Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

PS..these loons were't tea party.
Like hell they weren't.

I suspect they were card carrying progressives...though if they were anything like the progressives I know, their felony convictions would prevent them from legally voting.
Now you've shown just how loony you really are. If they were libs, FAux News wouldn't have stopped coverage on them.....

Not that they would let that stop them. They probably found a way to commit voter fraud just before taking out a couple of cops. Progressives a progressive can be proud of!

The cherry on the cake woudl be if the chick got a drive-through abortion on her way to voting illegally and killing cops. My gosh, you'll have to make her a memorial honorary Yale professor! Give that woman a salary and call her shit "education". Or "art". Whatever will rake in the most $$$$.

Your senseless rantings sound like the rantings of a lunatic. Keep talking, you're making yourself look like the Bimbo we already know you are.
The Tea Party has all kinds, this is one of their kinds. They could change that, but they refuse to so far.

Oh bull. You can't make that true. Propaganda.
Show us where they have denounced people like this? The Bundy crowd, those who fear the Feds taking their guns away? We'll wait...

You want to start denouncing crazies? Your president released five terrorist generals for a deserter. Go for it.
Oh bull. You can't make that true. Propaganda.
Show us where they have denounced people like this? The Bundy crowd, those who fear the Feds taking their guns away? We'll wait...

You want to start denouncing crazies? Your president released five terrorist generals. Go for it.
My President? And who the fuck is your President?

And who the hell cares, they've been in prison for a decade. They didn't just shoot two cops in a pizza joint and if they had we would have managed to actually charge them with something after all this time, but instead these tired old bastards got caught up in a war that never should have been fought in the first place!

How about to show us where the Tea Party denounces gut nuts who shoot cops? That shouldn't be too hard now should it?
I haven't seen any verification that they supported tea party candidates or were involved in militia.

You loons are so desperate.

And I think Mertex is a little drunk besides.

How in the world does that prove they're tea party?'re a retard.

What an idiot....since when are Democrats anti-government? Geez, you really are dense.

Las Vegas police are also trying to verify statements made on the couple's Facebook page that they were involved in right wing anti-government movement and were at the cattle standoff at the ranch of Cliven Bundy earlier this year, an event that attracted anti-government militants.
Las Vegas Cop Killers Were Husband-Wife Team - ABC News
When this line doesn't pan out, they'll start pretending these poor psychos were *fundies* (aka mainstream christian)

What an idiot....since when are Democrats anti-government? Geez, you really are dense.

Las Vegas police are also trying to verify statements made on the couple's Facebook page that they were involved in right wing anti-government movement and were at the cattle standoff at the ranch of Cliven Bundy earlier this year, an event that attracted anti-government militants.
Las Vegas Cop Killers Were Husband-Wife Team - ABC News

You think all non-democrats are tea party?

Good lord, just pass out already.
Keep ranting your senseless make as much sense as the two idiot Millers.

I'm going to bed......keep talking to yourself, I'm sure you'll answer yourself, too.
Every white trash pussy terrorist who forced a standoff with US Federal agents by using unarmed women and children as human shields were Tea Party. Every single one of them.

Misguided, misinformed, idiotic fucking white trash with guns, just like the two stupid pieces of shit who tried to fight a revolution by killing 3 people and then themselves. Yeah, that's some revolution, American Talibaggers.
When this line doesn't pan out, they'll start pretending these poor psychos were *fundies* (aka mainstream christian)

Nope. He's you guys, and just as big a fruitcake.
I hope this drunken spasming doesn't become a weekly event. There have been other drunks who cycled through their freaking weekly binges in never ends well for them.
I'm sure he shat regularly too. Does that make him you, Paint? I shit..he shits...obviously shitting is the reason he nutted out...and obviously you're a terrifying threat as well!!!!
I'm sure he shat regularly too. Does that make him you, Paint? I shit..he shits...obviously shitting is the reason he nutted out...and obviously you're a terrifying threat as well!!!!
A response in less than two minutes, meaning you rejected the words of a killer who thinks exactly as you do without even bothering to read them? Carry on little Teabagger.
Someone is saying that they went to Wal-Mart after the cowardly slaying of the defenseless police officers. Can anyone tell me that who were they?
Aren't you supposed to be watching the wrestling matches? This is way over your head.

Says the woman who is so stupid she thinks he was impeached for a blow job in the whitehouse.

He was being tried for the sexual harassment of Paula Jones which occurred during his tenure as Governor of Ark. During the trial, he perjured himself, and obstructed justice, for which he was impeached.

What he LIED about was his relationship with Monica...which was being used to show a pattern of BEHAVIOR in the sexual harassment suit.

Have you ever been a victim of sexual harassment? How would you like some state troopers to escort you to a room and leave you so the governor could jump your ass?

Never mind, you'd pay for that.

That's all been dragged through the mud. Republicans were so jealous of Clinton because he was so much smarter than the lightweights they've been able to come up with they started digging for anything they could to try and get him impeached. It didn't make a bit of difference, he finished his term and Republicans ended up with egg on their face, like you with most of your posts.

And those Stepford wives were never able to prove anything....they were paid by some con men to say that Clinton harassed them.

And, I'm not the one sleeping alone at night, so no, you're the one that would pay to have someone harass you.....:lol::lol:

Your post reads like a bad soap opera. :lol:

Perjury and obstruction of justice. Loss of law license for 5 years. .

No matter how you feel about a President when one breaks the law, there are consequences.

Governor of Arkansas, President of America or the manager of the night shift at Denny's sexual harassment, perjury or obstruction of justice is against the law.
And those Stepford wives were never able to prove anything....they were paid by some con men to say that Clinton harassed them.

that party who is for women and their rights, turns on them like rabid dogs when it's come to Billy Boy Clinton..stepford wives who were paid to set him that was ugly

forget he's also an adulterer, liar, uses women as if they are here to pleasure him

yet they still love Billy Boy...sheeesh

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