Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Now Ginzburg needs to be impeached, along with Sotomayor. We need three more Trump appointments, hopefully Justices who agree with Thomas Jefferson on deportation of treasonous vermin a necessary option for our govt. and national safety. People who call for assassinations of police officers, advocate for criminal illegal entry into the U.S., violent hate crimes, hire gangsters with Craig's List ads to attack legal demonstration rallies and other peoples' rights of freedom of assembly, and open and blatant treason, as the Obama administration and the vast majority of the Democratic Party have and do daily, need to go, and go soon.

No more of this dope-addled degeneracy, the core Democrati Party platform::

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained.

Stirling S. Newberry

... and a lot more of this common sense and wise advice from one of our more prominent Founders:

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
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Kennedy, in a very suave political move, is telling American female voters, "Don't vote and you will get what you deserve, nothing."

We will see if this motivates a smashing blue electoral vote that sweeps all before it, leaving Trump unprotected against Congress.
Kennedy, in a very suave political move, is telling American female voters, "Don't vote and you will get what you deserve, nothing."

We will see if this motivates a smashing blue electoral vote that sweeps all before it, leaving Trump unprotected against Congress.

Jake I thought you were a Republican. What an odd thing to say
Now Ginzburg needs to be impeached, along with Sotomayor. We need three more Trump appointments, hopefully Justices who agree with Thomas Jefferson on deportation of treasonous vermin a necessary option for our govt. and national safety. People who call for assassinations of police officers, advocate for criminal illegal entry into the U.S., violent hate crimes, hire gangsters with Craig's List ads to attack legal demonstration rallies and other peoples' rights of freedom of assembly, and open and blatant treason, as the Obama administration and the vast majority of the Democratic Party have and do daily, need to go, and go soon.

Ginsburg is the most impeachable Justice in modern memory. No Justice I know of has given an interview to the press just before a Hearing saying how they were going to cast at the Hearing. Buh-BAM! The definition of an impeachable Justice. The hearing would take about 5 minutes to get it done. "Did you say this to this press outlet on this date just prior to the Hearing?" "Yes". "Yer outta here!....buh bye...bye now."
Republicans cheated to get the court in their favor now we face more potentially unamerican decisions.
you are so full of shit the sewage companies have put a collective ban on your ass.

Funny how you say that. After all this is an election year, so we can't nominate a justice yet.

It's not a Presidential election year.
There's a difference.
Shit is going to hit the fan boys and girls...

Yep. We now have a government that does not represent a majority of the people. When such a government exists that the majority of the people do not respect, the people will act accordingly.

Do not act shocked or surprised in the coming future when those actions occur.
Act accordingly?

What action are you speaking of?
Why do you sad losers care more about hurting liberals - who are Americans the people protected by the constitution and bill of rights - rather than getting and explaining good policy?
Because you people are a stain on our constitution. Best to wipe you away and restore Americas values.
While you idiots debate on which bathroom to use the rest of us work to protect our families & future.
True story
You would not like the world that progressivism delivered us from.
Suppose the "Blue Wave" comes down- the libs will show their hypocrisy.

Will not even consider the President's nominations, and will try steal the seat, even after their whine fest about Garland
Why do you sad losers care more about hurting liberals - who are Americans the people protected by the constitution and bill of rights - rather than getting and explaining good policy?
Because you people are a stain on our constitution. Best to wipe you away and restore Americas values.
While you idiots debate on which bathroom to use the rest of us work to protect our families & future.
Progressivism brought us all the labor benefits.

Anyway, you're a stain on humanity. xD. Look how worthless that statement is.
Now Ginzburg needs to be impeached, along with Sotomayor. We need three more Trump appointments, hopefully Justices who agree with Thomas Jefferson on deportation of treasonous vermin a necessary option for our govt. and national safety. People who call for assassinations of police officers, advocate for criminal illegal entry into the U.S., violent hate crimes, hire gangsters with Craig's List ads to attack legal demonstration rallies and other peoples' rights of freedom of assembly, and open and blatant treason, as the Obama administration and the vast majority of the Democratic Party have and do daily, need to go, and go soon.

Ginsburg is the most impeachable Justice in modern memory. No Justice I know of has given an interview to the press just before a Hearing saying how they were going to cast at the Hearing. Buh-BAM! The definition of an impeachable Justice. The hearing would take about 5 minutes to get it done. "Did you say this to this press outlet on this date just prior to the Hearing?" "Yes". "Yer outta here!....buh bye...bye now."

Indeed. Plus she said she would leave the country if we didn't vote for her candidate; if she doesn't like our system of elections she has no business sitting on a Federal bench at all. She's also obviously a deranged alcoholic and mentally incompetent .

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