Anti-Gay Pizzeria Says God 'Has Blessed Us' With Over $800,000 For 'Standing Up'

There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Memories Pizza never did a thing to a homosexual person or threatened anyone. They were sucker punched by a reporter trolling for a story and they lost their livelyhood and they became (still are apparently judging by the post) targets of hate filled crazy people. They were even threatened with arson by a freaking teacher who should have known better.
Of course. It's that reporter's fault.

The reporters fault for calling out a racist.

I didn't know that gays were a race. When did that become a law?

Oh, so you have to hate a particular race in order to be a racist? Learn something new each and every day. Interesting!!

Being a racist means you feel superior to a particular race, not a particular sexual preference. Being gay is not a race issue, it is a sexual preference issue. More inline with bigotry, nothing to do with racism.
By their logic, you couldn't refuse service to an incestuous wedding or deny service to a pedophile, since it is a "sexual preference".
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Agreed, secular liberal pussies aren't a match for muslims. When Muslims become a majority in European countries, and a large percentage in America, lefties will be begging for the days where they could push around conservatives. Muslims won't stand for their degeneracy. The liberal says "diversity is strength". But it will be their downfall.
"Anti-Gay Pizzeria Says God 'Has Blessed Us' With Over $800,000 For 'Standing Up'"

'Standing up' for ignorance, hate, and bigotry, not for 'religious rights.'

Standing up for their religious beliefs is ignorance, hatred or bigotry to an ignorant bigoted hater like you.
Religious beliefs....religious beliefs....hmm so gays are stopping christians from going to church? Believing in christ? Gays are stopping christians from praying? And gays are stopping Christians from reading the bible? Gays are trying to make christians gay? What right or belief are they taking away? Oh the belief of serving somebody that is a paying customer. I see.... I must have missed that in the 10 commandments.

Kudos on your comment by the way.....this is what I don't the privacy of your own home, behind closed doors, the act and affection that same sex couples engages, is out of view to those who don't like gays. In public, on the job, on the battle fields and sports field....they act as we do, eat as we do, play as we do, work as we do, laugh, cry, all what we so called Christian perfect proclaim and yet the behind closed doors in the privacy of their own homes, the "act" of homosexuality spark these stupid laws and exclusion clauses...uneffinbelieveable, some people's rights!!
Of course. It's that reporter's fault.

The reporters fault for calling out a racist.

I didn't know that gays were a race. When did that become a law?

Oh, so you have to hate a particular race in order to be a racist? Learn something new each and every day. Interesting!!

Being a racist means you feel superior to a particular race, not a particular sexual preference. Being gay is not a race issue, it is a sexual preference issue. More inline with bigotry, nothing to do with racism.
By their logic, you couldn't refuse service to an incestuous wedding or deny service to a pedophile, since it is a "sexual preference".

To law beakers? And you're comparing that to homosexuality? Apple and oranges pal.
The reporters fault for calling out a racist.

I didn't know that gays were a race. When did that become a law?

Oh, so you have to hate a particular race in order to be a racist? Learn something new each and every day. Interesting!!

Being a racist means you feel superior to a particular race, not a particular sexual preference. Being gay is not a race issue, it is a sexual preference issue. More inline with bigotry, nothing to do with racism.
By their logic, you couldn't refuse service to an incestuous wedding or deny service to a pedophile, since it is a "sexual preference".

To law beakers? And you're comparing that to homosexuality? Apple and oranges pal.
Homosexuality used to be against the law, there were penalties for sodomy. That isn't the issue here

You said you shouldn't be able to discriminate against someone based on their sexual preference. So by your logic, one cannot discriminate against someone who is incestuous or a pedophile. By the way, incest with your adult child isn't illegal. Nor is a preference for children(just acting on it is). So you are saying that basically I cannot refuse service to some incestuous freak or member of NAMBLA because they were "born that way".
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Agreed, secular liberal pussies aren't a match for muslims. When Muslims become a majority in European countries, and a large percentage in America, lefties will be begging for the days where they could push around conservatives. Muslims won't stand for their degeneracy. The liberal says "diversity is strength". But it will be their downfall.

Lets see...uhmmmmm.....during the dark ages, after you emerged from the caves, it was the sun that scared the hell out of you, until you figured it out, then it was witches and innocent people were crucified for it, then it was of course of darkies, so we were enslaved for 200 plus years, next it was the commies, so career and lives were ruined, next it was Obama and now the Muslims.....uh....and you're what the world called the Master race????? Cowards and lunatic, the whole lot of you, just yellow cowards!!
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Agreed, secular liberal pussies aren't a match for muslims. When Muslims become a majority in European countries, and a large percentage in America, lefties will be begging for the days where they could push around conservatives. Muslims won't stand for their degeneracy. The liberal says "diversity is strength". But it will be their downfall.

Lets see...uhmmmmm.....during the dark ages, after you emerged from the caves, it was the sun that scared the hell out of you, until you figured it out, then it was witches and innocent people were crucified for it, then it was of course of darkies, so we were enslaved for 200 plus years, next it was the commies, so career and lives were ruined, next it was Obama and now the Muslims.....uh....and you're what the world called the Master race????? Cowards and lunatic, the whole lot of you, just yellow cowards!!
If you don't like America or Western Civilization, you are happy to leave and go to some more enlightened location, like Somalia. They are black and muslim, you can double up on the diversity there. Also, get off your internet, since it was created by bigoted white men and stop posting your leftie garbage.
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.
Let us know the next small town business you threaten into closing down for not serving a hypothetical queer wedding, I will help them out as well. It's what decent people, helping others when they are down and being persecuted.

You wouldn't know anything about being decent, since you support taking away a person's livelihood and prosecuting them under the law because they don't want to associate with your degenerate liberal culture.

Decent people???? Uh, its these so called "small towns" as you put it that hosts some of the most backwardess homophobic racist creatures on the planet. Mayberry it ain't!!
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.
Let us know the next small town business you threaten into closing down for not serving a hypothetical queer wedding, I will help them out as well. It's what decent people, helping others when they are down and being persecuted.

You wouldn't know anything about being decent, since you support taking away a person's livelihood and prosecuting them under the law because they don't want to associate with your degenerate liberal culture.

Decent people???? Uh, its these so called "small towns" as you put it that hosts some of the most backwardess homophobic racist creatures on the planet. Mayberry it ain't!!
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

LOLOLOL, yeah like them nuts in Congress...tea party vs conservatives jockeying? Gotcha!! LOLOLOLO Oh and miss me on this thug Treyvon shit, he was murdered you ass ho!!
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Agreed, secular liberal pussies aren't a match for muslims. When Muslims become a majority in European countries, and a large percentage in America, lefties will be begging for the days where they could push around conservatives. Muslims won't stand for their degeneracy. The liberal says "diversity is strength". But it will be their downfall.

Lets see...uhmmmmm.....during the dark ages, after you emerged from the caves, it was the sun that scared the hell out of you, until you figured it out, then it was witches and innocent people were crucified for it, then it was of course of darkies, so we were enslaved for 200 plus years, next it was the commies, so career and lives were ruined, next it was Obama and now the Muslims.....uh....and you're what the world called the Master race????? Cowards and lunatic, the whole lot of you, just yellow cowards!!
If you don't like America or Western Civilization, you are happy to leave and go to some more enlightened location, like Somalia. They are black and muslim, you can double up on the diversity there. Also, get off your internet, since it was created by bigoted white men and stop posting your leftie garbage.

What the hell is up with you and Muslims? How the hell we go from a racist pizza nut to Muslims? I mean you people are just exhausting.
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

LOLOLOL, yeah like them nuts in Congress...tea party vs conservatives jockeying? Gotcha!! LOLOLOLO Oh and miss me on this thug Treyvon shit, he was murdered you ass ho!!

Trayvon was a violent, drug abusing, thug who was killed by someone in self-defense.

It's disgusting that morons like you exploit his death.
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Agreed, secular liberal pussies aren't a match for muslims. When Muslims become a majority in European countries, and a large percentage in America, lefties will be begging for the days where they could push around conservatives. Muslims won't stand for their degeneracy. The liberal says "diversity is strength". But it will be their downfall.

Lets see...uhmmmmm.....during the dark ages, after you emerged from the caves, it was the sun that scared the hell out of you, until you figured it out, then it was witches and innocent people were crucified for it, then it was of course of darkies, so we were enslaved for 200 plus years, next it was the commies, so career and lives were ruined, next it was Obama and now the Muslims.....uh....and you're what the world called the Master race????? Cowards and lunatic, the whole lot of you, just yellow cowards!!
If you don't like America or Western Civilization, you are happy to leave and go to some more enlightened location, like Somalia. They are black and muslim, you can double up on the diversity there. Also, get off your internet, since it was created by bigoted white men and stop posting your leftie garbage.

What the hell is up with you and Muslims? How the hell we go from a racist pizza nut to Muslims? I mean you people are just exhausting.

Gay is a race?
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Agreed, secular liberal pussies aren't a match for muslims. When Muslims become a majority in European countries, and a large percentage in America, lefties will be begging for the days where they could push around conservatives. Muslims won't stand for their degeneracy. The liberal says "diversity is strength". But it will be their downfall.

Lets see...uhmmmmm.....during the dark ages, after you emerged from the caves, it was the sun that scared the hell out of you, until you figured it out, then it was witches and innocent people were crucified for it, then it was of course of darkies, so we were enslaved for 200 plus years, next it was the commies, so career and lives were ruined, next it was Obama and now the Muslims.....uh....and you're what the world called the Master race????? Cowards and lunatic, the whole lot of you, just yellow cowards!!
If you don't like America or Western Civilization, you are happy to leave and go to some more enlightened location, like Somalia. They are black and muslim, you can double up on the diversity there. Also, get off your internet, since it was created by bigoted white men and stop posting your leftie garbage.

Tell you what, when you start paying my bills, then I'll consider your advice, until then, shut up!!
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

My money would be on the oppressed Muslims ruling the other hate groups
Agreed, secular liberal pussies aren't a match for muslims. When Muslims become a majority in European countries, and a large percentage in America, lefties will be begging for the days where they could push around conservatives. Muslims won't stand for their degeneracy. The liberal says "diversity is strength". But it will be their downfall.

Lets see...uhmmmmm.....during the dark ages, after you emerged from the caves, it was the sun that scared the hell out of you, until you figured it out, then it was witches and innocent people were crucified for it, then it was of course of darkies, so we were enslaved for 200 plus years, next it was the commies, so career and lives were ruined, next it was Obama and now the Muslims.....uh....and you're what the world called the Master race????? Cowards and lunatic, the whole lot of you, just yellow cowards!!
If you don't like America or Western Civilization, you are happy to leave and go to some more enlightened location, like Somalia. They are black and muslim, you can double up on the diversity there. Also, get off your internet, since it was created by bigoted white men and stop posting your leftie garbage.

Tell you what, when you start paying my bills, then I'll consider your advice, until then, shut up!!

You paying his?

Then what the hell you doing here?
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

LOLOLOL, yeah like them nuts in Congress...tea party vs conservatives jockeying? Gotcha!! LOLOLOLO Oh and miss me on this thug Treyvon shit, he was murdered you ass ho!!

Trayvon was a violent, drug abusing, thug who was killed by someone in self-defense.

It's disgusting that morons like you exploit his death.

Schooling idiots like you is not exploiting. What is exploiting are morons like you who support murderers and finance them. And just for the record you simp, weed is not a drug.
LOLOLOLOLOL.....Well, it seems as though the Indiana based anti-gay Pizza joint, has been Zimmered.......when I say Zimmered, I'm speaking of course of ol George Z, who murdered the black kid, and suddenly had all this money from haters pouring in for support.....just to stick it to the family and minorities and once again, the Zimmer brood is at it again.....but for those of us who are accepting and allowing only GOD to be our patient. If we are to ever learn anything throughout the history of the world and nationally.......the wheels of change stops for no one.

Hatred never ever wins, just pick up a history book someday. Good bye Anti-gay Pizzeria, your days are numbered.
Let us know the next small town business you threaten into closing down for not serving a hypothetical queer wedding, I will help them out as well. It's what decent people, helping others when they are down and being persecuted.

You wouldn't know anything about being decent, since you support taking away a person's livelihood and prosecuting them under the law because they don't want to associate with your degenerate liberal culture.

Decent people???? Uh, its these so called "small towns" as you put it that hosts some of the most backwardess homophobic racist creatures on the planet. Mayberry it ain't!!
You are the backwards one, you want to make it against the law to not serve a gay wedding. Meaning, you want to put someone in a jail cell because they don't like same sex relations, that is insane. So much for the "live and let live" attitudes of your libs, you only believe in that when you are undermining the social fabric of society, but not for people that don't want part in it.

Sorry, in a free society, it cuts both ways. Stop being a totalitarian control freak and pushing your warped values on normal decent people that are just trying to get by and make a living in life.

If you hate backwards homophobic small town people so much, than I have a great solution, leave them alone and stop attacking their businesses and livelihoods, just stay away from them. Simple.
There is a pattern here. If one tries to disassociate or defend themselves against a protected minority "victim" group of the Left, they are demonized and attacked. Like this christian pizzeria owner being attacked for not serving a hypothetical gay wedding, Zimmerman for defending himself against the criminal thug trayvon martin, or Israel defending itself against islamic terrorists.

They have cobbled together a coalition of millitant homos, race baiting blacks, and anti-semitic muslims. I don't think it will stand much longer before these nuts start fighting each other. Jockeying for who is the most "oppressed victim"

LOLOLOL, yeah like them nuts in Congress...tea party vs conservatives jockeying? Gotcha!! LOLOLOLO Oh and miss me on this thug Treyvon shit, he was murdered you ass ho!!

Trayvon was a violent, drug abusing, thug who was killed by someone in self-defense.

It's disgusting that morons like you exploit his death.

Schooling idiots like you is not exploiting. What is exploiting are morons like you who support murderers and finance them.

What a ninny. Isn't it time for you to have another pecan pie, or whatever it is you eat to keep your 66 inch waist in full girth?

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