Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Plus using someone's avatar on this site as an excuse to intrude upon their personal life.

Incidentally, against the rules.
I seriously can't distinguish nutz and guno from each other.

Has anybody else noticed this?

I get the same thing with you, GISMYS, and katzndogs

Katz is just a 70+ old woman who believes all the paranoia and bullshit that she hears and reads.....i did not think anyone in this day and age bought the "Reefer Madness" shit until Katz started posting in the Pot threads...geezus....
I personally think you have gone too far in reporting him to the DHS. Personal liberty also includes allowing those with views we don't like room to breath.

Yes, he has acted like an asswipe. And no, he can't keep track of time or with whom he has corresponded, so he may be a wee bit senile, too. But no, he has not written one word encouraging violence toward anyone.

Instead, he lets the graphic give the message for him and then when cornered, he evades. This is typical cowardice for extremists - both Left and Right, and in his case, obviously very, very Right.

So, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I can respect that. But, as a former police officer, I know how real this sovereign citizen militia movement is. Many officers in recent years have been murdered by them. Its a domestic terrorist breeding ground, in my opinion.

Im sure hes a nobody, and is absolutely harmless and just some idiot buying into that far right nonsense. But a week ago, everyone probably though that coward Jared Miller was that also.

Doesn't hurt to report it. The experts are far better than I. They may look at it and see it exactly as that, as silly idiot saying dumb stuff.

But its open season on cops. Police murders are up 31% from last year. Anyone implying violence towards the government, especially in the wake of what just happened...he can say what he wants. He committed no crime. But, those who protect us from radicals need all the help they can get. Just like the cops in Chicago beg the community to give them tips, ANY tips, to help control the violence. That's all.
Er..they aren't militia members.

Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.

Yepp. In fact, for the Bundy's, those two were too much militia and had to go. You know when even the David Koresh's of the world think you are too heavy metal, then you are definitely heavy metal.

But you must forgive Koshergrl. Facts are really an elusive thing for her. If you see a member running around with a big butterfly net and always falling on her two massive, jiggling buttocks, that would be Koshergrl, trying with all her might to finally come up with a real fact. But let her keep running, the exercise is good for her!

When you consider the title of the OP:

Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

It's actually our good luck that a Gadsden Flag loving member stopped by (of course, he had no idea in the world what that was all about, cough, cough) - it had a real quality of "being there" to it, now don't you think??


They also used a Nazi flag.

you do realize those two flags represent diametrically opposed concepts...right?

I think it's rather scary that you are supportive of the Nazi flag draping....I would report you to the FBI and DHS for your obvious support...but I know that's against the rules.
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Plus using someone's avatar on this site as an excuse to intrude upon their personal life.

Incidentally, against the rules.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Koshergruel.

Asking about someone's avatar is not forbidden in USMB. The moment a person displays an avatar, even if it is a reflection of his/her personal life, it now becomes public.

I remember when one member here (who is gay) had an avatar that had you Righties going all apoplectic over said avatar.

Do hypocrisy much? Why, yes, you do!!!
Er..they aren't militia members.

Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.

So was Mario's fucking cajun kabob wagon.

Is Mario militia, too?

PS..the bundy's ejected their asses.

wailing wailing wailing ... hysterical much ?

Some of us told the RWnuts around here at the time that the Clive Bundy crowd were out of that Sovereign Citizen movement, or similar. Of course the nuts here scoffed at that notion.

It's the same mentality btw that produced Tim McVeigh.
The mentality that produced Tim McVeigh is the mentality that initiated, orchestrated, and finalized the Waco Massacre.

And I have no doubt that the mentality responsible for causing a flash/bang grenade to injure a baby in his crib is responsible for the killing of the killing of the two Las Vegas cops.

And that's the brainwashed RW hater dupe paranoid conspiracy mentality that all the Fox/Rush/Beck, Moonie, Adelson, etc etc etc outlets give people like you. Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts, see also Ruby Ridge, sovereigns, etc etc you people just love until they actually put their views into action. All the hater dupes on here who believe backgound checks and taxes are fascist, Hitler was LW, Obama is a dictator, compromise is surrender to commies etc,are well on their way to this kind of insanity. About half the GOP.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

You also vote for a GOP that supports law and order policies that give cops too much power. So dumb and duped...

here we go again.....for those of you who dont have amount left.....

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I can respect that. But, as a former police officer, I know how real this sovereign citizen militia movement is. Many officers in recent years have been murdered by them. Its a domestic terrorist breeding ground, in my opinion.

Im sure hes a nobody, and is absolutely harmless and just some idiot buying into that far right nonsense. But a week ago, everyone probably though that coward Jared Miller was that also.

Doesn't hurt to report it. The experts are far better than I. They may look at it and see it exactly as that, as silly idiot saying dumb stuff.

But its open season on cops. Police murders are up 31% from last year. Anyone implying violence towards the government, especially in the wake of what just happened...he can say what he wants. He committed no crime. But, those who protect us from radicals need all the help they can get. Just like the cops in Chicago beg the community to give them tips, ANY tips, to help control the violence. That's all.

FORMER police officer...

That phrase coupled with mentally ill threats and spewings of hatred always sets up red flags...
They were all criminals who refused to surrender to our legal system because of their paranoid, brainwashed insanity. Works great!

Weaver was set up by the government who told him the wrong court date and then went and killed some of his family.
Probably because he refused to turn informant.
He sold 2 illegal shotguns. Took the charge, didn't turn informant and was sentenced on Oct 18, 1993 to 18 months (14 of which he had already served). He was released in Dec '93.

The govt lost a lawsuit but only had to pay 3.1 million for the wrongful deaths of Sam and Vicki Weaver.
"Involuntary" manslaughter (?) charges were filed against the FBI sniper who shot Vicki but they eventually were dropped.

Imagine that. :doubt:

and thats the kind of government that the brain dead liberals want, amazing how stupid they are.

NOT> Actually, it's RWers who like tough law and order, shoot first and ask questions later, hard boiled cops, except when they're up against RW gun nuts, of course lol...:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:
Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.

So was Mario's fucking cajun kabob wagon.

Is Mario militia, too?

PS..the bundy's ejected their asses.

wailing wailing wailing ... hysterical much ?


Do you maintain that every person who showed up in Nevada for the Bundy kerfuffle was militia, based on the fact that they showed up?

You do realize that's laughable, right?:cuckoo:

So please the owner of Mario's Cajun Barbecue also militia? How about the pizza delivery guys?
Well, still waiting on the right wing leaders to condemn this cowardly ambush as a terror attack.

I'll keep waiting..........
Thanks for sharing that. I included that info with his profile name and times of his posts, as well as a pic of his avatar, with the information I emailed to the tip line for the DHS office.

People like him lurk on forums, and a % of them turn violent. They're aware of him now, and I hope they look into it.

Wow, really???

The guy is a douche, a racist, an idiot revolutionary and so on, but...really? Wow, I am speechless. He hasn't really done anything wrong but express his opinions....WOW. I think you may be proving some of these nutters' point. Wow!

Anyway...all of you extremist nutters better look out, once DHS starts investigating this site, they may well deem it to be a racist/ nutter site and put you on watch. Steph and Ksher...your will be on the watch list for sure.
Run :scared1:

Save your revolution and race war for another day. Save yourselves, the government is coming to your trailer park!

FORMER police officer...

That phrase coupled with mentally ill threats and spewings of hatred always sets up red flags...

That's right, former. And that's why I still so strongly support law enforcement, and this act sickens me. Just as much as it sickens me how the right wing leaders refuse to call it a terror attack.

Yes, I hate that people want to see our president fail, and support groups that plot and preach against our government. You're right.
I can respect that. But, as a former police officer, I know how real this sovereign citizen militia movement is. Many officers in recent years have been murdered by them. Its a domestic terrorist breeding ground, in my opinion.

Im sure hes a nobody, and is absolutely harmless and just some idiot buying into that far right nonsense. But a week ago, everyone probably though that coward Jared Miller was that also.

Doesn't hurt to report it. The experts are far better than I. They may look at it and see it exactly as that, as silly idiot saying dumb stuff.

But its open season on cops. Police murders are up 31% from last year. Anyone implying violence towards the government, especially in the wake of what just happened...he can say what he wants. He committed no crime. But, those who protect us from radicals need all the help they can get. Just like the cops in Chicago beg the community to give them tips, ANY tips, to help control the violence. That's all.

I come from a family with cops in it, damned fine cops they were. Hard working, loyal husbands and fathers, church goers, pillars of the community.
So, I know first hand how hard cops have it.

And yes, the Sovereign Citizen crap is nothing but a breeding ground for extreme Right-Wing terrorists, usually heavily interwined with White Supremacist Christian Identity crap and the Alex Jones' of the world...with a sprinkle of the Ron Paul "the aliens are controlling you through flouride" on top.

Does it seem like the left get all giddy and orgasmic when these thing happen?
I mean six threads going at once all by them

sick ghoulish freaks
So was Mario's fucking cajun kabob wagon.

Is Mario militia, too?

PS..the bundy's ejected their asses.

wailing wailing wailing ... hysterical much ?


Do you maintain that every person who showed up in Nevada for the Bundy kerfuffle was militia, based on the fact that they showed up?

You do realize that's laughable, right?:cuckoo:

So please the owner of Mario's Cajun Barbecue also militia? How about the pizza delivery guys?

Sure they are. there an official militia patch? Is there an official enlistment? A process? Is there a registration?

Because IF THERE IS.........then there are lots of people who are NOT militia. And the 2nd Amendment guarantees that right to bear arms....for a militia.

SO if you're saying that just a person showing up armed and standing as a militia....doesn't make them a militia......then we have a new 2nd Amendment conversation to have.
No matter how desperately the leftist goons try to make this about the tea party/right wing..these guys weren't right wing. They were anarchist nazis (which means they're PROGRESSIVE) with no ties to any group.

"... Jerad Miller wrote on Facebook that he had been "kicked out" of the Bundy ranch because of his criminal history and background. McMahill said investigators were still looking into the couple's ties to right-wing extremist groups."

Killers of Las Vegas cops harbored anti-government ideology | Reuters

Anarchists are anarchists; Nazis classified as extreme right. But, as I have written, again and again, totalitarianism is totalitarianism, whatever "label" is attached.
Does it seem like the left get all giddy and orgasmic when these thing happen?
I mean six threads going at once all by them

sick ghoulish freaks


We are sad and we decry it and we feel for the innocent victims when these things happen.

Meanwhile, Righties like you continue to scream "get off my fucking lawn".

That pretty much sums it up.

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