Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Tell me some more about how wonderful Bill Clinton, and what a stepford wife Paula Jones, a victim of SEXUAL HARASSMENT over a period of years, is....
Paula Jones just wanted money, and just because she said she was sexually harassed doesn't mean she was. Some women lie for money, especially when con men were paying her to do it.

What a pig you are. You are the war on women.
You're the pig, and a dumb one to boot. Go finish watching Honey Booboo....that's more to your understanding.
They were part of the sovereign citizens movement. Tea Party is pro Constitution. They were crazy and so is anyone trying to make the Tea Party responsible.

These scumbags placed the yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag ONTO THE COPS BODY after they cowardly ambushed him.

All you MF'ers who have pushed this anti-government hatred the past 6 years....I wont even say what you deserve.

Fuck the federal government & fuck you. Two nuts go nuts and you seemingly loose your mind.
Tell me some more about how wonderful Bill Clinton, and what a stepford wife Paula Jones, a victim of SEXUAL HARASSMENT over a period of years, is....
Paula Jones just wanted money, and just because she said she was sexually harassed doesn't mean she was. Some women lie for money, especially when con men were paying her to do it.

What a pig you are. You are the war on women.
You're the pig, and a dumb one to boot. Go finish watching Honey Booboo....that's more to your understanding.

You're very ill.
So do you also think, like one of your progressive buddies on this site stated the other day, that women who are being raped should just lay back and enjoy it?

You guys sure are pro-female, that's for shore!

Why don't you quote who you are responding to, so it doesn't look like you're talking to yourself, something you probably do all the time.

I don't know what buddy you are talking about, but it was Akin (a Tea Party candidate) who claimed that some rape wasn't legitimate. Now how's that for stupid? I suppose you agree with him, making you really pro-women....:lol:
Tell me some more about how wonderful Bill Clinton, and what a stepford wife Paula Jones, a victim of SEXUAL HARASSMENT over a period of years, is....
Paula Jones just wanted money, and just because she said she was sexually harassed doesn't mean she was. Some women lie for money, especially when con men were paying her to do it.

What a pig you are. You are the war on women.
You're the pig, and a dumb one to boot. Go finish watching Honey Booboo....that's more to your understanding.

You're very ill.

No, you're the one trying to find some defense for those pigs that murdered the police officers, so you're the one that is really sick.
They were part of the sovereign citizens movement. Tea Party is pro Constitution. They were crazy and so is anyone trying to make the Tea Party responsible.

The Tea Party has all kinds, this is one of their kinds. They could change that, but they refuse to so far.

Where did I do that?

Oh never mind, it's a lying statist making things up again.
PS..these loons were't tea party.

I suspect they were card carrying progressives...though if they were anything like the progressives I know, their felony convictions would prevent them from legally voting.

Not that they would let that stop them. They probably found a way to commit voter fraud just before taking out a couple of cops. Progressives a progressive can be proud of!

The cherry on the cake woudl be if the chick got a drive-through abortion on her way to voting illegally and killing cops. My gosh, you'll have to make her a memorial honorary Yale professor! Give that woman a salary and call her shit "education". Or "art". Whatever will rake in the most $$$$.
I can see why you're enamored of her, Mertex! It all makes sense now.

She killed cops.
She's progressive.
She got an abortion or three.

Maybe she took a rape for the team at some point...if so, she'll jump straight past honorary alum and catapault to progressive sainthood!
They were part of the sovereign citizens movement. Tea Party is pro Constitution. They were crazy and so is anyone trying to make the Tea Party responsible.

The Tea Party has all kinds, this is one of their kinds. They could change that, but they refuse to so far.

Oh bull. You can't make that true. Propaganda.
Show us where they have denounced people like this? The Bundy crowd, those who fear the Feds taking their guns away? We'll wait...
I wonder why Faux News dropped coverage on the Millers.....isn't Faux News supposed to be a News Station? Even Faux News realizes that the Millers were too "Tea Party" and certainly doesn't want its viewers to see how crazy some of them are. I bet if they were Libs, Faux News would be covering that story 24/7, even skipping some of their Benghazi made up theories to give more time to it.

After only one day Fox News has already eliminated coverage of the Tea Party Cop Killers in Las Vegas who went on a murderous rampage Sunday. On Monday, Fox's primetime programs (Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, and Sean Hannity) were silent on the subject except for four sentences on Kelly's show.

On Tuesday morning's edition of Fox & Friends, the curvy couch potatoes failed to mention Jerad Miller and his wife Amanda. Later, on Happening Now, Fox ignored the story entirely. Outnumbered also declined to report on the Millers, despite having guest co-host "doctor" Keith Ablow who has psychoanalyzed every criminal, politician, and other public figure this century (without ever examining, or even meeting, any of them).

Article: Why Did Fox News Cease ALL Coverage Of The Las Vegas Tea Party Cop Killers? | OpEdNews

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