Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

, the left will use anything and all deaths for their politics

in fact the more that die's in one shooting like this, really gets their juices going as you can see in in the 15 threads on thisr

hysterical wailing and how it's all NPR and the wringwings fault and they want everyone who owns a gun punished

the Gadsden flag was USED by the killers, the Gadsden flag is USED by the tea party ... by pointing that out the rightwingers hung the fault on themselves... the hysterical wailing is more about defending said flag and users than it is about bringing up a few facts..

so begin wailing

It's a desperate act to link those two nuts as Tea Party members. Disgusting and dishonest politics.
, the left will use anything and all deaths for their politics

in fact the more that die's in one shooting like this, really gets their juices going as you can see in in the 15 threads on this

hysterical wailing and how it's all NPR and the wringwings fault and they want everyone who owns a gun punished

the Gadsden flag was USED by the killers, the Gadsden flag is USED by the tea party ... by pointing that out the rightwingers hung the fault on themselves... the hysterical wailing is more about defending said flag and users than it is about bringing up a few facts..

so begin wailing

That symbol was Libertarian before it was Tea Party.. And you clowns better hope the next demented felon doesn't use the Statue of Liberty as a crime calling card. Because you and Stat and NY will be calling in a drone strike on NY harbor....

You still have NO CONNECTION to the Tea Party or Libertarians or the Koch Bros or any other of your boogeymen.. So at the moment, it's as relevant as those JOKER pixs of the perps on Facebook.. 2 public massacres with JOKER connections -- only one with the Gadsen flag..
The Koch brothers just donated 25 million to The United Negro College Fund. I wonder how much Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and Obama donated to them?

This kind of trash is all the democrats have. They can't run on anything.
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This isn't anything like the flag they placed.
This flag has nothing to do with them.
I had this avatar before any of this happened.

You're clearly desperately struggling with some kind of incoherent fantasy to try to link me (?) with those crimes or those people.

What's your problem?

Read about your flag, not that you don't know already:

Time's Up flag - Kent For Liberty

Now, that IS interesting.

I quote from the website:

Based on the historic Gadsden "DONT TREAD ON ME" Flag, this updated version shows the rattlesnake finally striking, instead of simply rattling. It tells the enemies of liberty that for over 200 years we have watched liberty and freedom being outlawed, ridiculed, restricted, marginalized and destroyed. Tyrants were warned "Don't tread on me" and they refused to listen. Time's up! This is the new flag of the resistance.

Go here to learn more about the philosophy behind the flag.

I notice the design is gaining popularity among the "Tea Party" crowd. That is great. As long as you are moving in the direction of "more liberty" we are heading the same way.

However, this flag is not a "Tea Party" symbol. It gives no quarter to authoritarians of any stripe. If you seek to control the voluntary, consensual interactions of any individuals, this message, "Time's Up", is aimed at you. If you support the War on Politically Incorrect Drugs, welfare, national borders, nationalized "health care", "gun control", taxation, racism, or any other statist cause, "Time's Up".

Now, as for this sentence:

Go here to learn more about the philosophy behind the flag

here is the link it goes to:

Real Liberty - Kent For Liberty

So, it IS a Gadsden Flag, a newer version, one that very directly implies or infers violence in order to acheive political goals.

It's really that simple.

Thanks for sharing that. I included that info with his profile name and times of his posts, as well as a pic of his avatar, with the information I emailed to the tip line for the DHS office.

People like him lurk on forums, and a % of them turn violent. They're aware of him now, and I hope they look into it.
"No Direct or implied threats ....with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life."

from the rules.
, the left will use anything and all deaths for their politics

in fact the more that die's in one shooting like this, really gets their juices going as you can see in in the 15 threads on this

hysterical wailing and how it's all NPR and the wringwings fault and they want everyone who owns a gun punished

the Gadsden flag was USED by the killers, the Gadsden flag is USED by the tea party ... by pointing that out the rightwingers hung the fault on themselves... the hysterical wailing is more about defending said flag and users than it is about bringing up a few facts..

so begin wailing

That symbol was Libertarian before it was Tea Party.. And you clowns better hope the next demented felon doesn't use the Statue of Liberty as a crime calling card. Because you and Stat and NY will be calling in a drone strike on NY harbor....

You still have NO CONNECTION to the Tea Party or Libertarians or the Koch Bros or any other of your boogeymen.. So at the moment, it's as relevant as those JOKER pixs of the perps on Facebook.. 2 public massacres with JOKER connections -- only one with the Gadsen flag..

Why? Why did you lie like that? I have never called for drone strikes for anything (well, there was operation TennofFlacal, but never mind, nothing to see here...).

Some people are very politically desperate. The president is imploding and his true believers are hard at work conjuring up villains to rail against to deflect the ignorant hordes.

Yes how dare anyone see rightwing extremist cop killers as villains??

I think it's sick to try to link nuts to legitimate political movements. They were mentally ill.

I think you're beginning to catch on to the reason many of us refer to you people as rightwing NUTS.
No matter how desperately the leftist goons try to make this about the tea party/right wing..these guys weren't right wing. They were anarchist nazis (which means they're PROGRESSIVE) with no ties to any group.

"... Jerad Miller wrote on Facebook that he had been "kicked out" of the Bundy ranch because of his criminal history and background. McMahill said investigators were still looking into the couple's ties to right-wing extremist groups."

Killers of Las Vegas cops harbored anti-government ideology | Reuters
Er..they aren't militia members.

Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.
Read about your flag, not that you don't know already:

Time's Up flag - Kent For Liberty

Now, that IS interesting.

I quote from the website:

Now, as for this sentence:

Go here to learn more about the philosophy behind the flag

here is the link it goes to:

Real Liberty - Kent For Liberty

So, it IS a Gadsden Flag, a newer version, one that very directly implies or infers violence in order to acheive political goals.

It's really that simple.

Thanks for sharing that. I included that info with his profile name and times of his posts, as well as a pic of his avatar, with the information I emailed to the tip line for the DHS office.

People like him lurk on forums, and a % of them turn violent. They're aware of him now, and I hope they look into it.

I personally think you have gone too far in reporting him to the DHS. Personal liberty also includes allowing those with views we don't like room to breath.

Yes, he has acted like an asswipe. And no, he can't keep track of time or with whom he has corresponded, so he may be a wee bit senile, too. But no, he has not written one word encouraging violence toward anyone.

Instead, he lets the graphic give the message for him and then when cornered, he evades. This is typical cowardice for extremists - both Left and Right, and in his case, obviously very, very Right.

So, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
There is no "attempt" to link them to the Tea Party/Libertarian/Militia movement. THEY linked themselves to it.

Look at any TP or Libertarian rally. Most popular flag? That redneck yellow snake flag. Same one these murderous terrorists laid on the dead cops after they shot them in cowardly ambush fashion.

The link was done at the crime scene itself.
I seriously can't distinguish nutz and guno from each other.

Has anybody else noticed this?

there is a big difference....Guno hates white people,and he says that as much as Dean me where Nutz says shit like that...
"In a grotesque display of symbolism, the two killers reportedly draped Gasden flags over the bodies of the police officers they killed and left one with a copy of Jerad Miller’s swastika-stamped manifesto. These symbols, one signifying small, decentralized government and the other representing precisely the opposite, are linked only in the minds of those already deeply suspicious of the modern conservatism.

"Enter The Daily Beast’s Editor-in-Chief, John Avlon.
Appearing on CNN, Avlon insisted that “fright-wing, hatriot politics” inspired the Vegas shooters – a serious charge supported by compelling but nevertheless circumstantial evidence.

"It was a clever line lifted from his column in The Daily Beast. In that post, Avlon correctly attacks the Millers as “wingnuts,” derides their penchant for listening to “fright-wing radio hosts” like the conspiracist Alex Jones, and notes the couple’s suspicious affinity for conservative advocacy groups like Heritage Foundation, FreedomWorks, and the NRA.

"On CNN, Avlon blamed “hyper-partisan, agitated talk,” and not simply mental illness, for inspiring these apparently otherwise well-adjusted individuals to believe murdering police officers would spark a revolution. "

We live in an era in which politicians and bureaucrats regularly engage in the curtailing of the average citizens’ salt or sugar intake in the name of public safety. It is an era in which congressional Democrats are pushing limits on the first amendment, not to address a societal ill, but because it would be popular with their base voters. The technocrats are busy at work protecting you from yourself.
Amanda and Jerad Miller were deeply disturbed people. They were criminals, drug addicts, and, yes, anti-government fanatics. The latter condition is receiving a lot of attention today in left-of-center media while the former charges are being overlooked or undervalued.

"Too many are more comfortable attacking what they perceive to be dangerous thought. Meanwhile, far too few are asking how these dangerous people slipped through the cracks."

Were the Vegas murderers inspired by ?fright-wing, hatriot politics?? « Hot Air
Er..they aren't militia members.

Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.

So was Mario's fucking cajun kabob wagon.

Is Mario militia, too?

PS..the bundy's ejected their asses.
Er..they aren't militia members.

Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.

Do you have any information who in the Tea Party ordered the hit on the cops? Is there an investigation going on with the Tea Party by the FBI or any law enforcement agencies?
Read about your flag, not that you don't know already:

Time's Up flag - Kent For Liberty

Now, that IS interesting.

I quote from the website:

Now, as for this sentence:

Go here to learn more about the philosophy behind the flag

here is the link it goes to:

Real Liberty - Kent For Liberty

So, it IS a Gadsden Flag, a newer version, one that very directly implies or infers violence in order to acheive political goals.

It's really that simple.

Thanks for sharing that. I included that info with his profile name and times of his posts, as well as a pic of his avatar, with the information I emailed to the tip line for the DHS office.

People like him lurk on forums, and a % of them turn violent. They're aware of him now, and I hope they look into it.

Smart move.. You're quite the hero.. Reporting a violation of your political imagination.. You think the FBI would stop with HIS POSTS? Think there isnt a scanner they can borrow from NSA that will flag EVERY OTHER DUBIOUS post on these forums??

We are all so grateful for your dilligience to smear your political opposition and use the power of the STATE as a threat to do just that.. Good statist... :mad:
Er..they aren't militia members.

Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.

Yepp. In fact, for the Bundy's, those two were too much militia and had to go. You know when even the David Koresh's of the world think you are too heavy metal, then you are definitely heavy metal.

But you must forgive Koshergrl. Facts are really an elusive thing for her. If you see a member running around with a big butterfly net and always falling on her two massive, jiggling buttocks, that would be Koshergrl, trying with all her might to finally come up with a real fact. But let her keep running, the exercise is good for her!

When you consider the title of the OP:

Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

It's actually our good luck that a Gadsden Flag loving member stopped by (of course, he had no idea in the world what that was all about, cough, cough) - it had a real quality of "being there" to it, now don't you think??


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