Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

/——/ Marc is projecting again. He’s so cute,
Funny how it is the GOP bs character assassination propaganda machine against every respected media Outlet in the world, isn't it, super duper?
/——/ We call a spade a spade. It’s all agenda driven indoctrination
The GOP has its own facts and is a giveaway to the rich disgrace. The rest of the world has real facts. It's called journalism as opposed to propaganda... Super dupe.
Both sides are full of shit on lots of stuff.
You're just a Liberal hack.
Example of democratic lies? And not Obama's predictions on ACA the Congress changed...
/——-/ Here’s a short list: How liberal Democrats use lies to get what they want
You had that in 2008 and fucked it up beyond belief. It's what brought the red wave
No, that happened because President Blackenstein ate your lunch.

Grow up and cease being annoying...really.

You're not clever nor funny.
I wasn't trying to be clever or funny. It's a fact. History will notice...unprecedented obstruction and behavior, the birtherism...future generations will see it very clearly.

Pal we, are destroying you, and future generations have to live under it.
Hmm, no they don't. The new appointees aren't going to span 2 whole generations. Would you like to borrow my abacus, professor?

And the sad aren't really winning shit. You are helping to rig the game against yourself.
lol. Twitter heads are EXPLODING all over the place there.

After Trump was elected, many asked, "What's the worst that can happen?" This. This is the worst that can happen. If anyone has any Trump tapes they've been holding onto until closer to the midterms, for the love of God release them now.

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This is the left's Armageddon. Their worst fear bearing down and absolutley nothing they can do to stop it.

Man does it feel good.

In Nov 2016, I thought it was over.
Not to worry, the scumbag GOP will go overboard and it will become obvious even to many GOP twits like you that the GOP is a lying thieving disgrace. The United States will not make a come back 2 leadership until a democratic landslide.

Dang head hurts from seeing how bad your head hurts. Hey I get it.....head explosions are tough to plow through.....those Soetero years weren't that long ago!!!
More like Obama weeks LOL. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.But You dupes think he had had control for 2 years and caused the 2008 World depression... The world thinks you are evil. They don't get Fox Rush Savage Heritage examiner Etc and don't know you are just brainwashed fools.

But winning....
Especially today.:2up::auiqs.jpg:

I'll take the brainwashed fool tag every day.... as long as I'm winning:backpedal:
You are not winning. Bigoted greedy idiot GOP billionaires are winning, Super Duper.
/——/ Idiot GOP billionaires as opposed to real smart dirt poor democRATs
Right now the Senate is 51-49. At least 3 of those 51 are not allies of Trump. It is not hard to imagine Trump's pick not getting the 50 votes unless the pick is more moderate than the zealots on the right will want.
Here is the "ultra right-winger" once again reveling in the idea of blocking actual Justices in favor of left-wing activists on the court. :eusa_doh:

Why does someone have to be "allies of Trump" to approve a good candidate, you partisan tool? :dunno:
Verrrry see that Judge Kennedy is retiring ....:biggrin:

My...... my......the meltdown of the lunatic Left should be of epic proportions!
What a beautiful month of June this has been, nah, what a beautiful year 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes_text12:
This is the left's Armageddon. Their worst fear bearing down and absolutley nothing they can do to stop it. VICTORY!!!
Here is the problem though - the left has been extremely violent over the past week. It's only going to get worse from here. You watch how many people are assaulted and/or killed over the next week.

The left is so disgusting.
Conservative judges always uphold the constitution ..

That's a no brainer
Haha, good one. I see you brought your jokes.
So gay marriage was a bad idea now? We just destroyed the liberals..

Gay marriage isn't going to change.
You had that in 2008 and fucked it up beyond belief. It's what brought the red wave
No, that happened because President Blackenstein ate your lunch.

Grow up and cease being annoying...really.

You're not clever nor funny.
I wasn't trying to be clever or funny. It's a fact. History will notice...unprecedented obstruction and behavior, the birtherism...future generations will see it very clearly.

Pal we, are destroying you, and future generations have to live under it.

Actually they don't. All future generations need to do is win large enough majorities in the Congress, make Washington DC, and Puerto Rico states, appoint 2 new Justices along with the four new Senators that would go to Congress, and completely wipe out all conservative gains in one fell swoop, just that fast, and this can be done a lot faster and a lot sooner than you think.

In another 27 years, you are completely in the minority of voters, and none of this that is happening today will have any relevance.
I'd like to take the opportunity to tell the left.............ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES........

You lose again..................and there will probably another coming up soon........

Number 1 reason Hillary couldn't be allowed to win..........I'M LOVING IT.
No, this court will not be making abortion illegal. Sorry, religious nutballs.
Who knows? :dunno:

You said there was "no way in hell" that Donald Trump was elected President. How did that work out for you, sparky? Stop trying to play Nostradamus. You are terrible at it. You are wrong every time. None of us can see the future..
Conservative judges always uphold the constitution ..

That's a no brainer
Haha, good one. I see you brought your jokes.
So gay marriage was a bad idea now? We just destroyed the liberals..

Gay marriage isn't going to change.
You had that in 2008 and fucked it up beyond belief. It's what brought the red wave
No, that happened because President Blackenstein ate your lunch.

Grow up and cease being annoying...really.

You're not clever nor funny.
I wasn't trying to be clever or funny. It's a fact. History will notice...unprecedented obstruction and behavior, the birtherism...future generations will see it very clearly.

Pal we, are destroying you, and future generations have to live under it.

Actually they don't. All future generations need to do is win large enough majorities in the Congress, make Washington DC, and Puerto Rico states, appoint 2 new Justices along with the four new Senators that would go to Congress, and completely wipe out all conservative gains in one fell swoop, just that fast, and this can be done a lot faster and a lot sooner than you think.

In another 27 years, you are completely in the minority of voters, and none of this that is happening today will have any relevance.

But today it does
Now Ginzburg needs to be impeached, along with Sotomayor. We need three more Trump appointments, hopefully Justices who agree with Thomas Jefferson on deportation of treasonous vermin a necessary option for our govt. and national safety. People who call for assassinations of police officers, advocate for criminal illegal entry into the U.S., violent hate crimes, hire gangsters with Craig's List ads to attack legal demonstration rallies and other peoples' rights of freedom of assembly, and open and blatant treason, as the Obama administration and the vast majority of the Democratic Party have and do daily, need to go, and go soon.

Ginsburg is the most impeachable Justice in modern memory. No Justice I know of has given an interview to the press just before a Hearing saying how they were going to cast at the Hearing. Buh-BAM! The definition of an impeachable Justice. The hearing would take about 5 minutes to get it done. "Did you say this to this press outlet on this date just prior to the Hearing?" "Yes". "Yer outta here!....buh bye...bye now."

Yes, no one has made as clear in history ever that I've seen giving interviews that their rulings are based on politics as Ginsburg
The libwits all over the country are in a tizzy about this and especially the America hating scum in Washington. They are demanding that selecting a replacement be held off on until after the midterms. They skeered.
I haven't had this much fun since election night 16.

Man does it feel good.

In Nov 2016, I thought it was over.
Not to worry, the scumbag GOP will go overboard and it will become obvious even to many GOP twits like you that the GOP is a lying thieving disgrace. The United States will not make a come back 2 leadership until a democratic landslide.
No it won't, libwits are a lying thieving disgrace. They shoot people, throw dead animals in their yards, attack them in public and threaten their kids to list a few! YOU people do this and YOU people are sick and disgusting!
Off your meds again? LOL!
Notice how this disgusting libwit lies smokes and deflects and denies what has been all over the media.

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