Anti-American Republican Was A Gay Drag Queen???

Shouldn't we be more concerned who someone is now rather than who they were in the past?
Do you mean the same way the Right was more concerned with the way KKK Byrd was after he renounced the KKK?

What f***ing hypocrites!!!!
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Why when you dress up like a woman and have sex with men, do people automatically assume you are gay? :(
Shouldn't we be more concerned who someone is now rather than who they were in the past?

Yes, we should.

The current President was a pretty strong drug user at one time so I'm not really sure what the point of this thread is.

So why bring it up? Especially since you don't really have a problem with what he did in the first place? Seems insincere.

I don't have a problem with him being gay, I have a problem with his hypocrisy. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Lots of folks have repented of past sins. I used to be a total drunk/drug addict/womanizer. Now I'm opposed to all three things as I believe they are destructive.

I find it interesting that you would try to "drag" (pun intended) a man down by revealing that he lived a life that you're all for. Sorta paradoxical.

You can't "repent" from being gay.

And yet, some people do. Go figure.

They do? Source? (Don't forget to include details of what they do in their bedrooms since you have no idea what they do.)



Some people never learn. Republicans know how to wear drag and still be a 'manly' man.
What does the left have against drag queens? The freaking hypocrites on the left pretend to support Blacks, overt homosexuals, pot heads, homeless people and then they turn around and ridicule them when it's politically convenient. The political double standard only makes the radical left appear more bigoted than ever.



Some people never learn. Republicans know how to wear drag and still be a 'manly' man.

You have a problem with cross dressers? More of the Democratic intolerance.

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I can't get too excited about things like this. After all, Jesse Ventura, the Macho Man, appeared in the movie "Repossessed" wearing a pink boa, and got way with it.

But then Jesse has always been pretty weird.
I can't get too excited about things like this. After all, Jesse Ventura, the Macho Man, appeared in the movie "Repossessed" wearing a pink boa, and got way with it.

But then Jesse has always been pretty weird.

Is that the way you think of all cross dressers? Interesting, how the left responds to someone cross dressing or being gay. I thought it was all okay.

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I can't get too excited about things like this. After all, Jesse Ventura, the Macho Man, appeared in the movie "Repossessed" wearing a pink boa, and got way with it.

But then Jesse has always been pretty weird.

Is that the way you think of all cross dressers? Interesting, how the left responds to someone cross dressing or being gay. I thought it was all okay.

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I understand that subtleties confuse the Right, so I will make it as clear as possible. The left do not run their political campaigns based on Traditional family values. RW'er s do. It is the hypocrisy of the Right that he left finds intolerable. If one wants to make an issue out of the lack of moral standards in America, it is best that he does not spend his spare time in a Minneapolis airport rest room tapping his shoes in search of anonymous gay sex.

Lots of folks have repented of past sins. I used to be a total drunk/drug addict/womanizer. Now I'm opposed to all three things as I believe they are destructive.

I find it interesting that you would try to "drag" (pun intended) a man down by revealing that he lived a life that you're all for. Sorta paradoxical.

You can't "repent" from being gay.

says who?
I can't get too excited about things like this. After all, Jesse Ventura, the Macho Man, appeared in the movie "Repossessed" wearing a pink boa, and got way with it.

But then Jesse has always been pretty weird.

Is that the way you think of all cross dressers? Interesting, how the left responds to someone cross dressing or being gay. I thought it was all okay.

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I understand that subtleties confuse the Right, so I will make it as clear as possible. The left do not run their political campaigns based on Traditional family values. RW'er s do. It is the hypocrisy of the Right that he left finds intolerable. If one wants to make an issue out of the lack of moral standards in America, it is best that he does not spend his spare time in a Minneapolis airport rest room tapping his shoes in search of anonymous gay sex.

this was in his past. obviously a subtly you missed.
I can't get too excited about things like this. After all, Jesse Ventura, the Macho Man, appeared in the movie "Repossessed" wearing a pink boa, and got way with it.

But then Jesse has always been pretty weird.

Is that the way you think of all cross dressers? Interesting, how the left responds to someone cross dressing or being gay. I thought it was all okay.

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I understand that subtleties confuse the Right, so I will make it as clear as possible. The left do not run their political campaigns based on Traditional family values. RW'er s do. It is the hypocrisy of the Right that he left finds intolerable. If one wants to make an issue out of the lack of moral standards in America, it is best that he does not spend his spare time in a Minneapolis airport rest room tapping his shoes in search of anonymous gay sex.

its called nuance and the left has no clue about it. I make fun of them because of their child like arguements.

so if you dont like hypocrits, you dont like rich democrats bashing the rich?
or environmentalists that dont practice what they al gore?
democrats are waaaaaaaay more hypocrtical than can nail us on family values, we can nail you in everything else

oh and when did democrats oppose family values, didmthey endorse adultry recently?
I can't get too excited about things like this. After all, Jesse Ventura, the Macho Man, appeared in the movie "Repossessed" wearing a pink boa, and got way with it.

But then Jesse has always been pretty weird.

Is that the way you think of all cross dressers? Interesting, how the left responds to someone cross dressing or being gay. I thought it was all okay.

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I understand that subtleties confuse the Right, so I will make it as clear as possible. The left do not run their political campaigns based on Traditional family values. RW'er s do. It is the hypocrisy of the Right that he left finds intolerable. If one wants to make an issue out of the lack of moral standards in America, it is best that he does not spend his spare time in a Minneapolis airport rest room tapping his shoes in search of anonymous gay sex.

So you love your hypocrisy, and justify it because of how other people act, not based on your principles or morals.

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Lots of folks have repented of past sins. I used to be a total drunk/drug addict/womanizer. Now I'm opposed to all three things as I believe they are destructive.

I find it interesting that you would try to "drag" (pun intended) a man down by revealing that he lived a life that you're all for. Sorta paradoxical.

You can't "repent" from being gay.

Well ... I can't 'cause I've never been gay but you can.

Lots of folks have repented of past sins. I used to be a total drunk/drug addict/womanizer. Now I'm opposed to all three things as I believe they are destructive.

I find it interesting that you would try to "drag" (pun intended) a man down by revealing that he lived a life that you're all for. Sorta paradoxical.

You can't "repent" from being gay.

people who spend time on their knees have much in common
Is that the way you think of all cross dressers? Interesting, how the left responds to someone cross dressing or being gay. I thought it was all okay.

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I understand that subtleties confuse the Right, so I will make it as clear as possible. The left do not run their political campaigns based on Traditional family values. RW'er s do. It is the hypocrisy of the Right that he left finds intolerable. If one wants to make an issue out of the lack of moral standards in America, it is best that he does not spend his spare time in a Minneapolis airport rest room tapping his shoes in search of anonymous gay sex.

So you love your hypocrisy, and justify it because of how other people act, not based on your principles or morals.

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Well, since that makes no sense whatever, I guess I will reject that bait...
I understand that subtleties confuse the Right, so I will make it as clear as possible. The left do not run their political campaigns based on Traditional family values. RW'er s do. It is the hypocrisy of the Right that he left finds intolerable. If one wants to make an issue out of the lack of moral standards in America, it is best that he does not spend his spare time in a Minneapolis airport rest room tapping his shoes in search of anonymous gay sex.

So you love your hypocrisy, and justify it because of how other people act, not based on your principles or morals.

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Well, since that makes no sense whatever, I guess I will reject that bait...

You are a hypocrite, you claim tolerance, yet you don't tolerate. It's pretty simple.

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