Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

what get me is that damn title

ANIT government

they make this government, our police etc out to something like a g-d and oh my gawd someone killed one of them

maybe one of them an affair with the dudes wife, maybe he busted this guy before and he wanted revenge, NOBODY know what was in HIS HEAD

but for crying out they (anyone in civil service or this government) aren't people that are ABOVE the rest of us...It's sad they were killed as it is that anyone is ever killed

but you notice you don't all this whining when a cop KILLs a civilian?

The murderers left behind writings and video's explaining in detail why they wanted to murder those cops and innocent civilians. Your "maybe's" he and she had other reasons are based on nothing other than your effort to defend these murdering criminals. And you are a liar to say people don't get pissed off and speak out when a cop kills a civilian. People take to the streets and make all kinds of protest and demands for justice.
Bundy has nothing to do with it. They're frantically attaching the "ttea party" and "militia" label to every murder that hits the news...continuing their quest to criminalize thought and speech that is in opposition to the progressive state.

So...I see they draped a don't tread on me flag somewhere..and this allegedly confirms tea party ties.

So does the fact that the guy dressed up regularly as Peter Pan prove that musicals are dangerous??? Should we target and kill the audiences watching shows in NYC?

Bundy as a representative of a movement in this country had everything to do with it.

Yup. A movement that is uninterested in murdering anybody, and who kicked out the two murderers as soon as they arrived, for being too loony.

Another fact the left is desperately ignoring.
Yes, because we are supposed to simply believe what the Bundy's say. :doubt:

Let's see, an anti-government nut who organized a militia to point guns at law enforcement - because he refused to pay his lawful bills - says that they kicked these guys out...:lmao: I call bullshit.
They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .

The flaw in your argument is painfully obvious. the set of all anti government radicals is one and the same as the set of all crazy people. Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Scott Philip Roeder are prime examples.

That you continue to post decades old allegations that Bill Ayers is one and the same strongly suggest you have been brainwashed by the vast right wing conspirators and lack any ability to think for yourself.
this is like the 6th thread already...good thing Bucs is up to speed and all

Behghazi.............................Birthers.......................Fast &Furious...................Solyndra

Shall I go on?

Grow up Frank, your whining is evidence of your usual and blatant hypocrisy.
Bundy has nothing to do with it. They're frantically attaching the "ttea party" and "militia" label to every murder that hits the news...continuing their quest to criminalize thought and speech that is in opposition to the progressive state.

So...I see they draped a don't tread on me flag somewhere..and this allegedly confirms tea party ties.

So does the fact that the guy dressed up regularly as Peter Pan prove that musicals are dangerous??? Should we target and kill the audiences watching shows in NYC?

Bundy as a representative of a movement in this country had everything to do with it.

Yup. A movement that is uninterested in murdering anybody, and who kicked out the two murderers as soon as they arrived, for being too loony.

Another fact the left is desperately ignoring.

They did not get kicked out right away and there is no fact that they got kicked out or off the Bundy ranch. The only evidence they were told to leave comes from a Bundy. It is a claim, a convenient claim, being made by the party under criticism and being accused of sharing responsibility for the murder of two officers and a civilian in the jurisdiction of the slain officers. Those Bundy's have good reason to separate themselves from their guest who visited them back in April.
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reading through these two threads on this has made me see:

the leftwing are downright ugly haters against their fellow countrymen and women

it's sickening and almost frightening they think up some these things being said
this is like the 6th thread already...good thing Bucs is up to speed and all

Behghazi.............................Birthers.......................Fast &Furious...................Solyndra

Shall I go on?

Grow up Frank, your whining is evidence of your usual and blatant hypocrisy.

Is it to soon to put...................... Bergdahl...................... on that list?
reading through these two threads on this has made me see:

the leftwing are downright ugly haters against their fellow countrymen and women

it's sickening and almost frightening they think up some these things being said

It is how they see the world....Which speaks volumes about them. They expect people to go nuts and murder people.
The only evidence they were told to leave comes from a Bundy.

And the only "evidence" they weren't, comes from a partisan hack who wasn't even there and only wishes it were true: you.

Except you don't even have evidence. You're merely making up the accusation out of thin air, with nothing to back it up, and hoping somebody believes your smears. :cuckoo:
The only evidence they were told to leave comes from a Bundy.

And the only "evidence" they weren't, comes from a partisan hack who wasn't even there and only wishes it were true: you.

Except you don't even have evidence. You're merely making up the accusation out of thin air, with nothing to back it up, and hoping somebody believes your smears. :cuckoo:

Keep poking the Hornets nest.

Maybe the left will get their dreams answered.

Oklahoma City....

Timothy McVeigh was a Rightie, not a Leftie.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, didn't your priest tell you that one should not lie?

I just watched a show about the Oklahoma bombings and mcveigh hated the government and last time I looked republicans in politics work for the government.

There are people who are just crazy.

Just like there are people that are just hopeless and collect welfare for generation after generation.
reading through these two threads on this has made me see:

the leftwing are downright ugly haters against their fellow countrymen and women

it's sickening and almost frightening they think up some these things being said

lol...I suppose if they go out a shoot a cop or two, that would make them okay in your book, huh?
reading through these two threads on this has made me see:

the leftwing are downright ugly haters against their fellow countrymen and women

it's sickening and almost frightening they think up some these things being said

It is how they see the world....Which speaks volumes about them. They expect people to go nuts and murder people.

Aren't those who, "expect people to go nuts and murder people", of the same set as those who fell the need to carry a gun every time they leave home?

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