Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

This is the left's Armageddon. people are losing it... No, this court will not be making abortion illegal. Sorry, religious nutballs.

Read the thread, jackass I already said that

Stupid motherfucker
Damn you are whiny. Bullshit,you think they are going to make abortion illegal. We all know it.

Overturning Roe wouldn't make abortion illegal
This is the left's Armageddon. people are losing it... No, this court will not be making abortion illegal. Sorry, religious nutballs.

Read the thread, jackass I already said that

Stupid motherfucker
Damn you are a whiny little slut. Bullshit,you think they are going to make abortion illegal. We all know it.

One more time with that and we'll let a mod decide

Stop your BS you think you know what peiple think and believe. It's stupid
You'll have to forgive her, Sas. She has been "triggered" by the realization that President Trump is about to appoint his SECOND Supreme Court Justice, is likely to appoint three, and could possibly appoint four.
This is the left's Armageddon. people are losing it... No, this court will not be making abortion illegal. Sorry, religious nutballs.

Read the thread, jackass I already said that

Stupid motherfucker
Damn you are whiny. Bullshit,you think they are going to make abortion illegal. We all know it.

Overturning Roe wouldn't make abortion illegal

Yep, State issue after it's overturned.
"Justice Kennedy" - Twitter Search

Oh yes. Full blown meltdown.

If anyone has anything, a Video, audio recording, or other evidence pointing to Trump crimes or misconduct, NOW is the time to release them publicly Do NOT Wait The GOP will Force through a Justice Kennedy Replacement, unless there is sheer public outcry #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS

670 replies1,321 retweets2,634 likes
Ginsburg is 85 yrs 3 months old.... tic toc, tic toc...
Breyer is 79 yr s10 months old ..tic toc, tic toc

I can toss 4 or 6 folks out of this thread in less than a minute. Wanna see? STICK to the specific topic and lay off each other. Deleted 14 on the last 5 pages.
Tried to calm it down with a Cat scene......Was gonna use Twitty Bird next.
Conservative judges always uphold the constitution ..

That's a no brainer
Haha, good one. I see you brought your jokes.
So gay marriage was a bad idea now? We just destroyed the liberals..

Gay marriage isn't going to change.
No, that happened because President Blackenstein ate your lunch.

Grow up and cease being annoying...really.

You're not clever nor funny.
I wasn't trying to be clever or funny. It's a fact. History will notice...unprecedented obstruction and behavior, the birtherism...future generations will see it very clearly.

Pal we, are destroying you, and future generations have to live under it.

Actually they don't. All future generations need to do is win large enough majorities in the Congress, make Washington DC, and Puerto Rico states, appoint 2 new Justices along with the four new Senators that would go to Congress, and completely wipe out all conservative gains in one fell swoop, just that fast, and this can be done a lot faster and a lot sooner than you think.

In another 27 years, you are completely in the minority of voters, and none of this that is happening today will have any relevance.

Gawd you're fucking annoying

It's not a matter of preference. It's a fact of historical events since the end of the Civil War. What is relevant today, doesn't have the same relevance tomorrow.

The civil rights that have been gained up until this point are not going away to satisfy some bigoted ideological or religious bent, no matter who is a judge on a court. That's the genius behind our country. An activist court that took 30 years to build can be wiped out by a Congress in just one year after it is sworn into office.
My statement on the retirement of Justice Kennedy. “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new Congress.”

3,286 replies25,538 retweets 76,151 likes

Senator Dick Durbin‏Verified account @SenatorDurbin 2h2 hours ago
Joining @CNNSitRoom shortly to discuss Justice Kennedy’s retirement, and why the Senate should not consider a replacement until the American people have spoken in this year’s election (aka the McConnell standard).

Not to worry, the scumbag GOP will go overboard and it will become obvious even to many GOP twits like you that the GOP is a lying thieving disgrace. The United States will not make a come back 2 leadership until a democratic landslide.

Dang head hurts from seeing how bad your head hurts. Hey I get it.....head explosions are tough to plow through.....those Soetero years weren't that long ago!!!
More like Obama weeks LOL. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.But You dupes think he had had control for 2 years and caused the 2008 World depression... The world thinks you are evil. They don't get Fox Rush Savage Heritage examiner Etc and don't know you are just brainwashed fools.

But winning....
Especially today.:2up::auiqs.jpg:

I'll take the brainwashed fool tag every day.... as long as I'm winning:backpedal:
You are not winning. Bigoted greedy idiot GOP billionaires are winning, Super Duper.
/——/ Idiot GOP billionaires as opposed to real smart dirt poor democRATs

More from the Tweets, so I know they were already unhinged but not THIS unhinged:


^^^^ WTF totally insane they are :uhoh3:
If Trump is given a hearing to appoint a new SCOTUS to replace Justice Kennedy, prior to the Midterms, America should take to the streets and protest! LET THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CHOOSE! We are starting a movement right now! #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS Please join the movement!!

148 replies1,319 retweets 2,498 likes

More in the link I supplied. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Dang head hurts from seeing how bad your head hurts. Hey I get it.....head explosions are tough to plow through.....those Soetero years weren't that long ago!!!
More like Obama weeks LOL. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.But You dupes think he had had control for 2 years and caused the 2008 World depression... The world thinks you are evil. They don't get Fox Rush Savage Heritage examiner Etc and don't know you are just brainwashed fools.

But winning....
Especially today.:2up::auiqs.jpg:

I'll take the brainwashed fool tag every day.... as long as I'm winning:backpedal:
You are not winning. Bigoted greedy idiot GOP billionaires are winning, Super Duper.
/——/ Idiot GOP billionaires as opposed to real smart dirt poor democRATs

More from the Tweets, so I know they were already unhinged but not THIS unhinged:

View attachment 201517

^^^^ WTF totally insane they are :uhoh3:
Yeah..I saw that one. Oh my.
My statement on the retirement of Justice Kennedy. “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new Congress.”

3,286 replies25,538 retweets 76,151 likes

Senator Dick Durbin‏Verified account @SenatorDurbin 2h2 hours ago
Joining @CNNSitRoom shortly to discuss Justice Kennedy’s retirement, and why the Senate should not consider a replacement until the American people have spoken in this year’s election (aka the McConnell standard).
They'll have to Filabuster their butts off.........They don't have the numbers. 50 plus 1 to confirm........

We haven't seen unglued yet...............This will EPIC.
The Left is completely in infantile, hissy fit mode. Coddled all their lives they can't take it when everything doesn't go their insane way.
Well F me. But hell, better he than The Notorious RBG - And F him too for voting for Trump's stupid Muslim ban.

Except, there never was a muslim ban.

Wrong Bison Breath -

Sadly, Dotard's razor thin win on SCOTUS failed to take THIS into account

Not one Muslim allowed into America?


Ha - Ha Ha - Ha Ha Ha ... Too bad we couldn't have gone back 10 years and saved the US from a deleterious 2 term administration... lol
This MAY be the beginning of the civil war they are all talking about. Instead of north vs will be dem vs repub.

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