Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

How does the fact that they were at Cliven Bundy's ranch matter when:

1) Much of the right didn't support Bundy.
2) Bundy told this couple to leave because they were too radical.

It matters because the mentality that does something like murder two cops in cold blood is the same as those who support Bundy in an armed standoff with the government. Most of the people around Bundy are saner than these two but not enough for comfort. It's also timely, which makes it news.
Yes, it was a terrible, terrible place before we collected those 300,000,000 guns. Oh wait, that's right, that never happened.
It's easy to tell when a leftist can't refute what you said.

He ignores it, pretends you said something else, and "replies" to that instead.

Back to the subject:
Deterrence, of course, is the largest single effect of allowing all law-abiding adults to carry guns. Even then, most people won't bother. But a few will, and the criminal, not knowing which ones they are, will be more reluctant to do anything, since someone in the crowd is likely to be able to stop him.
What he said was nonsense. He's lucky I replied at all.

Whereupon he changes the subject yet again, sometimes even making some arrogant comment about other people being lucky he's here.
How does the fact that they were at Cliven Bundy's ranch matter when:

1) Much of the right didn't support Bundy.
2) Bundy told this couple to leave because they were too radical.

It matters because the mentality that does something like murder two cops in cold blood is the same as those who support Bundy in an armed standoff with the government. Most of the people around Bundy are saner than these two but not enough for comfort. It's also timely, which makes it news.

But they rejected the couple specifically because they didn't have the same mindset.
It's sad that leftist whackadoodles can't distinguish between regular people and lunatics.

I blame public education.
If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.

You are exactly right. These Fox News radical right wingers don't realize, or don't care, that all the hatred they spew about the government puts police officers squarely in danger.

The military, too, defends the government. But, they aren't allowed to operate domestically, which makes the police an easy target to hate.

there are more than one thread in here with a "lefty" bad mouthing the Police for shooting an unarmed person or beating them to death or shooting someones dog....and some are down right saying fuck the cops....
Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

Nope. Entirely wrong. Not one ounce of blood on my hands. Those cowards chose to murder. I hope they're burning right now. But to blame folks who disapprove of a govt that spends frivolously and passes worthless laws is preposterous.

These scumbags placed the yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag ONTO THE COPS BODY after they cowardly ambushed him.

All you MF'ers who have pushed this anti-government hatred the past 6 years....I wont even say what you deserve.
These two loons dressed up like the Joker and all kinds of other drug induced shit. I'm not anywhere near as worried about nut jobbers like them, as I am worried about the Marxist left who control the White House and the Senate.
If you're going to talk about tyrannical government and your God given right to overthrow it, and your God given right to have the guns to do it,

you need to remember that the police are defenders OF the government. They are in the frontlines of that which you have chosen to make your enemy.

You are exactly right. These Fox News radical right wingers don't realize, or don't care, that all the hatred they spew about the government puts police officers squarely in danger.

The military, too, defends the government. But, they aren't allowed to operate domestically, which makes the police an easy target to hate.

your post and the one you quoted show just how out of touch you lefties are. The police and the military DO NOT support and will not defend a government that does not follow the constitution and tries to take away rights of citizens. If it ever comes to it, the police and military will stand with the people, not a tyranical govnernment.

I sincerely hope it does not come to that, but you are very naive if you think that our police and military would attack their fellow citizens to protect a tyrant in DC.

you would hope so anyway.....but im sure there are plenty who are so gung-ho govt it makes you wonder if those ones would....
BTW my brothers a cop and the welfare state- public housing- Democrat Party sponsored- cess pools of crime put cops in much more danger. So do idiots like Al Sharpton and the Marxist mayor of New York City when they push to halt "stop and frisk policies." You can add liberal lawyers to the list of people who endanger our police by putting criminals back on the streets and providing a torrent of law suits because the scumbag got his little feelings hurt.
If you want to play the rightie versus leftie mass murder game;

This info is just as reliable as anything written online about mcveigh.

Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.

Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.

Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.

Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.
No, your information is not RELIABLE WHAT SO EVER!

It's SIMPLY NOT TRUE Misty!!!!!

ALL proven LIES...

Times-Union readers want to know:
An email says that recent mass killers were all progressive liberals and most were registered Democrats. Is that true?
The viral email lists the shooters in the killings at Fort Hood, Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Colo. and Newtown, Conn., as being registered Democrats. “Instead of registering and banning firearms,” the email says,”possibly we should register and ban progressive liberal Democrats.”
A look at what’s known about the suspects pretty much debunks this viral email.
The information in the email seems to have originated with Roger Hedgecock, a former mayor of San Diego and now a lobbyist, lecturer and conservative radio talk show host. In his radio broadcast, Hedgecock did not provide any evidence in any of the cases, making assumptions in some and inaccuracies in others.
The email assigns a Democrat tag to Adam Lanza, the Newtown, Conn., shooter, because, it says, Connecticut has almost twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans. That is true (815,713 to 449,648, according to the latest state records) and it is also true that President Barack Obama carried Connecticut in the past two presidential elections.
But to assume that Lanza was a Democrat because of that makes an awfully large reach. Incidentally, as of the last election, there were 5,364 people registered as Republicans in Newtown, and 4,505 registered as Democrats. And Newtown went for Mitt Romney 51.7 percent to 47 percent, according to official election results.
There is no proof of Fort Hood suspect Nidal Hasan’s political affiliation. He registered to vote in Roanoke County, Va., where he lived before being sent to Fort Hood, according to a Nov. 9, 2009, story in the Roanoke Times. Virginia does not allow registration by party, so he wouldn’t have been registered as a Democrat.
Hasan could have registered in Texas when sent to Fort Hood, but Texas also does not register by party. If he voted in the Democratic primary in Texas, that would be his affiliation until a general election, in which he could have voted for whomever he wished, according to Texas voting law.
But Hasan’s voting habits have remained undisclosed; there’s absolutely no evidence that he is a registered Democrat.
Since Virginia does not have partisan registration, it would have been impossible for Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho to register as a Democrat there. Cho and his family were permanent residents of the U.S. as South Korean nationals, according to a Washington Post article that quoted the Department of Homeland Security.
While some Green Card holders can vote in state and local elections in a few states, they cannot do so in Virginia as all registered voters must be U.S. citizens.
Hedgecock’s allegation that Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes was a registered Democrat was based on Breitbart blogger Joel B. Pollack, who said he found Holmes’ voter registration records. But it was later determined that those records — though of a Holmes of a similar age — were not those of the suspect.
Breitbart later retracted the claim, saying: “Newly released information on the suspect’s birthdate (which, as indicated in our initial report, was a slight mismatch), combined with new details Breitbart News has obtained about the suspect’s likely addresses, together suggest that the suspect may, in fact, not have been registered to vote.”
Unfortunately, several conservative websites continued to run the incorrect information.
Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, the Columbine killers, were not old enough to vote, and Hedgecock acknowledges that. But claims that their parents were Democrats and progressive liberals have no proof. Both youth admired Timothy McVeigh, according to published reports, not Ted Kennedy, as the email purports. There is no substantiation that the families were registered Democrats.

Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

I know right? The legion of Bundy fluffers on this board are known. SHAME!!
You are exactly right. These Fox News radical right wingers don't realize, or don't care, that all the hatred they spew about the government puts police officers squarely in danger.

The military, too, defends the government. But, they aren't allowed to operate domestically, which makes the police an easy target to hate.

your post and the one you quoted show just how out of touch you lefties are. The police and the military DO NOT support and will not defend a government that does not follow the constitution and tries to take away rights of citizens. If it ever comes to it, the police and military will stand with the people, not a tyranical govnernment.

I sincerely hope it does not come to that, but you are very naive if you think that our police and military would attack their fellow citizens to protect a tyrant in DC.

you would hope so anyway.....but im sure there are plenty who are so gung-ho govt it makes you wonder if those ones would....

The lefties in the military and police are a tiny minority. Did you notice the cool reception that chairman maobama got at Westpoint?
It's sad that leftist whackadoodles can't distinguish between regular people and lunatics.

I blame public education.

And lunatics think they are regular people. They justify other lunatics but call them lunatics so they can avoid the self realization that they are indeed, lunatics.
If you want to play the rightie versus leftie mass murder game;

This info is just as reliable as anything written online about mcveigh.

Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.

Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.

Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.

Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.
No, your information is not RELIABLE WHAT SO EVER!

It's SIMPLY NOT TRUE Misty!!!!!

ALL proven LIES...

Times-Union readers want to know:
An email says that recent mass killers were all progressive liberals and most were registered Democrats. Is that true?
The viral email lists the shooters in the killings at Fort Hood, Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Colo. and Newtown, Conn., as being registered Democrats. “Instead of registering and banning firearms,” the email says,”possibly we should register and ban progressive liberal Democrats.”
A look at what’s known about the suspects pretty much debunks this viral email.
The information in the email seems to have originated with Roger Hedgecock, a former mayor of San Diego and now a lobbyist, lecturer and conservative radio talk show host. In his radio broadcast, Hedgecock did not provide any evidence in any of the cases, making assumptions in some and inaccuracies in others.
The email assigns a Democrat tag to Adam Lanza, the Newtown, Conn., shooter, because, it says, Connecticut has almost twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans. That is true (815,713 to 449,648, according to the latest state records) and it is also true that President Barack Obama carried Connecticut in the past two presidential elections.
But to assume that Lanza was a Democrat because of that makes an awfully large reach. Incidentally, as of the last election, there were 5,364 people registered as Republicans in Newtown, and 4,505 registered as Democrats. And Newtown went for Mitt Romney 51.7 percent to 47 percent, according to official election results.
There is no proof of Fort Hood suspect Nidal Hasan’s political affiliation. He registered to vote in Roanoke County, Va., where he lived before being sent to Fort Hood, according to a Nov. 9, 2009, story in the Roanoke Times. Virginia does not allow registration by party, so he wouldn’t have been registered as a Democrat.
Hasan could have registered in Texas when sent to Fort Hood, but Texas also does not register by party. If he voted in the Democratic primary in Texas, that would be his affiliation until a general election, in which he could have voted for whomever he wished, according to Texas voting law.
But Hasan’s voting habits have remained undisclosed; there’s absolutely no evidence that he is a registered Democrat.
Since Virginia does not have partisan registration, it would have been impossible for Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho to register as a Democrat there. Cho and his family were permanent residents of the U.S. as South Korean nationals, according to a Washington Post article that quoted the Department of Homeland Security.
While some Green Card holders can vote in state and local elections in a few states, they cannot do so in Virginia as all registered voters must be U.S. citizens.
Hedgecock’s allegation that Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes was a registered Democrat was based on Breitbart blogger Joel B. Pollack, who said he found Holmes’ voter registration records. But it was later determined that those records — though of a Holmes of a similar age — were not those of the suspect.
Breitbart later retracted the claim, saying: “Newly released information on the suspect’s birthdate (which, as indicated in our initial report, was a slight mismatch), combined with new details Breitbart News has obtained about the suspect’s likely addresses, together suggest that the suspect may, in fact, not have been registered to vote.”
Unfortunately, several conservative websites continued to run the incorrect information.
Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, the Columbine killers, were not old enough to vote, and Hedgecock acknowledges that. But claims that their parents were Democrats and progressive liberals have no proof. Both youth admired Timothy McVeigh, according to published reports, not Ted Kennedy, as the email purports. There is no substantiation that the families were registered Democrats.

So, lets see here, you don't believe factcheck but you believe a liberal newspaper----------Duh-------okay.:cuckoo:
BTW my brothers a cop and the welfare state- public housing- Democrat Party sponsored- cess pools of crime put cops in much more danger. So do idiots like Al Sharpton and the Marxist mayor of New York City when they push to halt "stop and frisk policies." You can add liberal lawyers to the list of people who endanger our police by putting criminals back on the streets and providing a torrent of law suits because the scumbag got his little feelings hurt.

I would like to see these anti-government wackos get stopped and frisked. They would go for that, I am sure. I can hear the bitching and complaining and finger pointing now. Hell, just talk about being searched by the TSA and these wingnuts throw a fit.

Hypocrites, that is why I hate teabaggers...they are all hypocrites who want a revolution or race war.
my gawd, the left/liberals will swallow anything that some leftwing site says and just run with it..NOW how the hell they brought some rancher in this who had nothing to with this, you are desperate people who use anyone to make some dumb point about how this is ALL, the nra, right wingers, we need more gun control, blah blah blah and will dance on anyone's grave to do it with no shame

shameful and disgusting
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You should live in n. korea, nutz. You would love it.

For about two seconds. The first time they dragged you out of your house to beat the shit out of you for whatever, you'd pull every string known to man to come crawling back home.

Cuz that's what cowardly scum do. They crawl.
BTW my brothers a cop and the welfare state- public housing- Democrat Party sponsored- cess pools of crime put cops in much more danger. So do idiots like Al Sharpton and the Marxist mayor of New York City when they push to halt "stop and frisk policies." You can add liberal lawyers to the list of people who endanger our police by putting criminals back on the streets and providing a torrent of law suits because the scumbag got his little feelings hurt.

I would like to see these anti-government wackos get stopped and frisked. They would go for that, I am sure. I can hear the bitching and complaining and finger pointing now. Hell, just talk about being searched by the TSA and these wingnuts throw a fit.

Hypocrites, that is why I hate teabaggers...they are all hypocrites who want a revolution or race war.

"tea baggers".

Latency leaking through ...again.
my gawd, the left/liberals will swallow anything that some leftwing site says and just run with it..NOW how the hell they brought some rancher in this who had nothing to with this, you are desperate people who use anyone to make some dumb point about how this is ALL, the nra, right wingers, we need more gun control, blah blah blah and will dance on anyones to do it with no shame

shameful and disgusting

Statist, guno, peeballs, dottie, nutz, ravi and I think jillian are all mentally ill. There's no doubt whatever in my mind. That is the only way to explain their bizarro rantings.

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