Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Can't think of very many reasons to be 'Pro-Government' these days. Can you?

Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Well you government did a fine job protecting them didn't they?
that's what you government dependent/loving people don't get...
they can't even get the gangs under control, they couldn't stop these two guys and they could of had hatchets and they would of killed them, they couldn't stop Timothy McVeigh, and on and how are they always going to be there to protect YOU..
So we people need a means to protect ourselves and I'd rather have a gun to do that then just yelling through the door, I called the police they said they are on their way sometime soon, I hope

Yup, we need more Patriot Acts and NDAA's. You'll never get through to the loyal Goose Steppers. Sometimes it's just too exhausting trying to. I've asked for all those reasons to be Pro-Government these days. I'll wait a bit longer for a legit response.
Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Your Government is nothing to be proud of at this point. Big Brother isn't your friend. So give me some real reasons to be Pro-Government these days. I'm willing to listen.

You will not listen. When you see a rorschach test you see monsters and scary bugs. And your glass's of water are always half empty, never full. Doom and gloom is your master.

Ok, you're militantly Pro-Government. I get that. But why?
Your Government is nothing to be proud of at this point. Big Brother isn't your friend. So give me some real reasons to be Pro-Government these days. I'm willing to listen.

You will not listen. When you see a rorschach test you see monsters and scary bugs. And your glass's of water are always half empty, never full. Doom and gloom is your master.

Ok, you're militantly Pro-Government. I get that. But why?

Hey, I'm for more concealed carry and arming of our citizenry and less militarization of police. Fact is, I consider militarization of our police is the greatest threat to our freedom. Doesn't mean I have to be against the whole government and afraid of everything they do.
You will not listen. When you see a rorschach test you see monsters and scary bugs. And your glass's of water are always half empty, never full. Doom and gloom is your master.

Ok, you're militantly Pro-Government. I get that. But why?

Hey, I'm for more concealed carry and arming of our citizenry and less militarization of police. Fact is, I consider militarization of our police is the greatest threat to our freedom. Doesn't mean I have to be against the whole government and afraid of everything they do.

So why are you so Pro-Government? I really am interested in your reasoning. I'm not trying to be hostile. I really don't see many reasons to be Pro-Government at this point. However, i do see many reasons to be somewhat Anti-Government. By no means am i defending these nutters who lost it. I'm just saying being somewhat Anti-Government is very understandable these days.
Can't think of very many reasons to be 'Pro-Government' these days. Can you?

Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Well you government did a fine job protecting them didn't they?
that's what you government dependent/loving people don't get...
they can't even get the gangs under control, they couldn't stop these two guys and they could of had hatchets and they would of killed them, they couldn't stop Timothy McVeigh, and on and how are they always going to be there to protect YOU..
So we people need a means to protect ourselves and I'd rather have a gun to do that then just yelling through the door, I called the police they said they are on their way sometime soon, I hope

You have this make believe world of how the police and government is always going to be there for you...well welcome to real life

I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD, in Zone 3. You idiots have NO CLUE what does on around you in your towns and cities, especially at night, and just how much danger is out there....that is kept at bay by the simple presence of a police force (and military for foreign threats).

"Make believe world"??? I've seen the cold realities of our cities, ones you folks will NEVER see or know about.

And that's just in American cities. I cant fathom what our military guys have seen.

But thanks to both, the citizens of America largely live in cozy bubble of safety, comfort and ignorance of the dark side of society. And then have the nerve to bitch and whine about how oppressed they are.
Ok, you're militantly Pro-Government. I get that. But why?

Hey, I'm for more concealed carry and arming of our citizenry and less militarization of police. Fact is, I consider militarization of our police is the greatest threat to our freedom. Doesn't mean I have to be against the whole government and afraid of everything they do.

So why are you so Pro-Government? I really am interested in your reasoning. I'm not trying to be hostile. I really don't see many reasons to be Pro-Government at this point. However, i do see many reasons to be somewhat Anti-Government. By no means am i defending these nutters who lost it. I'm just saying being somewhat Anti-Government is very understandable these days.

I hate that we NEED government and police. But, we do, and for reasons most people have no clue about, because they've never seen the REAL America that isn't on Main Street or cable TV, or the shopping mall. Most people live in a bubble of comfort, safety and ignorance of the real ugly side of humanity.

You govt hatred folks look at it from a micro perspective. About a single, isolated incident where you may be threatened, and the cops may take a while (or maybe not) to get there, and where if you are armed, you probably could protect yourself.

But those threats are rare and fairly isolated for a reason: Because the presence of an able and willing police force deters so much. Would you fight off those kinds of attacks every week? Nightly? From 10 men at once????

You'll never have to. Because you have a police force, and military, that you HATE because they are "government". But because of them, you'll likely never have to face true evil on your front doorstep.
Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Well you government did a fine job protecting them didn't they?
that's what you government dependent/loving people don't get...
they can't even get the gangs under control, they couldn't stop these two guys and they could of had hatchets and they would of killed them, they couldn't stop Timothy McVeigh, and on and how are they always going to be there to protect YOU..
So we people need a means to protect ourselves and I'd rather have a gun to do that then just yelling through the door, I called the police they said they are on their way sometime soon, I hope

You have this make believe world of how the police and government is always going to be there for you...well welcome to real life

I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD, in Zone 3. You idiots have NO CLUE what does on around you in your towns and cities, especially at night, and just how much danger is out there....that is kept at bay by the simple presence of a police force (and military for foreign threats).

"Make believe world"??? I've seen the cold realities of our cities, ones you folks will NEVER see or know about.

And that's just in American cities. I cant fathom what our military guys have seen.

But thanks to both, the citizens of America largely live in cozy bubble of safety, comfort and ignorance of the dark side of society. And then have the nerve to bitch and whine about how oppressed they are.

Big Brother and his expanding Police State are the cause of this rise in Anti-Government sentiment. Much of the Anti-Government sentiment is absolutely justifiable.Big Brother doesn't give us much reason to be Pro-Government. It is what it is.
Hey, I'm for more concealed carry and arming of our citizenry and less militarization of police. Fact is, I consider militarization of our police is the greatest threat to our freedom. Doesn't mean I have to be against the whole government and afraid of everything they do.

So why are you so Pro-Government? I really am interested in your reasoning. I'm not trying to be hostile. I really don't see many reasons to be Pro-Government at this point. However, i do see many reasons to be somewhat Anti-Government. By no means am i defending these nutters who lost it. I'm just saying being somewhat Anti-Government is very understandable these days.

I hate that we NEED government and police. But, we do, and for reasons most people have no clue about, because they've never seen the REAL America that isn't on Main Street or cable TV, or the shopping mall. Most people live in a bubble of comfort, safety and ignorance of the real ugly side of humanity.

You govt hatred folks look at it from a micro perspective. About a single, isolated incident where you may be threatened, and the cops may take a while (or maybe not) to get there, and where if you are armed, you probably could protect yourself.

But those threats are rare and fairly isolated for a reason: Because the presence of an able and willing police force deters so much. Would you fight off those kinds of attacks every week? Nightly? From 10 men at once????

You'll never have to. Because you have a police force, and military, that you HATE because they are "government". But because of them, you'll likely never have to face true evil on your front doorstep.

I love my Nation, but yes, i do somewhat despise what our Government has become. I'll admit that. Like i said, there just aren't many reasons to be Pro-Government these days.
Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Well you government did a fine job protecting them didn't they?
that's what you government dependent/loving people don't get...
they can't even get the gangs under control, they couldn't stop these two guys and they could of had hatchets and they would of killed them, they couldn't stop Timothy McVeigh, and on and how are they always going to be there to protect YOU..
So we people need a means to protect ourselves and I'd rather have a gun to do that then just yelling through the door, I called the police they said they are on their way sometime soon, I hope

You have this make believe world of how the police and government is always going to be there for you...well welcome to real life

I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD, in Zone 3. You idiots have NO CLUE what does on around you in your towns and cities, especially at night, and just how much danger is out there....that is kept at bay by the simple presence of a police force (and military for foreign threats).

"Make believe world"??? I've seen the cold realities of our cities, ones you folks will NEVER see or know about.

And that's just in American cities. I cant fathom what our military guys have seen.

But thanks to both, the citizens of America largely live in cozy bubble of safety, comfort and ignorance of the dark side of society. And then have the nerve to bitch and whine about how oppressed they are.

And they all think it is just in the inner city. Law enforcement does a wonderful job and our Constitution still protects the citizens, no matter what the nutters say. I don't understand why people protest lawful order.
Well you government did a fine job protecting them didn't they?
that's what you government dependent/loving people don't get...
they can't even get the gangs under control, they couldn't stop these two guys and they could of had hatchets and they would of killed them, they couldn't stop Timothy McVeigh, and on and how are they always going to be there to protect YOU..
So we people need a means to protect ourselves and I'd rather have a gun to do that then just yelling through the door, I called the police they said they are on their way sometime soon, I hope

You have this make believe world of how the police and government is always going to be there for you...well welcome to real life

I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD, in Zone 3. You idiots have NO CLUE what does on around you in your towns and cities, especially at night, and just how much danger is out there....that is kept at bay by the simple presence of a police force (and military for foreign threats).

"Make believe world"??? I've seen the cold realities of our cities, ones you folks will NEVER see or know about.

And that's just in American cities. I cant fathom what our military guys have seen.

But thanks to both, the citizens of America largely live in cozy bubble of safety, comfort and ignorance of the dark side of society. And then have the nerve to bitch and whine about how oppressed they are.

And they all think it is just in the inner city. Law enforcement does a wonderful job and our Constitution still protects the citizens, no matter what the nutters say. I don't understand why people protest lawful order.

most murders by far are committed in the inner cities. libs cant get the people they have to most influence on to give up their guns; without them having to be pried from their cold, dead fingers

what is a "nutter" anyway?
So why are you so Pro-Government? I really am interested in your reasoning. I'm not trying to be hostile. I really don't see many reasons to be Pro-Government at this point. However, i do see many reasons to be somewhat Anti-Government. By no means am i defending these nutters who lost it. I'm just saying being somewhat Anti-Government is very understandable these days.

I hate that we NEED government and police. But, we do, and for reasons most people have no clue about, because they've never seen the REAL America that isn't on Main Street or cable TV, or the shopping mall. Most people live in a bubble of comfort, safety and ignorance of the real ugly side of humanity.

You govt hatred folks look at it from a micro perspective. About a single, isolated incident where you may be threatened, and the cops may take a while (or maybe not) to get there, and where if you are armed, you probably could protect yourself.

But those threats are rare and fairly isolated for a reason: Because the presence of an able and willing police force deters so much. Would you fight off those kinds of attacks every week? Nightly? From 10 men at once????

You'll never have to. Because you have a police force, and military, that you HATE because they are "government". But because of them, you'll likely never have to face true evil on your front doorstep.

I love my Nation, but yes, i do somewhat despise what our Government has become. I'll admit that. Like i said, there just aren't many reasons to be Pro-Government these days.

I'll admit, government wastes a lot of money. Stuff local like parks and rec (not core government) all the way up to federal garbage spending.

But, there are many reasons to be pro-government, especially police and military. You just don't know about them. Its like talking NFL football with a guy who has never seen anything except flag football his whole life. There is just so much in society you don't know about that happens all over American cities in dark corners no one knows about or ever wants to go into. Having seen the dark side of just American people, I cant fathom what our military guys could inform us about that we don't know of globally.
I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD, in Zone 3. You idiots have NO CLUE what does on around you in your towns and cities, especially at night, and just how much danger is out there....that is kept at bay by the simple presence of a police force (and military for foreign threats).

"Make believe world"??? I've seen the cold realities of our cities, ones you folks will NEVER see or know about.

And that's just in American cities. I cant fathom what our military guys have seen.

But thanks to both, the citizens of America largely live in cozy bubble of safety, comfort and ignorance of the dark side of society. And then have the nerve to bitch and whine about how oppressed they are.

And they all think it is just in the inner city. Law enforcement does a wonderful job and our Constitution still protects the citizens, no matter what the nutters say. I don't understand why people protest lawful order.

most murders by far are committed in the inner cities. libs cant get the people they have to most influence on to give up their guns; without them having to be pried from their cold, dead fingers

what is a "nutter" anyway?

Yes. Most murders happen in places with A) A large population and B) A lot of poverty. That's a global stat. Common sense.
And they all think it is just in the inner city. Law enforcement does a wonderful job and our Constitution still protects the citizens, no matter what the nutters say. I don't understand why people protest lawful order.

most murders by far are committed in the inner cities. libs cant get the people they have to most influence on to give up their guns; without them having to be pried from their cold, dead fingers

what is a "nutter" anyway?

Yes. Most murders happen in places with A) A large population and B) A lot of poverty. That's a global stat. Common sense.

wow really?

no kidding. but since left-wing nutjobs love to say how "violent" right-wing "gun-nuts" are; then PROPORTIONALLY there must be a higher rate of gun violence in "red" areas according to left-wing logic right?

can I see a stat on that?
I hate that we NEED government and police. But, we do, and for reasons most people have no clue about, because they've never seen the REAL America that isn't on Main Street or cable TV, or the shopping mall. Most people live in a bubble of comfort, safety and ignorance of the real ugly side of humanity.

You govt hatred folks look at it from a micro perspective. About a single, isolated incident where you may be threatened, and the cops may take a while (or maybe not) to get there, and where if you are armed, you probably could protect yourself.

But those threats are rare and fairly isolated for a reason: Because the presence of an able and willing police force deters so much. Would you fight off those kinds of attacks every week? Nightly? From 10 men at once????

You'll never have to. Because you have a police force, and military, that you HATE because they are "government". But because of them, you'll likely never have to face true evil on your front doorstep.

I love my Nation, but yes, i do somewhat despise what our Government has become. I'll admit that. Like i said, there just aren't many reasons to be Pro-Government these days.

I'll admit, government wastes a lot of money. Stuff local like parks and rec (not core government) all the way up to federal garbage spending.

But, there are many reasons to be pro-government, especially police and military. You just don't know about them. Its like talking NFL football with a guy who has never seen anything except flag football his whole life. There is just so much in society you don't know about that happens all over American cities in dark corners no one knows about or ever wants to go into. Having seen the dark side of just American people, I cant fathom what our military guys could inform us about that we don't know of globally.

I'm Pro-America, but i'm a bit Anti-Government. Because i don't think our Government represents the values of America anymore. It's gotten too big and too oppressive. No one can defend what these two nutters did, but the Anti-Government sentiment is understandable at this point. They don't represent the good people who want Government to be checked and reduced in size & scope.
I love my Nation, but yes, i do somewhat despise what our Government has become. I'll admit that. Like i said, there just aren't many reasons to be Pro-Government these days.

I'll admit, government wastes a lot of money. Stuff local like parks and rec (not core government) all the way up to federal garbage spending.

But, there are many reasons to be pro-government, especially police and military. You just don't know about them. Its like talking NFL football with a guy who has never seen anything except flag football his whole life. There is just so much in society you don't know about that happens all over American cities in dark corners no one knows about or ever wants to go into. Having seen the dark side of just American people, I cant fathom what our military guys could inform us about that we don't know of globally.

I'm Pro-America, but i'm a bit Anti-Government. Because i don't think our Government represents the values of America anymore. It's gotten too big and too oppressive. No one can defend what these two nutters did, but the Anti-Government sentiment is understandable at this point. They don't represent the good people who want Government to be checked and reduced in size & scope.

Sure, I can respect that.

And a side'd be surprised how high a % of cops agree with you. Set aside the bad apples...and you'd be surprised.
most murders by far are committed in the inner cities. libs cant get the people they have to most influence on to give up their guns; without them having to be pried from their cold, dead fingers

what is a "nutter" anyway?

Yes. Most murders happen in places with A) A large population and B) A lot of poverty. That's a global stat. Common sense.

wow really?

no kidding. but since left-wing nutjobs love to say how "violent" right-wing "gun-nuts" are; then PROPORTIONALLY there must be a higher rate of gun violence in "red" areas according to left-wing logic right?

can I see a stat on that?

Sure, since my VERY RED state of SC is quite violent, I have something to add to this:
The most dangerous states in America

The 10 most dangerous states by crime rate (Violence per capita)
1- Tennessee (red state)
2- Nevada (blue/purple state)
3- Alaska (red state)
4- New Mexico (red/purple)
5- SC (RED)
6- Delaware (blue)
7- Louisiana (red state)
8- Florida (red state)
9- Maryland (blue)
10- Oklahoma (RED)

So you states make up quite a big chunk of the worst crime rates.
Heres one:

To protect innocent, peaceful Americans from the cowardly, murderous psychopaths out there in our country, like the two scumbags that killed these two officers.

You someone's daughter who just wants to listen to her ipod and have a nice job and live a peaceful life doesn't have to worry about tracking down her own rapist and get justice.

Or so you can just lock your doors at night, knowing that's 99.99% enough to keep a horde of armed thugs from kicking in your door, raping females, killing the males, and looting the home?

Or, to allow us to drive our cars to work or the mall or the park......without having to dodge morons and rednecks driving drunk or driving 125mph on our highways.

I can list hundreds of reasons to "Like" government.

Well you government did a fine job protecting them didn't they?
that's what you government dependent/loving people don't get...
they can't even get the gangs under control, they couldn't stop these two guys and they could of had hatchets and they would of killed them, they couldn't stop Timothy McVeigh, and on and how are they always going to be there to protect YOU..
So we people need a means to protect ourselves and I'd rather have a gun to do that then just yelling through the door, I called the police they said they are on their way sometime soon, I hope

You have this make believe world of how the police and government is always going to be there for you...well welcome to real life

I worked 8 years for Atlanta PD, in Zone 3. You idiots have NO CLUE what does on around you in your towns and cities, especially at night, and just how much danger is out there....that is kept at bay by the simple presence of a police force (and military for foreign threats).

"Make believe world"??? I've seen the cold realities of our cities, ones you folks will NEVER see or know about.

And that's just in American cities. I cant fathom what our military guys have seen.

But thanks to both, the citizens of America largely live in cozy bubble of safety, comfort and ignorance of the dark side of society. And then have the nerve to bitch and whine about how oppressed they are.

hummmhumm, so after eight years you quit and became a gun control activist? What? because you couldn't control the criminals out there you want to punish all law abiding citizens and step on their rights instead?
hard to believe you were a cop you whine so much and funny this is first we ever heard of this..
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Radical left-wing zealots kill over 47 million babies in the US alone and not a shot is fired.
You want to blame Hannity and Clive Bundy for the vicious murders of two Police Officers in Vegas? Going back to the 80's there was credible evidence that Bill Ayers wife Bernadine Dohrn had planned the Brinks robbery in Nyack NY where two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were killed but the Feds declined to prosecute her because she was doing a long stretch in prison. She is out now and teaching law students how to be revolutionaries. There is no statute of limitations on murder so why don't the Feds go after now? Bill Ayers is guilty of a hundred felonies including felony murder of his friends who were making a bomb but some sympathetic judge decided that the FBI was the problem. Today Ayers is a mover and shaker in the democrat party and an adviser to the president. For the record, Ayers and Dohrn were the ultimate anti-government radicals. The Vegas killers were suicidal psychopaths.

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