Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Thanks so that means it would be difficult for the Leftists to abolish the Electoral College, they would have to get two thirds of House and Senate approval and then three fourth of States to affirm, so their thing from months ago about how they were saying they were going to get rid of the Electoral College was just more unhinged mania from them because of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that is consuming them.
Lucy Hamilton Some democrat Iowa State House Representative got the idea they would pass the Compact law that would go around the eleuctoral college making the Popular Vote determine the Presidency. Even the Then Democrat Governor said he would veto any bill that would require Iowa,s electoral vote would be given to the popular vote winner. Small States will not give over our EC votes to the majority making our votes for Presidency meaningless. Not yet!
Roe isn't going to be overturned, I do expect however the Dims will get their side all lathered and foaming by November however.
Best to get a nominee and get them seated as quickly as possible.
I was happy to hear that Trump is already going over his list of potential nominees.

How would the new situation on that court with a solid Republican Majority affect something like the Leftists wanting to eliminate the Electoral College because The Donald beat Hillary? In the event they attempted to get rid of the Electoral College could someone take that to the Supreme Court and the Leftists get slapped down?
/——/ I’m not sure the SC can make that ruling. It would call for an repeal. How is the Constitution amended?
Article V of the Constitution prescribes how an amendment can become a part of the Constitution. While there are two ways, only one has ever been used. All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths of the states must affirm th

Thanks so that means it would be difficult for the Leftists to abolish the Electoral College, they would have to get two thirds of House and Senate approval and then three fourths of States to affirm, so their thing from months ago about how they were saying they were going to get rid of the Electoral College was just more unhinged mania from them because of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that is consuming them.

I was reading that there were some elections yesterday for the November elections and from what I read America now enters Full Political Polarisation, on the Democrat side they had some pretty out there SJWs being elected and on the Republican side you had Trump Supporters being elected, how the Democrats think that going even more Far Leftist than they already are by picking full on SJWs is going to help them I do not know, IMHO if the choice is between some unhinged Screaming and Bedwetting SJW and a Trump Conservative I think probably many Independents and also Libertarians will pick the Trump Conservative.
For Lucy....
Federalism - National Constitution Center

Thank you I have Bookmarked that and will study it.
A glorious, glorious day indeed!! Talk about a day one can freely flip the bird at anybody on the is it!! For at least a generation, the assault on American culture is trainwrecked....and I'm beyond giddy about it. With any luck, this will just push the level of discord and division between the left and the right to a height not seen since 1859!! Go....go....

Message to my conservative pals? Go out and get some premium beer to celebrate tonight.... this kind of winning doesn't come around too often.:popcorn::popcorn:. Munch, munch!
You might want to wait until you have an actual confirmation. It hasn't happened yet.
Roe isn't going to be overturned, I do expect however the Dims will get their side all lathered and foaming by November however.
Best to get a nominee and get them seated as quickly as possible.
I was happy to hear that Trump is already going over his list of potential nominees.

How would the new situation on that court with a solid Republican Majority affect something like the Leftists wanting to eliminate the Electoral College because The Donald beat Hillary? In the event they attempted to get rid of the Electoral College could someone take that to the Supreme Court and the Leftists get slapped down?
/——/ I’m not sure the SC can make that ruling. It would call for an repeal. How is the Constitution amended?
Article V of the Constitution prescribes how an amendment can become a part of the Constitution. While there are two ways, only one has ever been used. All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths of the states must affirm th

Thanks so that means it would be difficult for the Leftists to abolish the Electoral College, they would have to get two thirds of House and Senate approval and then three fourths of States to affirm, so their thing from months ago about how they were saying they were going to get rid of the Electoral College was just more unhinged mania from them because of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that is consuming them.

I was reading that there were some elections yesterday for the November elections and from what I read America now enters Full Political Polarisation, on the Democrat side they had some pretty out there SJWs being elected and on the Republican side you had Trump Supporters being elected, how the Democrats think that going even more Far Leftist than they already are by picking full on SJWs is going to help them I do not know, IMHO if the choice is between some unhinged Screaming and Bedwetting SJW and a Trump Conservative I think probably many Independents and also Libertarians will pick the Trump Conservative.
For Lucy....
Federalism - National Constitution Center

Thank you I have Bookmarked that and will study it.
I sent you more info...check you in-box.
Roe isn't going to be overturned, I do expect however the Dims will get their side all lathered and foaming by November however.
Best to get a nominee and get them seated as quickly as possible.
I was happy to hear that Trump is already going over his list of potential nominees.

How would the new situation on that court with a solid Republican Majority affect something like the Leftists wanting to eliminate the Electoral College because The Donald beat Hillary? In the event they attempted to get rid of the Electoral College could someone take that to the Supreme Court and the Leftists get slapped down?

Getting rid of the electoral college would be a legislative action, and nearly impossible.
It's in the Constitution, so to get rid of it would require 2/3 of the Senate AND 2/3 of the House as well as a 38 of 50 states ratification to kill it.
It would be a huge uphill undertaking to get that kind of approval.
A glorious, glorious day indeed!! Talk about a day one can freely flip the bird at anybody on the is it!! For at least a generation, the assault on American culture is trainwrecked....and I'm beyond giddy about it. With any luck, this will just push the level of discord and division between the left and the right to a height not seen since 1859!! Go....go....

Message to my conservative pals? Go out and get some premium beer to celebrate tonight.... this kind of winning doesn't come around too often.:popcorn::popcorn:. Munch, munch!
You might want to wait until you have an actual confirmation. It hasn't happened yet.


Court to be 6-3....might take a while but that's what it will be. Likely to be 7-2 soon too!

Just heard on ABC News radio.
/----/ Rush predicts that the Leftards will demand that Trump not name a nominee until Muller concludes his investigation on Collusion otherwise if Trump is removed from office the USSC appointee will be seen as illegitimate. AND I AGREE WITH RUSH.

Oh, they'll try anything to delay until they are in control again.
Just heard on ABC News radio.
/----/ Rush predicts that the Leftards will demand that Trump not name a nominee until Muller concludes his investigation on Collusion otherwise if Trump is removed from office the USSC appointee will be seen as illegitimate. AND I AGREE WITH RUSH.

Oh, they'll try anything to delay until they are in control again.
I think this is more like a ploy to scare middle dems to vote left. All we need as an antidote is to shine a spotlight on some seedy aspects of the left. Like what happened in 2016. Worked like a charm. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
A glorious, glorious day indeed!! Talk about a day one can freely flip the bird at anybody on the is it!! For at least a generation, the assault on American culture is trainwrecked....and I'm beyond giddy about it. With any luck, this will just push the level of discord and division between the left and the right to a height not seen since 1859!! Go....go....

Message to my conservative pals? Go out and get some premium beer to celebrate tonight.... this kind of winning doesn't come around too often.:popcorn::popcorn:. Munch, munch!
I’m already putting back some suds!
His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.
This is just getting too easy.
In the first place we have the Dem's changing the rules to benefit the Dem's. And the when the GOP applies those same changes, they cry.
I am just laughing may ass off.
Bye bye Miss American Pie.
Drive your Chevy to the levee cause your vagina is dry.
Stay out of my bloomers. Everyone knows that.
Dems never held back a Supreme Court nomination when a Pres had eleven months left in office. You are doing the dishonest blaming the Dems for your own dirty tricks and inexcusable actions.
OMIGOD, They started it!
You need a recent history lesson!
Did you sleep through the class in high school, or (as I suspect) never take American history? Or even worse, did you attend High School?
Even though you idjits want to erase history, you cannot change it.
Tell me the justice whose nomination was ignored for eleven months by the Democrats.

Republicans followed the Joe Biden rule. Name the last SCOTUS nominated in a Presidential election year
Just heard on ABC News radio.
This is most excellent news. Now Mr Trump can get us another conservative and then we can overturn Rove vs Wade


Kennedy is a conservative and not a single current member of SCOTUS supports over turning RvW

Sent from my iPhone using
Kennedy is a loser.


Yep. He repeatedly fucked us. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Resigning was the greatest thing he ever did for his country
A glorious, glorious day indeed!! Talk about a day one can freely flip the bird at anybody on the is it!! For at least a generation, the assault on American culture is trainwrecked....and I'm beyond giddy about it. With any luck, this will just push the level of discord and division between the left and the right to a height not seen since 1859!! Go....go....

Message to my conservative pals? Go out and get some premium beer to celebrate tonight.... this kind of winning doesn't come around too often.:popcorn::popcorn:. Munch, munch!
You might want to wait until you have an actual confirmation. It hasn't happened yet.
Nominee wil slip through the bowels of Congress faster than a greased burrito.

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