Anti-Abortion Republicans, You Are NOT Pro-Life, You ARE Hypocrites


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
In 2011 John Fugelsang tweeted, “Only in America can you be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-War, Pro-Unmanned Drones, Pro-Torture, & still call yourself 'Pro-Life.” This statement is enough to show the pro-life stand taken by the vast majority of you folks is no more than a self-proclaimed position. Your support of war, advocacy of torture, etc. shows you have not made a true commitment to the pro-life cause.

Now of course, as with all self-proclaimed pro-lifers, those on these message boards will quickly jump to deny being hypocrites, as stated in the title of this OP. The self-image of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers is one of piety and righteousness. But calling yourselves pro-life is a misnomer, you are pro-fetus, and nothing more.

Some of you declare life begins even earlier, when the sperm meets the egg. But regardless of the stage of the development within the womb, you self-proclaimed pro-lifers are certain you must fight to deny women’s right to choose. Sadly, you consider only the life of the fetus to be of any importance.

So, we have established what policies and regulations the self-proclaimed pro-lifers support, now let us list the many policies the self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose that prove they are hypocrites.

1- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide neonatal care
2- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs like food aid
3- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide free school lunches
4- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide cash payments to the nation’s many deeply impoverished families
5- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide Head Start classes
6- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: food stamps
7- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: welfare
8- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: Medicaid
9- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: raising the minimum wage

Your opposition to the nine programs listed above (and there are more) is adequate evidence to prove the hypocrisy of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers

But the best proof of all comes with self-proclaimed pro-lifers' support of capital punishment. Given the many Death Row inmates who have been proven innocent through DNA science, it is obvious there were many executed in the decades past who had committed no crime. But self-pro-claimed pro-lifers ignore this fact.

So in closing, yes, you are indeed pro-fetus, but as far as being pro-life, your devotion to your politics overrules your pro-life principles, you are, undeniably, hypocrites.

In the article at the link below, the author carefully details the issues that substantiate beyond any doubt that those who insist they are pro-life are hypocrites.

(Note: To those who respond to this thread, the topic addresses the hypocrisy of the self-proclaimed pro-lifers and the limited scope of their concern. While it is typical of those who cannot refute the statements in an OP to offer irrelevant criticism, comparisons, or comments of positions taken by those of other political philosophies, they are not pertinent to this discussion. Example: "Liberals support of abortion" in no way impacts the self-proclaimed pro-lifers' hypocrisy.))

Republicans, you're not Pro-Life, you're a hypocrite. | The Huffington Post

Likewise, Democrats showed through ACA mandates, that penalize and regulate choices of paying for health care, just how Anti-choice they are!
A person makes a decision to take the life of another and gets their day in court to be judge by a jury of their peers. Found guilty they should have their life taken from them. A fetus is an innocent. If you can't tell the difference between those you are fucked in the head.

No Conservative is against a safety net its when that helping hand becomes generational support that when we have a problem.

As far as war goes...
"People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready to Do Violence on Their Behalf"
A person makes a decision to take the life of another and gets their day in court to be judge by a jury of their peers. Found guilty they should have their life taken from them. A fetus is an innocent. If you can tell the difference between those you are fucked in the head.

No Conservative is against a safety net its when that helping hand becomes generational support that when we have a problem.

As far as war goes...
"People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready to Do Violence on Their Behalf"

Irrelevant to the topic of the thread.
That is the most asinine thing I've read in quite some time.

First, the nine things listed are mandatory programs, enforced by armed government agents. All require the forcible confiscation of wealth, a concept that many stand against on principal.

The life/choice debate is merely a matter when one believes life begins, for I'm sure we'd all agree after that point, it's murder.

Linking the two in an attempt to show hypocrisy is ridiculous...and a massive fail.
This is like liberal freak out manifesto thread number 134. I'm going to do you libs a big favor. You need to stop wasting time venting your anger at the right and focus on the bigger problem. The Democratic party is code blue with multiple organ failure.
In 2011 John Fugelsang tweeted, “Only in America can you be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-War, Pro-Unmanned Drones, Pro-Torture, & still call yourself 'Pro-Life.” This statement is enough to show the pro-life stand taken by the vast majority of you folks is no more than a self-proclaimed position. Your support of war, advocacy of torture, etc. shows you have not made a true commitment to the pro-life cause.

Now of course, as with all self-proclaimed pro-lifers, those on these message boards will quickly jump to deny being hypocrites, as stated in the title of this OP. The self-image of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers is one of piety and righteousness. But calling yourselves pro-life is a misnomer, you are pro-fetus, and nothing more.

Some of you declare life begins even earlier, when the sperm meets the egg. But regardless of the stage of the development within the womb, you self-proclaimed pro-lifers are certain you must fight to deny women’s right to choose. Sadly, you consider only the life of the fetus to be of any importance.

So, we have established what policies and regulations the self-proclaimed pro-lifers support, now let us list the many policies the self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose that prove they are hypocrites.

1- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide neonatal care
2- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs like food aid
3- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide free school lunches
4- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide cash payments to the nation’s many deeply impoverished families
5- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide Head Start classes
6- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: food stamps
7- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: welfare
8- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: Medicaid
9- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: raising the minimum wage

Your opposition to the nine programs listed above (and there are more) is adequate evidence to prove the hypocrisy of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers

But the best proof of all comes with self-proclaimed pro-lifers' support of capital punishment. Given the many Death Row inmates who have been proven innocent through DNA science, it is obvious there were many executed in the decades past who had committed no crime. But self-pro-claimed pro-lifers ignore this fact.

So in closing, yes, you are indeed pro-fetus, but as far as being pro-life, your devotion to your politics overrules your pro-life principles, you are, undeniably, hypocrites.

In the article at the link below, the author carefully details the issues that substantiate beyond any doubt that those who insist they are pro-life are hypocrites.

(Note: To those who respond to this thread, the topic addresses the hypocrisy of the self-proclaimed pro-lifers and the limited scope of their concern. While it is typical of those who cannot refute the statements in an OP to offer irrelevant criticism, comparisons, or comments of positions taken by those of other political philosophies, they are not pertinent to this discussion. Example: "Liberals support of abortion" in no way impacts the self-proclaimed pro-lifers' hypocrisy.))

Republicans, you're not Pro-Life, you're a hypocrite. | The Huffington Post

We also oppose people who post long winded lies on the INTERNET.
In 2011 John Fugelsang tweeted, “Only in America can you be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-War, Pro-Unmanned Drones, Pro-Torture, & still call yourself 'Pro-Life.” This statement is enough to show the pro-life stand taken by the vast majority of you folks is no more than a self-proclaimed position. Your support of war, advocacy of torture, etc. shows you have not made a true commitment to the pro-life cause.

Now of course, as with all self-proclaimed pro-lifers, those on these message boards will quickly jump to deny being hypocrites, as stated in the title of this OP. The self-image of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers is one of piety and righteousness. But calling yourselves pro-life is a misnomer, you are pro-fetus, and nothing more.

Some of you declare life begins even earlier, when the sperm meets the egg. But regardless of the stage of the development within the womb, you self-proclaimed pro-lifers are certain you must fight to deny women’s right to choose. Sadly, you consider only the life of the fetus to be of any importance.

So, we have established what policies and regulations the self-proclaimed pro-lifers support, now let us list the many policies the self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose that prove they are hypocrites.

1- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide neonatal care
2- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs like food aid
3- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide free school lunches
4- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide cash payments to the nation’s many deeply impoverished families
5- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide Head Start classes
6- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: food stamps
7- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: welfare
8- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: Medicaid
9- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: raising the minimum wage

Your opposition to the nine programs listed above (and there are more) is adequate evidence to prove the hypocrisy of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers

But the best proof of all comes with self-proclaimed pro-lifers' support of capital punishment. Given the many Death Row inmates who have been proven innocent through DNA science, it is obvious there were many executed in the decades past who had committed no crime. But self-pro-claimed pro-lifers ignore this fact.

So in closing, yes, you are indeed pro-fetus, but as far as being pro-life, your devotion to your politics overrules your pro-life principles, you are, undeniably, hypocrites.

In the article at the link below, the author carefully details the issues that substantiate beyond any doubt that those who insist they are pro-life are hypocrites.

(Note: To those who respond to this thread, the topic addresses the hypocrisy of the self-proclaimed pro-lifers and the limited scope of their concern. While it is typical of those who cannot refute the statements in an OP to offer irrelevant criticism, comparisons, or comments of positions taken by those of other political philosophies, they are not pertinent to this discussion. Example: "Liberals support of abortion" in no way impacts the self-proclaimed pro-lifers' hypocrisy.))

Republicans, you're not Pro-Life, you're a hypocrite. | The Huffington Post

We also oppose people who post long winded lies on the INTERNET.
Given your attitude, you must despise conservatives.
In 2011 John Fugelsang tweeted, “Only in America can you be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-War, Pro-Unmanned Drones, Pro-Torture, & still call yourself 'Pro-Life.” This statement is enough to show the pro-life stand taken by the vast majority of you folks is no more than a self-proclaimed position. Your support of war, advocacy of torture, etc. shows you have not made a true commitment to the pro-life cause.

Now of course, as with all self-proclaimed pro-lifers, those on these message boards will quickly jump to deny being hypocrites, as stated in the title of this OP. The self-image of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers is one of piety and righteousness. But calling yourselves pro-life is a misnomer, you are pro-fetus, and nothing more.

Some of you declare life begins even earlier, when the sperm meets the egg. But regardless of the stage of the development within the womb, you self-proclaimed pro-lifers are certain you must fight to deny women’s right to choose. Sadly, you consider only the life of the fetus to be of any importance.

So, we have established what policies and regulations the self-proclaimed pro-lifers support, now let us list the many policies the self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose that prove they are hypocrites.

1- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide neonatal care
2- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs like food aid
3- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide free school lunches
4- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide cash payments to the nation’s many deeply impoverished families
5- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide Head Start classes
6- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: food stamps
7- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: welfare
8- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: Medicaid
9- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: raising the minimum wage

Your opposition to the nine programs listed above (and there are more) is adequate evidence to prove the hypocrisy of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers

But the best proof of all comes with self-proclaimed pro-lifers' support of capital punishment. Given the many Death Row inmates who have been proven innocent through DNA science, it is obvious there were many executed in the decades past who had committed no crime. But self-pro-claimed pro-lifers ignore this fact.

So in closing, yes, you are indeed pro-fetus, but as far as being pro-life, your devotion to your politics overrules your pro-life principles, you are, undeniably, hypocrites.

In the article at the link below, the author carefully details the issues that substantiate beyond any doubt that those who insist they are pro-life are hypocrites.

(Note: To those who respond to this thread, the topic addresses the hypocrisy of the self-proclaimed pro-lifers and the limited scope of their concern. While it is typical of those who cannot refute the statements in an OP to offer irrelevant criticism, comparisons, or comments of positions taken by those of other political philosophies, they are not pertinent to this discussion. Example: "Liberals support of abortion" in no way impacts the self-proclaimed pro-lifers' hypocrisy.))

Republicans, you're not Pro-Life, you're a hypocrite. | The Huffington Post

Another liberal retard PRETENDING to know what I think.

In 2011 John Fugelsang tweeted, “Only in America can you be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-War, Pro-Unmanned Drones, Pro-Torture, & still call yourself 'Pro-Life.” This statement is enough to show the pro-life stand taken by the vast majority of you folks is no more than a self-proclaimed position. Your support of war, advocacy of torture, etc. shows you have not made a true commitment to the pro-life cause.

Now of course, as with all self-proclaimed pro-lifers, those on these message boards will quickly jump to deny being hypocrites, as stated in the title of this OP. The self-image of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers is one of piety and righteousness. But calling yourselves pro-life is a misnomer, you are pro-fetus, and nothing more.

Some of you declare life begins even earlier, when the sperm meets the egg. But regardless of the stage of the development within the womb, you self-proclaimed pro-lifers are certain you must fight to deny women’s right to choose. Sadly, you consider only the life of the fetus to be of any importance.

So, we have established what policies and regulations the self-proclaimed pro-lifers support, now let us list the many policies the self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose that prove they are hypocrites.

1- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide neonatal care
2- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs like food aid
3- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide free school lunches
4- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide cash payments to the nation’s many deeply impoverished families
5- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: programs that provide Head Start classes
6- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: food stamps
7- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: welfare
8- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: Medicaid
9- Self-proclaimed pro-lifers oppose: raising the minimum wage

Your opposition to the nine programs listed above (and there are more) is adequate evidence to prove the hypocrisy of you self-proclaimed pro-lifers

But the best proof of all comes with self-proclaimed pro-lifers' support of capital punishment. Given the many Death Row inmates who have been proven innocent through DNA science, it is obvious there were many executed in the decades past who had committed no crime. But self-pro-claimed pro-lifers ignore this fact.

So in closing, yes, you are indeed pro-fetus, but as far as being pro-life, your devotion to your politics overrules your pro-life principles, you are, undeniably, hypocrites.

In the article at the link below, the author carefully details the issues that substantiate beyond any doubt that those who insist they are pro-life are hypocrites.

(Note: To those who respond to this thread, the topic addresses the hypocrisy of the self-proclaimed pro-lifers and the limited scope of their concern. While it is typical of those who cannot refute the statements in an OP to offer irrelevant criticism, comparisons, or comments of positions taken by those of other political philosophies, they are not pertinent to this discussion. Example: "Liberals support of abortion" in no way impacts the self-proclaimed pro-lifers' hypocrisy.))

Republicans, you're not Pro-Life, you're a hypocrite. | The Huffington Post


The tampon squad huff post go figure..

Being pro choice means giving a fetus a chance to be born And what's with this death penalty nonsense? Don't do the crime.
the point being....dont put this bumpsticker on your car and claim to be pro life...

do not be against birth control or otherwise and then force women to bear children......when i read the 'handmaiden's tail' i passed it off as total fiction not foreshadowing....
pro choice should not be limited to making sure a fetus is should encompass making sure a fetus has a chance for a good secure life...not wasting away in some ghetto....and now with chemical abortions done with pills....doctors get 400 bucks for giving out 2 think that is going to stop? trump is all about big business and abortion in this country is big business..
pro choice should not be limited to making sure a fetus is should encompass making sure a fetus has a chance for a good secure life...not wasting away in some ghetto....and now with chemical abortions done with pills....doctors get 400 bucks for giving out 2 think that is going to stop? trump is all about big business and abortion in this country is big business..

$400 bucks? Dang
This is kinda of weird you are promoting abortion because you think all are wasting away in some ghetto?
i am not promoting abortion.....thank you...i am simply dealing with the reality of what it is today....i would say more white women have abortions than blacks....lets google that stat
i am not promoting abortion.....thank you...i am simply dealing with the reality of what it is today....i would say more white women have abortions than blacks....lets google that stat

Please let's not go there.. Google the population of white women and black women in America..

I wonder if I did google the world population.. What ever I don't even know why you had to post that

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