Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.

You obviously have no idea how a judge is to render a verdict. They are supposed to apply the law as written, not how they would prefer it to be written. Justice Scalia said if a judge likes every decision they must make, their not following the law.

never said i did.

what i *am* saying is if the constitution were so cut and dry - we'd not have so many opinions on what they meant meaning we'd not need a SCOTUS at all - cause you know, everything is just crystal clear to all who live in this country.

Written law, which the Constitution is only has one interpretation, it is what it says. Way too many SCOTUS decisions were made on what the judges wish it to be, not what it is. You only need look at the courts bastardization of the commerce clause to know that.
like i've said - i am *no* expert and my only law experience was business law in college. aced it, but that was long ago and just around business law.

a long time ago before one of my brothers from another mother passed away he was telling me about a meeting he was in where they learned how to define differences and he said you'd never get people to agree on even something like if a piece of wood was smooth or rough because people will see it each way.

i said yep and that's why you have to compromise to find a common ground definition that most can agree on to base indecisions off of and not try to force one side over the other.

that took him back a bit because i don't think they taught it that way at the seminar. :)

not even the founding fathers agreed on everything but they found some common ground to base our foundation upon. if you feel the constitution is written to be more or less infalible i'll simply disagree and move on. the bible isn't even infalible and i never subscribed to the catholic notion that it was but mankind isn't so we'll never understand it.

we've long since lost the art of compromise and common ground in our rush to be right and wrong which puts us in a position to not even be able to define something like "is this table smooth"?

so i'm no legal expert but i'm pretty good at people these days. lots of experience reading them, screwing things up, and going back to re-understand all over again.

You might want to check out a book, it's not a super easy read, but it's a good one on the topic. Men In Black by Mark Levin.

we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.

You obviously have no idea how a judge is to render a verdict. They are supposed to apply the law as written, not how they would prefer it to be written. Justice Scalia said if a judge likes every decision they must make, their not following the law.

never said i did.

what i *am* saying is if the constitution were so cut and dry - we'd not have so many opinions on what they meant meaning we'd not need a SCOTUS at all - cause you know, everything is just crystal clear to all who live in this country.

Written law, which the Constitution is only has one interpretation, it is what it says. Way too many SCOTUS decisions were made on what the judges wish it to be, not what it is. You only need look at the courts bastardization of the commerce clause to know that.
like i've said - i am *no* expert and my only law experience was business law in college. aced it, but that was long ago and just around business law.

a long time ago before one of my brothers from another mother passed away he was telling me about a meeting he was in where they learned how to define differences and he said you'd never get people to agree on even something like if a piece of wood was smooth or rough because people will see it each way.

i said yep and that's why you have to compromise to find a common ground definition that most can agree on to base indecisions off of and not try to force one side over the other.

that took him back a bit because i don't think they taught it that way at the seminar. :)

not even the founding fathers agreed on everything but they found some common ground to base our foundation upon. if you feel the constitution is written to be more or less infalible i'll simply disagree and move on. the bible isn't even infalible and i never subscribed to the catholic notion that it was but mankind isn't so we'll never understand it.

we've long since lost the art of compromise and common ground in our rush to be right and wrong which puts us in a position to not even be able to define something like "is this table smooth"?

so i'm no legal expert but i'm pretty good at people these days. lots of experience reading them, screwing things up, and going back to re-understand all over again.

You might want to check out a book, it's not a super easy read, but it's a good one on the topic. Men In Black by Mark Levin.

i'll check into it.
BREAKING: Anti-Trump Senator Jeff Flake says he won't block President Trump's Supreme Court nominee from passing Senate, thus destroying Democratic hopes to block Trump from appointing another Supreme Court Justice - The Arizona Republic
The trolling by Cocaine Mitch is getting out of control


BREAKING: Anti-Trump Senator Jeff Flake says he won't block President Trump's Supreme Court nominee from passing Senate, thus destroying Democratic hopes to block Trump from appointing another Supreme Court Justice - The Arizona Republic
So. Much. WINNING.

President Trump has delivered just like he said he would.
BREAKING: Anti-Trump Senator Jeff Flake says he won't block President Trump's Supreme Court nominee from passing Senate, thus destroying Democratic hopes to block Trump from appointing another Supreme Court Justice - The Arizona Republic
So. Much. WINNING.

President Trump has delivered just like he said he would.

For the second consecutive day, Trump just claimed that he was the first Republican to win Wisconsin since 1952.

He was the first since Reagan in 1984. Republicans won it in ‘52 and ‘56 (Eisenhower), ‘68 and ‘72 (Nixon), ‘80 and ‘84 (Reagan).

"Kennedy knows America is under a Russian attack. He knows a Republican is leading an investigation into whether or not Trump colluded w/Russians. He knows there's a possibility Trump conspired w/Russians to steal the election. He could have waited until Jan to retire. He didn't.

It’s hard not to burn-out when every single day there’s something new and terrifying to be disgusted by. But we must not stop fighting. It’s not an option. We. Will. Win. "
"Kennedy knows America is under a Russian attack."
Yes...but the Dumbocrats are being held responsible their collusion with the Russian. Hitlery Clinton, Perkins Coie, and the rest have been exposed. Former F.B.I. Agent Peter Strozk is appearing before Congress. It's all coming together nicely.
You have to love the lack of honesty, fairness & American spirit of the Trumpettes who will cheat their asses off to try to win an election. Funny chit, I guess you have no candidates that are worth a shit.
Your type of honesty is just being a lying fuck. Biden said that a vacancy in the summer should not get a vote until after the election. McConnel stretched that out much farther and then changed the rules. Chearing is all you low life assholes know.
“Real Dave” is REAL sad right now. :lmao:

Everyone who gives a shit about America should be concerned.

I am not worried. The bigger of an ass Trump nominates & McConnell confirms, the sooner you will piss off more voters & be thrown out of office.

End abortions & you will lose your number one issue.

End unons & when wages, benefits drop, you will lose more votes.

Legalize gerrymandering & allowing culling of voter rolls will just piss off even more people.

Not all Americans are pussies that need to cheat to win.

You will alienate over half the women, you already insulted every minority. That leaves white men and there are only so many that were as dumb as you & got duped by Trump that will put up with all the lies & trashing of American corporations & the military.
The first thing will be to sure up second amendment rights, you spineless anti-gun nutters need reading comprehension classes...
Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here.

"Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here."

Dave's guns:

rayguns by Dave
You have to love the lack of honesty, fairness & American spirit of the Trumpettes who will cheat their asses off to try to win an election. Funny chit, I guess you have no candidates that are worth a shit.
Your type of honesty is just being a lying fuck. Biden said that a vacancy in the summer should not get a vote until after the election. McConnel stretched that out much farther and then changed the rules. Chearing is all you low life assholes know.
“Real Dave” is REAL sad right now. :lmao:

Everyone who gives a shit about America should be concerned.

I am not worried. The bigger of an ass Trump nominates & McConnell confirms, the sooner you will piss off more voters & be thrown out of office.

End abortions & you will lose your number one issue.

End unons & when wages, benefits drop, you will lose more votes.

Legalize gerrymandering & allowing culling of voter rolls will just piss off even more people.

Not all Americans are pussies that need to cheat to win.

You will alienate over half the women, you already insulted every minority. That leaves white men and there are only so many that were as dumb as you & got duped by Trump that will put up with all the lies & trashing of American corporations & the military.
The first thing will be to sure up second amendment rights, you spineless anti-gun nutters need reading comprehension classes...
Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here.

"Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here."

Dave's guns:

rayguns by Dave
wow. i hope he has the tactical ones registered.
You have to love the lack of honesty, fairness & American spirit of the Trumpettes who will cheat their asses off to try to win an election. Funny chit, I guess you have no candidates that are worth a shit.
Your type of honesty is just being a lying fuck. Biden said that a vacancy in the summer should not get a vote until after the election. McConnel stretched that out much farther and then changed the rules. Chearing is all you low life assholes know.
“Real Dave” is REAL sad right now. :lmao:

Everyone who gives a shit about America should be concerned.

I am not worried. The bigger of an ass Trump nominates & McConnell confirms, the sooner you will piss off more voters & be thrown out of office.

End abortions & you will lose your number one issue.

End unons & when wages, benefits drop, you will lose more votes.

Legalize gerrymandering & allowing culling of voter rolls will just piss off even more people.

Not all Americans are pussies that need to cheat to win.

You will alienate over half the women, you already insulted every minority. That leaves white men and there are only so many that were as dumb as you & got duped by Trump that will put up with all the lies & trashing of American corporations & the military.
The first thing will be to sure up second amendment rights, you spineless anti-gun nutters need reading comprehension classes...
Fuck you. I own more guns that most of you NRA duped idiots that post here.
Is that so?
Am I wrong here? Is it a very good thing like it seems so many here believe? Is nobody else worried that this could bring back the blue wave?
I started a thread on this in the CDZ - CDZ - How does replacing Kennedy help the GOP in November?

From some of the responses, I think the feeling is that it's worth if for the longer-term Supreme Court makeup.

Dims are already fired up, can't imagine this could move the needle much further. Bottom line though, if we can add a conservative on the court for 20-30 years, it will be WELL worth it.

True for sure but I think he could have waited a year.
Sometimes the weight of that kind of responsibility can be very heavy mentally. It ain't always a question of age or physical health, if he feels he can't or doesn't want to do it anymore then the rest of us ought to accept that. And say thank you for your service.
She was also out yesterday saying she would never encourage violence. But of course the GOP propaganda machine would never show that or retract anyting, super duper dupe.

She said in a very forceful and emotional way, to confront them, push back, and tell them they are not welcome anywhere.

Maybe that's coming out and calling for violence, but when you watch the video it's clear she wants people to act out and be forceful.
One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.

All of you Trump sheep are the same, big government and less freedom

Nobody believes your shit... I have a suggestion... :anj_stfu:

Here is a suggestion for you...:fu:

Nobody believes it, but the best that anyone can come up with is to call me anti-gun because I do not choose to carry a gun with me 24/7.

Face it, in your tiny little mind anyone that is not sniffing the ass of Trump is a leftist, nothing else matters to you or your fellow zealots.
Face it, in your tiny little mind anyone that is not sniffing the ass of Trump is a leftist, nothing else matters to you or your fellow zealots.

Get some new material looney toon... You spew the same crap post after post... Nobody believes you have a conservative bone in your body... I don't understand your masquerade at all...

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