no regard to their political beliefs.
I don't know.
I mean Obama was the greatest friend to Wall Street than any other President could possibly ever have been. His economic policies aligned quite well with Bush II.... AWOL...they both let the vipers do whatever the investor class wanted them to do. Obama's admin was still handing out $70 billion PER MONTH to the wealthiest investment banks in the world in the form of interest-free loans, at a time they were making record profits. Basically...they had total access to our tax dollars to invest as they saw fit, and reap the profits.
Pretty sure Bourdain would not like all.

No, he probably wouldn't have. I don't think Obama was different from any other president in how they treated Wall Street, to me that certainly wasn't Obama's strength and one of the reasons many liberals felt disenfranchised by him.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

I don't doubt your link, at least not until I see it. Maybe you posted it already but I'm not finding it above.

I also don't doubt that some medications in some people can make them more suicidal. However there are millions who are on anti-depressants now who wouldn't be able to function without them.

I don't usually like to talk about my personal life however there was a time when I was on sertraline, I had developed generalized anxiety disorder, mostly from not dealing with my own depression and at that moment in time, I needed an anti-depressant and I can say that it indeed saved my life just so I could just get through the day and cognizant enough that I could undergo some pretty painful therapy without falling apart.

Due to some..*ahem* unfortunate yet well known side effects of the drug I ultimately decided to go off of it after a couple years, however I have to say that while on it I was at my best emotionally. I'm still OK, however it takes a little work to stay balanced. Anyway, in the end it was a personal choice that had more to do with physical side effects than anything else.

Like I said, I usually don't get into my own personal life however I think it's important for those who do suffer from depression to talk about their experiences including the medications they have taken whether that experience was positive or negative. I find that for me sertraline was not a wonder drug though it did help and so also not really the boogeyman that people who have never taken the medication think it is.

I must not have included the links. Here are a few:

Antidepressants linked to suicide and aggression in teens

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds
Every LIB 'gun grabber' gave A.B. a special pass when it came to guns.
There was nothing A.B. loved more than to fire off a few hundreds rounds from an AK......any AK.

Why does a liberal have to give him a pass on guns?

Before entertaining the ridiculous notion of arming teachers, worth considering the NYPD stat for hitting their target in gun fight is 18%

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

I don't doubt your link, at least not until I see it. Maybe you posted it already but I'm not finding it above.

I also don't doubt that some medications in some people can make them more suicidal. However there are millions who are on anti-depressants now who wouldn't be able to function without them.

I don't usually like to talk about my personal life however there was a time when I was on sertraline, I had developed generalized anxiety disorder, mostly from not dealing with my own depression and at that moment in time, I needed an anti-depressant and I can say that it indeed saved my life just so I could just get through the day and cognizant enough that I could undergo some pretty painful therapy without falling apart.

Due to some..*ahem* unfortunate yet well known side effects of the drug I ultimately decided to go off of it after a couple years, however I have to say that while on it I was at my best emotionally. I'm still OK, however it takes a little work to stay balanced. Anyway, in the end it was a personal choice that had more to do with physical side effects than anything else.

Like I said, I usually don't get into my own personal life however I think it's important for those who do suffer from depression to talk about their experiences including the medications they have taken whether that experience was positive or negative. I find that for me sertraline was not a wonder drug though it did help and so also not really the boogeyman that people who have never taken the medication think it is.

I must not have included the links. Here are a few:

Antidepressants linked to suicide and aggression in teens

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds

That anti-depressants can cause suicide does not surprise me. I think they are over prescribed and often there is a gap between those prescribing the medication and those who seek therapy. For example, I easily could have just gotten my zoloft with from one physician who recommends therapy yet did absolutely nothing to ensure I did, I had to seek that out myself. I also don't think children should be on the medication either.

Like any medication there should be some amount of supervision when taking it, especially when going on or coming off of it. I can speak from experience, when I started taking mine it was rough, a god awful experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. Because I was well prepped on what to expect I was OK, I bet many have no idea. Also getting off of anti-depressants can be tough as well, many just go cold turkey which is a huge mistake, for me I was easily able to stop taking them over time (about 2 weeks) and I was fine.

Antidepressants are a necessity for some, there is no getting around that, they are here to stay. It's a matter of figuring out who should and shouldn't be on them.

EDIT: Here is an article that speaks to the benefits of anti-depressants while recognizing their dangers and the need for increased monitoring and identifying the right candidates for these drugs.

Antidepressants may not be perfect, but they DO save lives | Daily Mail Online
Last edited:
My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

My first question with suicides these days is always the same. What prescription meds was he on? Sounds like Kate Spade was on both antideppresents and anti anxiety meds at THE SAME TIME.

Someday we need to understand that these things can, and often do, make problems in the brain worse, not better.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

I don't doubt your link, at least not until I see it. Maybe you posted it already but I'm not finding it above.

I also don't doubt that some medications in some people can make them more suicidal. However there are millions who are on anti-depressants now who wouldn't be able to function without them.

I don't usually like to talk about my personal life however there was a time when I was on sertraline, I had developed generalized anxiety disorder, mostly from not dealing with my own depression and at that moment in time, I needed an anti-depressant and I can say that it indeed saved my life just so I could just get through the day and cognizant enough that I could undergo some pretty painful therapy without falling apart.

Due to some..*ahem* unfortunate yet well known side effects of the drug I ultimately decided to go off of it after a couple years, however I have to say that while on it I was at my best emotionally. I'm still OK, however it takes a little work to stay balanced. Anyway, in the end it was a personal choice that had more to do with physical side effects than anything else.

Like I said, I usually don't get into my own personal life however I think it's important for those who do suffer from depression to talk about their experiences including the medications they have taken whether that experience was positive or negative. I find that for me sertraline was not a wonder drug though it did help and so also not really the boogeyman that people who have never taken the medication think it is.

I must not have included the links. Here are a few:

Antidepressants linked to suicide and aggression in teens

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds

That anti-depressants can cause suicide does not surprise me. I think they are over prescribed and often there is a gap between those prescribing the medication and those who seek therapy. For example, I easily could have just gotten my zoloft with from one physician who recommends therapy yet did absolutely nothing to ensure I did, I had to seek that out myself. I also don't think children should be on the medication either.

Like any medication there should be some amount of supervision when taking it, especially when going on or coming off of it. I can speak from experience, when I started taking mine it was rough, a god awful experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. Because I was well prepped on what to expect I was OK, I bet many have no idea. Also getting off of anti-depressants can be tough as well, many just go cold turkey which is a huge mistake, for me I was easily able to stop taking them over time (about 2 weeks) and I was fine.

Antidepressants are a necessity for some, there is no getting around that, they are here to stay. It's a matter of figuring out who should and shouldn't be on them.

I would generally agree, except, studies have shown that Placebo is nearly as effective, which begs the question, are they only available because they are profitable?
Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

Possibly, however they were most likely already diagnosed with depression and therefore prescribed the medication. In other words they were already candidates for suicide, I'm not so sure whether they were on medication or not is necessarily damning for those medications.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

I don't doubt your link, at least not until I see it. Maybe you posted it already but I'm not finding it above.

I also don't doubt that some medications in some people can make them more suicidal. However there are millions who are on anti-depressants now who wouldn't be able to function without them.

I don't usually like to talk about my personal life however there was a time when I was on sertraline, I had developed generalized anxiety disorder, mostly from not dealing with my own depression and at that moment in time, I needed an anti-depressant and I can say that it indeed saved my life just so I could just get through the day and cognizant enough that I could undergo some pretty painful therapy without falling apart.

Due to some..*ahem* unfortunate yet well known side effects of the drug I ultimately decided to go off of it after a couple years, however I have to say that while on it I was at my best emotionally. I'm still OK, however it takes a little work to stay balanced. Anyway, in the end it was a personal choice that had more to do with physical side effects than anything else.

Like I said, I usually don't get into my own personal life however I think it's important for those who do suffer from depression to talk about their experiences including the medications they have taken whether that experience was positive or negative. I find that for me sertraline was not a wonder drug though it did help and so also not really the boogeyman that people who have never taken the medication think it is.

I must not have included the links. Here are a few:

Antidepressants linked to suicide and aggression in teens

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds

That anti-depressants can cause suicide does not surprise me. I think they are over prescribed and often there is a gap between those prescribing the medication and those who seek therapy. For example, I easily could have just gotten my zoloft with from one physician who recommends therapy yet did absolutely nothing to ensure I did, I had to seek that out myself. I also don't think children should be on the medication either.

Like any medication there should be some amount of supervision when taking it, especially when going on or coming off of it. I can speak from experience, when I started taking mine it was rough, a god awful experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. Because I was well prepped on what to expect I was OK, I bet many have no idea. Also getting off of anti-depressants can be tough as well, many just go cold turkey which is a huge mistake, for me I was easily able to stop taking them over time (about 2 weeks) and I was fine.

Antidepressants are a necessity for some, there is no getting around that, they are here to stay. It's a matter of figuring out who should and shouldn't be on them.

I would generally agree, except, studies have shown that Placebo is nearly as effective, which begs the question, are they only available because they are profitable?

I'm sure many think they are benefiting when taking a placebo, especially since depression is as much about ones own opinion as to how they feel especially when being told they are taking something to make them feel better and the fact that these patients want to feel better, I can't think of more of a reason where many will give the 'drug' the benefit of the doubt.

I edited my post above with this link however after you had already quoted it, I think it sums up the benefit to many with these drugs and recognizing the very real threat they possess when prescribed to people who shouldn't be on them.

Antidepressants may not be perfect, but they DO save lives | Daily Mail Online

Anti-depressants aren't going anywhere, however I agree they are over prescribed and there is a lack of a support network (i.e. mandatory therapy) for those who do take them.
Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

Read the link. Of course they would have had to have been diagnosed, but as the links indicate, the medication increases the risk of suicide and Violent behavior by 50% over Placebo. And at the same time, Placebo (sugar pills) are nearly as effective as the very dangerous prescription meds.

I don't doubt your link, at least not until I see it. Maybe you posted it already but I'm not finding it above.

I also don't doubt that some medications in some people can make them more suicidal. However there are millions who are on anti-depressants now who wouldn't be able to function without them.

I don't usually like to talk about my personal life however there was a time when I was on sertraline, I had developed generalized anxiety disorder, mostly from not dealing with my own depression and at that moment in time, I needed an anti-depressant and I can say that it indeed saved my life just so I could just get through the day and cognizant enough that I could undergo some pretty painful therapy without falling apart.

Due to some..*ahem* unfortunate yet well known side effects of the drug I ultimately decided to go off of it after a couple years, however I have to say that while on it I was at my best emotionally. I'm still OK, however it takes a little work to stay balanced. Anyway, in the end it was a personal choice that had more to do with physical side effects than anything else.

Like I said, I usually don't get into my own personal life however I think it's important for those who do suffer from depression to talk about their experiences including the medications they have taken whether that experience was positive or negative. I find that for me sertraline was not a wonder drug though it did help and so also not really the boogeyman that people who have never taken the medication think it is.

I must not have included the links. Here are a few:

Antidepressants linked to suicide and aggression in teens

Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds

That anti-depressants can cause suicide does not surprise me. I think they are over prescribed and often there is a gap between those prescribing the medication and those who seek therapy. For example, I easily could have just gotten my zoloft with from one physician who recommends therapy yet did absolutely nothing to ensure I did, I had to seek that out myself. I also don't think children should be on the medication either.

Like any medication there should be some amount of supervision when taking it, especially when going on or coming off of it. I can speak from experience, when I started taking mine it was rough, a god awful experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. Because I was well prepped on what to expect I was OK, I bet many have no idea. Also getting off of anti-depressants can be tough as well, many just go cold turkey which is a huge mistake, for me I was easily able to stop taking them over time (about 2 weeks) and I was fine.

Antidepressants are a necessity for some, there is no getting around that, they are here to stay. It's a matter of figuring out who should and shouldn't be on them.

I would generally agree, except, studies have shown that Placebo is nearly as effective, which begs the question, are they only available because they are profitable?

I'm sure many think they are benefiting when taking a placebo, especially since depression is as much about ones own opinion as to how they feel especially when being told they are taking something to make them feel better and the fact that these patients want to feel better, I can't think of more of a reason where many will give the 'drug' the benefit of the doubt.

I edited my post above with this link however after you had already quoted it, I think it sums up the benefit to many with these drugs and recognizing the very real threat they possess when prescribed to people who shouldn't be on them.

Antidepressants may not be perfect, but they DO save lives | Daily Mail Online

Anti-depressants aren't going anywhere, however I agree they are over prescribed and there is a lack of a support network (i.e. mandatory therapy) for those who do take them.


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