Anti-Gay Pizzeria Says God 'Has Blessed Us' With Over $800,000 For 'Standing Up'

LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.

Interesting how you call Zimmerman a murderer when the jury didn't. So much for thinking you had a clue.
First off, I wasn't talking about kids in this country, that photo was of 3rd world stop trying to defuse the remark and get out your damned check book or shut up!!

I write checks to Samaritan's Purse to help feed kids in third world countries. Unlike government aid that gets stored in warehouses and stolen and sold on the black market, they are in country and distribute the aid directly. Who do you write checks too?

I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

That's how people like Tiggered operate. You either have to do it the way they do it or you're wrong in their eyes. They can do and supporting something you disagree with and it's OK with them. However, you do it another way than they would and suddenly it's wrong to do so.
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.

Lol! Zimmerman murdered no one, he was acquitted.

I agree with your statement that hatred never wins, those that threatened death and violence to a pizza parlor owner over a hypothetical scenario seemed to lose.

OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
First off, I wasn't talking about kids in this country, that photo was of 3rd world stop trying to defuse the remark and get out your damned check book or shut up!!

I write checks to Samaritan's Purse to help feed kids in third world countries. Unlike government aid that gets stored in warehouses and stolen and sold on the black market, they are in country and distribute the aid directly. Who do you write checks too?

I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.

Lol! Zimmerman murdered no one, he was acquitted.

I agree with your statement that hatred never wins, those that threatened death and violence to a pizza parlor owner over a hypothetical scenario seemed to lose.

OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
I write checks to Samaritan's Purse to help feed kids in third world countries. Unlike government aid that gets stored in warehouses and stolen and sold on the black market, they are in country and distribute the aid directly. Who do you write checks too?

I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot

If you didn't give a rat's ass, you wouldn't feel compelled to make a vulgar reply.

LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.

Lol! Zimmerman murdered no one, he was acquitted.

I agree with your statement that hatred never wins, those that threatened death and violence to a pizza parlor owner over a hypothetical scenario seemed to lose.

OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
I write checks to Samaritan's Purse to help feed kids in third world countries. Unlike government aid that gets stored in warehouses and stolen and sold on the black market, they are in country and distribute the aid directly. Who do you write checks too?

I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot

So you have no reason, you just believe your good intentions are better than others good intentions. Lol!

I say let people give to who they want, and you and your intolerance be damned?

As far as Zimmerman, you are a liar and a bigot.
I write checks to Samaritan's Purse to help feed kids in third world countries. Unlike government aid that gets stored in warehouses and stolen and sold on the black market, they are in country and distribute the aid directly. Who do you write checks too?

I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

That's how people like Tiggered operate. You either have to do it the way they do it or you're wrong in their eyes. They can do and supporting something you disagree with and it's OK with them. However, you do it another way than they would and suddenly it's wrong to do so.

And you can say this with a straight face, can you? 99.99% of all the conservatives that post here, all hate on liberals for doing things their way and not the conservatives way LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...but I'm the damned hypocrite??? LOLOLOLOLOLOL GTFOOH
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.

Lol! Zimmerman murdered no one, he was acquitted.

I agree with your statement that hatred never wins, those that threatened death and violence to a pizza parlor owner over a hypothetical scenario seemed to lose.

OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot

If you didn't give a rat's ass, you wouldn't feel compelled to make a vulgar reply.


Don't tell me, your feelings are hurt and your gonna go crying to the Mod-mee board, boo hoo hoo. Gezzzz you people are exhausting.
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.

Lol! Zimmerman murdered no one, he was acquitted.

I agree with your statement that hatred never wins, those that threatened death and violence to a pizza parlor owner over a hypothetical scenario seemed to lose.

OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot

So you have no reason, you just believe your good intentions are better than others good intentions. Lol!

I say let people give to who they want, and you and your intolerance be damned?

As far as Zimmerman, you are a liar and a bigot.

I have a reason, it just isn't your rational reasoning. I'm not a liar nor am I a bigot, you sir or madame are simply too entrenched in ignorance to know when something is wrong vs right and for that, I feel bad for you Christian hypocrites
I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

That's how people like Tiggered operate. You either have to do it the way they do it or you're wrong in their eyes. They can do and supporting something you disagree with and it's OK with them. However, you do it another way than they would and suddenly it's wrong to do so.

And you can say this with a straight face, can you? 99.99% of all the conservatives that post here, all hate on liberals for doing things their way and not the conservatives way LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...but I'm the damned hypocrite??? LOLOLOLOLOLOL GTFOOH

As a Conservative, I don't care if you do it my way. However, it's clear when people don't do thing the way you think, you consider them bigots. The term bigot doesn't mean someone not doing it the way you like. However, that's how you use the term.
Lol! Zimmerman murdered no one, he was acquitted.

I agree with your statement that hatred never wins, those that threatened death and violence to a pizza parlor owner over a hypothetical scenario seemed to lose.

OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot

If you didn't give a rat's ass, you wouldn't feel compelled to make a vulgar reply.


Don't tell me, your feelings are hurt and your gonna go crying to the Mod-mee board, boo hoo hoo. Gezzzz you people are exhausting.

Paranoid much? I didn't say I was going to report you. I'm not a thin-skinned whinger like you moonbats.

Your post is a "tell", however, that you WANT to be reported. You bragged about being kicked off of other boards - so it's clear you want a USMB notch on your belt (which I suspect is size XXXXXXXXXL).
"Anti-Gay Pizzeria Says God 'Has Blessed Us' With Over $800,000 For 'Standing Up'"

'Standing up' for ignorance, hate, and bigotry, not for 'religious rights.'

Standing up for their religious beliefs is ignorance, hatred or bigotry to an ignorant bigoted hater like you.
Religious beliefs....religious beliefs....hmm so gays are stopping christians from going to church? Believing in christ? Gays are stopping christians from praying? And gays are stopping Christians from reading the bible? Gays are trying to make christians gay? What right or belief are they taking away? Oh the belief of serving somebody that is a paying customer. I see.... I must have missed that in the 10 commandments.
Last edited:
We have the fattest poor people in the world. If you want to see poor children starve check out the school lunches that fat ass big moo has mandated that they eat.

First off, I wasn't talking about kids in this country, that photo was of 3rd world stop trying to defuse the remark and get out your damned check book or shut up!!

I write checks to Samaritan's Purse to help feed kids in third world countries. Unlike government aid that gets stored in warehouses and stolen and sold on the black market, they are in country and distribute the aid directly. Who do you write checks too?

I had a co worker who's granddaughter died of Lukemia, she was only 3 years old, this was in 87....its 2015 and I have been a proud sponsor of St Judes Charity since. I got the kids photo's all over my home, the mail stickers, the stories, the letters to prove it if you like. Also at work, my company sponsors families throughout the year with quarterly fund raisers, this I have done for the last 20 years, I'm a vet, so I donate very often goods and clothing to the local Vet stores and and and, I raised 2 foster kids. Now put that in your pipe and have a puff!!

oh my.

Would you help out someone who had a militant group threaten to burn down the Vet store and murder the Owner?

Listen, anyone advocating violence regardless of their natured intent, I don't support nor want to speak on. Its f*** up, the way people react to things they don't like...but lets get something clear, liberal minded people don't blow up abortion clinics because their anti abortion, we don't post an abortion doctors address on the news and a few weeks later he's gunned down and murdered. We don't stalk a gay guy, by the name of Mathew Sheppard, tie him up to a post and beat him to death out in the wilderness, we don't burn down black churches and synagogues with people in them or put a bullet through 3 presidents because we don't like thier policies....uh, its the christian donating conservatives that do that, I think, but I could be wrong, I'll have to check my history book on this one.
OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot

If you didn't give a rat's ass, you wouldn't feel compelled to make a vulgar reply.


Don't tell me, your feelings are hurt and your gonna go crying to the Mod-mee board, boo hoo hoo. Gezzzz you people are exhausting.

Paranoid much? I didn't say I was going to report you. I'm not a thin-skinned whinger like you moonbats.

Your post is a "tell", however, that you WANT to be reported. You bragged about being kicked off of other boards - so it's clear you want a USMB notch on your belt (which I suspect is size XXXXXXXXXL).

LOLOLOL...there's only one thing you got right this whole evening and that's the belt hubbies Easter dinner was a home for the rest, I hate to say it, but contrary to popular beliefs, you people love me, cause I don't buckle and I definately don't give a crap about being banned!!
Huzzah! The great and omni-benevolent God Almighty has showered rewards on this brave pizzeria for hating teh gheys! What a kind and loving God we have! Do his good work and ye shall be rewarded!



Since you aren't helping you think they should all have been aborted right?

My sentiments exactly....the thing about conservatives, these christian family value loons, would starve a child to death if they could, just to save tax dollars....all the while protesting women who seek abortions. In short, they love a child while in the womb, but hate on the child who can't find a food, they're such hypocrites, really they are.

I am a conservative Christian and my wife and I have had three children and adopted two more. What have you done for children that were not wanted and and were not aborted?

I've already answered it. And God bless anyone, conservative, liberal, etc...anybody that gives selflessly to any worthy cause in the world, gets a pat on the back from me.

What have you done for children that were not wanted and and were not aborted? I cry and wish I could do more!!
Memories Pizza never did a thing to a homosexual person or threatened anyone. They were sucker punched by a reporter trolling for a story and they lost their livelyhood and they became (still are apparently judging by the post) targets of hate filled crazy people. They were even threatened with arson by a freaking teacher who should have known better.
Of course. It's that reporter's fault.

The reporters fault for calling out a racist.

I didn't know that gays were a race. When did that become a law?

Oh, so you have to hate a particular race in order to be a racist? Learn something new each and every day. Interesting!!
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.
Let us know the next small town business you threaten into closing down for not serving a hypothetical queer wedding, I will help them out as well. It's what decent people, helping others when they are down and being persecuted.

You wouldn't know anything about being decent, since you support taking away a person's livelihood and prosecuting them under the law because they don't want to associate with your degenerate liberal culture.
Lol! Zimmerman murdered no one, he was acquitted.

I agree with your statement that hatred never wins, those that threatened death and violence to a pizza parlor owner over a hypothetical scenario seemed to lose.

OJ was acquitted too and he was guilty of murder also......just sayin

Could you possible be more stupid? Just when I think you may have bottomed out, you post an even more idiotic bit of spew than your prior one.

Lets get something first, I could give a rats f*** about you and what you think of me. Okay and anything coming from a
Good for you. You are giving money to those you WANT to give money to. Why criticize others for doing the same?

Because being Zimmered is a dig, its not coming from a good place and you know it. I could give a **** what these racist do, I just find it yet another attempt by the cra cra's of this nation, to rubber stamp murder and bigotry and I don't like it.

So again, you give to who you want to give to, why is it wrong for others to do the same?

Back in the early 70's before the shtt hit the fan, the catholic church paid out millions of dollars to former abused kids who had been molested by priest...they did exactly what they wanted to do with thier money and for a long time it worked. My point is this, sometimes but not all the time, the road to Hell is paved by good intentions. And for the last time, I think its f*** up and I spoke on it, so stop asking me the same damned question, either accept my comment or put a damned period behind it, Mr. Parrot

So you have no reason, you just believe your good intentions are better than others good intentions. Lol!

I say let people give to who they want, and you and your intolerance be damned?

As far as Zimmerman, you are a liar and a bigot.

I have a reason, it just isn't your rational reasoning. I'm not a liar nor am I a bigot, you sir or madame are simply too entrenched in ignorance to know when something is wrong vs right and for that, I feel bad for you Christian hypocrites

Your reason is no better than anyone else's.

You said Zimmerman murdered someone, that is a lie based on your bigotry.

Your bigotry condemns the pizza owner for a hypothetical situation, an owner that has never turned away a gay customer and yet you say nothing of the left wing nutters threatening their life and livelihood.

Please tell my why you make the accusation that I am a hypocrite, I find your condescending attitude towards those that disagree with you rather amusing and shows a lack of maturity on your part.
Memories Pizza never did a thing to a homosexual person or threatened anyone. They were sucker punched by a reporter trolling for a story and they lost their livelyhood and they became (still are apparently judging by the post) targets of hate filled crazy people. They were even threatened with arson by a freaking teacher who should have known better.
Of course. It's that reporter's fault.

The reporters fault for calling out a racist.

I didn't know that gays were a race. When did that become a law?

Oh, so you have to hate a particular race in order to be a racist? Learn something new each and every day. Interesting!!

Being a racist means you feel superior to a particular race, not a particular sexual preference. Being gay is not a race issue, it is a sexual preference issue. More inline with bigotry, nothing to do with racism.
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

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