Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

reading through these two threads on this has made me see:

the leftwing are downright ugly haters against their fellow countrymen and women

it's sickening and almost frightening they think up some these things being said

The freedom to make such remarks is one of the attractions of being a liberal.

Liberalism is a philosophy that feels that everyone else is incompetent and unable to survive without massive "help"... from liberals, inevitably. It couples that with a belief that their opponents are not just wrong, but unutterably evil. And to top it off, most Americans find their agenda unappealing, understandably. So the liberals have gotten into the habit of lying about their agenda, lying about their opponents, and twisting the truth wherever they can, since telling the truth would only get them voted out of power. Lying becomes a normal, ingrained habit with them.

So it tends to attract people who are slavering to denigrate and assassinate the character of conservatives, or even Republicans - ANYONE who opposes them, regardless of their actual characteristics. And the cursing and namecalling (in lieu of actual argument or evidence) is all in a day's work - just another part of what they must do to be successful liberals.

In a nutshell, liberalism attracts the worst among us. Some people who genuinely want to help others, don't last long in the liberal camp as they discover the platitudes of "helping the poor" etc. were fibs, and discover the true nature of the ones who have remained and risen through the ranks. The ones who remain, are the ones whom the agenda and tactics fit to a "T": Those seething with hate, people happy to lie and distort their way through life, etc.

Why else do they constantly spend their time spewing lies about conservatives such as "poisoning the air", "stealing from children", "dispossessing seniors", "throwing granny off the cliff", and "everyone who disagrees with me is a liar"?

It's not a disturbing exception. Among liberals, it's the rule. It's the only way they can advance their agenda... and in most cases, the only way they want to.

And the dregs of humanity - warped individuals seething with hate, desiring to hurt and destroy others - find an accommodating home among their fellow travelers in the Democrat and other extreme-left big-government parties that regard the majority as needing help, unable to function well without "guidance", and generally inferior to the leftists. Not just now, but throughout history - England's "Labor" party, South Africa's white minority, Germany in the 1930s, etc.

The Obama administration, and their sycophants in this forum, are falling into the same predictable pattern that all those other leftist parties did. They are using the same tactics... and for the same goals.
If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.
They expect people to go nuts and murder people.
Since that happens often here, meaning daily, that's a reasonable expectation.

We don't want the guns because people aren't dying after all.

To bad most of them are you people. Shit all of them are educated by liberals.

To be shot in a rampage by my people, you'd need to sit still for a few days, while we read a book on guns, checked the reviews on guns, found a gun shop, bought one, waited a week until we could pick it up, found a place where we could learn to fire it, cleaned it, and then returned to kill you. I think you're safe to eat your hamburger without being armed like John Wayne.
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Since that happens often here, meaning daily, that's a reasonable expectation.

We don't want the guns because people aren't dying after all.

To bad most of them are you people. Shit all of them are educated by liberals.

To be shot in a rampage by my people, you'd need to sit still for a few days, while we read a book on guns, checked the reviews on guns, found a gun shop, bought one, waited a week until we could pick it up, found a place where we could learn to fire it, cleaned it, and then returned to kill you. I think you're safe to eat your hamburger without being armed like John Wayne.

To be shot in a rampage due to your people, all we'd have to do is step outside. Without a weapon, of course, since your people have basically outlawed them, and wait for a criminal who ignores your laws to open fire. Which he will do without worry, of course, knowing that none of the law-abiding can shoot back.
If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.

You are exactly right. These Fox News radical right wingers don't realize, or don't care, that all the hatred they spew about the government puts police officers squarely in danger.

The military, too, defends the government. But, they aren't allowed to operate domestically, which makes the police an easy target to hate.
reading through these two threads on this has made me see:

the leftwing are downright ugly haters against their fellow countrymen and women

it's sickening and almost frightening they think up some these things being said

lol...I suppose if they go out a shoot a cop or two, that would make them okay in your book, huh?

Geez talk about whistling pass the graveyard. Cops get murdered and Staph wags her finger at the shooter...uh sorry...liberals on a message board because they did something REALLY bad...not like murder or anything
If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.


They protect and serve THE PEOPLE. Not THE GOVERNMENT.

Poor statist.
If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.

You are exactly right. These Fox News radical right wingers don't realize, or don't care, that all the hatred they spew about the government puts police officers squarely in danger.

The military, too, defends the government. But, they aren't allowed to operate domestically, which makes the police an easy target to hate.

He dressed up as Peter Pan for fun.

This guy was a straight up hardcore progressive.

Most lunatics are.
He and his whacked out methhead girlfriend were probably self-styled new ageists who practiced some sort of bizarro demonology, satanism or weird pagan cultism.

Goddess Shitarum probably knows them personally.
To be shot in a rampage due to your people, all we'd have to do is step outside. Without a weapon, of course, since your people have basically outlawed them, and wait for a criminal who ignores your laws to open fire. Which he will do without worry, of course, knowing that none of the law-abiding can shoot back.
Yes, it was a terrible, terrible place before we collected those 300,000,000 guns. Oh wait, that's right, that never happened.
To be shot in a rampage due to your people, all we'd have to do is step outside. Without a weapon, of course, since your people have basically outlawed them, and wait for a criminal who ignores your laws to open fire. Which he will do without worry, of course, knowing that none of the law-abiding can shoot back.
Yes, it was a terrible, terrible place before we collected those 300,000,000 guns. Oh wait, that's right, that never happened.

It's easy to tell when a leftist can't refute what you said.

He ignores it, pretends you said something else, and "replies" to that instead.

Back to the subject:
Deterrence, of course, is the largest simgle effect of allowing all law-abiding adults to carry guns. Even then, most people won't bother. But a few will, and the criminal, not knowing which ones they are, will be more reluctant to do anything, since someone in the crowd is likely to be able to stop him.
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If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.


They protect and serve THE PEOPLE. Not THE GOVERNMENT.

Poor statist.

Cops uphold the law as defined by the government.

And in case you are interested...when you point your gun at a member of the military in your pursuit of a revolution:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)
To be shot in a rampage due to your people, all we'd have to do is step outside. Without a weapon, of course, since your people have basically outlawed them, and wait for a criminal who ignores your laws to open fire. Which he will do without worry, of course, knowing that none of the law-abiding can shoot back.
Yes, it was a terrible, terrible place before we collected those 300,000,000 guns. Oh wait, that's right, that never happened.

It's easy to tell when a leftist can't refute what you said.

He ignores it, pretends you said something else, and "replies" to that instead.
What he said was nonsense. He's lucky I replied at all.
If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.

You are exactly right. These Fox News radical right wingers don't realize, or don't care, that all the hatred they spew about the government puts police officers squarely in danger.

The military, too, defends the government. But, they aren't allowed to operate domestically, which makes the police an easy target to hate.

your post and the one you quoted show just how out of touch you lefties are. The police and the military DO NOT support and will not defend a government that does not follow the constitution and tries to take away rights of citizens. If it ever comes to it, the police and military will stand with the people, not a tyranical govnernment.

I sincerely hope it does not come to that, but you are very naive if you think that our police and military would attack their fellow citizens to protect a tyrant in DC.
How does the fact that they were at Cliven Bundy's ranch matter when:

1) Much of the right didn't support Bundy.
2) Bundy told this couple to leave because they were too radical.
Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

Translation: Hurry, insert a hypothetical that fails to deal with reality. Reality is looking bad for us...lets have a "what if" session

just askin,something you dont seem to do.....the reason i asked that is because for an EX Republican Buc never seems to have any posts questioning Democrats.....but then you never have any either so how would you get that?.......when someone points that out you Party people get all upset....because you idiots only question one side.....
all the hatred they spew about the government puts police officers squarely in danger.

Criminals are what put police officers in danger.

With one addition: When government orders its police to violate people's fundamental rights, that puts the police officers in great danger, too.

At that point, the police officer has a decision to make.
How does the fact that they were at Cliven Bundy's ranch matter when:

1) Much of the right didn't support Bundy.
2) Bundy told this couple to leave because they were too radical.

come on AV, you know that facts do not matter to liberals. they parrot the talking points that are fed to them, the truth is not in their lexicon.
If you want to play the rightie versus leftie mass murder game;

This info is just as reliable as anything written online about mcveigh.

Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.

Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.

Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.

Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.
How does the fact that they were at Cliven Bundy's ranch matter when:

1) Much of the right didn't support Bundy.
2) Bundy told this couple to leave because they were too radical.

come on AV, you know that facts do not matter to liberals. they parrot the talking points that are fed to them, the truth is not in their lexicon.

Facts matter to me. And I'd like to think facts matter to others regardless of their political leanings. I am tired of divisions. I think we should reason together to convince people we are right or to get right where we aren't.

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