Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Jerad Miller

Tea Party

Think that is explanation enough.
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This guy dresses up as Peter Pan..Bergdahl was a ballet dancer...I think perhaps there is a connection...
freaking loons convict a soldier before he stands trial then support a damn flag .. and they wonder why their chosen party can't win an election....

if this "chosen party" cant win elections why did Bush last 8 years and why are there so many Republicans in DC and why are there so many Republican Governors?....just askin.....

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.
if this "chosen party" cant win elections why did Bush last 8 years and why are there so many Republicans in DC and why are there so many Republican Governors?....just askin.....

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

and his second term?.....
Everybody was unaware that he had lied us into war....they thought he was doing the right thing. Little did we know.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

sounds like excuses to me..... when you vote for a Governor there is no gerrymandering.....everyone in the State gets to vote for whoever is in the least thats the way it is out here...
That's true.....I was responding to your statement as to why there are so many Republicans in DC. That is State legislators and gerrymandering has had a lot to do with it.

The reason there are more Republican governors is only because there are more red states than blue. Of course the Republicans are going to win in those states.
if this "chosen party" cant win elections why did Bush last 8 years and why are there so many Republicans in DC and why are there so many Republican Governors?....just askin.....

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

That's what got Republicans all up in arms.....nothing else. Now they can't stand the fact that he emerged stronger, and Hillary will be our next president.....digest that.
Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

That's what got Republicans all up in arms.....nothing else. Now they can't stand the fact that he emerged stronger, and Hillary will be our next president.....digest that.

That's possible. You're propaganda machine is well oiled and your school system has been churning out the useful idiots to vote for you. I'm positive many will not see the weak dependent woman who was a failure as Secretary of State and lied to the families of the citizens murdered in Benghazi and chose to support a serial womanizer and sexual predator for political advantages. That's the state of American pop culture and it's sick and ignorant for the most part.
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if this "chosen party" cant win elections why did Bush last 8 years and why are there so many Republicans in DC and why are there so many Republican Governors?....just askin.....

Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

your calling people liars does not make them liars.

fact: clinton was deposed under oath with regard to a civil matter.
fact: no other president in the history of our country was forced to appear in a civil action while in office.... that was a gift from scalia and friends.
fact: had clinton not been compelled to testify about his AFFAIR, there would have been no impeachment.
Fact: his LIE was about having sex with someone not his wife.
fact: the proof of that understandable lie about an extramarital affair was the blue dress that linda tripp told monica to save...

just to put this in perspective for you...since you like running around calling people liars because you disagree with them... we spent 7 million dollars investigating 9/11 and 70 million to come up with that blue dress.
So apparently the new stances among the conservatives on USMB:

1. The 'tyranny' rhetoric directed at the Obama administration, the comparisons to fascism, Nazism, Stalinism, the anti-Christ, and every and any other symbol of evil,

all that was just over the top horseshit from you people?

2. Or was the horseshit on the other side of the equation, that being that it is a God given right of the people to rise up in armed rebellion against 'tyranny'?

Which pile of horseshit have you people abandoned with all your mouth agape horror at seeing actual rightwing revolutionaries in action against 'tyranny'?

NEITHER of those dead morons could SPELL tyranny. You are blind to the MULTITUDE of abuses of power we've endured over just the past 4 yrs or so. Finding out that the govt is using the NSA to collect our data, using the IRS to punish political opposition, fraudulently covering up neglect of our Veterans, running weapons to Mexico, freeing the next Taliban Govt of Afghanistan before we even get out of there, handing out legislation from the White House, lying about dead Diplomats, etc, etc. It's not as tho there is nothing to be dissident about -- is there? YOU OTH -- want to be theatrical about it and pretend that NONE of this has happened. Because the whole purpose of this thread is to an unfounded weak-ass connection and MAKE it political.. When it's really about 2 dysfunctional morons who were even too weird for the Bundy Ranch.

No Tea Party, No real political statement except ramblings of idiots, No thread..
Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

That's what got Republicans all up in arms.....nothing else. Now they can't stand the fact that he emerged stronger, and Hillary will be our next president.....digest that.

Obstruction of justice and perjury in connection with criminal sexual harassment charges.

Let's hear it for misogynists everywhere, Mertex thinks you're great!
Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

That's what got Republicans all up in arms.....nothing else. Now they can't stand the fact that he emerged stronger, and Hillary will be our next president.....digest that.

That's possible. You're propaganda machine is well oiled and your school system has been churning out the useful idiots to vote for you. I'm positive many will not see the weak dependent woman who was a failure as Secretary of State and lied to the families of the citizens murdered in Benghazi and chose to support a serial womanizer and sexual predator for political advantages. That's the state of American pop culture and it's sick and ignorant for the most part.

Oh Puleeez, you supported Bush, responsible for the deaths of over 3000, then attacked the wrong country and had another 4000+ American soldiers slaughtered....we've had enough incompetence, we don't need another lightweight like Bush in the White House.

Now your leaders are inciting idiots like the Millers to arm themselves and go shoot government workers.....what idiocy makes up the Tea Party.
Both Jilly and Mertex would see it as their duty, as good Democrats, to give Clinton whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and they resent any woman who would deny him.

While at the same time they're wildly jealous of any woman (except hillary) who has answered the call to so serve.

Clinton was prosecuted for sexual harassment. He perjured himself and obstructed justice, and ruined the lives of who knows how many people, and THAT is why he was impeached.
Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

That's what got Republicans all up in arms.....nothing else. Now they can't stand the fact that he emerged stronger, and Hillary will be our next president.....digest that.

Obstruction of justice and perjury in connection with criminal sexual harassment charges.

Let's hear it for misogynists everywhere, Mertex thinks you're great!

Aren't you supposed to be watching the wrestling matches? This is way over your head.
Bush came in after the Republican party made a big deal over Clinton's bj with Lewinski....many people got swept in to the anger caused by the "impeachment" and hoopla raised by conservatives.

As to so many Governors - that could be attributed in large part to all the Gerrymandering that conservatives have done in the different states.

Clinton was not impeached for BJ. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.

your calling people liars does not make them liars.

fact: clinton was deposed under oath with regard to a civil matter.
fact: no other president in the history of our country was forced to appear in a civil action while in office.... that was a gift from scalia and friends.
fact: had clinton not been compelled to testify about his AFFAIR, there would have been no impeachment.
Fact: his LIE was about having sex with someone not his wife.
fact: the proof of that understandable lie about an extramarital affair was the blue dress that linda tripp told monica to save...

just to put this in perspective for you...since you like running around calling people liars because you disagree with them... we spent 7 million dollars investigating 9/11 and 70 million to come up with that blue dress.

How soon the details are forgotten.. .Who introduced the following bill in the House as the ALTERNATIVE to Impeachment?

Whereas in his conduct of the office of the President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, in violation of the his constitutional oath ... and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice by providing false and misleading testimony under oath.

Whereas W.J.C. engaged personally and through his subordinates and agents in a course of conduct or plan to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation into and the disclosure of information about the President's improper and reprehensible relationship with a government employee: and

Clinton has egregiously failed in this obligation , and through his actions violated the trust of the American people, lessened their esteem for the office of the President, and dishonored the office which they have entrusted to him:

(2)(a) W.J.C. lied under oath concerning his conduct with a subordinate:

(b) W.J.C. wrongly took steps to delay discovery of the truth.

(c) inasmuch as no person is above the law, W.J.C. remains subject to criminal and civil penalties; and

(3) W.J.C. .... by his conduct has brought upon himself , and fully deserves , the censure and condemnation of the American people and the Congress.

(4) by his signature on this joint resolution, W.J.Clinton acknowledges this censure and condemnation and ......

(A) Make a donation to the Treasury of $500,000.
(B) Not deliver in person any State of the Union Address.
(C) Not be involved in fund raising activities for the Democratic Party or for any candidate for public office.
(D) Not to serve in public office in any capacity after his term as President is completed.

Why this was the DEMOCRAT condemnation that they wanted INSTEAD of Impeachment. ((House Joint Res 140) And when it didn't pass, the Entire Demo representation staged a ceremonial walk-out.

Act like nothing happened Jillian... $70Mill was a bargain to ensure that any future Presidents spent more time considering their zippers in the White House.
That's what got Republicans all up in arms.....nothing else. Now they can't stand the fact that he emerged stronger, and Hillary will be our next president.....digest that.

Obstruction of justice and perjury in connection with criminal sexual harassment charges.

Let's hear it for misogynists everywhere, Mertex thinks you're great!

Aren't you supposed to be watching the wrestling matches? This is way over your head.

That's what got Republicans all up in arms.....nothing else. Now they can't stand the fact that he emerged stronger, and Hillary will be our next president.....digest that.

Obstruction of justice and perjury in connection with criminal sexual harassment charges.

Let's hear it for misogynists everywhere, Mertex thinks you're great!

Aren't you supposed to be watching the wrestling matches? This is way over your head.

Says the woman who is so stupid she thinks he was impeached for a blow job in the whitehouse.

He was being tried for the sexual harassment of Paula Jones which occurred during his tenure as Governor of Ark. During the trial, he perjured himself, and obstructed justice, for which he was impeached.

What he LIED about was his relationship with Monica...which was being used to show a pattern of BEHAVIOR in the sexual harassment suit.

Have you ever been a victim of sexual harassment? How would you like some state troopers to escort you to a room and leave you so the governor could jump your ass?

Never mind, you'd pay for that.
Obstruction of justice and perjury in connection with criminal sexual harassment charges.

Let's hear it for misogynists everywhere, Mertex thinks you're great!

Aren't you supposed to be watching the wrestling matches? This is way over your head.

Says the woman who is so stupid she thinks he was impeached for a blow job in the whitehouse.

He was being tried for the sexual harassment of Paula Jones which occurred during his tenure as Governor of Ark. During the trial, he perjured himself, and obstructed justice, for which he was impeached.

What he LIED about was his relationship with Monica...which was being used to show a pattern of BEHAVIOR in the sexual harassment suit.

Have you ever been a victim of sexual harassment? How would you like some state troopers to escort you to a room and leave you so the governor could jump your ass?

Never mind, you'd pay for that.

That's all been dragged through the mud. Republicans were so jealous of Clinton because he was so much smarter than the lightweights they've been able to come up with they started digging for anything they could to try and get him impeached. It didn't make a bit of difference, he finished his term and Republicans ended up with egg on their face, like you with most of your posts.

And those Stepford wives were never able to prove anything....they were paid by some con men to say that Clinton harassed them.

And, I'm not the one sleeping alone at night, so no, you're the one that would pay to have someone harass you.....:lol::lol:

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