Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

I think there are loons like nutz who want our government to get us...and I've no doubt that there are a good lot of loons like nutz who function within the government.

Though of course they function at a much higher level than nutz (and guno..and statist) do.

How pathetic are you...seriously. How fucking pathetic can one person be. Someone disagrees with you and you call them loons who want our government to get us. Just utter nonsense. Instead of trying to attribute arguments to someone who disagrees with you, perhaps you should do a better job communicating your belief system instead of being a lying ****. It's not hard to do. Listen to what people have to say and respond in a rational manner instead of with emotion.

PATHETIC...probably canadian in one way or another.
You think Christians are out to get you, and you are open about your desire to annihilate them.

Who's the loon?

LOL...where do you get that from? There you go, making shit up and running with it. I am extremely Christian...something you wouldn't know anything about, you racist nutter.

You continually lie about me, is that the best you can do....****? Yesterday, you called me a, you say I am anti-Christian. In other threads, you attribute nonsense to me that aren't true.

You are a lying ****. Typical racist nonsense. I can't wait for your revolution...I hope the nutters keep their promise and put women on the front line. No one would be more deserving of what happens.
You should live in n. korea, nutz. You would love it.

For about two seconds. The first time they dragged you out of your house to beat the shit out of you for whatever, you'd pull every string known to man to come crawling back home.

Cuz that's what cowardly scum do. They crawl.

LOL, you are pathetic. Truly pathetic. NK has nothing to do with the topic at are simply trying to defend a couple of cop are disgusting.

They are dead...that is what happens to cowardly scum who want to believe the government is out to get'em because we have a black President. You are so full of hate and vitriol, I am surprised you don't have a serious heart condition.

Your a lunatic and an anarchist.

you are the lunatic, just look at that ranting^^^^^^^ and so you know for sure our government isn't out to get us huh? can give us your source for this please?

Whut? A Source for your paranoia?

man oh man, you sit here acting all high and mighty while putting others down and hoping they don't have a heart condition...that is just downright ugly..
you are the coward and a bully here, so sit down little boy and learn the difference between your and you're

Why are you defending a couple of cop killers?
All you have to do is explore the forum. I will not search thousands of threads for you when you can do it yourself.

What I said was BS and I can't weasel out of it.

Hell, I am still waiting for a couple of links you promised yesterday.

What? Sorry. Which threads and which post numbers are you referring to? What do you want..I'll get it. I back up things that I say. No problem.

But, we all know...all of your nonsense is nothing more than a distraction from the topic at hand. :lol: you will fit right in. Time's Up!

You like talking about me, don't you. Gives you cover to hide behind when your arguments get toppled....No one is fooled, son.

What a pathetic maroon!

You're projecting...again. :lol:

Why would anyone waste time on answering your loaded questions and challenges. It is obvious that any response to you will bring about deflections and excuses to change the subject. You are an obvious faker and troll.
You think Christians are out to get you, and you are open about your desire to annihilate them.

Who's the loon?

LOL...where do you get that from? There you go, making shit up and running with it. I am extremely Christian...something you wouldn't know anything about, you racist nutter.

You continually lie about me, is that the best you can do....****? Yesterday, you called me a, you say I am anti-Christian. In other threads, you attribute nonsense to me that aren't true.

You are a lying ****. Typical racist nonsense. I can't wait for your revolution...I hope the nutters keep their promise and put women on the front line. No one would be more deserving of what happens.

Kosher. What is to gain by lying about the opposition? I mean, seriously...

Does believing your own lie help with keeping your bubble safe?
[ame=]Fox's Sean Hannity Stokes Tension Between Harry Reid and Cliven Bundy - YouTube[/ame]
I seriously can't distinguish nutz and guno from each other.

Has anybody else noticed this?
The difference is, I score high on comprehension.

When I have difficulty telling posters apart, it usually means they either share the same mental disorder, or they're socks.
The difference is, I score high on comprehension.

When I have difficulty telling posters apart, it usually means they either share the same mental disorder, or they're socks.

I am going with the most simple answer. You are a liar, nothing more.
Oh I'm sorry. you call, repeatedly, for the deaths of RIGHTWINGERS, not Christians (though we know all Christians are rightwingers):

"I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense. If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be. I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German. Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes. "

"yea, teapers are reasonable. Fuck them all, they are destroying the GOP and I hope they all die in their racist revolution. "
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You think Christians are out to get you, and you are open about your desire to annihilate them.

Who's the loon?

LOL...where do you get that from? There you go, making shit up and running with it. I am extremely Christian...something you wouldn't know anything about, you racist nutter.

You continually lie about me, is that the best you can do....****? Yesterday, you called me a, you say I am anti-Christian. In other threads, you attribute nonsense to me that aren't true.

You are a lying ****. Typical racist nonsense. I can't wait for your revolution...I hope the nutters keep their promise and put women on the front line. No one would be more deserving of what happens.

Kosher. What is to gain by lying about the opposition? I mean, seriously...

Does believing your own lie help with keeping your bubble safe?

Kosher, What do you get about outright lying about someone position?
Oh I'm sorry. you call, repeatedly, for the deaths of RIGHTWINGERS, not Christians (though we know all Christians are rightwingers):

"I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense. If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be. I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German. Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes. "

"yea, teapers are reasonable. Fuck them all, they are destroying the GOP and I hope they all die in their racist revolution. "

I thought you were just bragging about your comprehension skills?
That was when he was convinced he could blame the methhead shootings on the tea party.

Note the unreasoning rage. A sign of mental illness, and probably criminality as well.
Oh I'm sorry. you call, repeatedly, for the deaths of RIGHTWINGERS, not Christians (though we know all Christians are rightwingers):

"I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense. If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be. I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German. Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes. "

So now you admit that these cop killer nutters are teapers. Which is it, racist nutter? And I stand by what I said...let the racist revolutionaries start their armed insurrection...I welcome any such war where we can rid this nation of the racist nutters.

(Just a note to the more balanced members of this forum...while these cop killer assholes espoused the views of what many of you consider to be conservative...THEY ARE NOT. While I will give you the tea party label...they are NOT GOP or conservative).

People like Kosher are lunatics. They are racist liars who will obviously do or say anything to make believe they are not.
Er, no. How on earth you got that..

oh wait, it's a function of your disability.
Gads you really are insane.

The people who keep messaging me that are correct!
Let the far right loonies start the revolution.

LEO and armed forces will not even need to respond.

The loonies' neighbors will end the revolution in the first five minutes.

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