Anti-Choice Women Haters Terrorize Church-Goers at Funeral


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Anti-abortion group harasses Unitarian church during moment of silence for dead member

These are the same sickos that condone and inspire murder. They do not cherish or respect life. They are monsters plain and simple.


The anti-abortion activist father of a pair of wanna-be reality TV stars disrupted the services of a Unitarian church Sunday while the congregation was honoring a member who had died.

Members of Flip Benham’s Operation Save America group delivered an impromptu sermon while the congregation at First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans was observing a moment of silence.

“Into that sacred silence, a voice began to speak, and it began to speak about ‘abominations,’” said Rev. Deanna Vandiver, adding that the protesters shouted that their church was not a true faith. “Literally in our most tender and vulnerable space, religious terrorism began.”
That is disgusting. Two things that particularly offend me:

1. Any practicing of religion whatsoever should be met with derision (and much worse, including public torture/death, but we will settle for derision given the current climate).

2. "Pro-Life activists". They are correct in that a typical woman shouldn't have a say regarding the parasite in her uterus, but they believe so for all of the wrong reasons. Only a truly rational human, a rather rare creature indeed, should be able to decide if any prospective child will be allowed the massive privilege of life.
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If they breach the peace or trespass they should be arrested, otherwise it's free speech whether you agree with it or not.
Was anyone threatened? If not there is no terrorizing.

How are they anti choice? And how are they women haters?

No doubt they are rude. But you don't have support for anything else.
Was anyone threatened? If not there is no terrorizing.

How are they anti choice? And how are they women haters?

No doubt they are rude. But you don't have support for anything else.

Your message doesn't play into his narrative. Watch out now! :lol:
Unitarian? WTF is that?
Unitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term Unitarian is sometimes applied today to those who belong to a Unitarian church but who do not hold a Unitarian theological belief.
How the f*ck does THAT happen? "Oh I'm a Christian but I don't believe in Him or the Bible!"
In the 1890s the American Unitarian Association began to allow non-Christian and non-theistic churches and individuals to be part of their fellowship. As a result, people who held no Unitarian belief began to be called "Unitarians" because they were members of churches that belonged to the American Unitarian Association. After several decades, the non-theistic members outnumbered the theological Unitarians.
So the Unitarians were infiltrated by Non-Believers who now run the "Church".
What a sick joke that is.

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