anti-discrimination laws are the antithesis of freedom

Your idea of "freedom" gives freedom to only some of the people. The people who face discrimination on a daily basis aren't free. They have to navigate through a mine field of ill will, rejection, and bigotry.

You have the mistaken belief that there are racists, bigots and homophobes hiding behind every door and every tree.

Do you know what would happen if discrimination laws were eliminated? Nothing. LIfe would go on as always. But this nation would save a small fortune in costs associated with preserving these archaic laws.
The idea that the "freedom" to express hatred, bigotry, and prejudice is somehow an ideal that Americans should strive for is un-Christian, un-American, and the antithesis of a civil community.

Were you outraged when the restaurant owner in Virginia evicted Sarah Sanders and her family? I will tell you this, nobody and I mean NOBODY is as hateful as the American left and it's not close.

Free people should be free to be assholes, if that's what they want to do. I don't agree with it, but I don't want the federal government legislating niceness.
Your idea of "freedom" gives freedom to only some of the people. The people who face discrimination on a daily basis aren't free. They have to navigate through a mine field of ill will, rejection, and bigotry.

You have the mistaken belief that there are racists, bigots and homophobes hiding behind every door and every tree.

Do you know what would happen if discrimination laws were eliminated? Nothing. LIfe would go on as always. But this nation would save a small fortune in costs associated with preserving these archaic laws.

After reading the threads on sites like this, it is no wonder why people think that there is so many racist and homophobes

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The idea that the "freedom" to express hatred, bigotry, and prejudice is somehow an ideal that Americans should strive for is un-Christian, un-American, and the antithesis of a civil community.

Were you outraged when the restaurant owner in Virginia evicted Sarah Sanders and her family? I will tell you this, nobody and I mean NOBODY is as hateful as the American left and it's not close.

Free people should be free to be assholes, if that's what they want to do. I don't agree with it, but I don't want the federal government legislating niceness.

People are free to be assholes, and no one is legislating "niceness", they telling people that they freedom to be an asshole doesn't extend to treating other people badly. Do you have a problem with laws against physically attacking harming other people? Do you consider those laws "legislating niceness"? Discrimination and bigotry are just as damaging as physical violence, in many ways more so.

Anti-bigotry laws don't legislate "niceness", they legislate fair treatment of all. Your hatred of others is YOUR problem, not theirs, and these laws prevent your problem becoming someone else's problem.
The idea that the "freedom" to express hatred, bigotry, and prejudice is somehow an ideal that Americans should strive for is un-Christian, un-American, and the antithesis of a civil community.

Were you outraged when the restaurant owner in Virginia evicted Sarah Sanders and her family? I will tell you this, nobody and I mean NOBODY is as hateful as the American left and it's not close.

Free people should be free to be assholes, if that's what they want to do. I don't agree with it, but I don't want the federal government legislating niceness.

People are free to be assholes, and no one is legislating "niceness", they telling people that they freedom to be an asshole doesn't extend to treating other people badly. Do you have a problem with laws against physically attacking harming other people? Do you consider those laws "legislating niceness"? Discrimination and bigotry are just as damaging as physical violence, in many ways more so.

Anti-bigotry laws don't legislate "niceness", they legislate fair treatment of all. Your hatred of others is YOUR problem, not theirs, and these laws prevent your problem becoming someone else's problem.
People let words hurt them. Physical pain is different.
After reading the threads on sites like this, it is no wonder why people think that there is so many racist and homophobes.

There are plenty on this site for sure.

People think there are so many racists and homophobes because 30% of the Republican Party members still believe the birther lie, even years after it had been completely debunked and Trump admitted he lied. The ONLY people who believe that horseshit are die hard racists.
After reading the threads on sites like this, it is no wonder why people think that there is so many racist and homophobes.

There are plenty on this site for sure.

People think there are so many racists and homophobes because 30% of the Republican Party members still believe the birther lie, even years after it had been completely debunked and Trump admitted he lied. The ONLY people who believe that horseshit are die hard racists.
How is that racist?
That word means nothing now because of people like you.
Supposedly free people should be able to discriminate against anyone they like for any reason or no reason. anti-discrimination laws allow the government to dictate to private people. Unfortunately, I doubt that the U.S. will ever eliminate such laws. Now, sing it with me..."And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free..."
Anti-discrimination laws, conflict with the right of freedom of association. As such; they are unconstitutional.
Supposedly free people should be able to discriminate against anyone they like for any reason or no reason. anti-discrimination laws allow the government to dictate to private people. Unfortunately, I doubt that the U.S. will ever eliminate such laws. Now, sing it with me..."And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free..."

So you have no problem with rational people discriminating against evangelicals and conservatives?

i'll bet not.

I didn't say that it's a good thing or the right thing, just that it shouldn't be illegal.

I agree.

It shouldn't be illegal to discriminate.

so a bakery should have the right to discriminate against gays, atheists, liberals, democrats, muslims, atheists, christians, conservatives, republicans or .....whoever.....

And if people choose to not do business with that bakery and the bakery goes out of business.....oh well.....freedom......consequences.....

I agree.
After reading the threads on sites like this, it is no wonder why people think that there is so many racist and homophobes.

There are plenty on this site for sure.

People think there are so many racists and homophobes because 30% of the Republican Party members still believe the birther lie, even years after it had been completely debunked and Trump admitted he lied. The ONLY people who believe that horseshit are die hard racists.
How is that racist?
That word means nothing now because of people like you.

There is none so blind as those who will not see.

When has any white candidate for President been accused of not being qualified to be President because his father wasn't born in the USA? When has a white candidate been asked to prove citizenship, and when he did so, have the opposition claim it was forged?

Under the Jim Crow Laws, blacks in the South were required to "show papers" for no reason other than white police could ask for them. There was no such requirement for whites. Black people immediately called the birther movement racist. It is rooted in the belief that NO black man or woman should ever be President.

Notice that the new people in Congress that Trump routinely attacks are AOC and the two Muslim women in Congress. Women of colour. Trump's attacks against women in government, and in particular non-white women, calling them "low IQ", "whacky" and "loony", driving women away from voting for him, including the white Republican women who voted for him in 2016.
The idea that the "freedom" to express hatred, bigotry, and prejudice is somehow an ideal that Americans should strive for is un-Christian, un-American, and the antithesis of a civil community.

Were you outraged when the restaurant owner in Virginia evicted Sarah Sanders and her family? I will tell you this, nobody and I mean NOBODY is as hateful as the American left and it's not close.

Free people should be free to be assholes, if that's what they want to do. I don't agree with it, but I don't want the federal government legislating niceness.

People are free to be assholes, and no one is legislating "niceness", they telling people that they freedom to be an asshole doesn't extend to treating other people badly. Do you have a problem with laws against physically attacking harming other people? Do you consider those laws "legislating niceness"? Discrimination and bigotry are just as damaging as physical violence, in many ways more so.

Anti-bigotry laws don't legislate "niceness", they legislate fair treatment of all. Your hatred of others is YOUR problem, not theirs, and these laws prevent your problem becoming someone else's problem.

sorry but them choosing to not be involved is not bigotry or physical violence,,,only pansies think that

its called freedom of choice,,,
After reading the threads on sites like this, it is no wonder why people think that there is so many racist and homophobes.

There are plenty on this site for sure.

People think there are so many racists and homophobes because 30% of the Republican Party members still believe the birther lie, even years after it had been completely debunked and Trump admitted he lied. The ONLY people who believe that horseshit are die hard racists.
How is that racist?
That word means nothing now because of people like you.

There is none so blind as those who will not see.

When has any white candidate for President been accused of not being qualified to be President because his father wasn't born in the USA? When has a white candidate been asked to prove citizenship, and when he did so, have the opposition claim it was forged?

Under the Jim Crow Laws, blacks in the South were required to "show papers" for no reason other than white police could ask for them. There was no such requirement for whites. Black people immediately called the birther movement racist. It is rooted in the belief that NO black man or woman should ever be President.

Notice that the new people in Congress that Trump routinely attacks are AOC and the two Muslim women in Congress. Women of colour. Trump's attacks against women in government, and in particular non-white women, calling them "low IQ", "whacky" and "loony", driving women away from voting for him, including the white Republican women who voted for him in 2016.
you are such a racist,,,
After reading the threads on sites like this, it is no wonder why people think that there is so many racist and homophobes.

There are plenty on this site for sure.

People think there are so many racists and homophobes because 30% of the Republican Party members still believe the birther lie, even years after it had been completely debunked and Trump admitted he lied. The ONLY people who believe that horseshit are die hard racists.
How is that racist?
That word means nothing now because of people like you.

There is none so blind as those who will not see.

When has any white candidate for President been accused of not being qualified to be President because his father wasn't born in the USA? When has a white candidate been asked to prove citizenship, and when he did so, have the opposition claim it was forged?

Under the Jim Crow Laws, blacks in the South were required to "show papers" for no reason other than white police could ask for them. There was no such requirement for whites. Black people immediately called the birther movement racist. It is rooted in the belief that NO black man or woman should ever be President.

Notice that the new people in Congress that Trump routinely attacks are AOC and the two Muslim women in Congress. Women of colour. Trump's attacks against women in government, and in particular non-white women, calling them "low IQ", "whacky" and "loony", driving women away from voting for him, including the white Republican women who voted for him in 2016.
Was his publisher racist for starting the whole thing when he said he was born in kenya?
You make it about race because you are racist.
Supposedly free people should be able to discriminate against anyone they like for any reason or no reason.

That would include then as free people the freedom to say whatever you really think without being harassed and put down being told that you are chasing votes away from your own party without proof which is presumably made up of people who think as you do in the first place, right?
That would include then as free people the freedom to say whatever you really think without being harassed and put down being told that you are chasing votes away from your own party without proof which is presumably made up of people who think as you do in the first place, right?

It's not against the law to be an asshole, otherwise, you'd be in prison rather than posting here.
Supposedly free people should be able to discriminate against anyone they like for any reason or no reason. anti-discrimination laws allow the government to dictate to private people. Unfortunately, I doubt that the U.S. will ever eliminate such laws. Now, sing it with me..."And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free..."

So you have no problem with rational people discriminating against evangelicals and conservatives?

i'll bet not.

I didn't say that it's a good thing or the right thing, just that it shouldn't be illegal.

I agree.

It shouldn't be illegal to discriminate.

so a bakery should have the right to discriminate against gays, atheists, liberals, democrats, muslims, atheists, christians, conservatives, republicans or .....whoever.....

And if people choose to not do business with that bakery and the bakery goes out of business.....oh well.....freedom......consequences.....

I agree.


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