Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Face it, in your tiny little mind anyone that is not sniffing the ass of Trump is a leftist, nothing else matters to you or your fellow zealots.

Get some new material looney toon... You spew the same crap post after post... Nobody believes you have a conservative bone in your body... I don't understand your masquerade at all...

I do not have a conservative bone in my body. I support smaller government and more personal "conservatives" support neither of those things.

Conservatives in this country have long since being on the "right" of anything but the folks have moved left as the Dems moved left, keeping the same distance between you, but all the while ignoring what it actually means to be conservative.

The 1st 3 times I voted it was for Reagan twice and Bush I once, but after I was told to read his lips and he lied, I moved on. Tried the Dems once and only once and have voted 3rd party every since, Perot once and the Libertarian candidate every since.
BREAKING: Anti-Trump Senator Jeff Flake says he won't block President Trump's Supreme Court nominee from passing Senate, thus destroying Democratic hopes to block Trump from appointing another Supreme Court Justice - The Arizona Republic
So. Much. WINNING.

President Trump has delivered just like he said he would.

For the second consecutive day, Trump just claimed that he was the first Republican to win Wisconsin since 1952.

He was the first since Reagan in 1984. Republicans won it in ‘52 and ‘56 (Eisenhower), ‘68 and ‘72 (Nixon), ‘80 and ‘84 (Reagan).


You still can't stop the nominee.

But keep going, it's hilarious
They're parroting bad ideas, calling for violence, and have a large following. Of course CNN does.

Btw, the look on Wolf Blitzer's face today was priceless. He looked he was going to start bawling like a baby at any second.
Link to anyone calling for violence, super dupe?

Peter Henry Fonda on Twitter
Brainwashing for you, that is not news. Old California hippies mean nothing, stupid.

Like the feeling from the unhinged left isn't felt, dude.

If I have to get up, out this chair in the AC, and deal with fucktardedness, like is being exhibited today?

You will wish you didn't push so hard, and then some. There will be most of America with me, as well.

We will stop the bullshit, right fast. Not everybody in America is retarded leftists, far, far from that being the case. You howling stupid leftists won't last 4 days. Keep that in mind, because it's the truth.
Remain calm you are brainwashed LOL. No one is advocating violence or doing violence except your mental violence propaganda machine. Seriously you people are scary brainwashed...

"Maddow: Democratic Base Expects Its Leaders to ‘All but Lay Their Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump SCOTUS Pick

"I do think that the Democratic base is going to want them to fight that hard, to really try to save the Court or die trying."
Maddow: Democratic Base Expects Its Leaders to 'All but Lay Their Bodies on the Line' to Stop Trump SCOTUS Pick -

Trump’s opponents in the media, academia, and politics can pretend that their calls for radical action were meant metaphorically or in a nonviolent sense. But they are the ones who opened this box of fear, panic, and rage. Let them take responsibility for the climate that now exists."
Incitement to Violence

The Democrat faithful are well-known not to be well-balanced....If any need a lesson as to where this Democrat Liberal frenzy leads, I suggest a look at James Hodgkinson....and Jared Lee Loughner ....they got the message, loud and clear.
Face it, in your tiny little mind anyone that is not sniffing the ass of Trump is a leftist, nothing else matters to you or your fellow zealots.

Get some new material looney toon... You spew the same crap post after post... Nobody believes you have a conservative bone in your body... I don't understand your masquerade at all...
kaz explained it flawlessly in post #1018. Check it out. Basically, the little dillhole progressive Gulping Gayturd are tired of losing (and tired of liberty) and thought he could convince actual conservatives to support his progressive fascism if he just claimed to be a conservative. He thought we would follow like blind sheep (because that’s what his side does).
  • Thanks
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One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.

All of you Trump sheep are the same, big government and less freedom

Nobody believes your shit... I have a suggestion... :anj_stfu:
Here is a suggestion for you...
You know Gulping Gayturd...for someone who is supposedly sooooooo “radical right”, it’s odd how every conservative on USMB can’t stand you. It’s also odd how you agree with every progressive on the board.

Since you literally thought taxes were paid only once per year (because you don’t pay them), maybe you literally don’t understand right and left? :dunno:
"I do think that the Democratic base is going to want them to fight that hard, to really try to save the Court or die trying."
Why would one even use that language - especially after screaming about language for the past 30 years? Don’t even kid yourself - that is absolutely a dog whistle from Rachel Maddow. It’s a call to violence to the Dumbocrat base.
You have to love the lack of honesty, fairness & American spirit of the Trumpettes who will cheat their asses off to try to win an election. Funny chit, I guess you have no candidates that are worth a shit.
Your type of honesty is just being a lying fuck. Biden said that a vacancy in the summer should not get a vote until after the election. McConnel stretched that out much farther and then changed the rules. Chearing is all you low life assholes know.
“Real Dave” is REAL sad right now. :lmao:

Everyone who gives a shit about America should be concerned.

I am not worried. The bigger of an ass Trump nominates & McConnell confirms, the sooner you will piss off more voters & be thrown out of office.

End abortions & you will lose your number one issue.

End unons & when wages, benefits drop, you will lose more votes.

Legalize gerrymandering & allowing culling of voter rolls will just piss off even more people.

Not all Americans are pussies that need to cheat to win.

You will alienate over half the women, you already insulted every minority. That leaves white men and there are only so many that were as dumb as you & got duped by Trump that will put up with all the lies & trashing of American corporations & the military.
The first thing will be to sure up second amendment rights, you spineless anti-gun nutters need reading comprehension classes...
Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here.
Is that so?

Maybe it is. When you NRA fed asswipes want to start your revolution., you will find out how any of those who think we need stronger gun laws own guns & know how to you them.

Funny chit. You call anti-gun people spineless yet they are not the ones who are so fucking afraid that they need to tote a loaded gun everywhere.
You have to love the lack of honesty, fairness & American spirit of the Trumpettes who will cheat their asses off to try to win an election. Funny chit, I guess you have no candidates that are worth a shit.
Your type of honesty is just being a lying fuck. Biden said that a vacancy in the summer should not get a vote until after the election. McConnel stretched that out much farther and then changed the rules. Chearing is all you low life assholes know.
“Real Dave” is REAL sad right now. :lmao:

Everyone who gives a shit about America should be concerned.

I am not worried. The bigger of an ass Trump nominates & McConnell confirms, the sooner you will piss off more voters & be thrown out of office.

End abortions & you will lose your number one issue.

End unons & when wages, benefits drop, you will lose more votes.

Legalize gerrymandering & allowing culling of voter rolls will just piss off even more people.

Not all Americans are pussies that need to cheat to win.

You will alienate over half the women, you already insulted every minority. That leaves white men and there are only so many that were as dumb as you & got duped by Trump that will put up with all the lies & trashing of American corporations & the military.
The first thing will be to sure up second amendment rights, you spineless anti-gun nutters need reading comprehension classes...
Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here.

"Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here."

Dave's guns:

rayguns by Dave


^^^^ With that above arsenal Dave is to be considered a very dangerous individual, it's not good having someone with that collection of the ULTIMATE in VICIOUS weapons on the streets, the only solution is that Dave must be immediately rounded up and airdropped into Gitmo :smoke:
How can Mitch McConnell break his own rule?
Hey, NK? Wouldn’t it be something if you were educated about the facts and U.S. history? It’s not the “McConnell Rule”.
Rather than confirming President George H.W. Bush’s picks for federal judgeships, The New York Times from Sept. 1, 1992, reports, Senate Democrats delayed nominees “to preserve the vacancies for [Arkansas] Gov. Bill Clinton to fill if he is elected president.”
So like most messes in the U.S., this tactic can be traced directly back to the Clinton Crime Family and the Dumbocrats. But hey...don’t let the facts get in the way of your ideology or your false narrative.

That Other Time Democrats Halted Judicial Nominees
I find it fascinating that most of the cyber militancy shown by the left is being spread by females... Are they all leg lickers? Not that there is anything wrong with that...
BREAKING: Anti-Trump Senator Jeff Flake says he won't block President Trump's Supreme Court nominee from passing Senate, thus destroying Democratic hopes to block Trump from appointing another Supreme Court Justice - The Arizona Republic
So. Much. WINNING.

President Trump has delivered just like he said he would.
Cheating is winning only to the weak who can't win otherwise.
You know Gulping Gayturd...for someone who is supposedly sooooooo “radical right”, it’s odd how every conservative on USMB can’t stand you.

It is not odd at all, the people that call themselves conservative on USMB are nothing of the sort. You can stand in a barn and call yourself a tractor, does not make you one.

The conservatives on USMB support government intervention in the economy ,they support deficit spending and increased debt, they support the government enforcing "morality" laws based off of bronze age religious text and they support the US military being the police of the world the US invading sovereign countries that are no threat to the US.

Since I am against all those thing, of course the conservatives on USMB cant stand me.

The liberals on here like me because I do not like Trump, but when I get into a discussion on abortion, discrimination laws, ObamaCare, 1st or 2nd amendment rights and spending and they hate me as much as you faux-conservative do.
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did.
Hey, OldLady? Wouldn’t it be something if you were educated about the facts and U.S. history?
Rather than confirming President George H.W. Bush’s picks for federal judgeships, The New York Times from Sept. 1, 1992, reports, Senate Democrats delayed nominees “to preserve the vacancies for [Arkansas] Gov. Bill Clinton to fill if he is elected president.”
So like most messes in the U.S., this tactic can be traced directly back to the Clinton Crime Family and the Dumbocrats. But hey...don’t let the facts get in the way of your ideology or your false narrative. I guess you’re not a “liar” - you’re just ignorant. Extremely ignorant.

That Other Time Democrats Halted Judicial Nominees
The liberals on here like me because I do not like Trump, but when I get into a discussion on abortion, discrimination laws, ObamaCare, 1st or 2nd amendment rights and spending and they hate me as much as you faux-conservative do.
So everyone in the room thinks you’re an asshole. What does that tell you? :lmao:
The liberals on here like me because I do not like Trump, but when I get into a discussion on abortion, discrimination laws, ObamaCare, 1st or 2nd amendment rights and spending and they hate me as much as you faux-conservative do.
So everyone in the room thinks you’re an asshole. What does that tell you? :lmao:

That I am doing something right since 90% of the members of this board are party zealots like yourself that put party before country.
Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Hey, WaitingFor2020? Wouldn’t it be something if you were educated about the facts and U.S. history? All McConnell did was follow the obstructionist precedence set by you constitutional-hating fascists:
Rather than confirming President George H.W. Bush’s picks for federal judgeships, The New York Times from Sept. 1, 1992, reports, Senate Democrats delayed nominees “to preserve the vacancies for [Arkansas] Gov. Bill Clinton to fill if he is elected president.”
So like most messes in the U.S., this tactic can be traced directly back to the Clinton Crime Family and the Dumbocrats. But hey...don’t let the facts get in the way of your ideology or your false narrative.

That Other Time Democrats Halted Judicial Nominees
So everyone in the room thinks you’re an asshole. What does that tell you? :lmao:
That I am doing something right since 90% of the members of this board are party zealots like yourself that put party before country.
Gulping Gayturds idea of putting the country “first” is supporting left-wing policy with the intent to collapse it.

If you actually supported freedom, you wouldn’t mock people who exercise their 2nd Amendment rights (even in situations where you wouldn’t). You’re a typical fascist statist. I caught you, pointed it out, and you’ve been pissed ever since. Deal with it.

Stop blaming others for your life in your parent’s trailer.

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