Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Some are now bashing poor Kennedy for daring DARING to retire at 81 and not wait longer until ....whenever. :eek-52:
The left are taking this rather well.
"Justice Kennedy" - Twitter Search

Oh yes. Full blown meltdown.

If anyone has anything, a Video, audio recording, or other evidence pointing to Trump crimes or misconduct, NOW is the time to release them publicly Do NOT Wait The GOP will Force through a Justice Kennedy Replacement, unless there is sheer public outcry #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS

670 replies1,321 retweets2,634 likes

Gracie the below website has collected the most unhinged of the unhinged Tweets, these peoples are TOTALLY insane, they have got to be off their meds or just not even diagnosed, these are NOT the comments that sane or even partially sane peoples make this is Leftist Americans, read this stuff:

Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it's time to report to the death camps

And also read this stuff, this is Leftist Americans, WTF happened how did the Party of John F. Kennedy degenerate into THIS?

'HEIL TRUMP!' Anthony Kennedy's impending SCOTUS retirement sends libs into a TAILSPIN
"Justice Kennedy" - Twitter Search

Oh yes. Full blown meltdown.

If anyone has anything, a Video, audio recording, or other evidence pointing to Trump crimes or misconduct, NOW is the time to release them publicly Do NOT Wait The GOP will Force through a Justice Kennedy Replacement, unless there is sheer public outcry #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS

670 replies1,321 retweets2,634 likes

Gracie the below website has collected the most unhinged of the unhinged Tweets, these peoples are TOTALLY insane, they have got to be off their meds or just not even diagnosed, these are NOT the comments that sane or even partially sane peoples make this is Leftist Americans, read this stuff:

Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it's time to report to the death camps

And also read this stuff, this is Leftist Americans, WTF happened how did the Party of John F. Kennedy degenerate into THIS?

'HEIL TRUMP!' Anthony Kennedy's impending SCOTUS retirement sends libs into a TAILSPIN
Yeah..I saw that too. :cuckoo:
All I can say is that I'm going to miss him.

I rather liked the fact that the votes could go either way with a moderate being the deciding factor. I don't like it when things swing too far in one direction or the other.
This is the left's Armageddon. Their worst fear bearing down and absolutley nothing they can do to stop it. VICTORY!!!
Here is the problem though - the left has been extremely violent over the past week. It's only going to get worse from here. You watch how many people are assaulted and/or killed over the next week.

The left is so disgusting.
Absolutely duped out of your mind.
"Justice Kennedy" - Twitter Search

Oh yes. Full blown meltdown.

If anyone has anything, a Video, audio recording, or other evidence pointing to Trump crimes or misconduct, NOW is the time to release them publicly Do NOT Wait The GOP will Force through a Justice Kennedy Replacement, unless there is sheer public outcry #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS

670 replies1,321 retweets2,634 likes

Gracie the below website has collected the most unhinged of the unhinged Tweets, these peoples are TOTALLY insane, they have got to be off their meds or just not even diagnosed, these are NOT the comments that sane or even partially sane peoples make this is Leftist Americans, read this stuff:

Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it's time to report to the death camps

And also read this stuff, this is Leftist Americans, WTF happened how did the Party of John F. Kennedy degenerate into THIS?

'HEIL TRUMP!' Anthony Kennedy's impending SCOTUS retirement sends libs into a TAILSPIN
It's only just begun................They are LOSING and they know it.

Remember when they tried to get one from Obama right at the end of his term. Saying that we should take it because we will get a worse choice with Hillary as President....

Some are now bashing poor Kennedy for daring DARING to retire at 81 and not wait longer until ....whenever. :eek-52:
The left are taking this rather well.
View attachment 201524 View attachment 201525

There you have it AGAIN, them advocating violence and the MURDER of a JUDGE WTF?! That Curtis Cook wishes that Judge Kennedy was shot instead of JFK?! WTF is wrong with this crowd, I fear that unhinged is NOT a strong enough term to describe them. So IF something political does not go your way you advocate MURDERING your political opponents?! WTF and these maniacs say it is the CONSERVATIVES who are the Fascists?! What this all illustrates is that Leftists are COMMUNISTS the worst of the crowd, this is TOTAL Stalinism THIS is what Stalin did with his purges, they have to be never be allowed to be in any significant position of power ever AGAIN they cannot be trusted, they are OPENLY calling for those who politically disagree with them to be MURDERED. They are full on Communist Psychos now.
This one is mindboggling:


Da fuck??? I mean..REALLY????

Yes I know, I Screen Shot that one a few pages back. There is no adequate way to respond to it except I hope that fucking bitch AND her bitch daughters Burn In Hell. As a Mama myself I cannot relate on ANY level to that mentality, as a Mama you want the kidlets when grown to have their own kidlets and you then have Grandkidlets, you do NOT WISH that your own kidlets MURDER YOUR Grandkidlets in the womb. WTF?! Sick. Depraved. Deranged. Satantic. Evil. Human Filth. Rot In Hell You Demons. These are Demons Gracie, Pure Demons.
You had that in 2008 and fucked it up beyond belief. It's what brought the red wave
No, that happened because President Blackenstein ate your lunch.

Grow up and cease being annoying...really.

You're not clever nor funny.
I wasn't trying to be clever or funny. It's a fact. History will notice...unprecedented obstruction and behavior, the birtherism...future generations will see it very clearly.

Pal we, are destroying you, and future generations have to live under it.
Hmm, no they don't. The new appointees aren't going to span 2 whole generations. Would you like to borrow my abacus, professor?

And the sad aren't really winning shit. You are helping to rig the game against yourself.
The butthurt from you traitors is phenomenal!
More from the Tweets, so I know they were already unhinged but not THIS unhinged:

View attachment 201517

^^^^ WTF totally insane they are :uhoh3:
I almost orgasmed from reading that! This must be what it felt like for Americans in the final days when Nazi, Germany was falling and Adolf Hitler died. Watching these oppressive fascists "lose hope" and start crying is among the greatest moments in U.S. history.
It sure looks like things are about to get a lot nastier. And I fear more violent too.

It's funny as hell though:

1st, Joe Biden says we shouldn't consider a SCOTUS Justice nominee in a presidential election year, we should wait. This is in 1992 during Bush 41's last year.

But then Scalia dies during Obama's last year and it's, oh yeah we need to consider Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland I think it was.

Now it's back to oh no, we can't consider Trump's nominee even though it's not Trump's last year.
Some are now bashing poor Kennedy for daring DARING to retire at 81 and not wait longer until ....whenever. :eek-52:
The left are taking this rather well.
View attachment 201524 View attachment 201525

Think the left is unhinged now? Just wait until they don't take the House or Senate in November, and Trump gets a second term in 2020.

They will go batshit crazy and full-retard.
Be prepared to protect yourselves.
If Trump is given a hearing to appoint a new SCOTUS to replace Justice Kennedy, prior to the Midterms, America should take to the streets and protest! LET THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CHOOSE! We are starting a movement right now! #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS Please join the movement!!

148 replies1,319 retweets 2,498 likes

More in the link I supplied. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Delicious liberal tears
My statement on the retirement of Justice Kennedy. “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new Congress.”

3,286 replies25,538 retweets 76,151 likes

Senator Dick Durbin‏Verified account @SenatorDurbin 2h2 hours ago
Joining @CNNSitRoom shortly to discuss Justice Kennedy’s retirement, and why the Senate should not consider a replacement until the American people have spoken in this year’s election (aka the McConnell standard).

It is somewhere in this thread that the Republicans can get whoever the replacement for this Judge Kennedy is they can get him seated before the November election, something called the Nuclear Option a simple majority vote and he's in. Fuck Democrats. Good Luck Republicans and The Donald just go for it get the new man or woman on that Court and fast!
Libs didn't seem to mind Trump's first pick. So why the gnashing of teeth without even knowing who he has in mind for Kennedy's place???

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