Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Show us where they have denounced people like this? The Bundy crowd, those who fear the Feds taking their guns away? We'll wait...

You want to start denouncing crazies? Your president released five terrorist generals. Go for it.
My President? And who the fuck is your President?

And who the hell cares, they've been in prison for a decade. They didn't just shoot two cops in a pizza joint and if they had we would have managed to actually charge them with something after all this time, but instead these tired old bastards got caught up in a war that never should have been fought in the first place!

How about to show us where the Tea Party denounces gut nuts who shoot cops? That shouldn't be too hard now should it?

Hey asshole. Are you going to be another freaking left wing loon on this board who claims that 60 countries sanctioned by the United Nations and NATO to go in and clean Afghanistan of AQ is a "war that should never have been fought"?

That's bullshit. Sheer unadulterated mother trucking bullshit. And you've hit a brand new low.

You nutbars obviously need to be reminded why the hell 60 countries marched into that sorry country.

Shame. Freaking shame on you and the others on this board who are trying to rewrite history.

Remember this?

Every white trash pussy terrorist who forced a standoff with US Federal agents by using unarmed women and children as human shields were Tea Party. Every single one of them.

Misguided, misinformed, idiotic fucking white trash with guns, just like the two stupid pieces of shit who tried to fight a revolution by killing 3 people and then themselves. Yeah, that's some revolution, American Talibaggers.

You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.
We are being overran by an invasion from Mexico, China is a direct challenge to our power in the world, and Obama is giving away terrorist for a deserter...and this is an important issue to you? How? Why? Directed at the dumb-ass who made this post.
Someone is saying that they went to Wal-Mart after the cowardly slaying of the defenseless police officers. Can anyone tell me that who were they?

Two meth freaks. Seriously deranged nutbars who had delusions of white supremacy grandeur and thought they could start some sort of revolution.
You would think this is the first time police officers have been shot and killed

he's something to chew on, if they had any kind of warning they could of got their guns and protected themselves and it's possible we'd reading a different story on this..

see how that works..but some of you want to take away all of our guns which most are kept for protection only and most who own them are law abiding citizens

This government can't even protect us now from roving gangs taking over neighborhoods to drug cartels do you expect them to protect you when we are all disarmed?

as for the sensational titile, ANTI government
there are a lot of people pissed at this government over what they've been doing like rolling over us, so don't act like it's something new
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So when a black dude kills a cop, do we hear an outcry against the inhabitants of the inner cities?
I wonder why Faux News dropped coverage on the Millers.....isn't Faux News supposed to be a News Station? Even Faux News realizes that the Millers were too "Tea Party" and certainly doesn't want its viewers to see how crazy some of them are. I bet if they were Libs, Faux News would be covering that story 24/7, even skipping some of their Benghazi made up theories to give more time to it.

After only one day Fox News has already eliminated coverage of the Tea Party Cop Killers in Las Vegas who went on a murderous rampage Sunday. On Monday, Fox's primetime programs (Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, and Sean Hannity) were silent on the subject except for four sentences on Kelly's show.

On Tuesday morning's edition of Fox & Friends, the curvy couch potatoes failed to mention Jerad Miller and his wife Amanda. Later, on Happening Now, Fox ignored the story entirely. Outnumbered also declined to report on the Millers, despite having guest co-host "doctor" Keith Ablow who has psychoanalyzed every criminal, politician, and other public figure this century (without ever examining, or even meeting, any of them).

Article: Why Did Fox News Cease ALL Coverage Of The Las Vegas Tea Party Cop Killers? | OpEdNews

The people at Foxnews were too exhausted from trying to turn Bowe Bergdahl into a liberal terrorist that they didn't have the energy to talk about real live rightwing terrorists.
So when a black dude kills a cop, do we hear an outcry against the inhabitants of the inner cities?

Isn't commenting on black crimes "racist"? :cuckoo:

You don't want to be called a "racist" do you? :lol:

Racists, like you, Rotagilla, don't get to define racism but will be called out every time you post like that. Yes, you are a racist.

Sexists, like ________ (B) don't get to define sexism but will be called out when they make sexist remarks.

Homophobes, like Pop23, don't get to define homophobia but will be called out when they make homophobic remarks.
Some of you far left kooks will use anything to try to further your agenda.. It's pathetic but amusing.
So when a black dude kills a cop, do we hear an outcry against the inhabitants of the inner cities?

Isn't commenting on black crimes "racist"? :cuckoo:

You don't want to be called a "racist" do you? :lol:

Racists, like you, Rotagilla, don't get to define racism but will be called out every time you post like that. Yes, you are a racist.

Sexists, like ________ (B) don't get to define sexism but will be called out when they make sexist remarks.

Homophobes, like Pop23, don't get to define homophobia but will be called out when they make homophobic remarks.

Racisttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. Did I leave anything out? Same whine nearly 7 years later LOL
Every white trash pussy terrorist who forced a standoff with US Federal agents by using unarmed women and children as human shields were Tea Party. Every single one of them.

Misguided, misinformed, idiotic fucking white trash with guns, just like the two stupid pieces of shit who tried to fight a revolution by killing 3 people and then themselves. Yeah, that's some revolution, American Talibaggers.

You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.

That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.
Isn't commenting on black crimes "racist"? :cuckoo:

You don't want to be called a "racist" do you? :lol:

Racists, like you, Rotagilla, don't get to define racism but will be called out every time you post like that. Yes, you are a racist.

Sexists, like ________ (B) don't get to define sexism but will be called out when they make sexist remarks.

Homophobes, like Pop23, don't get to define homophobia but will be called out when they make homophobic remarks.

Racisttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. Did I leave anything out? Same whine nearly 7 years later LOL

Of course, LGS, many racists and sexists and homophobes are mentally ill and won't seek help.
Every white trash pussy terrorist who forced a standoff with US Federal agents by using unarmed women and children as human shields were Tea Party. Every single one of them.

Misguided, misinformed, idiotic fucking white trash with guns, just like the two stupid pieces of shit who tried to fight a revolution by killing 3 people and then themselves. Yeah, that's some revolution, American Talibaggers.

You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.

That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.

Sallow is right. The Salt Lake TV stations captured those images.
Every white trash pussy terrorist who forced a standoff with US Federal agents by using unarmed women and children as human shields were Tea Party. Every single one of them.

Misguided, misinformed, idiotic fucking white trash with guns, just like the two stupid pieces of shit who tried to fight a revolution by killing 3 people and then themselves. Yeah, that's some revolution, American Talibaggers.

You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.

That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.

that's right, you were there so we should take your words on it as the gospel truth
and this has what to do with anything?
are you all that desperate
the cowards are you people who puts down this rancher and those who came to help protect him, because a lot of us lived through what this government can do, it's called Waco.... where they killed 80 people 20 of them innocent children..

so you drag this poor rancher through the mud again in something he had nothing to do

you are so losers
the cowards are you people who puts down this rancher and those who came to help protect him, because a lot of us lived through what this government can do, it's called Waco.... where they killed 80 people 20 of them innocent children..

so you drag this poor rancher through the mud again in something he had nothing to do

you are so losers

It's what David Koresh did as well. After he killed federal agents and the initial gun battle had ended, the Fed was negotiating with Koresh for months.

It was only after Koresh started threatening to kill everyone in the compound that the Feds acted.

Koresh was responsible for each and every death. As were the Branch Davidians.

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