Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

But I've seen a boatload of Righties like you who have not denounced it and who went out of their way to try to make the extreme Rightie terrorists somehow look to be Lefties, which they were not.

I have not read even one word, not even one fucking word of regret from one single Rightie over the execution of those two police officers.

Not even one.
I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

They weren't my fellow far right whacko..etc..etc...blah..blah..

What are you talking about?

I'm sure you're an expert on assholes. I'll have to defer to you. I'm not as interested in them as you seem to be.

Post the quote where I said that?

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

Where did I say I wasn't angry about it? Your grasp on reality is tenuous at best, it seems.

I personally couldn't care less about your obviously fragile mental state. Go outside and get some fresh air. Maybe it'll clear your head.

This is what your avatar looks like at the current time:


So, what exactly do you mean by "time's up"?
Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? Seriously?

I know what the avatar looks like. Thanks!
I keep getting asked that. You guys think about it a lot more than I did, apparently.
I didn't invent it or create it. I just grabbed it because I liked it.

A threat, though? Is that how you see it?
Who is being threatened? By what? Are you afraid of snakes?

Everyone knows not to mess with vipers, I presume. Maybe it means that if you provoke a dangerous creature long enough eventually they'll get you.

I could have used a guy falling out of an airplane I suppose.
Same principal.
If you jump out of enough airplanes, one day your chute won't open.

Don't tempt fate, maybe is the message. I'll think on it some more and let you know.

Why are you guys SO curious? What does it mean to you?'s been fun entertaining you kids, but I believe we've talked enough about things that scare you and things you don't like.

I believe I've been polite enough and answered enough of your amusing little questions...That's enough for you boys run along and play.
What you have seen has been a bunch of progressive loons try to pin this on right wing politics and the tea party.

And fail.
They weren't my fellow far right whacko..etc..etc...blah..blah..

What are you talking about?

I'm sure you're an expert on assholes. I'll have to defer to you. I'm not as interested in them as you seem to be.

Post the quote where I said that?

Where did I say I wasn't angry about it? Your grasp on reality is tenuous at best, it seems.

I personally couldn't care less about your obviously fragile mental state. Go outside and get some fresh air. Maybe it'll clear your head.

This is what your avatar looks like at the current time:


So, what exactly do you mean by "time's up"?
Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? Seriously?

I know what the avatar looks like. Thanks!
I keep getting asked that. You guys think about it a lot more than I did, apparently.
I didn't invent it or create it. I just grabbed it because I liked it.

A threat, though? Is that how you see it?
Who is being threatened? By what? Are you afraid of snakes?

Everyone knows not to mess with vipers, I presume. Maybe it means that if you provoke a dangerous creature long enough eventually they'll get you.

I could have used a guy falling out of an airplane I suppose.
Same principal.
If you jump out of enough airplanes, one day your chute won't open.

Don't tempt fate, maybe is the message. I'll think on it some more and let you know.

Why are you guys SO curious? What does it mean to you?'s been fun entertaining you kids, but I believe we've talked enough about things that scare you and things you don't like.

I believe I've been polite enough and answered enough of your amusing little questions...That's enough for you boys run along and play.

Oh, I linked to your current avatar for posterity's sake...

In other words, you are far too cowardly to actually come out and say the obvious meaning of that graphic. Instead, you hide behind phrases you think are clever. Yes, indeed, you are a perfect fit for the Tea Party.

Carry on.
But I've seen a boatload of Righties like you who have not denounced it and who went out of their way to try to make the extreme Rightie terrorists somehow look to be Lefties, which they were not.

I've done nothing of the sort. That is some confused shit you just typed, though. trying to make righties look like lefties which they are not..whew..that is torture...

I have not read even one word, not even one fucking word of regret from one single Rightie over the execution of those two police officers.

Not even one.

I think it's universally known that crime degrades society and murder is wrong.

You need that to be reinforced for you? You need someone to make a speech for you?
What you have seen has been a bunch of progressive loons try to pin this on right wing politics and the tea party.

And fail.

"Pin" it on the right and TP?

HEY IDIOT: The two right wing murderers ambushed those two cops like the cowards they were, since most of the right wing militia loons talk big but are too big of pussies to actually fight it out with the government.......

And then THEY literally pinned that stupid redneck yellow flag the Tea Party flies onto the dead police officers.

Um...doesn't take much to correlate it when the damn flag is laying on the dead officers.

The blood from this right wing terror attack is on the hands of the movement that fed the paranoia these two murderers had of the government.
This is what your avatar looks like at the current time:


So, what exactly do you mean by "time's up"?
Is that supposed to be some kind of threat? Seriously?

I know what the avatar looks like. Thanks!
I keep getting asked that. You guys think about it a lot more than I did, apparently.
I didn't invent it or create it. I just grabbed it because I liked it.

A threat, though? Is that how you see it?
Who is being threatened? By what? Are you afraid of snakes?

Everyone knows not to mess with vipers, I presume. Maybe it means that if you provoke a dangerous creature long enough eventually they'll get you.

I could have used a guy falling out of an airplane I suppose.
Same principal.
If you jump out of enough airplanes, one day your chute won't open.

Don't tempt fate, maybe is the message. I'll think on it some more and let you know.

Why are you guys SO curious? What does it mean to you?'s been fun entertaining you kids, but I believe we've talked enough about things that scare you and things you don't like.

I believe I've been polite enough and answered enough of your amusing little questions...That's enough for you boys run along and play.

Oh, I linked to your current avatar for posterity's sake...

In other words, you are far too cowardly to actually come out and say the obvious meaning of that graphic. Instead, you hide behind phrases you think are clever. Yes, indeed, you are a perfect fit for the Tea Party.

Carry on.

Yep. Hes a Redneck Peacock.

He flaunts is "feathers" of guns and a redneck yellow snake flag, and talks tough. But will never, EVER stand by the shit he talks and believes in.
I do. See, many Americans are ANGRY that 2 of your fellow far right whackos just murdered 2 innocent police officers, over some fairy tale oppression they were convinced by others that they were under.

Assholes like you, however, see it as no big deal. Just two gun loving right wingers expressing their right to violent resistance to the "oppressors".

So yeah, I'll apologize if Im a bit more angry today than you and the other right wing rednecks are about this incident.

I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?
I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?

I asked him about that on another thread; his response was, äääh, interesting.
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Oh, I linked to your current avatar for posterity's sake...

Good for you!
You spend a lot of time online, don't you? :)

It's very important to you, isn't it? :)

In other words, you are far too cowardly to actually come out and say the obvious meaning of that graphic.

Since it's so obvious, explain it to me. Maybe I don't understand. Enlighten me.

Instead, you hide behind phrases you think are clever.

Take it at face value.
Not everything has deep, hidden, mysterious, dark meanings.

You spend a lot of time online, don't you? :)

Yes, indeed, you are a perfect fit for the Tea Party.

I'm not a member of the tea party. Why? Are you a recruiter?

Carry on.
Thank you!


So anybody who uses the "Don't tread on me" symbol is a mass murderer, is that the point we're making here?
Statist is one of the non-violent civilized lefties who proposed sending drones in to take Bundy out.

For non-payment of grazing fees.
Statist is one of the non-violent civilized lefties who proposed sending drones in to take Bundy out.

For non-payment of grazing fees.

You just lied, of course. I never once advocated for the use of drones in Bundyland. You just pulled that out of your ass.

Color me surprised, Koshergruel.

So anybody who uses the "Don't tread on me" symbol is a mass murderer, is that the point we're making here?

Nope. Just that you are flying and supporting a flag that is becoming the symbol of the violent far right militia movement that is murdering cops and using that flag as their rally cry.

Just like the KKK using the Confederate Flag.

Two extremist groups, both using historical flags for their cause. In or out of context, it is what it is now.

And that yellow flag, today, represents right wing militia movements who are murdering cops.
I can understand that sentiment.

There was once a day when the Right actually had respect for the law and was actually a big supporter of our law enforcement officers. Apparently, not any more.

It's really kind of sad.

You would think that when not just two, but rather, three innocent people were just blown away by extremist terrorists, that people would be uniform in condemning it, but apparently, some Righties think that terrorism is ok if it wears the Gadsden flag.

I can imagine people maybe wanting to put some distance between themselves and the Gadsden-flaggers, maybe just to protect their lives, for security's sake.

You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?

This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?
You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?

This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?

So, once again, very slowly:

what does "time's up" mean?

And just for clarity, I mean this "time's up":


Again, just to note for posterity, that is your current avatar.
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You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?

This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?

Ok, you've made your stance. You fly a variation of that yellow flag that is being laid on murdered cops by right wing militia members.

You are who you are. Now we know.
freaking loons convict a soldier before he stands trial then support a damn flag .. and they wonder why their chosen party can't win an election....

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