Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.

Then stop lying. The senate has the duty to advice and consent. They said no. Deal with it
No, they didn't, liar. They refused to do their Constitutional duty to advise and consent. They did not do their job. A No vote and I wouldn't have an issue.

Wanting gun control and upholding Roe v. Wade is entirely mainstream. Holding out for some far right turkey should have waited until you had a Republican President. Not a year before.

Scuze moi, but Congress is a co-equal branch of government. It doesn't have to do the President's bidding on the President's timetable.
The Congress, as a branch of government, needs to discharge its responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution. It failed, purposely.

No it didn't. It can choose not to Advise and Consent.
Justice Anthony Kennedy to Retire From Supreme Court

YES!!!!!!!!! President Trump gets his 2nd SC nominee! WOO HOO! Liberal heads EXPLODE!

Excellent news, European Patriots today are happy for our American Patriotic Brothers and Sisters, get a good Right-Wing Judge to replace and also a man or a woman in their early 40s and also hope the below ugly Communist departs very soon, then another Right-Wing Judge to replace again a man or a woman in their early 40s, I add which one is the oldest on the Conservative section whoever that is get them to retire and then The Donald can replace them with a younger Judge and then with that you can have 6-3 Decisions for a very long time and with this you can have that Right-Wing Court for 20-30 years.

The ugly Communist below is actually already dead, she has been dead for twenty years, they embalmed her and they keep her animated by Witchcraft and offerings of aborted babies to Satan or whatever.

I have to say they did a great embalming job!

View attachment 201465

She sometimes gives off the odor of decomposition so they have to spray:

View attachment 201466
Is this her?

In technicolor...

/——/ Marc is projecting again. He’s so cute,
Funny how it is the GOP bs character assassination propaganda machine against every respected media Outlet in the world, isn't it, super duper?
/——/ We call a spade a spade. It’s all agenda driven indoctrination
The GOP has its own facts and is a giveaway to the rich disgrace. The rest of the world has real facts. It's called journalism as opposed to propaganda... Super dupe.
Both sides are full of shit on lots of stuff.
You're just a Liberal hack.
Example of democratic lies? And not Obama's predictions on ACA the Congress changed...

You mean like you can keep your doctor if you like them.

Those lies ?
Did you really read that? Some one is going to get hurt...
Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..
Only on Fox, super duper. Harassment is not violence, Waters is not they.

So if we get rid of fox you will be super duper calm?
Bring back the fairness Doctrine and get rid of all the GOP High School grad pundits spreading garbage and Hate...

You just got a jab to the belly and a right cross to the jaw. Enjoy your day :)
They know they are already screwed on the senate....

Now the house is looking better.....

What a great day !!!!

Re the House they're not even going to get half the normal turnover the Party who doesn't hold the White House usually gets in mid-terms. By 2020 they'll have so much lunatic treasonous baggage they'll lose a record number of seats then as well.

Their media influence is literally all gone at this point. They can never regain it.
They know they are already screwed on the senate....

Now the house is looking better.....

What a great day !!!!

Re the House they're not even going to get half the normal turnover the Party who doesn't hold the White House usually gets in mid-terms. By 2020 they'll have so much lunatic treasonous baggage they'll lose a record number of seats then as well.

They'll respond like petulant children.

That will get them support with moderates.
Did you really read that? Some one is going to get hurt...
Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..

You expected less from unhinged leftists?
They know they are already screwed on the senate....

Now the house is looking better.....

What a great day !!!!

Re the House they're not even going to get half the normal turnover the Party who doesn't hold the White House usually gets in mid-terms. By 2020 they'll have so much lunatic treasonous baggage they'll lose a record number of seats then as well.

They'll respond like petulant children.

That will get them support with moderates.

I think the border kids thing was a fluke victory for them; they won't be able to pull that off much again. It was actually just Trump's enemies in the GOP that made it work in the first place. Many of them will 'retire' before 2020.
Did you really read that? Some one is going to get hurt...
Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..

You expected less from unhinged leftists?

People got to leave people alone , I am a guy if I see it God help me and that's why it never happens ..if you see it call on us
Did you really read that? Some one is going to get hurt...
Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..

You expected less from unhinged leftists?

WTF? The HuffPost article mentioned in this thread complains the SCOTUS decisions are all "reckless partisanship". Then they go on to say this, "We all know none of these rulings would have gone the way they did if Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s nominee, were on the court." Uh what??? How can they possible know how Garland would have voted??? IF they are so sure these SCOTUS decisions this week would have went their way with Garland, then isn't THAT reckless partisanship at it's finest? These Liberals can't see anyone else's point of view but their own. They are so sure they have the moral high ground while being exactly what they hate. Stunning.
HuffingPaint be mad
Did you really read that? Some one is going to get hurt...
Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..

You expected less from unhinged leftists?

WTF? The HuffPost article mentioned in this thread complains the SCOTUS decisions are all "reckless partisanship". Then they go on to say this, "We all know none of these rulings would have gone the way they did if Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s nominee, were on the court." Uh what??? How can they possible know how Garland would have voted??? IF they are so sure these SCOTUS decisions this week would have went their way with Garland, then isn't THAT reckless partisanship at it's finest? These Liberals are can't see anyone else's point of view but their own. They are so sure they have the moral high ground while being exactly what they hate. Stunning.

It's the loon's crap on here it's where they get it
The libwits all over the country are in a tizzy about this and especially the America hating scum in Washington. They are demanding that selecting a replacement be held off on until after the midterms. They skeered.
HuffingPaint be mad
Did you really read that? Some one is going to get hurt...
Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..

You expected less from unhinged leftists?

WTF? The HuffPost article mentioned in this thread complains the SCOTUS decisions are all "reckless partisanship". Then they go on to say this, "We all know none of these rulings would have gone the way they did if Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s nominee, were on the court." Uh what??? How can they possible know how Garland would have voted??? IF they are so sure these SCOTUS decisions this week would have went their way with Garland, then isn't THAT reckless partisanship at it's finest? These Liberals are can't see anyone else's point of view but their own. They are so sure they have the moral high ground while being exactly what they hate. Stunning.

Thank you, you read it

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