Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Does it seem like the left get all giddy and orgasmic when these thing happen?
I mean six threads going at once all by them

sick ghoulish freaks

If you mean anger and heartbreak over the cowardly ambush of 2 police officers, then yeah, we're pissed. Especially when we saw that flag was used over their bodies, after years of saying how you right wing whacks are promoting a culture of paranoia and a potential for violence among the idiots that buy into it.
So apparently the new stances among the conservatives on USMB:

1. The 'tyranny' rhetoric directed at the Obama administration, the comparisons to fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, the anti-Christ, and every and any other symbol of evil,

all that was just over the top horseshit from you people?

2. Or was the horseshit on the other side of the equation, that being that it is a God given right of the people to rise up in armed rebellion against 'tyranny'?

Which pile of horseshit have you people abandoned with all your mouth agape horror at seeing actual rightwing revolutionaries in action against 'tyranny'?
And that's the brainwashed RW hater dupe paranoid conspiracy mentality that all the Fox/Rush/Beck, Moonie, Adelson, etc etc etc outlets give people like you. Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts, see also Ruby Ridge, sovereigns, etc etc you people just love until they actually put their views into action. All the hater dupes on here who believe backgound checks and taxes are fascist, Hitler was LW, Obama is a dictator, compromise is surrender to commies etc,are well on their way to this kind of insanity. About half the GOP.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

You also vote for a GOP that supports law and order policies that give cops too much power. So dumb and duped...

Hey franco if you're going to blame someone other than the shooters responsible,
where does it end?

If you blame the RW protestors, can't you also blame the liberal agenda that CAUSED and INCITED the RW to become so outraged.

If you are going to blame the Rightwing for inciting the shooters
are you going to blame the Leftwing for inciting the Rightwing?

How far do you want to take this chain of causality?
Wouldn't all of us be indirectly in that chain of influence?

There is no such LW agenda, brainwashed dingbat, just a gigantic pile of bs propaganda and hate speech you listen to every day. Heath care reform is not fascist, Hitler was not a socialist, ACORN didn't steal the election, Obama is not muslim etc etc etc lol. Idiocy half GOP voters believe. see also Waco's and others ''had a point". They were just a little more brainwashed and paranoid than half the GOP...

There is no such LW agenda,

you got me fooled Frankie.....the left wing activist for immigration out here sure take things and try and stir up the Hispanics towards the Righties or anyone for that matter who says anything they dont like about immigration....of course you dont question things like that because you dont believe that stuff goes on.....because you were told that stuff is just RW propaganda...but then thats your problem....i know better....
They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .


Some of us told the RWnuts around here at the time that the Clive Bundy crowd were out of that Sovereign Citizen movement, or similar. Of course the nuts here scoffed at that notion.

It's the same mentality btw that produced Tim McVeigh.

Obviously the criminals who committed the murders are not representative of all conservatives.

But there are elements of failed, errant conservative dogma that contributed to this tragedy nonetheless, however inadvertently; elements of conservatism found in the TPM, among the radical and extreme right, at the Bundy ranch, and expressed by rightists on this very forum – ridiculous nonsense such as ‘nullification,’ ‘sovereign citizen,’ ‘secession,’ and the ignorant, reckless, perception of ‘states’ rights’ where the states are at liberty to ‘ignore’ just, proper, and Constitutional Federal laws.

This in conjunction with paranoid delusions of a ‘tyrannical’ Federal government sets the stage for this and other acts of terrorism by the far right, where mainstream conservatives should be aggressively and resoundingly denouncing this dangerous mindset.
wailing wailing wailing ... hysterical much ?


Do you maintain that every person who showed up in Nevada for the Bundy kerfuffle was militia, based on the fact that they showed up?

You do realize that's laughable, right?:cuckoo:

So please the owner of Mario's Cajun Barbecue also militia? How about the pizza delivery guys?

Sure they are. there an official militia patch? Is there an official enlistment? A process? Is there a registration?

Because IF THERE IS.........then there are lots of people who are NOT militia. And the 2nd Amendment guarantees that right to bear arms....for a militia.

SO if you're saying that just a person showing up armed and standing as a militia....doesn't make them a militia......then we have a new 2nd Amendment conversation to have.

Remember, the true purpose of the 2nd amendment is to allow the people the means to rise up in armed rebellion against the government.

Like a 2nd amendment protected shopping cart full of weapons.
sounds like workplace violence.....:rolleyes:

Silly you. Only leftwing and Muslim violence gets minimized. Besides, this administration has done more than any other to stop workplace violence by removing millions of people permanently from the workplace.

When crazy people attach themselves to parties, only those attached to the left get excused or ignored.

These lunatics were just crazies looking for a cause and since they chose to be anti-government, the left wants to use them to paint the right.

And another thread has more shocking news, that one of these loons was at the Bundy ranch. And the left is gasping in utter shock at that. Yawn.

Obama was friends of Ayers and had his career launched during an elite dinner party in Ayers' home, yet the left says so what.

Only difference is that the right does not embrace these radical people and I haven't heard a single person on the right trying to minimize or ignore this. They report on it and show the crazy people for what they are - a couple crazies who represent no one but themselves. Had they been leftwing, the media would ignore it or spin it. Of course they are spinning it now to try and make all NRA members, patriots, constitutionalists or those who dislike big government look like dangerous murderers.

They have waited so long for some lunatics who are anti big government to come and do something horrible. We should sit back and let them have their moment of glory. After years of ignoring rampant violence in cities like Chicago, they finally have something they can try to pin on the right. Let them have they joy even if we know it's nothing but an illusion.
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Um.....they were at the Bundy Ranch, with the militia, getting freakin' interviewed by reporters. They are militia members. And as 2nd Amendment folks have told us, the "militia" is anyone who shows up with a gun with a crowd and says they are militia.

Yepp. In fact, for the Bundy's, those two were too much militia and had to go. You know when even the David Koresh's of the world think you are too heavy metal, then you are definitely heavy metal.

But you must forgive Koshergrl. Facts are really an elusive thing for her. If you see a member running around with a big butterfly net and always falling on her two massive, jiggling buttocks, that would be Koshergrl, trying with all her might to finally come up with a real fact. But let her keep running, the exercise is good for her!

When you consider the title of the OP:

Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

It's actually our good luck that a Gadsden Flag loving member stopped by (of course, he had no idea in the world what that was all about, cough, cough) - it had a real quality of "being there" to it, now don't you think??


They also used a Nazi flag.

you do realize those two flags represent diametrically opposed concepts...right?

I think it's rather scary that you are supportive of the Nazi flag draping....I would report you to the FBI and DHS for your obvious support...but I know that's against the rules.

BS- they're both far right, and you are highly misinformed. Next stop, total idiocy- change the channel, chump of the greedy idiot rich GOP.:eusa_whistle: BIG statists no matter what they tell you, Pub dupe.
OF COURSE......Alex Jones has now said on his show:

That Harry Reid STAGED this event; That the two shooters were actually left wingers that Harry Reid hired to do this, so that he could lead a charge to take away guns.

Just WTF. The right wing has lost its mind.
Remember when the left tried to link Sara Palin to the Gabby Gifford shooting? Remember when the left tried to make Breivik a radical Christian? The leftist propaganda machine is efficient with plenty of eager volunteers down for the cause. It gives purpose and meaning to their miserable pitiful existence.

Some of us told the RWnuts around here at the time that the Clive Bundy crowd were out of that Sovereign Citizen movement, or similar. Of course the nuts here scoffed at that notion.

It's the same mentality btw that produced Tim McVeigh.

Obviously the criminals who committed the murders are not representative of all conservatives.

But there are elements of failed, errant conservative dogma that contributed to this tragedy nonetheless, however inadvertently; elements of conservatism found in the TPM, among the radical and extreme right, at the Bundy ranch, and expressed by rightists on this very forum – ridiculous nonsense such as ‘nullification,’ ‘sovereign citizen,’ ‘secession,’ and the ignorant, reckless, perception of ‘states’ rights’ where the states are at liberty to ‘ignore’ just, proper, and Constitutional Federal laws.

This in conjunction with paranoid delusions of a ‘tyrannical’ Federal government sets the stage for this and other acts of terrorism by the far right, where mainstream conservatives should be aggressively and resoundingly denouncing this dangerous mindset.

Well they can taste some of their own medicine, such as their condemnation of all Muslims as terrorists because Muslims wouldn't condemn the 9/11 attacks in a manner vigorous enough to satisfy some people.

I guess we can apply that formula here?
OF COURSE......Alex Jones has now said on his show:

That Harry Reid STAGED this event; That the two shooters were actually left wingers that Harry Reid hired to do this, so that he could lead a charge to take away guns.

Just WTF. The right wing has lost its mind.

WOW! Definitively crazy!
Remember when the left tried to link Sara Palin to the Gabby Gifford shooting? Remember when the left tried to make Breivik a radical Christian? The leftist propaganda machine is efficient with plenty of eager volunteers down for the cause. It gives purpose and meaning to their miserable pitiful existence.

These people are ACTUAL rightwing extremists ACTUALLY killing police officers while ACTUALLY calling it Revolution.

No 'linking' is needed.
You Left Wing RADICAL motherfuckers are at it again!
The Tea Party DEMONSTRATIONS were the most peaceful in history, yet you can't except that fact.
I fly a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and have no intention to murder anyone.
Bill Ayers, the typical Left Wing Radical, says he didn't do enough in the sixties and seventies, wishes he ad killed more Policemen and blown up more Government buildings. That's the RADICAL who's house Obama kicked off his political career in.
What's the matter, blaming Bush getting old? Now you have to blame the Tea Party?
You Lefties are disgusting through and through!

Teapers are nasty, racist assholes who do not represent conservatism and enable cop killers and revolutionaries.

continuing to spout a lie does not make it become true. Nothing you have posted is true---not a single fricken word. You are a sick excuse for a human being. Full of the hate that you accuse others of--just like most libtards.

so when Edgetho says the hateful things he says about ALL Democrats/Liberals....thats different?....when you throw blankets over everyone because of what a few have said it makes you look like Dean.....i dont know anyone who wants to be like that guy.....except for Chris and Dottie,but then....look at those 2....geezus....
Oh, and for those right wingers justifying non-condemnation by saying that they used a Nazi flag as well as the redneck yellow snake flag, and saying Nazis and Hitler were left wingers:

Hitler used armed revolution to TOPPLE HIS OWN NATION'S GOVERNMENT.

Um....yeah, sound familiar? He used the same fantasy of the 2nd Amendment advocates and far right militia movement: using armed resistance and revolt to topple one's own government.

Just sick. The entire far right movement is just disgusting me.
This thread now officially belongs in nutland. You did your best with it mods, but it's sheer lunacy.
Moderation Message:

This whole thread is getting pretty disgusting to me. Stop accusing/quoting without linking to a source.

Thank you,

Oh, and for those right wingers justifying non-condemnation by saying that they used a Nazi flag as well as the redneck yellow snake flag, and saying Nazis and Hitler were left wingers:

Hitler used armed revolution to TOPPLE HIS OWN NATION'S GOVERNMENT.

Um....yeah, sound familiar? He used the same fantasy of the 2nd Amendment advocates and far right militia movement: using armed resistance and revolt to topple one's own government.

Just sick. The entire far right movement is just disgusting me.

You should move. We find you equally unappealing, statist puke.
They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .

and Ci-Ci's...

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