Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.

Better known as simple assault and disorderly conduct.

Hate to tell ya, but yelling at a pol or public servant or would not qualify as "simple assault". Neither would it qualify (even in a restaurant) as disorderly conduct. That would occur if you blocked their vehicle, were drunk, or refused to leave when the business owner or the cops told them to do so.

What Trump did during the campaign was clear inciting violence. Don't understand why charges weren't brought.

Trumplings are a charming bunch however :rolleyes:

Well child you might want to provide a link, but keep in mind, they aren't just yelling form a distance, they are getting in their faces cursing them and blocking movement, like they did with Pam Bondi.


Watters called for peaceful protests. You must be confused thinking about rabid Trumpettes.

Pam Bondi, wasn't that the person Trump paid off with his foundation cash?
If you have the votes, you don't need to cheat.
That's what Bernie said!
Bernie did not have the votes, was never even close.
But we all know he was cheated. Wassername got caught red handed and fired.

Hillary hired her the next day

Oh please. Bernie lost fair & square & he has even said it.

Bernie was never a Democrat until a few months before he decided to run. Clinton supported the party all her life. Of copurse the party favored Clinton but favoring is not cheating. Fuck Bernie.
Do you think everyone doesn't know the DNC is corrupt to the core? That Wassername got caught red handed and fired?

That Bernie supporters sued the DNC for cheating and LOST, because the DNC claimed it was a private org. that could do what they damned well please, and WON?

I know you are that fucking stupid.

Bernie knew the rules.
That's what Bernie said!
Bernie did not have the votes, was never even close.
But we all know he was cheated. Wassername got caught red handed and fired.

Hillary hired her the next day

Oh please. Bernie lost fair & square & he has even said it.

Bernie was never a Democrat until a few months before he decided to run. Clinton supported the party all her life. Of copurse the party favored Clinton but favoring is not cheating. Fuck Bernie.
Do you think everyone doesn't know the DNC is corrupt to the core? That Wassername got caught red handed and fired?

That Bernie supporters sued the DNC for cheating and LOST, because the DNC claimed it was a private org. that could do what they damned well please, and WON?

I know you are that fucking stupid.

Bernie knew the rules.
That doesn't negate anything I wrote.
Look at this thread.....130 pages in about 16 hours. As a conservative, when you heard this news, the first thing that hit your brain was. "OMG....the k00ks on the USMB are going to be hyper-suicidal!!!!". And then you were trying not to split your sides laughing envisioning the train wreck in here!

Most days are a hoot in here but last night was particularly hysterical!
the more they stay extreme the longer the pain will last it would seem. people are tired of it and the "we have no plan but hate" democratic strategy. sooner or later people do in fact get tired of hate.

i'd prefer to see a balance of thought on our SCOTUS and not have it play heavy to either side. we're supposed to be in this "together" but we so seldom act like it. but yea, this has caused a liberal meltdown and they don't see it's their own hate leading the way.
We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.

You obviously have no idea how a judge is to render a verdict. They are supposed to apply the law as written, not how they would prefer it to be written. Justice Scalia said if a judge likes every decision they must make, their not following the law.

You have to love the lack of honesty, fairness & American spirit of the Trumpettes who will cheat their asses off to try to win an election. Funny chit, I guess you have no candidates that are worth a shit.
Your type of honesty is just being a lying fuck. Biden said that a vacancy in the summer should not get a vote until after the election. McConnel stretched that out much farther and then changed the rules. Chearing is all you low life assholes know.

View attachment 201636
Wow, people actually give a shit when people cheat.

Unless you are a stupid, ignorant, uneducated POS Trumpette. Right? I mean you elected a proven fraud & business cheat.

If you were any kind of real American, you'd be pissed off but Fuck that Constitution right?
you use a lot of words that honestly carried a different meaning when i went to school. browbeating someone into submission historically has never worked out well.

doesn't appear to be working for you either.
What happens should the senate flip? Would a new majority leader hold hearings for a Trump nominee?
If the Senate flips, we block every nominee until Trump is gone. That precedent has been set.
That's why Trump will select and nominate one before the elections. But don't worry democrats will lose in the midterms. You loons keep acting up, please keep it up.
How can Mitch McConnell break his own rule? Wouldn't that be hypocritical? How can a Republican act that way? Isn't it below the dignity Republicans,guard,so,jealously? Isn't truth and integrity what the Republican Party is all about? My word! What you're suggesting smacks of base politics. The very reason we elected Donald Trump. He isn't a politician and you're suggesting he play a political game!
Hey, Reid gave us the nuclear option, so we will use it. Thank your party for lowering their integrity so we can do this rightfully.
The people have the right to be heard. There will be no hearing until after the election.

And Mitch McConnell and the GOP ignore their 'new rule' and hope no one remembers what hypocrisy means.

We'll remember the lies your side is telling, THE BIDEN RULE only applies to presidential election years. Of course you know that, but it's not convenient for your propaganda. Sotomayor was nominated and confirmed during a midterm election year.

Look at this thread.....130 pages in about 16 hours. As a conservative, when you heard this news, the first thing that hit your brain was. "OMG....the k00ks on the USMB are going to be hyper-suicidal!!!!". And then you were trying not to split your sides laughing envisioning the train wreck in here!

Most days are a hoot in here but last night was particularly hysterical!
the more they stay extreme the longer the pain will last it would seem. people are tired of it and the "we have no plan but hate" democratic strategy. sooner or later people do in fact get tired of hate.

i'd prefer to see a balance of thought on our SCOTUS and not have it play heavy to either side. we're supposed to be in this "together" but we so seldom act like it. but yea, this has caused a liberal meltdown and they don't see it's their own hate leading the way.
We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.

You obviously have no idea how a judge is to render a verdict. They are supposed to apply the law as written, not how they would prefer it to be written. Justice Scalia said if a judge likes every decision they must make, their not following the law.

never said i did.

what i *am* saying is if the constitution were so cut and dry - we'd not have so many opinions on what they meant meaning we'd not need a SCOTUS at all - cause you know, everything is just crystal clear to all who live in this country.
End abortions & you will lose your number one issue.
First of all, why does the thought of ending state-sanctioned murder infuriate you? Are you really such an asshole that the thought of actually having to take responsibility for your own actions sends you off of the cliff?

Second - even if the Supreme Court were to over turn Roe vs. Wade, that would not outlaw abortion, you ignorant tool. Why are progressives so ignorant of the U.S. Constitution?!? It would only send it back to the states where it belongs. So places like New York, California, and Hawaii could have their precious little state-sanctioned murder. Why do you want to force it on people who don’t want it? Only fascists do that.
you already insulted every minority
But we gave them an exponentially better life. And isn’t that all that matters? Record low unemployment in the African-American community under President Trump and the Republicans!

Meanwhile, you people patronize them and keep them in poverty. Personally, I would rather have someone insult me and then leave me in prosperity (with an abundance of liberty) than patronize me and leave me in poverty. But the left always did prefer words over actions.
Am I wrong here? Is it a very good thing like it seems so many here believe? Is nobody else worried that this could bring back the blue wave?
I started a thread on this in the CDZ - CDZ - How does replacing Kennedy help the GOP in November?

From some of the responses, I think the feeling is that it's worth if for the longer-term Supreme Court makeup.

Dims are already fired up, can't imagine this could move the needle much further. Bottom line though, if we can add a conservative on the court for 20-30 years, it will be WELL worth it.
That's why Trump will select and nominate one before the elections. But don't worry democrats will lose in the midterms. You loons keep acting up, please keep it up.
How can Mitch McConnell break his own rule? Wouldn't that be hypocritical? How can a Republican act that way? Isn't it below the dignity Republicans,guard,so,jealously? Isn't truth and integrity what the Republican Party is all about? My word! What you're suggesting smacks of base politics. The very reason we elected Donald Trump. He isn't a politician and you're suggesting he play a political game!
Hey, Reid gave us the nuclear option, so we will use it. Thank your party for lowering their integrity so we can do this rightfully.
The people have the right to be heard. There will be no hearing until after the election.

And Mitch McConnell and the GOP ignore their 'new rule' and hope no one remembers what hypocrisy means.
you mean like

"the president can't appoint a SCOTUS in their last year in office" OH WAIT
let's use a nuclear option - OH WAIT...

that type of hypocrisy?

Your type of honesty is just being a lying fuck.

Biden said that a vacancy in the summer should not get a vote until after the election.

McConnel stretched that out much farther and then changed the rules.

Chearing is all you low life assholes know.
Youre having a tantrum because you want your way. Thats all. Stop pretending its somehow virtuous
LOL, bye bye Libs for DECADES!

And the US goes around talking about Democracy. Telling other countries about Democracy. And the US seems to be a game where voting doesn't matter.
/----/ Democracy is mob rule. The only ones talking about we being a democracy is you uneducated libtards who can't grasp the concept of a Representative Republic.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic (not democracy) for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
We are both a republic and a democracy.

We are a republic because we use elected representatives to make our laws, and to act as Head of State (in our case, the President) as opposed to having a monarch. More specifically, we are a federal republic because we have a division of powers across several branches and levels of government.

We are also a democracy, because we the people ;) exercise our power by voting, as opposed to an oligarchy or dictatorship. There are different kinds of democracies; we are a representative democracy because we use representatives, and a constitutional democracy because we have a constitution that limits powers, but we are not a direct (or Athenian) democracy, in which everyone votes on every issue.

It is correct to say we are a republic, but it is also correct to say we are a democracy.

Is democracy when people vote? Or is it democracy when people vote and it actually matters?

If it's the former, then yes, the US is a democracy.
/----/ Ask the Prog who kicked the career politician to the curb on Tuesday if people's votes matter.
View attachment 201599

Prog ? She's a socialist. Ok, yeah, same thing. Nevermind.
If you have the votes, you don't need to cheat.
That's what Bernie said!
Bernie did not have the votes, was never even close.
But we all know he was cheated. Wassername got caught red handed and fired.

Hillary hired her the next day

Oh please. Bernie lost fair & square & he has even said it.

Bernie was never a Democrat until a few months before he decided to run. Clinton supported the party all her life. Of copurse the party favored Clinton but favoring is not cheating. Fuck Bernie.

They sued in court over Hillary cheating
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.

Better known as simple assault and disorderly conduct.

Hate to tell ya, but yelling at a pol or public servant or would not qualify as "simple assault". Neither would it qualify (even in a restaurant) as disorderly conduct. That would occur if you blocked their vehicle, were drunk, or refused to leave when the business owner or the cops told them to do so.

What Trump did during the campaign was clear inciting violence. Don't understand why charges weren't brought.

Trumplings are a charming bunch however :rolleyes:

Well child you might want to provide a link, but keep in mind, they aren't just yelling form a distance, they are getting in their faces cursing them and blocking movement, like they did with Pam Bondi.


Watters called for peaceful protests. You must be confused thinking about rabid Trumpettes.

Pam Bondi, wasn't that the person Trump paid off with his foundation cash?

Harassing people in public is not peaceful
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.

Better known as simple assault and disorderly conduct.

Hate to tell ya, but yelling at a pol or public servant or would not qualify as "simple assault". Neither would it qualify (even in a restaurant) as disorderly conduct. That would occur if you blocked their vehicle, were drunk, or refused to leave when the business owner or the cops told them to do so.

What Trump did during the campaign was clear inciting violence. Don't understand why charges weren't brought.

Trumplings are a charming bunch however :rolleyes:

Well child you might want to provide a link, but keep in mind, they aren't just yelling form a distance, they are getting in their faces cursing them and blocking movement, like they did with Pam Bondi.


Watters called for peaceful protests. You must be confused thinking about rabid Trumpettes.

Pam Bondi, wasn't that the person Trump paid off with his foundation cash?

Hate to tell ya child, trying to force people out of public spaces isn't peaceful, it's a violation of civil rights.

Look at this thread.....130 pages in about 16 hours. As a conservative, when you heard this news, the first thing that hit your brain was. "OMG....the k00ks on the USMB are going to be hyper-suicidal!!!!". And then you were trying not to split your sides laughing envisioning the train wreck in here!

Most days are a hoot in here but last night was particularly hysterical!
the more they stay extreme the longer the pain will last it would seem. people are tired of it and the "we have no plan but hate" democratic strategy. sooner or later people do in fact get tired of hate.

i'd prefer to see a balance of thought on our SCOTUS and not have it play heavy to either side. we're supposed to be in this "together" but we so seldom act like it. but yea, this has caused a liberal meltdown and they don't see it's their own hate leading the way.
We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.

You obviously have no idea how a judge is to render a verdict. They are supposed to apply the law as written, not how they would prefer it to be written. Justice Scalia said if a judge likes every decision they must make, their not following the law.

never said i did.

what i *am* saying is if the constitution were so cut and dry - we'd not have so many opinions on what they meant meaning we'd not need a SCOTUS at all - cause you know, everything is just crystal clear to all who live in this country.

Written law, which the Constitution is only has one interpretation, it is what it says. Way too many SCOTUS decisions were made on what the judges wish it to be, not what it is. You only need look at the courts bastardization of the commerce clause to know that.

No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.

Better known as simple assault and disorderly conduct.

Hate to tell ya, but yelling at a pol or public servant or would not qualify as "simple assault". Neither would it qualify (even in a restaurant) as disorderly conduct. That would occur if you blocked their vehicle, were drunk, or refused to leave when the business owner or the cops told them to do so.

What Trump did during the campaign was clear inciting violence. Don't understand why charges weren't brought.

Trumplings are a charming bunch however :rolleyes:

Well child you might want to provide a link, but keep in mind, they aren't just yelling form a distance, they are getting in their faces cursing them and blocking movement, like they did with Pam Bondi.


Watters called for peaceful protests. You must be confused thinking about rabid Trumpettes.

Pam Bondi, wasn't that the person Trump paid off with his foundation cash?

Harassing people in public is not peaceful

Hey lets hope that happens.......especially the following people to school stuff. That's sets off a pushback that'll become historic. Can you imagine some 165lb hipster asshole wearing those fagotty jeans getting lit up on a street and it all being caught on a vid? These people don't know yet what violence is......but they might soon!

As usual, those on the left will train wreck a political stunt they think will benefit them.....that the harassed person beating the piss out of the limpwrister will be seen as Trump inspired violence. But real Americans will be applauding the shit out of the person inflicting the carnage............will become known as "The Winning" vid.
the more they stay extreme the longer the pain will last it would seem. people are tired of it and the "we have no plan but hate" democratic strategy. sooner or later people do in fact get tired of hate.

i'd prefer to see a balance of thought on our SCOTUS and not have it play heavy to either side. we're supposed to be in this "together" but we so seldom act like it. but yea, this has caused a liberal meltdown and they don't see it's their own hate leading the way.
We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.

You obviously have no idea how a judge is to render a verdict. They are supposed to apply the law as written, not how they would prefer it to be written. Justice Scalia said if a judge likes every decision they must make, their not following the law.

never said i did.

what i *am* saying is if the constitution were so cut and dry - we'd not have so many opinions on what they meant meaning we'd not need a SCOTUS at all - cause you know, everything is just crystal clear to all who live in this country.

Written law, which the Constitution is only has one interpretation, it is what it says. Way too many SCOTUS decisions were made on what the judges wish it to be, not what it is. You only need look at the courts bastardization of the commerce clause to know that.
like i've said - i am *no* expert and my only law experience was business law in college. aced it, but that was long ago and just around business law.

a long time ago before one of my brothers from another mother passed away he was telling me about a meeting he was in where they learned how to define differences and he said you'd never get people to agree on even something like if a piece of wood was smooth or rough because people will see it each way.

i said yep and that's why you have to compromise to find a common ground definition that most can agree on to base indecisions off of and not try to force one side over the other.

that took him back a bit because i don't think they taught it that way at the seminar. :)

not even the founding fathers agreed on everything but they found some common ground to base our foundation upon. if you feel the constitution is written to be more or less infalible i'll simply disagree and move on. the bible isn't even infalible and i never subscribed to the catholic notion that it was but mankind isn't so we'll never understand it.

we've long since lost the art of compromise and common ground in our rush to be right and wrong which puts us in a position to not even be able to define something like "is this table smooth"?

so i'm no legal expert but i'm pretty good at people these days. lots of experience reading them, screwing things up, and going back to re-understand all over again.
Watters called for peaceful protests.

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