Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

You've made one error in your claim by bringing in Clive Bundy. He rejected these two mentally ill individuals, eager for blood. That information comes from the top. Just thought you'd like to know in your rush to paint everybody you dislike into the picture. Bundy's a piece of work, too, but he doesn't go out looking for trouble like these two, who have died in a murder-suicide rather than to face true justice for their murderous crime of two innocent police officers, who were just eating their lunch and had not contacted these two in any way, shape or form.
Racists, like you, Rotagilla, don't get to define racism but will be called out every time you post like that. Yes, you are a racist.
Thanks. I'm not trying to "define racism". I'll leave it up to you to make it up as you go along. That way you're never "wrong"..LMAO...

So, to be clear, commenting on black crime DOES make one, in fact, a "racist"? Is that your position? :lol:
the cowards are you people who puts down this rancher and those who came to help protect him, because a lot of us lived through what this government can do, it's called Waco.... where they killed 80 people 20 of them innocent children..

so you drag this poor rancher through the mud again in something he had nothing to do

you are so losers

Yes Waco. Tim McVeigh's big issue.
You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.

That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.

Sallow is right. The Salt Lake TV stations captured those images.

Heres the funny thing tho...Tiny called you a liar and now that its proven not to be a lie watch him defend the position he thought was so crazy it had to be a lie.

Just watch
So the Bundy fans' new position is that all those armed conservative stalwarts there ready to defend freedom by force of arms if necessary were really just a bunch of big talking pussies who wouldn't have had the guts to pull the trigger?

So the left has shown us who they really are. Big government thugs who talk about rights, but have no problem with using corrupt bureaucrats like Harry Reid. Sick.
Every white trash pussy terrorist who forced a standoff with US Federal agents by using unarmed women and children as human shields were Tea Party. Every single one of them.

Misguided, misinformed, idiotic fucking white trash with guns, just like the two stupid pieces of shit who tried to fight a revolution by killing 3 people and then themselves. Yeah, that's some revolution, American Talibaggers.

You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.

That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.

Want to show me the picture where the men had the women and children standing in front of them as human shields?
So the left has shown us who they really are. Big government thugs who talk about rights, but have no problem with using corrupt bureaucrats like Harry Reid. Sick.

Yep. We're going to barge right into your house, in the dead of night, dressed all in black, wearing jackboots and AR-15s, then force to sit on the couch with your terrified children, while we read The Best of Noam Chomsky out loud. Then we're going to feed the cat, pet the dog, and march next door.
You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.

That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.

Want to show me the picture where the men had the women and children standing in front of them as human shields?

I'm sure they can Photoshop something. The left taught the Palestinians how to do it. Leftists lie. That's all you need to know.
So the left has shown us who they really are. Big government thugs who talk about rights, but have no problem with using corrupt bureaucrats like Harry Reid. Sick.

Yep. We're going to barge right into your house, in the dead of night, dressed all in black, wearing jackboots and AR-15s, then force to sit on the couch with your terrified children, while we read The Best of Noam Chomsky out loud. Then we're going to feed the cat, pet the dog, and march next door.

Nope, you're not. You'll be taken out by my constitutional right.
So the left has shown us who they really are. Big government thugs who talk about rights, but have no problem with using corrupt bureaucrats like Harry Reid. Sick.

Yep. We're going to barge right into your house, in the dead of night, dressed all in black, wearing jackboots and AR-15s, then force to sit on the couch with your terrified children, while we read The Best of Noam Chomsky out loud. Then we're going to feed the cat, pet the dog, and march next door.

Nope, you're not. You'll be taken out by my constitutional right.

I was thinking that his fantasy was going to come to an abrupt end right at the 14th word of his comment.
Yep. We're going to barge right into your house, in the dead of night, dressed all in black, wearing jackboots and AR-15s, then force to sit on the couch with your terrified children, while we read The Best of Noam Chomsky out loud. Then we're going to feed the cat, pet the dog, and march next door.

Nope, you're not. You'll be taken out by my constitutional right.

I was thinking that his fantasy was going to come to an abrupt end right at the 14th word of his comment.

They're so cute when they get all worked up.
So the left has shown us who they really are. Big government thugs who talk about rights, but have no problem with using corrupt bureaucrats like Harry Reid. Sick.

Who talk about rights and use Harry Reid? Dewd its too early to be this drunk
You're quite the serial liar.

"forced a standoff using unarmed women and children" is a blatant lie. It never happened you asshole.

That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.

Sallow is right. The Salt Lake TV stations captured those images.

That's not what the former Sheriff was talking about. He was talking about using women as human shields.

It never happened. Or it would have been international news that they were used as shields.

Here's a nice left wing link for you. Note he only talks about women. I think he's an asshole running his mouth off by the way.

he Blaze, the conservative news site affiliated with Glenn Beck, flagged the comments made Monday by Richard Mack, identified as a former Arizona sheriff who had joined more than 1,000 other protesters alongside Cliven Bundy, who has been feuding with BLM over his use of federal land to graze his cattle.

“We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front,” Mack said in a Fox News clip pulled by The Blaze. “If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.”

Bundy Ranch 'Militia' Considered Using Women As Human Shield
So the left has shown us who they really are. Big government thugs who talk about rights, but have no problem with using corrupt bureaucrats like Harry Reid. Sick.

Yep. We're going to barge right into your house, in the dead of night, dressed all in black, wearing jackboots and AR-15s, then force to sit on the couch with your terrified children, while we read The Best of Noam Chomsky out loud. Then we're going to feed the cat, pet the dog, and march next door.

Nope, you're not. You'll be taken out by my constitutional right.

Ohh, big scary guy with guns, on the Internet. Do you feel the need for pizza today? I'll post a warning at the donut shop.
They were misguided stupid Neo Nazi kids.....This is what comes of Liberal indoctrination the extremes become more prevalent.
neo nazis ARE right wingers NOT liberal by any means....

google is your friend!
Care4all, neo Nazis despise Republicans and many religious "right wingers." I just wanted you to know. They are not for the rule of law. We are for the rule of law. In my humble opinion, that is.
They were misguided stupid Neo Nazi kids.....This is what comes of Liberal indoctrination the extremes become more prevalent.
neo nazis ARE right wingers NOT liberal by any means....

google is your friend!

Nazi's are left... National Socialists to be exact . The point I was making is BECAUSE of liberal indoctrination the weak minded and violent are not equipped to control themselves well....
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That's exactly what happened.

They left their wives and kids on the ground while they secured sniper positions from an overhead roadway.

It was captured on tape.

Sallow is right. The Salt Lake TV stations captured those images.

That's not what the former Sheriff was talking about. He was talking about using women as human shields.

It never happened. Or it would have been international news that they were used as shields.

Here's a nice left wing link for you. Note he only talks about women. I think he's an asshole running his mouth off by the way.

he Blaze, the conservative news site affiliated with Glenn Beck, flagged the comments made Monday by Richard Mack, identified as a former Arizona sheriff who had joined more than 1,000 other protesters alongside Cliven Bundy, who has been feuding with BLM over his use of federal land to graze his cattle.

“We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front,” Mack said in a Fox News clip pulled by The Blaze. “If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.”

Bundy Ranch 'Militia' Considered Using Women As Human Shield


There are multiple videos on this..

[ame=]Interview with sniper in Bundy Standoff - YouTube[/ame]

There are kids and women in the crowd.
Sallow is right. The Salt Lake TV stations captured those images.

That's not what the former Sheriff was talking about. He was talking about using women as human shields.

It never happened. Or it would have been international news that they were used as shields.

Here's a nice left wing link for you. Note he only talks about women. I think he's an asshole running his mouth off by the way.

he Blaze, the conservative news site affiliated with Glenn Beck, flagged the comments made Monday by Richard Mack, identified as a former Arizona sheriff who had joined more than 1,000 other protesters alongside Cliven Bundy, who has been feuding with BLM over his use of federal land to graze his cattle.

“We were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front,” Mack said in a Fox News clip pulled by The Blaze. “If they are going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers.”

Bundy Ranch 'Militia' Considered Using Women As Human Shield


There are multiple videos on this..

[ame=]Interview with sniper in Bundy Standoff - YouTube[/ame]

There are kids and women in the crowd.
They are not liberal so they would not use women and children as shields like you would... I keep telling you guys we are not like you.
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