Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Listening to all the far right nutty out of the mainstream threatening on the Board makes one wonder.

However, the far right is almost powerless now, so maybe nothing will happen.
Gads you really are insane.

The people who keep messaging me that are correct!

there you go lying again. Absolutely pathetic.

Anti-government... 06-10-2014 11:28 AMNutz is :cuckoo:

Oh Goody, The "Tea... 06-09-2014 05:03 PMNutz really is Nuts.

Some of us told the RWnuts around here at the time that the Clive Bundy crowd were out of that Sovereign Citizen movement, or similar. Of course the nuts here scoffed at that notion.

It's the same mentality btw that produced Tim McVeigh.
The mentality that produced Tim McVeigh is the mentality that initiated, orchestrated, and finalized the Waco Massacre.

And I have no doubt that the mentality responsible for causing a flash/bang grenade to injure a baby in his crib is responsible for the killing of the killing of the two Las Vegas cops.

And that's the brainwashed RW hater dupe paranoid conspiracy mentality that all the Fox/Rush/Beck, Moonie, Adelson, etc etc etc outlets give people like you. Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts, see also Ruby Ridge, sovereigns, etc etc you people just love until they actually put their views into action. All the hater dupes on here who believe backgound checks and taxes are fascist, Hitler was LW, Obama is a dictator, compromise is surrender to commies etc,are well on their way to this kind of insanity. About half the GOP.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

You also vote for a GOP that supports law and order policies that give cops too much power. So dumb and duped...
Oh I'm sorry. you call, repeatedly, for the deaths of RIGHTWINGERS, not Christians (though we know all Christians are rightwingers):

"I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense. If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be. I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German. Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes. "

So now you admit that these cop killer nutters are teapers. Which is it, racist nutter? And I stand by what I said...let the racist revolutionaries start their armed insurrection...I welcome any such war where we can rid this nation of the racist nutters.

(Just a note to the more balanced members of this forum...while these cop killer assholes espoused the views of what many of you consider to be conservative...THEY ARE NOT. While I will give you the tea party label...they are NOT GOP or conservative).

People like Kosher are lunatics. They are racist liars who will obviously do or say anything to make believe they are not.

Since the Shooters were into Swastika's
Can we agree to blame all this on Hitler?

He won't mind, and might even have been proud of these two.
Can we chalk it up to Hitler and call a truce on whose fault it is?
Clearly those people are dead.

Peace out. May we all learn better ways to end hostilities that otherwise incite destructive patterns of angry words and actions of retribution.
May we help each other to focus on Constitutional solutions that more effectively use our resources and freedoms we are privileged to have.
Wow franco.

Thank you for that stream of consciousness garbage that makes exactly zero sense...
Listening to all the far right nutty out of the mainstream threatening on the Board makes one wonder.

However, the far right is almost powerless now, so maybe nothing will happen.

I prefer to call them pseudo-conservatives so these idiots are confused with true conservatives. Kosher and Steph in no way represent conservatives with their government paranoia, hate, and apologies for cop killers. They are liars and disgusting people.

They are either crazy as those cop killer loons or retarded....or more than likely, a little bit of both.
And that's the brainwashed RW hater dupe paranoid conspiracy mentality that all the Fox/Rush/Beck, Moonie, Adelson, etc etc etc outlets give people like you. Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts, see also Ruby Ridge, sovereigns, etc etc you people just love until they actually put their views into action. All the hater dupes on here who believe backgound checks and taxes are fascist, Hitler was LW, Obama is a dictator, compromise is surrender to commies etc,are well on their way to this kind of insanity. About half the GOP.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

You also vote for a GOP that supports law and order policies that give cops too much power. So dumb and duped...

Hey franco if you're going to blame someone other than the shooters responsible,
where does it end?

If you blame the RW protestors, can't you also blame the liberal agenda that CAUSED and INCITED the RW to become so outraged.

If you are going to blame the Rightwing for inciting the shooters
are you going to blame the Leftwing for inciting the Rightwing?

How far do you want to take this chain of causality?
Wouldn't all of us be indirectly in that chain of influence?
Oh I'm sorry. you call, repeatedly, for the deaths of RIGHTWINGERS, not Christians (though we know all Christians are rightwingers):

"I have no problem with the death of racist revolutionaries that spew vile nonsense. If they want a race war or an armed insurrection, let it be. I will shed no tears for a dead teaper that thinks like a German. Hell, I would fight with the cops and the government for a chance to stop these hateful assholes. "

So now you admit that these cop killer nutters are teapers. Which is it, racist nutter? And I stand by what I said...let the racist revolutionaries start their armed insurrection...I welcome any such war where we can rid this nation of the racist nutters.

(Just a note to the more balanced members of this forum...while these cop killer assholes espoused the views of what many of you consider to be conservative...THEY ARE NOT. While I will give you the tea party label...they are NOT GOP or conservative).

People like Kosher are lunatics. They are racist liars who will obviously do or say anything to make believe they are not.

Since the Shooters were into Swastika's
Can we agree to blame all this on Hitler?

He won't mind, and might even have been proud of these two.
Can we chalk it up to Hitler and call a truce on whose fault it is?
Clearly those people are dead.

Peace out. May we all learn better ways to end hostilities that otherwise incite destructive patterns of angry words and actions of retribution.
May we help each other to focus on Constitutional solutions that more effectively use our resources and freedoms we are privileged to have.

We can absolutely blame this on Hitler and Germany's history of hate and blood lust. Hate and violence is what Germans and people of German ancestry are all about.
Listening to all the far right nutty out of the mainstream threatening on the Board makes one wonder.

However, the far right is almost powerless now, so maybe nothing will happen.

I prefer to call them pseudo-conservatives so these idiots are confused with true conservatives. Kosher and Steph in no way represent conservatives with their government paranoia, hate, and apologies for cop killers. They are liars and disgusting people.

They are either crazy as those cop killer loons or retarded....or more than likely, a little bit of both.

Who is "apologizing" for cop killers? Where did you get this?

You remind me of namecalling people on the left as "baby killers" or "abortion barbies."
Just because people don't believe in criminalizing women for having abortions,
isn't the same as promoting or endorsing abortion or baby killing.

We may not all agree on the PROCESS of how "blame is assessed after the fact"
but that DOESN'T MEAN the act of abuse, killing or violence isn't wrongful or unlawful.
Clearly it should be avoided.
Agreeing on prevention does NOT
require us to agree on which people to slam for the problems contributing and how badly.
We can still agree we need to AVOID this, and work on DIFFERENT ways to achieve that common goal. We may all have different approaches or angles, and that's good not bad!
We can absolutely blame this on Hitler and Germany's history of hate and blood lust. Hate and violence is what Germans and people of German ancestry are all about.

OK I'm with you on that, we can all blame this on hatred,
and lust for blood. Or power by violence and coercion.

Here is my favorite Quote by Dr. King, Jr. on fear and hatred:

Dr. King said:
"Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated.

So what are some ways we can "overcome" this pattern of fear and hatred separating people and perpetuating political violence between one group over another?

What steps can we take to BREAK this pattern? To make sure we are NOT contributing in any form or level?
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Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts
The government killed 74 people at waco...23 or 24 of them were children. No problem with that?

see also Ruby Ridge,

In Oct. of '89 Weaver allegedly sold illegal weaps to an informant. 7 months later he was indicted after refusing to turn informant for the govt.

He was arraigned in Jan. 91 and a court date for Feb 20 was set.
His probation officer sent him the wrong date He sent him a notice that his court date was March 20.
When Weaver (naturally) failed to show up on Feb 20 a fugitive warrant was issued and they hunted him down and killed one of his dogs, his son, his wife and wounded him.
One marshall was killed by the family defending their home.

In 1993 Harris and Weaver were acquitted by a jury on the charges of murdering a federal officer.

His wife, son and dog remained dead, however.
I think there are loons like nutz who want our government to get us...and I've no doubt that there are a good lot of loons like nutz who function within the government.

Though of course they function at a much higher level than nutz (and guno..and statist) do.

Have you seen all the threads on this
I think a few people posting them has really lost it....some ugly stuff thrown around about the people here and how again this all righwingers, the nra, bla bla fault...

just all the same nasty stuff after every shooting
I think there are loons like nutz who want our government to get us...and I've no doubt that there are a good lot of loons like nutz who function within the government.

Though of course they function at a much higher level than nutz (and guno..and statist) do.

Have you seen all the threads on this
I think a few people posting them has really lost it....some ugly stuff thrown around about the people here and how again this all righwingers, the nra, bla bla fault...

just all the same nasty stuff after every shooting

Yes, you and Kosher spew a lot of the nasty stuff. But, I guess we are guys don't need a shooting to spout off your mouths.
And that's the brainwashed RW hater dupe paranoid conspiracy mentality that all the Fox/Rush/Beck, Moonie, Adelson, etc etc etc outlets give people like you. Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts, see also Ruby Ridge, sovereigns, etc etc you people just love until they actually put their views into action. All the hater dupes on here who believe backgound checks and taxes are fascist, Hitler was LW, Obama is a dictator, compromise is surrender to commies etc,are well on their way to this kind of insanity. About half the GOP.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

You also vote for a GOP that supports law and order policies that give cops too much power. So dumb and duped...

Hey franco if you're going to blame someone other than the shooters responsible,
where does it end?

If you blame the RW protestors, can't you also blame the liberal agenda that CAUSED and INCITED the RW to become so outraged.

If you are going to blame the Rightwing for inciting the shooters
are you going to blame the Leftwing for inciting the Rightwing?

How far do you want to take this chain of causality?
Wouldn't all of us be indirectly in that chain of influence?

There is no such LW agenda, brainwashed dingbat, just a gigantic pile of bs propaganda and hate speech you listen to every day. Heath care reform is not fascist, Hitler was not a socialist, ACORN didn't steal the election, Obama is not muslim etc etc etc lol. Idiocy half GOP voters believe. see also Waco's and others ''had a point". They were just a little more brainwashed and paranoid than half the GOP...
Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts
The government killed 74 people at waco...23 or 24 of them were children. No problem with that?

see also Ruby Ridge,

In Oct. of '89 Weaver allegedly sold illegal weaps to an informant. 7 months later he was indicted after refusing to turn informant for the govt.

He was arraigned in Jan. 91 and a court date for Feb 20 was set.
His probation officer sent him the wrong date He sent him a notice that his court date was March 20.
When Weaver (naturally) failed to show up on Feb 20 a fugitive warrant was issued and they hunted him down and killed one of his dogs, his son, his wife and wounded him.
One marshall was killed by the family defending their home.

In 1993 Harris and Weaver were acquitted by a jury on the charges of murdering a federal officer.

His wife, son and dog remained dead, however.

They were all criminals who refused to surrender to our legal system because of their paranoid, brainwashed insanity. Works great!
You Left Wing RADICAL motherfuckers are at it again!
The Tea Party DEMONSTRATIONS were the most peaceful in history, yet you can't except that fact.
I fly a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and have no intention to murder anyone.
Bill Ayers, the typical Left Wing Radical, says he didn't do enough in the sixties and seventies, wishes he ad killed more Policemen and blown up more Government buildings. That's the RADICAL who's house Obama kicked off his political career in.
What's the matter, blaming Bush getting old? Now you have to blame the Tea Party?
You Lefties are disgusting through and through!
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You Left Wing RADICAL motherfuckers are at it again!
The Tea Party DEMONSTRATIONS were the most peaceful in history, yet you can't except that fact.
I fly a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and have no intention to murder anyone.
Bill Ayers, the typical Left Wing Radical, says he didn't do enough in the sixties and seventies, wishes he ad killed more Policemen and blown up more Government buildings. That's the RADICAL who's house Obama kicked off his political career in.
What's the matter, blaming Bush getting old? Now you have to blame the Tea Party?
You Lefties are disgusting through and through!

Teapers are nasty, racist assholes who do not represent conservatism and enable cop killers and revolutionaries.
You Left Wing RADICAL motherfuckers are at it again!
The Tea Party DEMONSTRATIONS were the most peaceful in history, yet you can't except that fact.
I fly a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and have no intention to murder anyone.
Bill Ayers, the typical Left Wing Radical, says he didn't do enough in the sixties and seventies, wishes he ad killed more Policemen and blown up more Government buildings. That's the RADICAL who's house Obama kicked off his political career in.
What's the matter, blaming Bush getting old? Now you have to blame the Tea Party?
You Lefties are disgusting through and through!

Teapers are nasty, racist assholes who do not represent conservatism and enable cop killers and revolutionaries.

continuing to spout a lie does not make it become true. Nothing you have posted is true---not a single fricken word. You are a sick excuse for a human being. Full of the hate that you accuse others of--just like most libtards.
Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts
The government killed 74 people at waco...23 or 24 of them were children. No problem with that?

see also Ruby Ridge,

In Oct. of '89 Weaver allegedly sold illegal weaps to an informant. 7 months later he was indicted after refusing to turn informant for the govt.

He was arraigned in Jan. 91 and a court date for Feb 20 was set.
His probation officer sent him the wrong date He sent him a notice that his court date was March 20.
When Weaver (naturally) failed to show up on Feb 20 a fugitive warrant was issued and they hunted him down and killed one of his dogs, his son, his wife and wounded him.
One marshall was killed by the family defending their home.

In 1993 Harris and Weaver were acquitted by a jury on the charges of murdering a federal officer.

His wife, son and dog remained dead, however.

They were all criminals who refused to surrender to our legal system because of their paranoid, brainwashed insanity. Works great!

Weaver was set up by the government who told him the wrong court date and then went and killed some of his family.
Probably because he refused to turn informant.
He sold 2 illegal shotguns. Took the charge, didn't turn informant and was sentenced on Oct 18, 1993 to 18 months (14 of which he had already served). He was released in Dec '93.

The govt lost a lawsuit but only had to pay 3.1 million for the wrongful deaths of Sam and Vicki Weaver.
"Involuntary" manslaughter (?) charges were filed against the FBI sniper who shot Vicki but they eventually were dropped.

Imagine that. :doubt:
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The government killed 74 people at waco...23 or 24 of them were children. No problem with that?

In Oct. of '89 Weaver allegedly sold illegal weaps to an informant. 7 months later he was indicted after refusing to turn informant for the govt.

He was arraigned in Jan. 91 and a court date for Feb 20 was set.
His probation officer sent him the wrong date He sent him a notice that his court date was March 20.
When Weaver (naturally) failed to show up on Feb 20 a fugitive warrant was issued and they hunted him down and killed one of his dogs, his son, his wife and wounded him.
One marshall was killed by the family defending their home.

In 1993 Harris and Weaver were acquitted by a jury on the charges of murdering a federal officer.

His wife, son and dog remained dead, however.

They were all criminals who refused to surrender to our legal system because of their paranoid, brainwashed insanity. Works great!

Weaver was set up by the government who told him the wrong court date and then went and killed some of his family.
Probably because he refused to turn informant.
He sold 2 illegal shotguns. Took the charge, didn't turn informant and was sentenced on Oct 18, 1993 to 18 months (14 of which he had already served). He was released in Dec '93.

The govt lost a lawsuit but only had to pay 3.1 million for the wrongful deaths of Sam and Vicki Weaver.
"Involuntary" manslaughter (?) charges were filed against the FBI sniper who shot Vicki but they eventually were dropped.

Imagine that. :doubt:

and thats the kind of government that the brain dead liberals want, amazing how stupid they are.

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