anti-discrimination laws are the antithesis of freedom

That would include then as free people the freedom to say whatever you really think without being harassed and put down being told that you are chasing votes away from your own party without proof which is presumably made up of people who think as you do in the first place, right?

It's not against the law to be an asshole, otherwise, you'd be in prison rather than posting here.

If I ever am in a prison, it will only be to watch over the idiot inmates like you that in one thread persecutes people for their individuality, then comes here and think nothing of celebrating their right to be individual, even when it harms others!

If there is anything that drives people away from the GOP to not vote republican, it is the constant itinerant stupidity from some few assclowns like you.
That would include then as free people the freedom to say whatever you really think without being harassed and put down being told that you are chasing votes away from your own party without proof which is presumably made up of people who think as you do in the first place, right?

It's not against the law to be an asshole, otherwise, you'd be in prison rather than posting here.

If I ever am in a prison, it will only be to watch over the idiot inmates like you that in one thread persecutes people for their individuality, then comes here and think nothing of celebrating their right to be individual, even when it harms others!

Not helping someone isn't the same thing as harming them.
That would include then as free people the freedom to say whatever you really think without being harassed and put down being told that you are chasing votes away from your own party without proof which is presumably made up of people who think as you do in the first place, right?

It's not against the law to be an asshole, otherwise, you'd be in prison rather than posting here.

If I ever am in a prison, it will only be to watch over the idiot inmates like you that in one thread persecutes people for their individuality, then comes here and think nothing of celebrating their right to be individual, even when it harms others!

Not helping someone isn't the same thing as harming them.

Who are you to say someone isn't harmed by being discriminated against simply for being gay, atheist, liberal, a democrat, muslim, christian, conservative, or a republican?

I generally don't like gays (I'd prefer not knowing their orientation just as I don't tell them mine), sharply disagree with atheists, and you won't find many who dislike liberals, democrats and muslims more than me, but I would never discriminate against any of them on that basis or any other basis, whether I was a baker or whatever! There is a huge difference in not liking or disagreeing with something and actually taking outward action against them. That is just my way of forcing my belief structure on someone else, and that is no more right than their forcing theirs on me.

I can't say what another person should do. If I was a baker in business to bake cakes for people and someone came in asking for a message on a cake I personally didn't agree with, I'd probably consider that part of the travails of being in business and so long as the message wasn't overtly threatening, defamatory or hostile, I'd probably put it on the cake and send them on their way. Then if it bothered me THAT MUCH, blame myself for not thinking out this scenario in advance, look into the legal ramifications of calling my bakery a CHRISTIAN bakery with a sign in the window explaining what types of cakes I would NOT make.

Likewise, if I were gay and was turned away for a gay message on the cake, I might not like it, but knowing that I can simply walk down the street to 1000 other bakeries, I doubt I would ask the federal government to get involved in putting someone out of business. I might not agree with their action, but I would have respected their right to make it. Just as it was my choice to be gay, I feel others have a right to run their business as they see fit so long as it doesn't actively harm others, and since it wasn't like they couldn't have simply gone to a different bakery, no real harm was done.
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Not helping someone isn't the same thing as harming them.

Who are you to say someone isn't harmed by being discriminated against simply for being gay, atheist, liberal, a democrat, muslim, christian, conservative, or a republican?

Someone with a dictionary.

If you're seriously contending that not helping someone is the same as harming them, then how many people would you say you've 'harmed' today? Several billion, eh?

I can't say what another person should do.

You're willing to do so, though. You seem more than eager to tell the baker what they should do.
Not helping someone isn't the same thing as harming them.

Who are you to say someone isn't harmed by being discriminated against simply for being gay, atheist, liberal, a democrat, muslim, christian, conservative, or a republican?

Someone with a dictionary.

If you're seriously contending that not helping someone is the same as harming them, then how many people would you say you've 'harmed' today? Several billion, eh?

I can't say what another person should do.

You're willing to do so, though. You seem more than eager to tell the baker what they should do.

You don't read too well, nor are you very bright. Much like most liberals in this board. You get everything wrong then try using a strawman argument against things other people never said. I'd like to see what dictionary you use that tells you that! :auiqs.jpg:
There's a old legal saying that 'Your right to swing your fist ends at the nose of another man'.

What you believe in private, or espouse in public, is simply your business.

However, when your beliefs turn into actions that actively do harm to others, you've reached the other man's nose.

Equal accommodation is the cornerstone of freedom. In the land of the free, you're not free to do harm to others without consequences.
Unequal accommodation is not harming another.
If a business engaged in blatant, ugly discrimination, word would spread quickly and that business would suffer and probably cease to exist.

Depends on who is currently patronizing that business...


Segregated businesses is ugly, unjust, illegal, and worst of all un-American.
Segregated business is illegal and ugly but it is not unjust.

The op is correct people have a basic human right to discriminate

It is unjust to say customers can discriminate but business owners may not.
Supposedly free people should be able to discriminate against anyone they like for any reason or no reason. anti-discrimination laws allow the government to dictate to private people. Unfortunately, I doubt that the U.S. will ever eliminate such laws. Now, sing it with me..."And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free..."
Bullshit. Your discrimination reduces the freedom of those you discriminate against.
It does not what so ever.

Freedom never includes making demands on others.
Equal accommodation is the cornerstone of freedom. In the land of the free, you're not free to do harm to others without consequences.

If equal accommodation is what you're after, and if you really think not being treated equally by a business amounts to harm, then do you think that all forms if discrimination should illegal? Or just those designated as protected classes?
then do you think that all forms if discrimination should illegal?

Of course, it goes without saying. Equal opportunity laws protect everyone, not just certain classes.

Nominally they protect everyone, but they only target specific kinds of discrimination. People can still be discriminated against because they're ugly, or fat, or poor, or stupid. Does that seem equal to you?
then do you think that all forms if discrimination should illegal?

Of course, it goes without saying. Equal opportunity laws protect everyone, not just certain classes.

Nominally they protect everyone, but they only target specific kinds of discrimination. People can still be discriminated against because they're ugly, or fat, or poor, or stupid. Does that seem equal to you?

Legislation is (and always has been) reactive. We don't pass laws until an issue has become important enough that politicians believe they will gain votes by attempting fixing it.

However, anyone who believes that legislation, or legislators, are capable of solving all of life's inequities has no experience with either.
then do you think that all forms if discrimination should illegal?

Of course, it goes without saying. Equal opportunity laws protect everyone, not just certain classes.

Nominally they protect everyone, but they only target specific kinds of discrimination. People can still be discriminated against because they're ugly, or fat, or poor, or stupid. Does that seem equal to you?

Legislation is (and always has been) reactive. We don't pass laws until an issue has become important enough that politicians believe they will gain votes by attempting fixing it.

Sure. Legislators are whores, no doubt. But disregarding their hypocrisy, do you really think it would be a good idea to write, and attempt to enforce, a law that banned all kinds of discrimination?
However, anyone who believes that legislation, or legislators, are capable of solving all of life's inequities has no experience with either.

Yet that seems to be the zeitgeist of modern liberals and progressives, eh?
did you ever think that he doesnt offer gay cakes as a service???

Cakes can't be gay, moron.
but what is put on them and what they stand for can be,,,and in this case it was,,,

in fact in this case iit was what it stood for and the baker has a right to not be involved and not offer that product,,,

your response shows a low level of intelligence,,,
There's a old legal saying that 'Your right to swing your fist ends at the nose of another man'.

What you believe in private, or espouse in public, is simply your business.

However, when your beliefs turn into actions that actively do harm to others, you've reached the other man's nose.

Equal accommodation is the cornerstone of freedom. In the land of the free, you're not free to do harm to others without consequences.
Horse shit. Discrimination is the essence of freedom. Forcing people to serve other people they don't want to serve is the essence of tyranny. You harm no one by failing to serve them. The idea that you do is ridiculous.
Why should a citizen have to jump through a bunch of proverbial hoops to avoid having to make a cake for a gay wedding?

It's not going through a hoop, it's truth in advertising... If I offer my customer's 'any design they want' I can't very well decline a customer for coming up with a design which I find personally offensive.
What if you put a sign in your window that says "no gay wedding cakes.?"
There's a old legal saying that 'Your right to swing your fist ends at the nose of another man'.

What you believe in private, or espouse in public, is simply your business.

However, when your beliefs turn into actions that actively do harm to others, you've reached the other man's nose.

Equal accommodation is the cornerstone of freedom. In the land of the free, you're not free to do harm to others without consequences.
Horse shit. Discrimination is the essence of freedom. Forcing people to serve other people they don't want to serve is the essence of tyranny. You harm no one by failing to serve them. The idea that you do is ridiculous.

Is this freedom?
If a business engaged in blatant, ugly discrimination, word would spread quickly and that business would suffer and probably cease to exist.

Depends on who is currently patronizing that business...


Segregated businesses is ugly, unjust, illegal, and worst of all un-American.
Segregation existed because of state and local laws, not because private businesses wanted to discriminate.
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