Anthony Fossaceca is the choice for Ohio's 6th District


Feb 19, 2011
This letter is in response to the letter "Fossaceca will bring thoughtful,
informed voice to Statehouse" written by Diana Nazelli.

In the twenty years that I've known "Foss" I have always been very impressed
with his honesty, integrity and strong work ethic. He is a unusual
candidate in that he is running for office in a time when this country is in
such desperate need of statesmen. Ms. Nazelli "hit the nail right on the
head" in describing what Anthony brings to the political table; he is all
these qualities and more. Others who have worked with him would provide
similar testimony as well.

As for his opponent it appears she prefers to follow the "party line" when
voting and therefore promotes "business as usual" at the Statehouse and
we've all seen where that has led us to. Ohio's 6th District cannot
continue along this precarious path but rather needs to "shift gears" and
get back to what the founders intended for governmental and political
leadership; that compromise on any given issue does not in any way suggest a
compromise of character.

Politics is not about the art {or science} of bringing the other person
down. It is about working together towards the common goal of improving
upon the quality of life for all citizens regardless of race, color, creed
and political persuasion. It is for this reason that voters should choose
Anthony "Foss" Fossaceca on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 because he will get
the job done the right way.

Joe Bialek
Cleveland, OH

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