Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

No, it's not.


The fact that you think it does identifies you as one of them.
Says the woman who is so stupid she thinks he was impeached for a blow job in the whitehouse.

He was being tried for the sexual harassment of Paula Jones which occurred during his tenure as Governor of Ark. During the trial, he perjured himself, and obstructed justice, for which he was impeached.

What he LIED about was his relationship with Monica...which was being used to show a pattern of BEHAVIOR in the sexual harassment suit.

Have you ever been a victim of sexual harassment? How would you like some state troopers to escort you to a room and leave you so the governor could jump your ass?

Never mind, you'd pay for that.

That's all been dragged through the mud. Republicans were so jealous of Clinton because he was so much smarter than the lightweights they've been able to come up with they started digging for anything they could to try and get him impeached. It didn't make a bit of difference, he finished his term and Republicans ended up with egg on their face, like you with most of your posts.

And those Stepford wives were never able to prove anything....they were paid by some con men to say that Clinton harassed them.

And, I'm not the one sleeping alone at night, so no, you're the one that would pay to have someone harass you.....:lol::lol:

Your post reads like a bad soap opera. :lol:

Perjury and obstruction of justice. Loss of law license for 5 years. .

No matter how you feel about a President when one breaks the law, there are consequences.

Governor of Arkansas, President of America or the manager of the night shift at Denny's sexual harassment, perjury or obstruction of justice is against the law.

The actions of the Republican leaders in Congress reads like an amateur soap opera. :lol:

Perjury and obstruction is found in every nook and cranny and they try to impeach every President that is not uptight, loony and radical like themselves. How many times did they make a Federal Case out of situations that didn't materilize into anything.....count them if you are able to count that high.

All they do is waste our money....and people like you, who complain about the government wasting money when it is going to a good cause, think it is okay and encourage this type of behavior because you all have a loose screw in your heads.
That's all been dragged through the mud. Republicans were so jealous of Clinton because he was so much smarter than the lightweights they've been able to come up with they started digging for anything they could to try and get him impeached. It didn't make a bit of difference, he finished his term and Republicans ended up with egg on their face, like you with most of your posts.

And those Stepford wives were never able to prove anything....they were paid by some con men to say that Clinton harassed them.

And, I'm not the one sleeping alone at night, so no, you're the one that would pay to have someone harass you.....:lol::lol:

Your post reads like a bad soap opera. :lol:

Perjury and obstruction of justice. Loss of law license for 5 years. .

No matter how you feel about a President when one breaks the law, there are consequences.

Governor of Arkansas, President of America or the manager of the night shift at Denny's sexual harassment, perjury or obstruction of justice is against the law.

The actions of the Republican leaders in Congress reads like an amateur soap opera. :lol:

Perjury and obstruction is found in every nook and cranny and they try to impeach every President that is not uptight, loony and radical like themselves. How many times did they make a Federal Case out of situations that didn't materilize into anything.....count them if you are able to count that high.

All they do is waste our money....and people like you, who complain about the government wasting money when it is going to a good cause, think it is okay and encourage this type of behavior because you all have a loose screw in your heads.

You want to start denouncing crazies? Your president released five terrorist generals. Go for it.
My President? And who the fuck is your President?

And who the hell cares, they've been in prison for a decade. They didn't just shoot two cops in a pizza joint and if they had we would have managed to actually charge them with something after all this time, but instead these tired old bastards got caught up in a war that never should have been fought in the first place!

How about to show us where the Tea Party denounces gut nuts who shoot cops? That shouldn't be too hard now should it?

Hey asshole. Are you going to be another freaking left wing loon on this board who claims that 60 countries sanctioned by the United Nations and NATO to go in and clean Afghanistan of AQ is a "war that should never have been fought"?

Did you forget the part where Bus/Cheney lied to us and the whole world? Were there any WMD's to be found? Or are you one to believe they were moved by aliens to another planet?

Why do you think he's considered one of the worst presidents ever...? Go peddle your propaganda in the Tea Party circles, where there's plenty of KoolAid to get you believing anything you want, the rest of us have already figured it out.
Someone is saying that they went to Wal-Mart after the cowardly slaying of the defenseless police officers. Can anyone tell me that who were they?

Two meth freaks. Seriously deranged nutbars who had delusions of white supremacy grandeur and thought they could start some sort of revolution.

Geez, you keep leaving out the rest of the sentence....

Two meth freaks who are racist and anti-government, who supported Cliven Bundy along with most Tea Partiers, and pay homage to the Gadsden flag, the symbol most used by the Tea Party movement.

There....I added it for you.
Isn't commenting on black crimes "racist"? :cuckoo:

You don't want to be called a "racist" do you? :lol:

Racists, like you, Rotagilla, don't get to define racism but will be called out every time you post like that. Yes, you are a racist.

Sexists, like ________ (B) don't get to define sexism but will be called out when they make sexist remarks.

Homophobes, like Pop23, don't get to define homophobia but will be called out when they make homophobic remarks.

Racisttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. Did I leave anything out? Same whine nearly 7 years later LOL

You keep doing it.......................50 years later...............of course it is going to be brought up.....whoosh..................!
1. No connection to the tea party (hence the thread title change)
2. No connection to any militia - Other than weird disjointed rantings I don't think anybody has a clue what the aim of these kooks was...
3. No connection to Bundy and was in fact ejected off the property
4. Used meth
5. Criminals

But the leftards are going to lie about it, and use these deaths, as they like to use all deaths, to push an agenda.

They love it when innocent people die.
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These rw anti-gubmint kooks take the cake. They need to be put down hard and fast!

Fox News foments another violent outbreak: From Cliven Bundy to Jerad Miller, words matter

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My President? And who the fuck is your President?

And who the hell cares, they've been in prison for a decade. They didn't just shoot two cops in a pizza joint and if they had we would have managed to actually charge them with something after all this time, but instead these tired old bastards got caught up in a war that never should have been fought in the first place!

How about to show us where the Tea Party denounces gut nuts who shoot cops? That shouldn't be too hard now should it?

Hey asshole. Are you going to be another freaking left wing loon on this board who claims that 60 countries sanctioned by the United Nations and NATO to go in and clean Afghanistan of AQ is a "war that should never have been fought"?

Did you forget the part where Bus/Cheney lied to us and the whole world? Were there any WMD's to be found? Or are you one to believe they were moved by aliens to another planet?

Why do you think he's considered one of the worst presidents ever...? Go peddle your propaganda in the Tea Party circles, where there's plenty of KoolAid to get you believing anything you want, the rest of us have already figured it out.

All you morons got is a lie about Bush lying.

You lost the argument before you could even begin.
Sorry [MENTION=32338]francoHFW[/MENTION]
I am reviewing the TX Democrat Party platform before writing proposals for the convention.

The platform SPECIFICALLY states believing in "health care as a right."

So that is a political belief, and it translates into political agenda and a political religion when govt is used to enforce and impose it. Sorry but the document is posted online.

I have a thread for that, asking help to add more language that allows and endorses equal beliefs in free market economics so that both principles are protected equally.

as for all your negative spewing, I don't believe in all that rhetoric either.
I'm just looking at the core Constitutional issues.

And what I find are Democrat/Liberals who CLAIM to believe in "prochoice" but support legislation and mandates that FINE people for their choice in paying for health care.

Sorry franco that is ANTI choice. So it shows a political agenda based on BELIEFS -- that pushing health care legislation is MORE important than free choice, to the point it violates the liberal principles. That shows a bias, and in this case it is religiously held and imposed.

And that's the brainwashed RW hater dupe paranoid conspiracy mentality that all the Fox/Rush/Beck, Moonie, Adelson, etc etc etc outlets give people like you. Waco Massacre my ass- the crazy religious right gun nuts, see also Ruby Ridge, sovereigns, etc etc you people just love until they actually put their views into action. All the hater dupes on here who believe backgound checks and taxes are fascist, Hitler was LW, Obama is a dictator, compromise is surrender to commies etc,are well on their way to this kind of insanity. About half the GOP.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

You also vote for a GOP that supports law and order policies that give cops too much power. So dumb and duped...

Hey franco if you're going to blame someone other than the shooters responsible,
where does it end?

If you blame the RW protestors, can't you also blame the liberal agenda that CAUSED and INCITED the RW to become so outraged.

If you are going to blame the Rightwing for inciting the shooters
are you going to blame the Leftwing for inciting the Rightwing?

How far do you want to take this chain of causality?
Wouldn't all of us be indirectly in that chain of influence?

There is no such LW agenda, brainwashed dingbat, just a gigantic pile of bs propaganda and hate speech you listen to every day. Heath care reform is not fascist, Hitler was not a socialist, ACORN didn't steal the election, Obama is not muslim etc etc etc lol. Idiocy half GOP voters believe. see also Waco's and others ''had a point". They were just a little more brainwashed and paranoid than half the GOP...
Did you forget the part where Bus/Cheney lied to us and the whole world? Were there any WMD's to be found? Or are you one to believe they were moved by aliens to another planet?

Why do you think he's considered one of the worst presidents ever...? Go peddle your propaganda in the Tea Party circles, where there's plenty of KoolAid to get you believing anything you want, the rest of us have already figured it out.

Hi Mertex: I thought the chemical weapons used in Syria WERE the ones moved out of Iraq.
Was this ever established or not? I thought it was assumed to be the source, sorry.
Can't think of very many reasons to be 'Pro-Government' these days. Can you?

Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.
Can't think of very many reasons to be 'Pro-Government' these days. Can you?

Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Your Government is nothing to be proud of at this point. Big Brother isn't your friend. So give me some real reasons to be Pro-Government these days. I'm willing to listen.
Can't think of very many reasons to be 'Pro-Government' these days. Can you?

Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Well you government did a fine job protecting them didn't they?
that's what you government dependent/loving people don't get...
they can't even get the gangs under control, they couldn't stop these two guys and they could of had hatchets and they would of killed them, they couldn't stop Timothy McVeigh, and on and how are they always going to be there to protect YOU..
So we people need a means to protect ourselves and I'd rather have a gun to do that then just yelling through the door, I called the police they said they are on their way sometime soon, I hope

You have this make believe world of how the police and government is always going to be there for you...well welcome to real life
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Can't think of very many reasons to be 'Pro-Government' these days. Can you?

Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Your Government is nothing to be proud of at this point. Big Brother isn't your friend. So give me some real reasons to be Pro-Government these days. I'm willing to listen.

You will not listen. When you see a rorschach test you see monsters and scary bugs. And your glass's of water are always half empty, never full. Doom and gloom is your master.

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