Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Whatever makes you feel more secure about yourself.

I had this flag up here before these murders occurred.

We've been over this repeatedly and I've been polite but I'm over it now.

You're just being an asshole and agitating for attention..Didn't mommy hug you enough, son?
The way you've been desperately seeking attention online today trying to work me over is really sad/funny. You're way out of your league, junior.

Anyway...I guess you'll just have to get the fuck over it ace, or live life worrying about it. Either way I couldn't care less.

I know you are a newbie and all, but do you really think that is the way to begin with other members?

The questions about your avatar are justified. And your evasive answers are in and of themselves answers.

I am starting to wonder why Tea Party types are usually so cowardly.

The little bitch has been badgering me all day long over a non issue so I decided to pull his strings and make him dance.
I didn't ask him or you for your opinion of anything I do. The flag has nothing to do with the murders and isn't the same one the murderers used.

You guys are just agitating in a bid for attention. I'm over it.

That is, of course, a lie. I just got online about 90 minutes ago and read some of your postings. We have exchanged maybe 7 postings. Hmmm, is that too strenuous for you, perhaps?

And you made no one dance.

All you did was to make an ass out of yourself.

Apparently, you have a talent for that.
I know you are a newbie and all, but do you really think that is the way to begin with other members?

The questions about your avatar are justified. And your evasive answers are in and of themselves answers.

I am starting to wonder why Tea Party types are usually so cowardly.

The little bitch has been badgering me all day long over a non issue so I decided to pull his strings and make him dance.
I didn't ask him or you for your opinion of anything I do. The flag has nothing to do with the murders and isn't the same one the murderers used.

You guys are just agitating in a bid for attention. I'm over it.

That is, of course, a lie. I just got online about 90 minutes ago and read some of your postings. We have exchanged maybe 7 postings. Hmmm, is that too strenuous for you, perhaps?

And you made no one dance.

All you did was to make an ass out of yourself.

Apparently, you have a talent for that.

Sure..sure...whatever you say..everything is all about you and your perceptions of reality... :lol:
In defense of Rotagilla (and I would do this for any member, no matter how vile or disgusting), he has the right to have any avatar of his choice, as long as it is not pornographic in nature.

Only, his evasive responses means that he is likely ashamed of the violence being propagated by so many of his Tea Party brethren, but is too ashamed to admit it. I can empathize with that: were I associated with such an ugly movement, I would probably feel shame, too.

Don't forget, not matter what happens, it's all Obama's fault, 24/7.

You spend a LOT of time online, don't you?
It's VERY important to you, isn't it? :)

I'm not a member of the tea party, thanks.

I'm not ashamed of a flag that has nothing to do with gadsden or these recent murders.

You guys need a hobby.

Just to be clear, when I am online, for how long I am online, and the threads I visit is my business, not yours. 1st amendment, personal liberty and all that jazz.

You have no idea what is important to me or not. Nice try, but no one takes that kind of bait.

But I can understand why you deny your association with the Tea Party, what with yet another extreme Right-Wing terrorist attack on innocent people. Enjoy your Gadsden flag.

No..I can tell this is all VERY important to you. It shows. That's fine. No problem.

I'm not a tea party member. I'm not a democrat either.

My avatar isn't the gadsden flag.
The little bitch has been badgering me all day long over a non issue so I decided to pull his strings and make him dance.
I didn't ask him or you for your opinion of anything I do. The flag has nothing to do with the murders and isn't the same one the murderers used.

You guys are just agitating in a bid for attention. I'm over it.

That is, of course, a lie. I just got online about 90 minutes ago and read some of your postings. We have exchanged maybe 7 postings. Hmmm, is that too strenuous for you, perhaps?

And you made no one dance.

All you did was to make an ass out of yourself.

Apparently, you have a talent for that.

Sure..sure...whatever you say..everything is all about you and your perceptions of reality... :lol:

Actually, that is very easy to prove: postings and time stamps. You claimed that I was bothering you all day long. I called you out for this lie and that will be very easy to prove.

You really are not very good at this, now are you?

Here, let me help:

the first contact I had with you was here, where you addressed me, not the other way around, and I responded to you:

Time stamp: 5:19 PM EST, 2014-06-010
current time: 6:38 PM EST, 2014-06-010

Time differential: 1 hour, 19 minutes.

Since then, I have posted 12 times, and not all of them had to do with you.

So, do you wish to continue to lie and say that I have been bothering you all day long? Or is one hour a complete day in your universe? Hmmmß
You invent strawmen to beat up so you can try to look smart.

I haven't seen anyone here approve of killing 2 cops and a citizen.

You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?

This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?

Read about your flag, not that you don't know already:

Time's Up flag - Kent For Liberty
Nope. Just that you are flying and supporting a flag that is becoming the symbol of the violent far right militia movement that is murdering cops and using that flag as their rally cry.

Just like the KKK using the Confederate Flag.

Two extremist groups, both using historical flags for their cause. In or out of context, it is what it is now.

And that yellow flag, today, represents right wing militia movements who are murdering cops.

Whatever makes you feel more secure about yourself.

I had this flag up here before these murders occurred.

We've been over this repeatedly and I've been polite but I'm over it now.

You're just being an asshole and agitating for attention..Didn't mommy hug you enough, son?
The way you've been desperately seeking attention online today trying to work me over is really sad/funny. You're way out of your league, junior.

Anyway...I guess you'll just have to get the fuck over it ace, or live life worrying about it. Either way I couldn't care less.

I know you are a newbie and all, but do you really think that is the way to begin with other members?

The questions about your avatar are justified. And your evasive answers are in and of themselves answers.

I am starting to wonder why Tea Party types are usually so cowardly.

Since when in this country does one put symbols over evidence? If a citizen has to be fearful of an avatar because some demented felon used it in the crime, and FELLOW CITIZENS threaten to report him for that symbol --- how many Joker Halloween costumes hanging in closets become evidence of radical terrorism?

Anyone seen evidence of an imminent threat? Will the leftists pushing this connection ever realize that they are making the equivalent of a "hoodie" argument? Nahhhhhhh.....
Some people are very politically desperate. The president is imploding and his true believers are hard at work conjuring up villains to rail against to deflect the ignorant hordes.
, the left will use anything and all deaths for their politics

in fact the more that die's in one shooting like this, really gets their juices going as you can see in in the 15 threads on this

hysterical wailing and how it's all NPR and the wringwings fault and they want everyone who owns a gun punished
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Some people are very politically desperate. The president is imploding and his true believers are hard at work conjuring up villains to rail against to deflect the ignorant hordes.

Yes how dare anyone see rightwing extremist cop killers as villains??

I think it's sick to try to link nuts to legitimate political movements. They were mentally ill.
You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?

This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?

Read about your flag, not that you don't know already:

Time's Up flag - Kent For Liberty

Hey..that's interesting.

I hadn't seen that site. Seriously. I just grabbed the image from somewhere because I liked it.

I'm reading it now...It say it is NOT a tea party flag. It appears to be more of a libertarian idea.

This is what it says, too. Nothing wrong with this.

Real Liberty. It means different things to different people. For some it means that they can use whatever substances they wish, chemical or electronic, in order to numb the pain of a dreary life. For others it means having a fine, expensive machine gun to admire and shoot. Still others only want to be able to "pimp their ride" until it looks like something out of a fevered dream. All of these things are important to some people. You may not choose to do the same things. It doesn't matter.

The only real right is the right to live completely unmolested. It is the ultimate right of association. If you do not wish to have any interaction with someone, then no one has the right to force you to. This is especially true when it comes to busy-bodies in government clothing.

What you do is not anyone's business as long as you are not hurting anyone else. Offending others is not the same as hurting them.
That is, of course, a lie. I just got online about 90 minutes ago and read some of your postings. We have exchanged maybe 7 postings. Hmmm, is that too strenuous for you, perhaps?

And you made no one dance.

All you did was to make an ass out of yourself.

Apparently, you have a talent for that.

Sure..sure...whatever you say..everything is all about you and your perceptions of reality... :lol:

Actually, that is very easy to prove: postings and time stamps. You claimed that I was bothering you all day long. I called you out for this lie and that will be very easy to prove.

You really are not very good at this, now are you?

Here, let me help:

the first contact I had with you was here, where you addressed me, not the other way around, and I responded to you:

Time stamp: 5:19 PM EST, 2014-06-010
current time: 6:38 PM EST, 2014-06-010

Time differential: 1 hour, 19 minutes.

Since then, I have posted 12 times, and not all of them had to do with you.

So, do you wish to continue to lie and say that I have been bothering you all day long? Or is one hour a complete day in your universe? Hmmmß

Whatever...I've been catching flak from some little bitch pajama boy beta males all day over this stupid shit.

Maybe you aren't a little bitch..I don't know. If you aren't, I apologize for confusing your bitching, whiny harassment with their bitchy, whiny harassment.
Hello nutters.

The avatar in question is not, as some have correctly noted, the Gadsen.

The Gadsen sends a positive did until nutbags adopted it a few years who in response to an electoral ass kicking.

The avatar in question is something different. It suggests something different.

The dude who selected this avatar is claiming that he did so for no particular reason. That is clearly a lie. What we have is just another wanna be tough guy......unwilling to come out and say what he thinks.
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Hello nutters.

The avatar in question is not, as some have correctly noted, the Gadsen.

The Gadsen sends a positive did until nutbags adopted it a few years who in response to an electoral ass kicking.

The avatar in question is something different. It suggests something different.

The dude who selected this avatar is claiming that he did so for no particular reason. That is clearly a lie. What we have is just another wanna be tough guy......unwilling to come out and say what he thinks.

Said the beta male pajama boy from behind a keyboard. Far away :lol:
your post and the one you quoted show just how out of touch you lefties are. The police and the military DO NOT support and will not defend a government that does not follow the constitution and tries to take away rights of citizens. If it ever comes to it, the police and military will stand with the people, not a tyranical govnernment.

I sincerely hope it does not come to that, but you are very naive if you think that our police and military would attack their fellow citizens to protect a tyrant in DC.

you would hope so anyway.....but im sure there are plenty who are so gung-ho govt it makes you wonder if those ones would....

The lefties in the military and police are a tiny minority. Did you notice the cool reception that chairman maobama got at Westpoint?

thats not what i mean.....some Military and Cops are very into the job.... if they were told to hold back that subversive mob of Civilians......they will hold it back without questioning why.....they would just see some fuckers trying to topple the Govt...not the other way around....
, the left will use anything and all deaths for their politics

in fact the more that die's in one shooting like this, really gets their juices going as you can see in in the 15 threads on this

hysterical wailing and how it's all NPR and the wringwings fault and they want everyone who owns a gun punished

the Gadsden flag was USED by the killers, the Gadsden flag is USED by the tea party ... by pointing that out the rightwingers hung the fault on themselves... the hysterical wailing is more about defending said flag and users than it is about bringing up a few facts..

so begin wailing
Sure..sure...whatever you say..everything is all about you and your perceptions of reality... :lol:

Actually, that is very easy to prove: postings and time stamps. You claimed that I was bothering you all day long. I called you out for this lie and that will be very easy to prove.

You really are not very good at this, now are you?

Here, let me help:

the first contact I had with you was here, where you addressed me, not the other way around, and I responded to you:

Time stamp: 5:19 PM EST, 2014-06-010
current time: 6:38 PM EST, 2014-06-010

Time differential: 1 hour, 19 minutes.

Since then, I have posted 12 times, and not all of them had to do with you.

So, do you wish to continue to lie and say that I have been bothering you all day long? Or is one hour a complete day in your universe? Hmmmß

Whatever...I've been catching flak from some little bitch pajama boy beta males all day over this stupid shit.

Maybe you aren't a little bitch..I don't know. If you aren't, I apologize for confusing your bitching, whiny harassment with their bitchy, whiny harassment.

Well, whether or not you think I am a "bitch" is totally irrelevant. And also unimportant to me. Apparently, you need to say these things about other people in order to somehow feel good about yourself. A little overcompensation on your part, perhaps? Tsk, tsk.

But thank you for allowing me the fascinating study into the mind of a tea-party-loon.

It was most interesting. :badgrin:
, the left will use anything and all deaths for their politics

in fact the more that die's in one shooting like this, really gets their juices going as you can see in in the 15 threads on this

hysterical wailing and how it's all NPR and the wringwings fault and they want everyone who owns a gun punished

the Gadsden flag was USED by the killers, the Gadsden flag is USED by the tea party ... by pointing that out the rightwingers hung the fault on themselves... the hysterical wailing is more about defending said flag and users than it is about bringing up a few facts..

so begin wailing

It is´fascinating to watch, now isn't it...
You are flying a flag that is similar to one that was left on the bodies of murdered cops by their murderers. Either you lack rational thinking, sensitivity, good sense and decency, or you are made of the same sick shit those murderers where made of. Which one is it?

This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?

Read about your flag, not that you don't know already:

Time's Up flag - Kent For Liberty

Now, that IS interesting.

I quote from the website:

Based on the historic Gadsden "DONT TREAD ON ME" Flag, this updated version shows the rattlesnake finally striking, instead of simply rattling. It tells the enemies of liberty that for over 200 years we have watched liberty and freedom being outlawed, ridiculed, restricted, marginalized and destroyed. Tyrants were warned "Don't tread on me" and they refused to listen. Time's up! This is the new flag of the resistance.

Go here to learn more about the philosophy behind the flag.

I notice the design is gaining popularity among the "Tea Party" crowd. That is great. As long as you are moving in the direction of "more liberty" we are heading the same way.

However, this flag is not a "Tea Party" symbol. It gives no quarter to authoritarians of any stripe. If you seek to control the voluntary, consensual interactions of any individuals, this message, "Time's Up", is aimed at you. If you support the War on Politically Incorrect Drugs, welfare, national borders, nationalized "health care", "gun control", taxation, racism, or any other statist cause, "Time's Up".

Now, as for this sentence:

Go here to learn more about the philosophy behind the flag

here is the link it goes to:

Real Liberty - Kent For Liberty

So, it IS a Gadsden Flag, a newer version, one that very directly implies or infers violence in order to acheive political goals.

It's really that simple.

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