Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

Bull. your bigotry is no one's problem but you own. and school, like work, should not be a hostile environment. but thanks for wanting to make the world a disgusting place.

I'm not surprised you view freedom as disgusting. People with your views typically do.
Disruptive. Religious bigotry has no place in public schools.

You don't have to be religious to be anti gay. That's a fallacy

Regardless. Being hateful of classmates is disruptive, and unnecessary.

So coddle them....turn out little wimps unable to make it in the real world. Sorry I won't raise ours that way, they need to learn life can be a bitch
Teach them to bullies, right sass?
Disruptive. Religious bigotry has no place in public schools.

You don't have to be religious to be anti gay. That's a fallacy

Regardless. Being hateful of classmates is disruptive, and unnecessary.
So it's the opinion you want to eliminate. No one can have any opinion that you disagree with.

Suppose a student didn't have a sticker but told gay classmates "I hate you. No particular reason. I just despise the ground you stand on".

The left wants this Utopia where everyone is equal, they all get along, there is no differences...a sterile's a pipe dream
No, we'd just like to teach our kids that bullying isn't ok.
I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way...

Well belief vs science is going to be debated on this very topic so fasten your seatbelts. The question of "is gay a behavior or a race" is going to get intricately dissected because that dissection will determine what the Constitution protects and what it doesn't....

Nobody believes gay is a race, so your argument is as absurd as everything else you post.
How are they being pressured to accept it? They dont have to be gay or condone a gay lifestyle just because they dont have a anti gay sticker on.

I have been out of high school for 15 years now, but I know this topic is discussed in health class or anti-bullying curriculum etc. When the topic of homosexuality is being discussed are we to believe that students who have an unfavorable view of it are free to express that opinion without repercussions? I would make an educated guess that in most schools the answer is probably not.
Bull. your bigotry is no one's problem but you own. and school, like work, should not be a hostile environment. but thanks for wanting to make the world a disgusting place
Quick, go hide in your safe space. I bet you're the kind who tries to shut down conservative speakers at universities like Ben Shipiro because you can't stand opposing ideas.
If the school allows rainbow stickers they need to allow to allow X-d out rainbows, too.

Somehow I don't think the latter came to exist without the former.....anybody know?
No they dont. They dont have to allow anything they deem may start trouble. They dont allow the kids in my area to wear all red or blue for instance.

If someone wears all red they deserve to be punished. :badgrin:

Unless it's because they are supporting the 49ers or the Red Wings! :lol:
Since the Christians are telling the gays that it's because of their belief in the Bible that being homosexual is a sin, and therefore against God, I've got an idea for the gay students.

Print up your own stickers, and show a Bible with a circle with a line through it.

Turnabout is fair play, and free speech is free speech, right?

Pfft, when I was in high school I wore things a whole hell of a lot more offensive than a sticker with a Bible Xed out. :p

I understand wanting to avoid bullying, but this is just ridiculous. A rainbow Xed out? A bible Xed out? Go for it. These are high school kids, they can't stand seeing a sticker like that?
Bull. your bigotry is no one's problem but you own. and school, like work, should not be a hostile environment. but thanks for wanting to make the world a disgusting place
Quick, go hide in your safe space. I bet you're the kind who tries to shut down conservative speakers at universities like Ben Shipiro because you can't stand opposing ideas.

abusing people and creating a hostile environment is NOT "opposing ideas", loony toon. i don't have a problem with a breitbart nutter speaking as long as there's someone sane giving the opposing position.


again, your bigotry is your problem.
I kind of have to agree with Jillian (and even Jim) a bit here; it is very true that such public displays of personal opinion are highly frowned upon in any decent job. Wearing either an anti or pro anything sticker - unless you're talking pro America or pro state, is very likely to get you a date to chat with HR, if not just outright fired.

On the other hand, what a bunch of pussies... A bullying sticker?? Come on... If one can't handle seeing/hearing someone else who has a differing opinion you're going to have a lot of trouble in the real world. We seriously need to consider what we're teaching our kids in schools these days, it's getting absolutely ridiculous and I can't help thinking that the massive divide between American's today has a lot to do with the PC bullshit we "thought" would help make things better in the past. We need to stop focusing on "hurt feelings" and start teaching kids to respect others, regardless of their opinions.
I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?

freedom of speech can be limited in schools. and anti-bullying laws are totally appropriate. the school shouldn't create an environment where it is ok to bully gay teens. this is both because again, kids shouldn't be bullied in school; and b) the rate of attempted suicide for gay kids is about 50%; for transgendered kids it's far higher.

the schools should do anti-bullying programs...not allow people to be victimized by school mates.

Expressing your opinion of disagreeing with homosexuality is no less bullying than expressing your opinion for it, as long as nobody is getting physically harmed or directly harassed.

Bull. your bigotry is no one's problem but you own. and school, like work, should not be a hostile environment. but thanks for wanting to make the world a disgusting place.

Then the rainbows need to be banned along with the rainbows with the slash through it. If you can't have one, then you should not have the other.
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I think the title is hyperbole. The sticker in of itself is not hate speech but we all know kids and a lot of adults arent benign in expression of their views. As a school admin the fact that the sticker could be the start of bullying would be enough for me to stop it right there..
So punish the bullying.
I'd rather take away the environment that fosters the bullying. Nip it in the bud and let everyone know it wont be tolerated. By the time an adult notices the bullying its already gone to far.
Okay. Being against homosexuality doesn't foster bullying.
Of course it does. Where have you been for the last couple of decades?
I have been a homosexual the last couple of decades.
You might want to stop posting here before others catch the gay from you.
Or is that your intent, infect as many as possible.....
So punish the bullying.
I'd rather take away the environment that fosters the bullying. Nip it in the bud and let everyone know it wont be tolerated. By the time an adult notices the bullying its already gone to far.
Okay. Being against homosexuality doesn't foster bullying.
Of course it does. Where have you been for the last couple of decades?
I have been a homosexual the last couple of decades.
You might want to stop posting here before others catch the gay from you.
Or is that your intent, infect as many as possible.....
You're onto me...
I'd rather take away the environment that fosters the bullying. Nip it in the bud and let everyone know it wont be tolerated. By the time an adult notices the bullying its already gone to far.
Okay. Being against homosexuality doesn't foster bullying.
Of course it does. Where have you been for the last couple of decades?
I have been a homosexual the last couple of decades.
You might want to stop posting here before others catch the gay from you.
Or is that your intent, infect as many as possible.....
You're onto me...
I guess thats better than in to you.
These kids will realize soon enough, hopefully sooner, that only a very small handful of peoples' opinions of you actually matter. don't me like me? So the fuck what? Now watch me as I go. lol
This is true. However societies function best when members don't act in anti-social ways.
Bull. your bigotry is no one's problem but you own. and school, like work, should not be a hostile environment. but thanks for wanting to make the world a disgusting place
Quick, go hide in your safe space. I bet you're the kind who tries to shut down conservative speakers at universities like Ben Shipiro because you can't stand opposing ideas.

abusing people and creating a hostile environment is NOT "opposing ideas", loony toon. i don't have a problem with a breitbart nutter speaking as long as there's someone sane giving the opposing position.


again, your bigotry is your problem.
So for every liberal speaker at a university, you support Ann Coulter speaking at the same assembly? That's absurd and a damn lie. Shipiro should be able to talk without your fuckin kind in the crowd blowing horns disruptively. What is "looney toon" is people with your liberal mindset.
'The increasing number of the stickers caused an outcry at the school among students and faculty. Many called it hate speech. Shadow Hills senior and vice president of the Gay Straight Alliance Michelle Bachman said on Twitter that the stickers were “definitely hate speech, but legally, we can’t do anything until these students start to physically harass us, which I believe is an injustice.”

School district administrators said the students have the right to display the stickers, just as pro-LGBT students would.'

Unfortunately there's no explanation given as to what the 'anti-gay' stickers are supposed to 'represent,' and what 'message' is being expressed.

True, those with an unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans have the right to express their bigotry and hate, as indeed hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections.

But what exactly are the 'anti-gay' sticker displaying students advocating?

Those who display the rainbow symbol in support of gay Americans are expressing their opposition to laws, measures, and policies intended to discriminate against gays, denying them their right to due process and equal protection of the law.

Are the 'anti-gay' stickers then intended to express the belief that homosexuality should be criminalized and gay Americans prohibited from marrying, that hostility toward gay Americans be allowed to manifest where gays are subject to sanctioned discrimination?

Without any explanation as to what the 'anti-gay' stickers are supposed to represent, constructive discourse as to their value or merit as 'free speech' is pointless.

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